Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

The Road to 56
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Update: 8 Apr, 2023 @ 9:56am

Update: 7 Apr, 2023 @ 10:39am

The following notes were written automatically by Copilot (AI). Any similarities to real-life events are purely coincidental.

Hello fellow mod fans!

We have a lot of exciting stuff in store for you in this update! We have a lot of new features and content planned too, and we hope you will enjoy them! Here are the highlights of this update:

Added an exciting new game mode "Historical"! This will allow you to play as a historical nation with all of the historical events, decisions, and focuses that come with it! You can find this game mode in the "New Game" menu under the "Game Modes" tab.

We also added a new way to play called "New Game+", which allows you to play as a different country after you've finished playing as your first country! In addition, we've added a new way to manipulate mods, which allows you to manipulate your mods in-game. Isn't that cool?

All countries now have access to airbases. Airbases can be built in certain states (see the airbase tab in the construction menu). Airbases can also be built in states that are not controlled by your country. Nuclear weapons may not be stored in airbases unless they are very small nuclear weapons.

This is the last update for the year 2017, and we have a lot of exciting stuff in store for you in 2018! We have a lot of new features and content planned for the next year, and we hope you will enjoy them!

-Copilot (Lead Developer, Kaiserreich Team)

Contact Us!
Questions? Comments? Let us know at Discord[discord.gg]. We'd love to hear from you!


  • Various improvements to historical game settings including reworked focuses, decisions, and events as well as balance changes!

  • Hiding of locked-out branches for the USA, Japan, and the vanilla Germany tree.
  • Added a decision for monarchist Britain to restore their old royal house name if they try to/do ally with Germany.
  • New focus for historical Britain to establish their wartime cabinet committee, granting minor buffs.
  • Added Wilhelm von Habsburg (aka Vasyl Vyshyvanyi), ex-colonel of the Ukrainian Sich as a claimant to the Ukrainian crown.
  • Added new focus sub-branch for Northern Lights Sweden.
  • Added decisions for Imperialist Sweden to integrate old territories into an empire.
  • Added decisions for Fascist Sweden to form Greater Sweden.
  • Sending volunteers now grants a slight buff to the supported nation while boosting your ideology popularity in there.
  • [BBA] Added late-game plane modules.
  • [LaR] The Franco-Spanish kingdom can now core the rest of Spain.

Adjustments and Balance
  • Reworked the Japanese focus "Strike the Philippines". Now it improves Taiwan's infrastructure and will give an additional war goal on the Philippines once the follow-up focus is complete.
  • Sweden's starting Navy has been adjusted along with the opening production queue.
  • "Swedish Hunter-Killers" focus now gives a set of Submarines for the country's production queue.
  • Revised support equipment and mechanized technologies that excluded certain unit types (i.e. shocktroops with their motorized/mechanized versions, camelry, and motorized rocket artillery) so that these units also benefit from these upgrades.
  • Minor rebalancing for some of Britain's army and industrial tree, to make them slightly more accurate.
  • Soviet ultimatums to Baltics are now issued as a single event to better represent the historical Soviet desire for temperate water ports.
  • Readded a missing branch for the British monarchy in exile for New Zealand.
  • No lion timer trait for a famous dictator if the lion won the war.
  • Generic industrial tree is made slightly more dynamic.
  • Poland will receive less overpowered generals in the interbellum period.
  • Disabled form the Kalmar Union for Sweden.
  • Disabled form the Nordic Council for Sweden.
  • Balance adjustments to the USA focus tree targeted at meta-gaming strategies
  • Balance adjustments to Asymmetrical Warfare. (overall nerf)
  • [MtG & NSB] The secession events will allow you to change sides to the CSA and the secessionist states of the Russian civil war.
  • [MtG] Nationalizing the oil will please communist Britain and the communist USA rather than make them furious.
  • [LaR] Countries with very limited volunteer forces will not be able to seize the Spanish gold during the civil war.
  • [LaR] The decisions to restore cores in Spain are now cheaper.

  • Fixed an issue where communist Germany was unable to recruit democratic advisors after a civil war happened in another country. Geopolitics, what should one say?
  • Added missing states to Rome coring decisions, also re-enabled and updated the preview for required states.
  • Fixed an undesired result when Napoleon split Belgium with Hitler.
  • Pact of steel for Italy is now accessible if Ethiopia is in exile.
  • Fixed missing icons for two Algerian focuses.
  • Readded a missing trigger for non-cooperative USSR who doesn't like communist Germany.
  • Fixed a wrong trait for one of Basque high command leaders.
  • Fixed a Bolivian character portrait.
  • Fixed an exiled ideas removal under specific conditions after the war has ended.
  • Austrian monarchist Alps Defense Pact is no longer broken and reliant on Italian AI rushing foreign policy.
  • Improved condition checks for Golden Square's surrender offer to the UK.
  • Fixed an issue where pro-republican volunteers will not get supply in Spain.
  • Peter of Yugoslavia will no longer serve as a shadow character supporting himself.
  • Japan should no longer declare war on a released (by-event) Korea if this happens post-war.
  • Germany's renegotiating Versailles should no longer overlap with other focuses, it's now under join Allies to allow for more options.
  • [MtG] A few bugs around Dutch focuses on political alignment were resolved.
  • [BBA] Centralization BoP attack value for Ethiopia now has a correct value of 5% instead of 50%. Fight till the last person, warrior!

  • AI is less aggressive with claims by 10%.
  • Historical and Rome Protocol Italy AI plans now properly cancel when their desired alliance partners become "unavailable".
  • Historical Yugoslavia should no longer do random stuff.
  • Japanese AI will not be very keen to attack China after losing a war.
  • Explained a bit better to the Ai that fighting Stalin's paranoia was important if their plot had to have any chances of success.
  • Germany loves Hungary a bit less, Horthy is less Hitlerite.
  • Italian AI is now slightly less reluctant to deny the Alps Defence Pact on historical settings.
  • [BftB] Bulgaria should prioritize the fight against Fatherland Front.
  • [BftB] Communist Bulgaria will no longer try and rebel against itself.

  • Updated some of Britain's focus names to make them slightly less generic.

  • New portrait for Louis II, Prince of Monaco.
  • [BBA] plane icons and models. (in progress)

Update: 9 Mar, 2023 @ 9:49am

Update: 7 Mar, 2023 @ 12:28pm

March 2023 Update!


41 31 WKU
81 9 III
22 5 II
62 1 I

-Gxp & Co.

Contact Us!
Questions? Comments? Let us know at Discord[discord.gg]. We'd love to hear from you!

  • Focus trees for Liechtenstein and Monaco.
  • Additional R56 Germany focus tree focuses and general tree improvements.

  • Optional game rule to annex Liechtenstein, Andorra and Monaco if you cannot accept their glorious existence.
  • New focuses for Switzerland related to their relationship with Liechtenstein.
  • Additional army focuses for the RT56 German tree.
  • New focuses for democratic RT56 Germany to renegotiate Versailles in exchange for some powerful modifiers.
  • Additional focus for China to improve their weapon capture ratio.
  • Additional decision for the 'Purchase American Weaponry' category to purchase support equipment.
  • [TfV] Granted vanilla voice lines to many countries that you'd think that would have them.

Adjustments and Balance
  • R56 German Army tree rebalanced to account for new content.
  • R56 German communist branch has slightly less mutual exclusivity, with some focuses shortened and extra effects. (e.g. Rebalanced tension)
  • Transferred vanilla changes which should make Italy's balance of powerless volatile.
  • Slightly increased the amount of artillery the 'Purchase American Weaponry' decision gives.
  • Austria's 'Liechtenstein Treaty' now actually includes Liechtenstein as well.
  • Jacques Doriot now hates communism even more. (Not a lot of people have punched the leader of a communist party on the Red Square)
  • How Reichskommissariat function recoded. (Functionality is still buggy but less so now)
  • Rearranged the Soviet Union's defensive branch to make it a bit more sensible.
  • [LaR] There is now a DLC version for the Trotsky path Triumphant Revolutionary trait which has a spy agency buff instead of "Subversive Activities" which impacts non-DLC ideology boosting.
  • [LaR] Slightly boosted the Anarchists in order to core territories more easily.
  • [LaR] Improved Portugal's fascist path, they should have reduced chances of exploding in a civil war and be slightly more interesting to play.

  • Fixed Egyptian focus 'Rashad Mission' requiring a democratic faction leader instead of a fascist.
  • Fixed a CTD when doing German economic focuses after losing certain advisors by civil war.
  • Fixed a CTD when Belgium was left with only Flanders.
  • Fixed a CTD when a bad leader ID reference was made by a non-original Malaysia tag when they tried to reference the ID after capitulation.
  • Fixed Indonesia breaking free if granted partial autonomy by any other overlord than the Netherlands.
  • Fixed broken bypass conditions for UK democratic Iraq/Iran invasion focuses.
  • Advanced Centimetric Radar and NSB Tank upgrade technology 1&2 (engine/armor) now have to match GUI position and year of availability.
  • Fixed a Venezuelan focus granting the invader trait to only land commanders instead of any commanders. (including spies)
  • Fixed Honduras coring only half of Cuba / Replaced the free core with decisions for increased difficulty and immersion.
  • Ukraine will no longer send Chile to the Allies / Fixed other details in their tree.
  • Fixed the 'Purchase American Weaponry' decisions not giving you American weaponry.
  • Fixed some dynamic revolt pictures.
  • Fixed some unused generic portraits.
  • Fixed a few oversights with new state additions throughout the mod.
  • Fixed a few oversights with NSB and R56 content interacting with R56's alt-history Russian tree.
  • Other various small fixes.
  • [NSB] Fixed duplicate unlock of the Improved Howitzer gun.

  • More improvements to historical AI to make them more sensible.
  • Another round of Axis AI improvements.
  • [NSB/BBA] English and German AI Equipment designs have been changed to account for the AI’s poor ability to recognize resource shortages.

  • Fixed Mediterranean being called an ocean.
  • Restored and improved Argentinian localization which had been partially removed by mistake.
  • Filled some localisation gaps within the Egyptian tree.
  • Replaced "Wip" in the French Indochina tree with blanks.
  • Other small localization improvements throughout the mod.

  • Portrait for Hinrich Lohse of Reichskommissariat Ostland.
  • Some Icon GFXs throughout the mod have been swapped and/or replaced.
  • [BBA] Slightly better use of 2d plane icons. (in progress)

Update: 9 Feb, 2023 @ 12:15pm

Update: 8 Feb, 2023 @ 9:23am

Update: 7 Feb, 2023 @ 5:17pm

February 2023 Update!

Contact Us!
Questions? Comments? Let us know at Discord[discord.gg]. We'd love to hear from you!

  • Revamped focus tree for Sudan.
  • Focus tree for Ukraine.
  • Several key map changes such as useable Caspian Sea, states, terrain changes in various countries, and additional victory points.
  • [BftB] Refurbished Turkish tree and increased its flexibility.
  • [BBA] Rewamp of Swiss focus tree for better clarity.

  • Added a balance of power mechanic for Afghanistan, between tribal mercenaries and professional forces.
  • Additional states for Afghanistan.
  • The Soviet Union now starts with a Caspian Sea navy.
  • Additional focuses for Egypt-Albania on Egypt's side.
  • One extra air focus for Japan.
  • [WtT] Tunganistan can form Turkestan. Sheng Shikai is unhappy.
  • [BftB] Few extra focuses for the Turkish Ottoman path.

Adjustments and Balance
  • Afghanistan's tribal militias have been swapped to irregulars.
  • Iran has had a full revision of terrain, cities, and victory points. Zoom in and explore!
  • Other select areas of the map have had their terrain changed to better represent real life.
  • Iona Yakir will now be purged as he was historically. An unfortunate fate for someone who showcased such loyalty to the cause.
  • Slightly nerfed the "Soldier King" leader trait for Italy.
  • Regno d'Albania and Regno del Montenegro now require 10% and 15% compliance to be released as puppet governments preventing some cheesy exploits.
  • Small boosts and adjustments for Armenia, they needed it.
  • [DoD] More air experience for a Hungarian focus.
  • [BftB] Turkish national spirit "Disorganized Armed Forces" was reorganized and now provides coherent bonuses throughout the tree.
  • [NSB] Democratic Russia can now join factions and send volunteers after the provisional government is solidified.
  • [BBA] Reenabled the historical Ethiopian path.
  • [BBA] Swiss DLC tree reshuffled and heavily adjusted.

  • Shock troops are now benefiting from infantry bonuses, as they should be. Motorized shock troops are only boosted by bonuses affecting motorized infantry.
  • Fixed multiple crashes related to spawning units lacking templates.
  • Fixed the United Kingdom's decolonization focuses bypassing because they did not control Egypt.
  • Fixed a bug where Ghazi I wouldn't die.
  • Fixed a bug where the Anglo-Egyptian conference could end in favour of both sides, therefore blocking some paths.
  • Fixed Britain not owning Sudan's starting resources therefore not having the option to return them in the Anglo-Egyptian conference.
  • Belarussian revisionists shall no longer prosper: the country will no longer core/claim Polish lands around Białystok after Molotov-Ribbentrop comes into effect.
  • Readded the missing aluminum mill in Czechoslovakia which was earlier replaced by a synthetic refinery.
  • Tibet shall no longer receive a wargoal against itself if the ultimatum from China is declined.
  • USSR can now correctly cede Western Poland to Germany if the Hitler-Stalin pact is in effect.
  • Iraq shall not change into the King government, again after the Golden Square coup.
  • Germany cannot turn monarchist via the outdated decision peacefully.
  • Fixed Italian involvement in Anschluss if Austria got protected by them.
  • Readded missing core to Austria if Germany does vanilla Anschluss.
  • Some of the broken .oobs were fixed.
  • Hungary and Austria are now correctly invited into the Italian-guided Rome Protocols if they are independent and are not in faction. Prince Paul and mister H. tremble in anger.
  • There can't be two Victor Emmanuelle III and the true one shall receive correct leader traits from some expansionist focuses.
  • French Lebanon shall correctly lose its French allegiance if released by another country.
  • Fixed the starting German plane production which was duplicated/buggy depending on the DLC owned.
  • [LaR] No double OGMA designer in the Portuguese focus tree.

  • Peru shall now correctly follow the historical path and will not provoke their unruly neighbours until historical dates.
  • Warlords AI will now not be annexed by KMT-ruled China during the historical formation of the United Front.

  • All-new ship name lists for Iran. The name lists include Provinces, Cities, Mountains, Animals, and more.
  • Changes/additions to Iran's division names.
  • Added descriptions for some German focuses.
  • More company names for New-Zealand.
  • New Japanese names for generic characters

  • New focus icons for Albania.
  • New portrait of Afghanistan's Mohammad Zahir Shah.
  • New portrait for Chiang Kai-Shek.
  • New portrait for German Busch, the non-German Bolivian...
  • New portrait for Charles Edward, the Germano-British nazi prince.
  • New portraits for more Iranian Generals: Amanullah Jahanbani, Ahmad Amir-Ahmadi, Mahmoud Afshartous.
  • [NSB] Better use of 2d icons for the tank designer. (in progress)

Update: 8 Jan, 2023 @ 11:33am

January 2023 Post-Post-Post-Post-Patch Patch!

  • Fixed the map issue - turned out to be an extremely obscure neverbeforeseen 1 in 1000...

Update: 8 Jan, 2023 @ 10:10am

January 2023 Post-Post-Post-Post-Patch Patch!

  • “I try all things, I achieve what I can.”

Update: 8 Jan, 2023 @ 9:32am

January 2023 Post-Post-Post-Patch Patch!

  • Looking for berries appropriate to the occasion.