ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

Kibble Vending Machine
Showing 1-6 of 6 entries
Update: 15 Oct, 2016 @ 9:30am

-Added all missing kibble to both machines
-Added all scorched earth kibble to both machines

Update: 4 Jun, 2016 @ 6:14pm

-Added all current kibble except lystro because it is not in the dev kit yet
-Added Gummy Flowers (For taming lystro's)
-Added Creme Cadbury Eggs (For taming ovi raptors)
-Added The ALL NEW!! Kibble Vending Machine Plus (This is for those who want a more balanced kibble cost for there servers. Disable the original machines engram and just use the new machine.
-The Kibble Machine plus is ran by a coin currency system to help better balance the cost of the kibble

Update: 4 Jun, 2016 @ 5:57pm

-Added all current kibble except lystro because it is not in the dev kit yet
-Added Gummy Flowers (For taming lystro's)
-Added Creme Cadbury Eggs (For taming ovi raptors)
-Added The ALL NEW!! Kibble Vending Machine Plus (This is for those who want a more balanced kibble cost for there servers. Disable the original machines engram and just use the new machine.
-The Kibble Machine plus is ran by a coin currency system to help better balance the cost of the kibble

Update: 10 Feb, 2016 @ 6:04pm

-Added Dimetrodon,Terror Bird,Gallimimus Kibbles
-Added Roo Roo's (A treat for taming Procoptodons)

Update: 13 Jan, 2016 @ 3:40pm

-Added Compy Puffs (A treat for taming compy's)
-Added vending machine sound when crafting kibble

Update: 4 Jan, 2016 @ 4:42am

V1.0 initial release and seperation from the main Building Xtras Mod