

OMEGA: 0.8 Stable ALPHA Release
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Update: 11 Oct @ 12:55am

-Manpower Logistics now affect crimefighting capabilities of colonies.

-Added Missing Integration for Civilian Ships to Skirmishing Targeting.

-Energy Logistics now affect out of combat speed for all civilian ships.

-Ship Sensor Range and Hyperlane Detection Range have been removed, equivalent values are now provided via assigned Leader.

-Machine Intelligence Gestalt Empire Pops now self-assemble to some degree, covering their previous weakness of slow growth, this mechanic will be expanded later.

-Added "Expansion" Tradition and Ascension Perks, which includes 5 new modifiers.
-Modifier integration from additonal sources such as Edicts and Tech Cards will be done after the next MP stability patch which I want to prioritize.

Update: 9 Oct @ 2:35am

-Updated Thumbnail with custom made Art.

Update: 3 Oct @ 3:49am

-Minor Fixes and Safety Checks for unexpected Orbital Bombardment and Invasion occurrences.

Update: 2 Oct @ 7:03am

##Galactic Market Update
-Caravaneer Fleets now grant permanent access to the galactic market when visiting a new empire.
-New "Currency Pegging" system, keeping supply of Resources relative to Galactic Credits in Balance.
-Improved Market Transaction Value and Price Precision with extremely small and extremely large sell and buy orders.
-Improved AI sell behavior relative to Price.

-Bombardment protection multiplier moved from Energy to Minerals.

-Starbases now scale with both effective naval and effective colonial military development.

Update: 28 Sep @ 12:37pm

-Station and Ship Build Speed is now a root and depends on energy and alloy logistics.

Update: 28 Sep @ 6:29am

-Energy Logistics now affect orbital bombardment protection.

-Manpower Logistics now affect defense army deployment on colony.

-Added extremely weak "Special Ops" army type, useless for actual combat, for events which require transports to complete.

-Minor Fixes

Update: 28 Sep @ 1:24am

-Fleet Storage Outflow is now rises exponentially relative to fill status.

-Removed Leader Death Occurrence during Archeology Fail.

-Migration treaties now limited to countries with close diplomatic ties.

-Refinement of Migration Formula.

Update: 27 Sep @ 2:00am

-Quality integration of advanced empires with OMEGA systems.

Update: 26 Sep @ 9:13am

-Preliminary Integration of Overlord Resolutions.

Update: 26 Sep @ 7:47am

-Better Autoresettlement.

-Better AI Stockpile Management.

-Integrated Vanilla Empire Size Modifiers.