Lady Mechanika Squadmate WotC
89 opmerkingen
Kinsect 9 mei om 19:33 
Say what's up with the other Kevlar arms that are hidden?
Sturmhammer 14 aug 2023 om 11:42 
What a masterpiece
hottt3 12 aug 2023 om 22:10 
Looks brilliant! But, 370Mb file size makes me hesitant to install.
Anyway, thank you for your great work:steamthumbsup:
AylexMorhaven 24 feb 2023 om 14:14 
thank you for bringing one of my favorite comic characters to Xcom2 LWOTC
Sirsmeg 5 sep 2021 om 15:48 
have used this mod ever since it first came out. Hands down my favorite mod out there. So impressed with the work here. Wish you would do more!
Garbage Man 30 aug 2021 om 3:32 
For some reason, her torso and legs aren't appearing for me. I can use the helmet and arms but not the torso and legs. I'm using unrestricted customization btw
| Hutch | 31 mei 2021 om 15:13 
|scv|  [auteur] 13 aug 2020 om 13:05 
wolfpacksh 12 aug 2020 om 18:42 
great mod
MonkeyEmperor 8 apr 2020 om 11:35 
Jodelle Ferland 20 jan 2020 om 5:09 
where find the torso ?? i can't find it ..
Toni 19 sep 2019 om 15:44 
@ |scv|

Hey again. ^-^ I've got a (hopefully) small request, if I may?

While playing around with oodles of custom content and mixing and matching outfits, I couldn't help but notice that even with all the mods I've got installed, your boots are by far the best of the bunch.

Lots of my ladies would love to have them too, but at present, that means using the same legs for all of them, which while excellent, does get a little redundant.

In the interests of variety and high fashion, I wonder if it'd be possible to create a "Shin" (lower leg) accessory which was just the boots which could "overlay" some of the "normal" no-armor leg choices?

In an effort not to spam up your page, if you're remotely interested or want to discuss this in more depth, feel free to shoot me a message or whatnot.

|scv|  [auteur] 13 sep 2019 om 11:20 
@Toni. Thank you!
Toni 13 sep 2019 om 7:28 
@ |scv| - I don't tend to post a lot of comments, but in this case, I really couldn't resist.

Just wanted to say that in decades of gaming and more to the point, modding and/or using mods for games, this is easily among the finest examples of how a character *should* be done.

Absolutely fantastic and top rate, whether compared to stock assets or community add-on content I've ever seen.

Thank you for the great work. This is one mod that'll never leave my subscribed list. ;)
|scv|  [auteur] 23 jun 2019 om 3:15 
@Andralexis Thanks. I'm glad u like them.
Andralexis 22 jun 2019 om 7:39 
Dude. Your mods are SO GOOD... Words cannot express how much I adore this and Appleseed's mod.

Thank you.
Shannon 1 mei 2019 om 6:07 
I have it as well. Briareos is one of my fave characters from appleseed.
|scv|  [auteur] 1 mei 2019 om 2:16 
U may like my other mod - Briareos Hecatonchires Squadmate WotC
Shannon 30 apr 2019 om 20:05 
I do hope you do more.:lunar2019grinningpig:
|scv|  [auteur] 14 apr 2019 om 3:33 
Thanks for your comments, guys!
TheBigChon 8 apr 2019 om 7:55 
the last thing i expected when i searched for cosmetic mods on xcom 2, nicely done old bean
Klawd 3 dec 2018 om 8:44 
awesome character !! S+
Player 2 24 okt 2018 om 11:50 
+Rep high quality mod
Syliss 19 okt 2018 om 4:36 
Use the following Mod as well.


It will allow you to set the appearance to what ever you want regardless of the armor equiped. As a user tip, edit the outfit and in the top right click copy. THEN equip the armor since it will often change the looks. THen redit the appearance and click paste to get the looks back.
JameJame 18 okt 2018 om 18:47 
Hmm, the torso doesn't seem to show up for the WAR suit, but it did for the EXO suit. That's a bit odd.
CaptainSnafu 8 aug 2018 om 8:36 
quiro9 13 mei 2018 om 1:53 
Muy bien realizado! anda a la perfección con otros modelos respeta las dimensiones y posiciones, gracias! :steamhappy:
Rominvictus 8 feb 2018 om 12:33 
Very nice work, thank you! :ss13ok:
PeaceMaker 6 feb 2018 om 5:42 
Tried it. Very nicely done, I must admit. Real nice for the ladies. Pity the hats don`t appear to work for men though as I have a couple of Steampunk guys who could use a bowler hat. How about makingthe hats compatible for men? Also can you do a traditional nurses hat for the women too?
LightFang 4 feb 2018 om 0:21 
does this have a voice pack?
PeaceMaker 2 feb 2018 om 13:03 
Hmmm a kind of Steampunk theme. Nice. I wonder if anyone can have a go at making short dresses too?
IronSky 4 okt 2017 om 4:35 
this and the thessia mods are absolute amazing! gg!
Tyrant 29 sep 2017 om 8:40 
Funny Jaylo, I got that impression just from looking at her. Good to know my instinct was correct.
Jaylo 29 sep 2017 om 5:13 
Well, she's English from turn of the century London, so either a working class accent or a well spoken one.
Both accents exist in vanilla Xcom 2.
Tyrant 29 sep 2017 om 0:10 
Not familiar with the source material, but, I'm curious what voice you think is appropriate for her.
Syliss 26 sep 2017 om 6:41 
It is a wonderful suit, so for now ill be happy with my modifying it to work for all tiers until you develop a new looks. Cheers on the job well done thus far and i cant wait to see what you come up with.
Dave 25 sep 2017 om 16:15 
I understand, coming up with flattering, form fitting t3 steampunk armor in Mechanika's style is probably a significant challenge. But just so that ya know, the t2 stuff is -wonderful-.
|scv|  [auteur] 25 sep 2017 om 4:35 
Hi #Dave. Thanks for your comment. I didn't plan to do t3 armor except for hands. But after many complaints about it and questions I started to think about it. And the main reason why I haven't done it yet is lack of imagination :). I can't imagine how to combine sifi with steampunk in a good proportion so that it looks good enough and fits to ingame suit. As soon as I find the solution I will make it. Cheers
Dave 24 sep 2017 om 19:40 
Hey there! These are high quality outfits and custom parts! Will you consider making a torso piece for t3/warden armor?
Killer Rabbit 20 sep 2017 om 4:48 
Detailed Soldier List is awesome! A definite must have!
Sirabot 20 sep 2017 om 2:58 
@Yamino Takamaru Uniform manager breaks detailed soldier list dude, I can't live without that now. LOL And I'm sorry @scv. I was just having a melt down. (bad day) It would be super great if I had access to the cosmetic options you created in the later hours of the game to replace completely the appearance of T3 armors. Because generally no one likes the look of of vanilla T3 armor. That's why so many cosmetic armor mods and armor tier unlock mods exist/have existed.
Syliss 19 sep 2017 om 23:27 
I went through and added the extra options myself in the ini file so i an use the t1/t2 looks no matter what i have equipted. its actually really easy to do and once i tookt he time to see how he had it setup it only took about 10-15 minutes to do all the copy/paste and type renaming to do it. Now that its done i made a backup of that ini so i wont have to do it again.
Killer Rabbit 19 sep 2017 om 16:52 
I think that's the point... the armour looks so good that some people are willing to forgo the idea that it doesn't look like Warden armour. They just want to retain the look regardless of what the underlying loadout is. I can appreciate that.

However I can also appreciate the author's vision for the mod. It's their time and effort that went into this without asking for anything in return. It's great work and I really appreciate it.
Dragon32 19 sep 2017 om 15:27 
Use the Community Mod Launcher and not Firaxis' one. Apparently Firaxis' just appends each separate, changed mod list to DefaultModData.ini (I think that's what it's called) rather than scrubbing the old one and adding just the new.

Personally I 100% agree with the way you've set this mod up. No way do these parts look like Warden armour. Predator I can see, if I squint :)

Fantastic mod, though. Absolutely wonderful modeling and texturing work.
Jaylo 19 sep 2017 om 13:48 
Yes it was that mod, the unforms menu was still on all chars on the save even after mod was removed & purged so it did write itself to the save.
Kaldin 19 sep 2017 om 13:43 
@Jaylo: That wasn't that mod then. You just proved that with your last comment. No mod stays in the game with any functionality after you get rid of it.....
Jaylo 19 sep 2017 om 13:22 
Even after i deleted the uniform manager from my pc & purged my config folder it was still on the save so that game had to be scrapped.
Jaylo 19 sep 2017 om 13:20 
I tried the uniform manager before i edited the Mechanika mod to allow all parts on all armours.
The manger messed up 2 of my chars that i created a uniform for by not allowing plate or warden armour to show up in their customisation menu after i wanted to stop using the uniform.
There are a number of posts about this issue in the mod thread with no answers.
Kaldin 19 sep 2017 om 13:11 
@Jaylo: He doesn't NEED to do anything. Although I agree with your basic sentiment, as in that it would be nice to have all options for all tiers. Through the Uniform-Manager opens that up, even if a bit roundabout. (for WotC there's also another mod that's still a bit buggy that aims to remove the restriction of cosmetics completely; for vanilla and mods)
Jaylo 19 sep 2017 om 13:01 
You need to make all custom parts useable with any vanilla armour the player may have equipped, this is the way cosmetic squadmates are done.
So just like Killer Rabbit said if i move to plate+ & wish to keep the light shirt look throughout the game i should be able to.
If you enable all parts for all armours then there won't be any forced weird combinations.