Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

The Road to 56
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Update: 26 Nov, 2022 @ 11:33am

By Blood Alone / Battleaxe Update!

Greetings Citizens!

The prophecy has been fulfilled! By Blood Alone and Road to 56 are now one! (cue lightning)

The team slaved long and hard to bring you this extra large update, undaunted and thrusting forward toward a satisfying release! Everything has been lovingly caressed and massaged into place, although we can't promise the end result will be entirely clean - we hope you'll still enjoy the service we've provided here. As always, your pleasure is our first concern. 💗

In addition to the compatibility update Egypt and Mexico have received some love, with a ton of new content! Not only that, but we've added achievements and are going through the process of adding a Spanish translation! We even added some shiny new graphics to our Steam page because, hey, why not? You deserve it.

Expect there to be follow on patches as we get feedback and mercilessly crush bugs. Till then, enjoy, be well, and have a romp painting the map. 💃🕺

With this month's secret handshake,

-Gxp & Co.

Contact Us!
Questions? Comments? Let us know at Discord[discord.gg]. We'd love to hear from you!

  • Updated the mod to By Blood Alone.
  • Added Egypt on the starting map with a new shiny focus tree!
  • The old Mexican r56 tree has been heavily reworked, aiming to match the current standards.
  • The mod now has achievements of its own, they are under the playthrough overview menu.
  • Support for a Spanish translation. Experimental feature!

  • Added Liechtenstein to the map, though unreleased and with no focus tree yet.
  • Added Southern Schleswig as a state to better represent Denmark claiming it.
  • Added colonial focuses for Italian East Africa.
  • Added a focus for France, Britain and China to purchase American weaponry.
  • Added historical African leaders.
  • Added Argentine characters and some focuses.
  • Added some Australian focuses.
  • Added Yemeni characters.
  • Added shared Arab focuses related to irregular warfare.
  • Added new white Russians.
  • Added tungsten deposits in Rwanda-Urundi and British Columbia.
  • Added new state in Carpathian Ruthenia.
  • Added strait of Bab el Mandeb. Perhaps it's time for Yemen to shine?
  • Added game rule option to choose between BBA and r56 focus trees for Switzerland.
  • Added some Iraqi characters (to be continued).
  • Added decisions to grant medals to some special forces.
  • Added decision to launch military exercises across the country with generic/shared focus trees.
  • Added new air chief for Mexico.
  • Decision for Argentina to core the British islands in the area if they own them.
  • Impassable zones now represent the high mountains even the bravest of mountaineers would not be climbing up.
  • [Non-BBA] Added focuses and other improvements to the r56 Ethiopian tree.
  • [Non-BBA] Some focuses will grant divisions medals if you don't have the By Blood Alone dlc.
  • [DoD and NSB] Romania can unlock some army spirits for free by increasing the size of their reserve divisions or creating an armored division.

Adjustments and Balance
  • Merged many old Italian focuses (38 total) on top of already existing vanilla Italian Tree. More interactions, more expansions, more colonial development!
  • Player-lead peace option restored, AI gets disabled, **and*
  • the cost of every action is reduced to 0/1 now.
  • Slightly adjusted the positioning of the Kiel canal.
  • China shall no longer receive an overpowered buff if Manchukuo declares the return of the Qing.
  • Barbarossa's mission now has some negative effects if not fulfilled. Be fast, soldier!
  • Syria's authoritarian name and leader changed.
  • Israel's 'Zionist Consensus' national spirit has been buffed slightly to better prepare for a potentially hostile Egypt.
  • Added a missing nation that can be secured by democratic Canada if the latter is allied to the USA.
  • Several (60) City-fall events are moved in "on action" files, leading to improved performance (there are fewer events for the game to constantly check).
  • Cost of overly cheap Guderian theorist doubled.
  • Made a specific country leader available again for Greenland.
  • Lowered the cost of hiring one Dutch advisor.
  • Increased the manpower requirements for fascist Germany expansionist focuses.
  • We found the cure for aging, but with Stalin's constant paranoia it was impossible to give him one. Malenkov will surely take care of the matter.
  • Readjusted some of the triggers in events with the aim to improve the game's performance.
  • Hiring Katyusha for singing will only be possible if the corresponding focus is completed.
  • Additional victory points in Sudan, Kenya, and Mozambique.
  • Mexican r56 tree readjusted and improved.
  • Mao Zedong and other committed communists like Zhu De won't be available if you decide to "destroy the communists."
  • Removed poorly balanced designers from Mexican r56 tree.
  • Polish scientists now require strong industrial support to provide the country with 5th and 6th research slots.
  • Added Crimean mountains. It's not much, but you can now enjoy a nicer view on the Yalta Conference!
  • [Non-LaR] Added leader traits for Spanish rulers.
  • [Non-LaR] Portugal starts with 3 research slots and added an extra focus to gain a maximum of 6. Also slightly reduced the starting war support.
  • [Non-BBA] Added a small monarchist/democratic branch for Italy should the player decide to oppose the reign of Il Duce.
  • [MtG] Clearer conditions and requirements for Dutch political tree.
  • [MtG] Britain will no longer leave the Commonwealth Research Group should a single dominion break away.
  • [LaR] Player shall now have easier time fighting the "garrison influence" mechanics before the SCW - timer delay for them was heavily increased for the opposing AI.
  • [LaR] Increased the cost of a very strong Portugal air chief.
  • [LaR] Fixed the UK Cryptologic Bomb idea not applying properly.
  • [BfTB] Uncovered a few hidden effects in the Greek focus tree for a better game clarity.
  • [BfTB] Slightly buffed Metaxas as the leader.
  • [NSB] Monarchist path for Poland can now select a chief of army.

  • Fixed monarchist Germany getting stuck if a focus was completed at exactly 40 or 60 percent support.
  • Some German politicians were mistaken for their friends in the government and Baldur has left for his own Universe.
  • Dismantling Maginot as France shall now correctly remove any possible protective modifiers.
  • Added small rewards to Albanian integration and Bhutanese army decisions.
  • Fixed wrong state targets being used in Armenian decisions revolving around interactions in Asia Minor.
  • Quebec Conscription Crisis shall be working properly in reducing the effective Canadian manpower.
  • Confiscating civilian trains can no longer give you armored ones.
  • Spirit of Saint Bernard no longer raises the dead.
  • Italo-Spanish alliance correctly works for non-aligned Spain too.
  • Fixed Tuvan focus names and resolved issues with focuses not being available for selection.
  • Fixed Genden not being displayed as purged in the Choibalsan tree branch.
  • Tweaked some broken general creation for Poland if Sanation government is in charge.
  • The focus "Indian Merchant Navy" now correctly constructs naval bases in the area of interest.
  • Danzig shall now more consistently be able to join Germany if both sides end up in a war against each other.
  • Camille Chautemps shall no longer meet his weaker twin.
  • Fixed a wrongly applied check for Mannerheim should he become a leader.

    ...and see the rest of the full patch notes over on Reddit!

Update: 25 Sep, 2022 @ 3:08pm

October Update!

Greetings Mod Citizens!

Yes! It's October's patch, arriving fashionably early in September. We decided to let everyone have the most up to date version of the mod before the dlc hits!

As a friendly reminder for those of you that haven't been to this rodeo before, the mod won't initially be compatible with the Paradox update. It will take the team some time to make that happen. We'll release a patch for the dlc as soon as we're able.

Till then, relax, enjoy, and give your local tree a thumbs up!

With a super secret handshake,

-Gxp & Co.

Contact Us!
Questions? Comments? Let us know at Discord[discord.gg]. We'd love to hear from you!


If you want to keep using the mod roll back your game version to the last one, and turn off automatic updates. Don't look at us though if you end up accidentally opening a portal into some nameless hell dimension and bring about a thousand years of unspeakable terrors that can only be ended by a well-oiled hero that communicates exclusively through subtle eyebrow movements.

We're not tech support.

October 2022 Full Notes

  • Coloured subjects game rule!
  • Unique laws for capitulated/in exile countries.
  • Military-industrial focus branch for Ukraine.
  • Desert focused military branch for Arab countries with a generic tree.

  • A new game rule in the UI section allowing players to apply the overlord colour to the subject states/only low-level subject states. Nicer borders, is it all you wished for, right?
  • A unique conscription, trade, and economy law for capitulated countries! There is no shame in defeat so long as the spirit is unconquered!
  • Added a decision to Poland should they become closely aligned with Germany. A token of cooperation, so to say.
  • Game rules to add cossack and regional German cores, for those who really like map fragmentations.
  • Historical leaders/commanders for Sri Lanka.
  • Added an historical Guanxi aviation instructor.
  • New type of game rule to add/remove cores for some releasable countries.
  • Some pre-NSB advisors were finally restored for Germany, they were of low priority.
  • [NSB] AI Strategy plan for democratic USSR -> Russia. Now with the complete dissolution of the USSR.
  • [Bftb] Camelry-related focuses for Arab countries using their new branch as well was Saudi Arabia.

Adjustments and Balance
  • Selecting any language but English now changes the starting event into a warning that you should change language selection.
  • Asymmetrical Warfare Doctrine no longer provides 10% recruitable population. No human wave tactics from now on!
  • Decisions for communist Germany to make its civil war easier.
  • Germany shall no longer be able to ally UK and France and get "Triumphant Will" national spirit that easily in r56 tree.
  • Fifth research slot made more accessible for the USSR. Will it become a new scientist heaven? Only time and Gensek will see...
  • [BftB] Eleftherios Venizelos can now finally return from exile and lead Greece towards democracy.
  • [BftB] Some of the Greek commanders are now adjusted to their character roles.
  • [BftB] Slightly lowered the cost of Turkish financing decisions. The business will be booming in Asia Minor.
  • [NSB] Reshuffled positions of some of the Soviet tsarist pre-civil war focuses to be more usable. Now also more alternative parties support for the same price!
  • [NSB] Polish fascist paths are effectively gone with few DLC focuses transferred on top of to the r56 tree for NSB-DLC-players. Polish nationalists shall no longer eagerly cooperate with Germany.

  • Himmler can't be advisor and leader if you manage to play as Germany with him in charge.
  • Beria will no longer require Khrushchev to be the proper head of the NKVD. Their temporary friendship is over.
  • Molotov Line will no longer stretch into German-occupied Poland, no matter how much the foreign minister might have liked that idea.
  • KMT economy is properly corrupted and players shall no longer be able to exploit it.
  • Communist Poland now can enjoy a very original faction name.
  • Greece can demand the Dodecanese from anyone who controls them.
  • Soviets can now properly select a focus to demand Aegean islands if Turkish lands are in their grip.
  • Czechoslovakia will be less troubled by Sudeten Germans should they lose control over those specific territories.
  • Polish Peasant Union shall no longer receive the wrong branch of the focus tree after the civil war completion.
  • Germany's "Defeat Western Communism" correctly provides war goals.
  • The Balkan diplomacy decisions are no longer unavailable if you do Invite Romania.
  • Monarchist Norway can now also ally r56 Germany. Is it really what you desired so much?
  • British diplomats have realized the mistakes of the past and were heavily sped up during the Imperial Conference negotiations. By a factor 24, if you are so curious.
  • Fixed a couple of bugs with the scripted occupation of Iran (most from vanilla but PDX ignores most of my bug reports hmph).
  • The queen of Madagascar announced in a surprising move that she wasn't transgender anymore and had adopted female pronouns.
  • [WtT] Fixed a bug where Inner Mongolia enjoyed some freedom after the democratic Japanese civil war event was fired.
  • [WtT] HRE and Roman Empire formables keep Road to 56 and new states in mind.
  • [WtT] Japan should be far less likely to peace out China when they shouldn't, like being a puppet or having no land to offer.
  • [NSB] Rebuilding one specific Sobor encourages a slight construction effort of the country after the civil war instead of the massive rebuilding program.
  • [NSB] Returning Democracy to the VKP(B) shall free the promised advisors.
  • [NSB] Fixed a Soviet focus tree branch featuring POUM-Rightist USSR cooperation.

  • Fixed Mongolian AI strategy plan not working correctly. Moderate Amar will remain in power a bit more often now.
  • Swedish AI will not correctly follow the communist or fascist plans. Gösta Bagge will slow down on politics and examine economical issues now too.
  • [BftB] Major countries were additionally encouraged to invest in Turkey if the latter is behaving well.
  • [NSB] Fixed AI plans for non-Stalinist Russia. No postponed revolts when it is too late anyway and the world is on fire.

  • Fixed incorrect tooltip where Russia accepted itself into the CSTO. Only one Russia at a time!
  • Readded missing tooltips to some Fengtiang drilling decisions.
  • British-Japanese (non-aligned) alliance name added.

  • A small number of cosmetic tags now apply properly. This includes Banana Empire, Russian Federation, Peru-Bolivian Confederation, and some other formables.
  • Two Indian ace portraits will also be used by Middle Eastern countries.
  • Added a Saudi medium plane which was not ready for the last patch.

Update: 7 Sep, 2022 @ 6:58pm

[h1]September Update![/h1] Hi Folks! This month's patch is a broad one, covering the whole land from bug fixes to cool additions. In particular there's a lovely little GUI enhancement for those of you that may be inclined to warlord across China. Also, after much toil and controversy - the infamous Walloon teleport exploit has been fixed. In local news, senior members of team 56 held a debate on whether patch notes should be written in past or present tense. It was a civil discussion - by the end of which several mountains had exploded and a tiny moon was sent crashing into a very surprised sun. Two of our more impressionable interns, Fantom and The Brit, ended up trapped in a semi-infinite time warp where they (probably) learned the secrets of the universe. As a courtesy we erased their memories and gave them both promotions. Congrats! [h2]Contact Us![/h2] Questions? Comments? Let us know at [url=https://discord.gg/sp6ZZrM]Discord[/url]. We'd love to hear from you! With knowing nods, -Gxp & Co. [h2]Full Notes[/h2] [b]Additions[/b] [list] [b] The Sikules can now become Hungary if they control the country. [b] Added Cuban, Georgian, Moroccan and Colombian historical characters and leaders. [b] Game rule to remove some less relevant releasable tags in non-colonial regions. [b] Triple Entente focus for non-NSB players of the Soviet Union. [b] Scripted GUI for China displaying loyalty of the warlords. [b] Added Leaders for Mali, Sierra Leone, and others. [b] Democratic Germany focus to get colonies. [b] Etatism economy law for Turkey. [b] Added the Virgin Islands to the Caribbean formable. [b] Cuban state addition - Added a new state, La Habana. [b] Added 2 new Victory Points to Cuba: Santa Clara and Santiago de Cuba. [b] [LaR] Added some communist focuses to the Portuguese focus tree. [/list] [b]Adjustments and Balance[/b] [list] [b] Lowered the duration for some of the Left Opposition focuses depending on their corresponding rewards. [b] Added Miklós Kállay as a leader of Hungary if you puppet the country. [b] Updated some rubber production to be a bit more consistent with 1936 data. [b] Protecting Poland as the Soviets gives less tension than demanding the East. [b] Being the illegitimate government, Manchuria will lose all its cores should it be annexed in a peace deal. [b] Recruiting Flemish generals shall no longer accidentally give you a Walloon one. [b] Mongolian border raids have now increased timer and AI is "taught" to not target democracies or neutral countries too often. Doesn't apply to pro-Japanese imperialists though! [b] Most famous dictators and some specific nationalists will be more reluctant to invite random countries into their factions. [b] After many gentle reminders, R56 German civil war sides will reset their color after winning. [b] R56 Monarchist Germany can send volunteers after stabilizing now. [b] World will be less on fire after the Soviet civil war ends. [b] Cuba now has more accurate historical resources in Oriente. [b] Updated state population totals in Cuba to more accurate numbers per their latest census at the time. [b] [MtG] "The British Communist Alternative" no longer removes the faction, but only renames it, saving a bit of the headache for UK players. [b] [MtG] The UK focus "Decolonization" now removes most of the former dominions free without a weird "white peace" option. [b] [WtT] Road to 56 Germany can get Victoria. (and restore the HRE, might later get a mini-branch) [b] [WTT] China's relocation focus was hidden from people who lack the necessary DLC. [b] [NSB] Improvements to the Russian “Beaten, but not Defeated” tree: sped up some focuses, many enhanced focus rewards, and generally improved the branch’s layout. [b] [NSB] Lowered the cost for some rather-unimpressive political advisors of the Left Opposition in the Soviet focus tree. [/list] [b]Fixes[/b] [list] [b] Fixed bad stat balance for a Venezuelan commander. [b] Fixed some static anti-air focuses which would do nothing without researching anti-air guns level 1. [b] Fixed one of the city renaming decisions. [b] Fixed some bugs in the small tree for Mali. [b] Ported a vanilla fix making "Superior War Machines" work without NSB. [b] Fused two Chinese characters who were actually one single person. [b] R56 Germany's Westwall focus keeps the DMZ in mind and got a tooltip. [b] R56 Germany's anti-Soviet focuses keep their civil wars in mind. [b] Fixed an incorrect variable on two French advisors, putting them under the wrong discount categories. [b] Disabled pre-NSB event that spawns Ukraine. [b] Some of the renaming decisions will become visible only if the said state is controlled. [b] Japanese decisions to lower the "Marco-Polo" debuff will be hidden if the debuff is no longer present. [b] Fixed a bug in the Polish communist tree where the player was unable to select a number of decisions. [b] China will no longer be able to form the United Front in the offensive war against Japan. [b] Fixed a firing trigger for the Fourth Five Year Plan failure event for USSR. [b] Fixed missing information in a Saudi focus. [b] Travelled back in time to sabotage Leonid Brezhnev's very own time machine, depriving him of an 8th order of the red banner in addition to the honor of have a ship bearing his name during the Great Patriotic war. [b] China needs far more political power than previously to end its economic corruption. [b] The Greek leader Demertzis dying event should no longer have issues. [b] Fixed some bugs with the Polish strategic plans. [b] Fixed some bugs in the Polish strategic plans [b] [DoD] Romania's Join Axis focus only checks Europe for valid factions. [b] [BftB] Fixed Metaxism cancellation conditions. [b] [Non-NSB] Fixed some overlapping focuses in the Soviet tree. [/list] [b]AI[/b] [list] [b] Adjusted the chance for Sweden to pick an alternative historical path when playing ahistorical. [b] On Historical Denmark will no longer cave to the Germans/Soviets or empower the Conservatives. [b] China shall no longer utterly dislike Japan if puppeted by the latter. [b] [LaR] Communist Portugal only does its anti-(fascist major) focus if they are a major or in a faction. [/list] [b]Localization[/b] [list] [b] Fixed some localization problems. [b] Improved the localization when killing Hitler. [b] Added the missing Bulgarian rearmament tooltip. [b] Added some loading quotes. [b] Cleaned up and expanded some of Tibet's content localization. [b] Cleaned up the PRC's localization. [b] Added missing localization for Cuba's fascist branch for the interim. [b] Updated the original "Cuba" state name to it's correct historical name of Oriente. [/list] [b]GFX/UI[/b] [list] [b] Cuban, Saudi, and Ukrainian plane skins. [b] Triple Entente focuses and Central Powers got new icons. (The latter also got a tooltip on who is a candidate for invitation) [b] Some missing focus and ideas icons fixed. [b] Fixed a PRC flag not being adjusted if the focus "Found our Nation" was taken. [b] [Bftb] Fixed Belgian Camelry unit. What do you mean you have never created Belgian camelry units? [/list]

Update: 7 Aug, 2022 @ 3:42pm

[h1]August Update![/h1] “There is something to be learned from a rainstorm. When meeting with a sudden shower, you try not to get wet and run quickly along the road. But doing such things as passing under the eaves of houses, you still get wet. When you are resolved from the beginning, you will not be perplexed, though you will still get the same soaking. This understanding extends to everything.” ― Tsunetomo Yamamoto [h2]Contact Us![/h2] Questions? Comments? Let us know at [url=https://discord.gg/sp6ZZrM]Discord[/url]. We'd love to hear from you! With super high-fives, -Gxp & Co. [h2]Full Notes[/h2] [b]Highlights[/b] [list] [*] Reworked focus tree for Sweden! [*] New states in Iran. [/list] [b]Additions[/b] [list] [*] The most neutral country after the Switzerland has received more love and is made more dynamic and interesting! [*] More wargoal focuses for Dem./Com. Road to 56 Germany, monarchist branch improved, historical AI extended, Ostwall/Atlantikwall focuses ported. [*] Malaysian personalities are now converted to the character system! [*] Added an additional starting menu option to buff the Comintern. Prepare to battle elite versions of Tannu Tuva and Mongolia too! [*] Two new advisors for Mongolia. [*] Added two decisions to Ukraine to allow them to rename their cities to their Ukrainian versions. [*] Added a new industrial decision to China, PRC and warlords which now more coherently replaces the industrial debuffs. [*] [LaR] A little focus for POUM Spain to get extra stability needed to survive in the long run. [/list] [b]Adjustments and Balance[/b] [list] [*] "GER/SOV/ENG Air/Tank Cooperation" focuses will provide more country-specific bonuses and be less about overpowered Austrian Wunderwaffe. [*] USA national spirit "Pentagon" was tweaked to apply its buff correctly. Now more space marines can be placed per square ~~kilometer~~ mile! [*] Replaced over 60+ randomly triggering events with decisions, follow-up events, missions, on_actions and more! Will it improve the game performance? Only time will show. [*] Czechoslovakian industrial focuses now construct buildings in the owned and controlled states, preventing the player or AI from boosting Germany if Sudetenland was occupied or assisting Hungary in case Slovakia was ceded. [*] Plaek Phibunsongkhram now loves artillery, but is a bit weaker on attack. [*] Few of the Chinese industrial and equipment concerns were tweaked and merged to prevent confusion. [*] Germany shall no longer be able to receive a seventh research slot. Well, at least not that easily. [*] Spawned Mongolian militia is now a locked template and cannot longer be used to obtain free manpower. [*] Limited amount of maximum achievable research slots by Manchuria to 6. [*] Nerfed some of the Lithuanian generals. [*] [BftB] Reworked/rebalanced various ideas which are applied to Turkey via the "Six Arrows" decision categories. Now with clear tooltips and consistent effects. Additional bonus: pursuing secularism makes Kemalist officers much more devoted to the Republic! [/list] [b]Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Fixed one wrong digit giving halve the world too high level railways. [*] German civil war sides get starting tank/ship/plane designs, communist recruiting focus implemented. [*] Fixed the incorrect version of trait "Fierce Patriot" being applied to various leaders. [*] Fixed many of the wrongly displayed national ideas (Algeria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, France, Greece, PRC, USA, Venezuela etc). [*] "Fight Soldier Superstitions" decision tooltip now is correctly displayed. Did you knew one could fight them effectively? [*] Fixed a few invalid triggers, hopefully improving the border situation created by AI after the peace conferences. [*] Fixed many instances where the English leader name was checked instead of the character string, making a job for r56 translators a bit easier. [*] The general portrait of Gustavo Rojas Pinilla shall now be displayed correctly. [*] Constant reappearance of Popular Front mission for France shall be finally resolved. [*] Fixed and renamed various decisions for Mongolia. [*] Fixed on-map area showcasing required states to reform the Byzantine Empire for non-BftB owners. And yes, it requires ONLY THOSE states. [*] Fixed a few of the national spirits which were adding the incorrect value of weekly stability to the country (mostly Algeria and Mongolia). [*] Fixed a few broken triggers in the Colombian focus tree. [*] Colonial development focuses for Italy shall now also apply their bonuses if Italy decides to establish puppet regimes in the region. [*] Lowered the Greek compliance in Dodecanese for Italy, trying to match the historical resistance there and aiming to prevent the easy creation of collaboration government in the area. [*] Fixed a broken Icelandic doctrine boost from a focus. [*] Follow-up events from Mongolian focus "Delegation to Tuva" shall now work properly. [*] Fixed a bug where India can create a faction while being a subject. [*] Soviet "Purged officers" debuffs can now be removed in the Left/Right Opposition focus trees too. [*] Julián Gorkin has decided to abandon anarchism and join the narxist camp. [*] Mr. Demertzis tried to surpass Ataturk in a number of resurrections shall no longer cause issues for players using the r56 focus tree. [*] Readded some of the missing cores for the Baltic formable for Lithuania in r56 tree. [*] Roman Dmowski shall now use the correct portrait - even for those who don't own the DLC. [*] [DoD] Croatian insurrection no longer causes guaranteeing nations to join this war. [*] [BftB] Re-added various checks aimed to remove generic decisions from usage by Bulgaria and Turkey. [*] [WtT/MtG] EU Formable no longer requires east German and (post-war) Yugoslav states, matching preview. [*] [WtT] Chinese warlords who cooperated with PRC and capitulate during the Sino-Japanese war as a part of the United Front will now be annexed by PRC. Better make sure they work for you! [/list] [b]AI[/b] [list] [*] AI game rule options for Venezuela. [*] Added AI-only idea so Iceland doesn't join Axis when attacked. [*] Siam shall be hardly inclined to join the GEACPS and not Axis on historical settings. [*] [WTT] Japan shall be more reluctant to leave the London Naval Treaty if pursuing any civil war path. [/list] [b]Localization[/b] [list] [*] Expanded text and flavors for a few commonly seen news events. [*] If Netherlands unite the Lowlands via the decision, they will not reference themselves as Belgians anymore. [/list] [b]GFX/UI[/b] [list] [*] New event picture for USSR/Russia should the Third Year Plan be disrupted. [/list]

Update: 7 Jul, 2022 @ 2:38pm

[h1]July Update![/h1] Greetings Everyone! This month's patch we have ...Mongolia! It's a brand new tree, loving crafted to challenge even the most experienced player. This patch also has extra states, map modes, and a whole new way to uncivily civil-war your way through Germany! Whew. Also, would the driver of the gold 1978 Buick LeSabre parked out front please come to the information desk. Your car is being towed. Thank you. [h2]Contact Us![/h2] Questions? Comments? Let us know at [url=https://discord.gg/sp6ZZrM]Discord[/url]. We'd love to hear from you! With all the best and then some, -Gxp & Co. [h2]Full Notes[/h2] [b]Highlights[/b] [list] [*] Focus tree for Mongolia! [*] New map mode for showcasing claims and cores. [*] New states in Indonesia. [*] Highly customized 3-way civil war and other major changes in Germany's Road to 56 tree. [/list] [b]Additions[/b] [list] [*] The little Soviet ally in the East now has a focus tree. Temuchin is not included. [*] New map mode to show clearly what are your claims and cores. (note: it only work on yourself and doesn't update by clicking on other countries) [*] News event if Danzig joins Germany on its own. [*] AI strategy plans and related game rules for Argentina, Brazil, Finland, Iran. [*] Added decisions to rename Königsberg for communist Germany, Poland, Stalinist and non-communist Russia, Lithuania. [*] Added a decision to shorten the name of Londonderry. [*] Communist Iraq will swim in the increased pool of political power from the focuses. [*] 5 new states in Indonesia. You know where it is going, don't you? [*] The monarchist Lithuania branch is there, it is however still a WIP. [*] Added unique traits to warlords in China trying to match their backgrounds and deeds. [/list] [b]Adjustments and Balance[/b] [list] [*] Replaced a few events in the Congolese and Belgian focus trees with clearer decisions. [*] Removed and reworked many outdated events which slowed down the game. (r56 Mexico, Czechoslovakia and Belgium included) [*] Italian focus "Ultimatum to Albania" now targets the Albanian rebels as well. [*] France will now guarantee Belgium upon the game start. [*] Replaced one of the infantry specialists for Canada to prevent overstacking of specific bonuses. [*] Tweaked a few focuses in the Polish tree on historical branches - now less dynamic party names and less resigning of the generals. [*] Severely nerfed (almost 33%) the recruitable population of Latvia - one of their states was having an extra million population more then in reality. [*] Slightly reshuffled the Soviet "Comintern" branch. [*] Northern Ma Clique states have been reshaped following the historical borders. [*] Replaced the Front Morges leader to match the history. [*] Old Guard and Morale army advisors were buffed, similar to pre-NSB. [*] Tweaked a few advisor traits. Try to guess which ones! [*] Adding new batallion to your division will cost now 4 and not 5 army xp. [*] Generic focus "Isolated State" is now unavailable if the country is a subject or is at war. [*] "Developed Rural Region" now has 3 initial building slots instead of 5 to match the state status properly. [*] Expanded protesting possibilities for the Interventionist USA if various countries do aggressive focuses. [*] Slightly adjusted the positioning of various branches in Austrian focus tree. [*] Removed a bunch of older "flavour" events which slowed the game and didn't contribute much to gameplay. [*] [LaR] Slightly buffed reward from the Spanish focus "Ensure Loyalty". [*] [WtT] shortened duration and buffed some of the Manchurian focuses. [*] [WtT] Infiltration decision for PRC together Power Struggle and anti-infiltration campaigns including industrial evacuations for China were made more accessible and easier to navigate. [*] [Bftb] Allowed the DLC-less event to kill Ataturk to fire after everything else if you own Battle for the Bosporus in order to ensure that Ataturk doesn't become immortal. [/list] [b]Fixes[/b] [list] [*] The British focus to conquer Ireland will bypass under a wider ranges of conditions, reducing the chances of softlock. [*] Fixed a South African company that was visible but required a focus in the DLC tree. [*] Fixed the bypass to the focus allowing Ireland to join the Axis. [*] Fixed the unification game rule which gave Central America a core in Germany. [*] Soviet national spirit "Military Advisors in Spain" will be correctly removed upon the Spanish Civil War completion. [*] Requirements for "Join the Axis" national focus in Albanian tree are now made less-reliant on Germany. [*] CSA shall now correctly raise troops "across the nation" from the respective focus. [*] Mecklenburg has lost its own Lübeck. [*] Fixed some of the Polish general staff not using command power upon hiring. [*] Fixed an absent starting leader for Greece if r56 tree is selected. [*] Fixed a misspelled advisor in the Indian focus tree. [*] Fixed a missing GFX for some Polish and Venezuelan ideas. [*] Getting naval bases through the Honduran focus tree was made less dynamic, but more rewarding. Same applies for "Halifax Shipyards" in Canadian tree. [*] Added missing technologies to Sweden and Belgium. [*] Fixed various advisors for Baltic countries being (un)available because the respective focus does not exist/is not shown. [*] Fixed a Czech event that could result in having two chiefs of the army at the same time, crashing the game for NSB owners. (this line was erroneously in last month patch notes) [*] Fixed a bypass condition for one of the Colombian expansionist focuses. [*] Name of "Generalgouvernement" now appears only if fascist Germany puppets or releases fascist Poland. [*] Fixed big amount of states not being displayed on the decision map. Includes rubber plantations, countering some rebels, resource prospection and much more! [*] Fixed French Indochina leaders not changing upon siding with Vichy France or Free France. [*] A previously unknown Easter Egg has been made operational. STOP. [*] Suspect M.A.D. will try to use it for nefarious purposes. STOP. [*] This message will self-destruct. STOP. [*] [BftB] Fixed a broken showcase regarding the formation of the Macedonian Empire. [*] [WtT] Fixed a tooltip in Manchurian focus tree not showcasing a relevant advisor in a pro-Japanese path. [*] [MtG] Fix various bugs regarding the starting navies in various countries, including the entire Spanish navy. [*] [NSB] Fixed multiple instance of pre NSB tanks still being loaded, added to stockpile (to be continued). [*] [NSB] Fixed exiled characters not getting back to the USSR (You don't know how lucky you are) if you are doing the "Coup d'Etat" or "Return Democracy to the Party" focuses. [/list] [b]AI[/b] [list] [*] Added a couple of AI adjustments to the Iranian focus tree. [*] On historical focuses Norway will ignore joining a faction until Germany threatens them or invade. [*] Fixed some AI not following the "random" ai path priorities. [/list] [b]Localization[/b] [list] [*] Corrected various event texts to showcase the right localization. [*] Fixed various missing/misspelled idea names. [*] Hungary now correctly demands Vojvodina instead of the Yugoslavia in an event text. [*] Fixed Romanian event text. [/list] [b]GFX/UI[/b] [list] [*] Added Czechoslovakian interwar and heavy bombers textures [*] Portrait for the second Tibetan regent: Ngawang Sungrab Thutob (thanks to u/Mstae67) [*] Replaced a few event pictures for Czechoslovakia. [/list]

Update: 15 Jun, 2022 @ 4:34pm

Update: 7 Jun, 2022 @ 4:42pm

[h1]June Update![/h1] Greetings Folks! It's June! The world is still a strange place to exist, but there are some bright signs on the horizon. So what better time to explore and take a naval cruise? That's right! We've overhauled and improved the naval AI! Now your digital opponents should properly assault you with the latest and greatest ships in their arsenals. Oh, and beware the penguins! As always our small army of mercenary coders and content chefs have prepared a ton of other additions, fixes, and snarky easter eggs laced throughout this deliciously constructed update. See you next time, and bon appétit! [h2]Contact Us![/h2] Questions? Comments? Let us know at [url=https://discord.gg/sp6ZZrM]Discord[/url]. We'd love to hear from you! With suplex-dives and a crowd-pleasing finisher, -Gxp & Co. [h2]Full Notes[/h2] [b]Additions[/b] [list] [*] New political paths for Italy. [*] More content for R56 Germany, including an overhaul of their historic focus plans. [*] Austrian, Honduran, Norwegian, and Saudi AI behavior game rules. [*] Expanded the DefenSul branch of the Brazilian focus tree. [*] Added a non-aligned leader for Kashubia, the Polish grandfather of the Queen of the Belgians. [*] Added a non-aligned leader for Mongolia, the last queen-consort from the days of the monarchy in addition to the pro-KMT potential leader. [*] Added Albanian decisions to core Kosovo and a bordering state. [*] Added various victory points for African nations to spice things up a little. [*] Added focuses to attack/ally Andorra in their surrounding nation's focus trees where relevant. Andorra will forever be in your mind. [*] Added an event for other countries to remove the "Dislike Germany" leader trait in case Germany changes government. [*] Added various Yugoslavian advisors, theorists, and high-command personnel, greatly expanding the amount of potential governmental figures. [*] Added some historical Finnish aces in their air focuses. [*] Added a decision for Danzig to join Prussia or Germany. [*] [MtG] Added an American communist focus about joining the Mexican communists. [/list] [b]Adjustments and Balance[/b] [list] [*] Updated the list of countries considered "releasable". Those countries will gain a small bonus to compensate for their missing political power generation. [*] Improved the decision allowing Hispanoamerica to core the land ceded to the US in the 19th century. [*] Italy's 'Conquest of Ethiopia' mission has been reduced to 365 days. [*] Soviet national spirit "Military Advisors to Spain" will be removed upon SCW completion. [*] Brazilian political tree will no longer be locked if player manages to change ideology via decisions. [*] Few of the Polish army focuses are now shorter. [*] Stalin is a bit more paranoid and is more reluctant to invite random countries to the Comintern. [*] All German paths can re-militarize the Rhineland. [*] China can now go after Manchuria in case they have a huge army or secured the Central Plain. [*] Made Mexico care more about its stability in order to avoid MTG Mexico from suiciding itself by not knowing that attacking would cause a civil war. [*] [LaR] Readded the content of invasion of Central Africa for Free France. [*] [WTT] If USSR has a civil war, German democratic and monarchist focuses and corresponding events will target both (or the) communist part of the war. [/list] [b]Fixes[/b] [list] [*] The Danzig focus allowing you to change to the generic focus tree will tell you that. [*] Ethiopia's 'Second Italo-Ethiopian War' national spirit now gets removed when no longer at war. [*] "Improve National Spirit" for Germany now requires either Germany or their subject to control London and Paris. [*] Argentinian head of intelligence now correctly requires an agency. [*] Ataturk shall no longer only live and die twice. [*] Kirill Vladimirovich has finally reached Moscow and is ready to perform his duties as the Tsar of Russia in r56 tree. [*] Rommel of the East now grants XP. [*] Germany will no longer prompt Austrian-formed AH in their faction for annexation. [*] Landing craft tech no longer looks weird. [*] Reintroduced a few of the Nigerian and Liberian characters who were not converted to NSB. [*] Disabled event featuring the death of one particular Tsar Unifier even though he died once already. [*] Removed a generic portrait that never existed, causing a graphical bug. [*] Reduced the frequency and adjusted the condition to receive immigrants. [*] Removed the random event for puppets to declare independence, bad idea. [*] Fixed a Czech event that could result in having two chiefs of the army at the same time, crashing the game for NSB owners. [*] Fixed some broken dynamic pictures. (African and Kurdish partisans) [*] Fixed Brazil founding the DefenSul and then trying to join other factions instead of inviting other countries to their faction. [*] Fixed some poor focus positioning on the Korean focus tree. [*] Fixed the Korean naval tree using the old doctrine research bonuses. [*] Fixed a constant event pop-up if Japan invites various countries to their faction. [*] Fixed "German Air Innovations" national spirit, which used to give outdated bonuses. [*] Fixed a bug where La Cagoule would be fighting themselves. [*] Fixed Dutch and Manchurian focus tree selection issues. [*] Fixed various checks and event names featuring some individuals called Joseph and Leon. [*] Fixed a portrait of the Oyster Conspiracy proper leader. [*] Fixed an event where Soviets would get a huge debuff to tank research if they deny Philippines new tanks models. [*] Fixed advisor issues for R56 Canada. [*] Fixed PRC focus "Mongolia Issue" using the wrong states and some bad English. [*] Fixed various missing prime ministers, advisors, army chiefs and high command personnel for Turkey [BftB and r56]. [*] Fixed application of state modifiers which cannot be removed if r56 Spanish tree was selected. [*] Fixed various missing icons. [*] Fixed missing text for the event putting Marshal Mannerheim in power in Finland. [*] [LaR] Fixed the Porto-Brazilian monarchist civil war not firing correctly, once again. [*] [BftB] Turkish Prime Ministers are once again available within the DLC tree. [*] [BftB] Greek focuses to align with Central Powers shall now work correctly. [/list] [b]AI[/b] [list] [*] AI with 'Neutral Foreign Policy' national spirit will now typically be more tactical by focusing on defending themselves and avoiding wars. [*] French AI shall now follow the selected priority plan. [*] Changed AI guidelines to try to improve it. [*] Changed some AI template guidelines. [/list] [b]GFX/UI[/b] [list] [*] Added a couple focus icons. [*] Ensured that the late game infantry models will also be used by infantry level 6. [*] Improved the use of dynamic pictures. [*] Updated the portrait for the Egyptian fascist leader. [*] Updated the portraits of two Soviet generals. [/list] [b]Localization[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a few typos. [*] Ceding Ljubljana or Prekmurje events are now localized. [*] [BftB] Expanded the tooltip on the "Election Day" focus so it is now even clearer on how to become Ottoman via the focus tree. [/list]

Update: 7 May, 2022 @ 3:58pm

[h1]May Update![/h1] Greetings Modizens! Just like the evening moon, daylight savings time, and pointless wars of conquest - we're back! After the long hiatus and the NSB mega-patch we're now returning to our regular release schedule: A beta every 1st of the month and a full patch on the 7th! We're happy to serve up heaps of content each month, and all in the name of protecting humanity - and your heart. <3 [h2]Contact Us![/h2] Questions? Comments? Let us know at [url=https://discord.gg/sp6ZZrM]Discord[/url]. We'd love to hear from you! With love and respect, -Gxp & Co. [h2]Full Notes[/h2] [b]Additions, Adjustments, and Balance[/b] [list] [*]Optimized and updated the layout for the German 'Road to 56' focus tree. As a reminder, this tree is still available via the Game Rules. [*]Prime Minister Konoe is now the new fascist leader of Japan (although he was in office in 37-39 and 40-41). [*]Hitler can now die of multiple causes, thanks to new randomly selected plot events. (Note: that doesn't mean that he will die more often) [*]Forming the Celtic union now includes the Orkney Islands. (but doesn't demand them because your "allies" tend to annex those) [*]Fascist Ireland will be able to get claims on the Celtic world. [*]Turns out that the body armors of shock troops don't make them good paratroopers they also cost a tiny amount of support equipment. [*]Added Hans Luther as a collaborator for a French-dominated Germany. [*]Expanded the Brazilian Diplomatic Options. [*]Improved the construction of Brasilia. [*]Added news event for when Bonapartist France approaches Poland and Romania. [*]Added news events to show those new diplomatic options. [*]Improved the Iraqi tree. [*]Added a decision for Arab countries to core Arabistan if they already have Baghdad as their core and own Khuzestan. [*]Added Abul Hamid Khan Bhasani as "non aligned" leader for Bangladesh. [*]Added a highly requested feature: more Kalmyk characters. [*]Added the Equestria at War effects making the nuclear weapons more deadly. Thanks to them! [*]Added an event for the capture of Madrid. (after the Spanish civil war) [*]Nerfed various compliance gain traits for Soviet potential leaders according to vanilla. [*]Readded the missing Bulgarian decisions for the r56 tree. [*]A few of the European country leaders now have added/adjusted traits. [*]Added decisions for Chinese nations to demand/request/conquer/coup treaty ports, those including Quindao and Dailan. So stay vigilant, colonialist! [*]Tweaked Japanese-Chinese alliance and countries invited into it. [*]Soviet "Hot War" focus is now more dynamic, allowing you to liberate (conquer) various democratic powerhouses around the world. [*][DoD] Added a news event when Romania forms the Bucharest Pact with Hungary. [*][LaR] Made improved worker conditions and promises of peace invisible for the anarchists because ~~peace was never an option~~. (they are stuck at 0% stability anyway) [/list] [b]Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Continued fixing inconsistencies and issues with characters for all nations. [*]Fixed a Saudi pro-Axis focus that was locked if you were already in the Axis. [*]Fixed the French worrying about the collapse of the Popular Front even after they were removed from power. [*]Demchungdondrub won't try to declare independence while declaring that his official policy was to stay in power under Japanese supervision. [*]Fixed the NSB text not appearing because the typists were busy sending invites to the coronation of Wojtek. [*]Fixed "WARLORD_anti_opposition_campaigns" missing text. [*]Fixed the portrait of a Colombian navy commander. [*]Fixed some portraits that were not properly implemented. (for example in Latvia, Lithuania, or with Falkenhausen who looked Chinese) [*]Germany will keep Memel when releasing Lithuania. [*]Killed the evil twin of Ruzi Nazar. Although as the real one was arguably evil. Not sure who was actually killed there.... [*]Fixed the tech research groups limited to doctrine as the change towards XP cost rendered that useless. [*]Fixed the soviet metal production propaganda by correcting the bonuses that were connected to other resources instead of their respective ones. (the bonus in aluminium depended on the number of provinces producing steel, etc) [*]Fixed a bunch of badly attributed portraits. [*]Removed duplicated generals for the PRC. [*]Fixed Manchukuan focus tree selection. [*]Fixed a bug when Greek modifiers applied to Greek r56 tree while having BftB DLC on. [*]Removed outdated Trotsky death event which randomly triggered his death. [*]Fixed a wrongly defined airzone in West Bank. [*]Wanda Wasilewska portrait appearance now fixed. [*]Fixed a wrong event triggering Molotov-Ribbentrop pact instead of First Vienna Award for Germany in r56 tree. [*][LaR] Fixed Anarchist Spain AI being able to suicide itself by picking the "Portuguese anarchism" focus too early. [*][LaR] Fixed the Portuguese focus tree not granting the correct naval doctrine bonuses. [*][NSB] Fixed multiple effects referencing non-DLC tank bonuses. [*][NSB] Fixed the portrait of a spy so shady, that nobody knew what he looked like. (the picture n°4 will shock you) [*][LaR] Fixed a bug of fascist civil war sponsored by Portugal in Brazil. [*][LaR] Found a (generic) picture of the commandante Troncoso, agent of the Spanish nationalist forces. [*][BftB] Fixed Turkey being able to do the golden square coup even if they are a puppet/an ally of Irak/Irak was already fascist. [*][WTT] Fixed a bug with Manchuria not being able to get new autonomy level via the DLC tree. [/list] [b]AI[/b] [list] [*]Egypt no longer has the random urge to attack France for Lebanon. [/list] [b]GFX/UI[/b] [list] [*]More dynamic event pictures. [*]Added Kaiserreich generic portraits. Thanks to their generous authorization. [*]Portrait for Adlai Stevenson. [/list] [b]Localization[/b] [list] [*]Fixed a few typos. [*]Fixed localization in a few (news) events. [*]Some technologies now have proper names. [*]Estonia shall now enjoy correct state names. [/list]

Update: 12 Apr, 2022 @ 9:51pm

[h1]NSB Hotfix Notes[/h1] [b]Additions[/b] [list] [*] Added focuses and changes for standard German industry, air and army trees. [*] Added a new game rule to annex Andorra into either France or Spain at the start of the game, if wanted. [*] [NSB] Added a news event if Wojtek becomes King of Poland. [/list] [b]Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a CTD while trying to edit a certain template as Japan. [*] Fixed post-1945 non-NSB tanks being visible in the research tree. [*] Fixed numerous inconsistencies and details with several characters. [*] Fixed Mussolini reviving himself. Probably. Who knows what that man is capable of? [*] Fixed missing cores when forming the Roman Empire. [*] Fixed 'W imieniu Polski Podziemnej" Polish focus being misaligned. [*] Fixed the Celtic Union losing its name and color after doing the 'Push the Constitution' focus as Ireland. [*] Fixed the first Croat military focus not granting you troops. The troops will also spawn in your capital instead of exclusively in Zagreb. [*] Fixed abandoning Autarky as Germany not opening the economy a little bit. [*] Fixed the Netherlands being called Hitlerites by mistake because the NKVD under the rule of the false Mikhail Yezhov insisted on calling everyone a Nazi. [*] Told the Imperial Japanese Army and the Imperial Japanese Navy that instead of fighting each other they should try to understand the new doctrine system. [*] Arrested and shot with Walther P38 pistols the imposters who posed as Wilhelm II and Mikhail Yezhov. [*] Rescued missing Colombian generals after the secret base of the clones trying to kidnap world leaders has been discovered. [*] [NSB] Fixed Polish-Romanian Union focuses being inaccessible. [/list] [b]AI[/b] [list] [*] Added AI paths for Andorra. [*] Added 'Random' option for Denmark AI Behavior. [*] French AI now takes the German threat and the naval strength of Britain into consideration when doing the "Strike at the Empire" focus. [/list] [b]GFX[/b] [list] [*] Added some news event pictures, especially Michael of Romania looking cool in various circumstances. [/list] [b]Localization[/b] [list] [*] More loading screen quotes! [*] Reworded the start-up event to be a bit more clear about Multiplayer Mode. [/list]

Update: 7 Apr, 2022 @ 9:53pm

Hey folks! [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/RoadTo56/comments/tyvjtl/barbarossa_no_step_back_update/]Check out our full glorious patch notes here![/url]