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Stellaris OMEGA: 0.7 Stable ALPHA Release
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1.725 GB
6 Jul @ 2:22am
15 Jul @ 6:26am
14 Change Notes ( view )
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Stellaris OMEGA: 0.7 Stable ALPHA Release

Comprehensive Stellaris "Total Conversion" favoring streamlined gameplay and endless scaling.

Read "Technical information" and "DLC Requirements" before starting the game with this Mod.

-Primary Features:

~~Rebuilt Tradition system with 20 handcrafted trees, 100 linked "Ascension Perks", 100 linked "Edicts" and 30 linked "Civics", all with custom scripting.

~~Splitting of "Pops" into "Discrete" and "Numerical" units, maintaining granularity while reducing "Pop" counts in lategame galaxies to 1/10, greatly boosting perfomance.

~~Entirely reimagined Naval Strategy which includes, "Detailed Fleet Storage Simulation" "Galactic Map Supply Lines" "Complex Resource Plundering" "Ground Troops on Military Ships" "Reworked Orbital Bombardment" "Systemwide Planetary Defense Cannons" "Detailed and Convenient Scavenging" "Completely Reworked Admiral Skill Expression" "Advanced Ship and Fleet Experience Simulation" "Custom Scripted Emergency FTL, Ship Disengagement and Hyperspace Jumping" "Artificial Hyperlane creation by Gateways" "Dynamic Naval Capacity based on Industrial Focus" "Highly Customizable Default Starbase Loadouts" "Custom Starbase Modules and Buildings" "2 Types of Defense Cannons and 3 Types of Defense Platforms" "Full Weapons Rework including Pricing/GFX/Performance"

~~Rebuilt Technology System, research everything, including 75 New Repeatables, from the Start, balanced with a unique anti-hyperscaling Rigidity System.

~~Complete Leader Rework which includes, "No Leader Level Limits" "Unique Leader Leveling Behavior" "Complex Government Development which provides permanent country modifiers based on Class and Level of owned Leaders" "Rarity Based Skill Level Up Choices" "Integration with Resolutions of the Galactic Community"

~~Modifier Display Overhaul, visually improved and easier to parse.

~~Complete Resource Economy Rework including: "Deposit Exhaustion" "Country Logistics" "Endless Growth of Orbital and Colonial Development" "Streamlined Colonial Configuration, requires ZERO manual changes after initial Setup" "Simulated Dynamic Production Focus, Switch from Food to Minerals at the click of a Button"

~~Rebuilt "Galactic Market" using extensive scripting across more than 200000 lines of code. Prices are calculated in layers and the market is run on a "Galactic Credit" which appreciates in value as it is held, greasing the wheels of commerce.

-Secondary Features:

~~Extreme Customizability via "Scripted Variables" for almost every single gameplay element.

~~Permanent modifier rewards purchasable with Minor Artifacts, "Gacha Style".


~~The autosave feature should be disabled to prevent the game from lagging out at the beginning of the year.
~~Being a "Total Conversion", OMEGA lacks compatibility with any mods, support for select high value mods may be added in the future.
~~Every mechanic has extensive ingame Tooltips, refer to them if something is unclear, otherwise write a Comment.

-Usage Notes:
~~Resource Stockpiles provide a logistics rating based on volume, growth optimized economies should maintain sizeable amounts of non-spent resources.
~~Influence gain is entirely dependent on the Total Amount of Stockpiled "Unity", buying Traditions in the very early game is not advisable.
~~Spawning with a deficit is somewhat common since starting systems are almost fully randomized, to avoid early economic collapse use the button at the very bottom of the slider on the left of your screen and increase orbital production priority for resources you need.


~~These DLC's must be active.
~~~Remember, you can play with a host who owns them before buying any yourself.



~~These DLC's are fully integrated with OMEGA and have their features expanded.

~~Story Pack DLC's. (Except for Astral Rifts and First Contact, those need to be disabled)


~~OMEGA lacks support for these DLC's, disable them before starting a game.
~~~Some are partially done and all of them will be integrated in the future.

~~Machine Age

~~Galactic Paragons
~~First Contact

~~Astral Rifts
~~First Contact



~~Long term anomaly discovery in held systems which slows down with each success as every stone is overturned. -> Almost Done

~~ALPHA 0.8 will be a Feature Complete Release.
~~ALPHA 0.9 will have extremely competitive AI.
~~BETA 1.0 will have a custom built semi-random competitive multiplayer map with Team based Gameplay. (Think like a MOBA with 3 Teams where each "Base" is upgradable and continuously spawns fleets to conquer new territory and attack enemy Bases)
~~BETA 1.1 will integrate Overlord.
~~BETA 1.2 is yet undecided.

Feedback is appreciated, information will be updated as ALPHA progresses.

High Quality Space Music Playlist:

High Quality Space Ambient Music Playlist:

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Xerxes  [author] 4 hours ago 
Since Rigidity is based on a root its severity increase per Card should slow down as tech is advanced, just like removing 1000 minerals via resource exhaustion has about the same effect as the next 5000 and so on.
Xerxes  [author] 23 hours ago 
Ah dang, right, I had to transfer some modifiers from buildings onto colony types and forgot they dont support country types which is used to source population size.
I did just think of a more direct way of sourcing it, will fix momentarily.
Arphar 14 Jul @ 11:25am 
Oh it looks like I missed the ^2 in the formula.

Looking at this, the formula seems quite severe, especially regarding empire size.
However one thing that marks me is what looks to be a lack of effectiveness of Research Speed and Research Rigidity Dividers research, with themselves increasing Research Rigidity.

For example, at the start of the game, researching a Generic +research speed technology card for a branch typically does nothing, and then also damages the other branches' research speed. Same, but a bit worse for Research Rigidity reduction.
I feel like this trend keeps up all throughout the game, although to a lesser extent.

Is this design supposed to highlight the importance of the Research Fluidification edicts?
I'm not sure what to think of them, I usually have a bit of trouble to run them due to stockpile desintegration, although I suppose it would not truly be a problem were I a bit wider and thus with more income and storage (and empire size) and whatnot.
Arphar 14 Jul @ 10:07am 
I was looking at the Research Info country modifier, and noticed that the formula talked about Effective Empire Size, however the type of empire size used to calculate it seems to be instead based on the Total empire size.

For example, i my case, my Total Empire Size is 636, my Functional Empire Size is 324, and thus my Effective Empire Size is 0.74.
However, the Empire Size used by the Rigidity formula is 0.54, which is not my Effective Empire Size.

On another note, it looks as though Populations are not counted anymore for Total Empire Size, only planets are.
Arphar 14 Jul @ 9:44am 
Alright thanks, it seems like I missed it after checking
Xerxes  [author] 14 Jul @ 9:27am 

Its in the "Country Storage" game concept, I'll move it into a more prominent position for easier visibility.
Xerxes  [author] 14 Jul @ 9:23am 

-I fixed the "Traditions Available" popup by increasing cost during the manual lockout period.
-Mod wasnt updated to 540 days at the time I wrote the message, it is now.
-Statecraft and Aptitude are from Paragon which is not integrated yet, I have disabled them now but I do not recommend using Paragons since I have not yet done any review of its code and how it integrates.
-You now get a country modifier which counts down the amount of Days until you can pick a new Tradition.

Thanks for your Feedback.
Arphar 14 Jul @ 9:20am 
I was wondering since it's not explained anywhere, what is Logistics?
It serves as a component to calculate accessbility, seemingly based on resource income or stockpile, but is seems there isn't any description of the mechanics or calculations of this component.
Demonchild 14 Jul @ 6:13am 
~Xerxes the issue has not changed with the new update.

I start a new game.

Right at the start it tells me "New Tradition Available".

Open traditions screen, select new tradition tree, in this case I am selecting Minerals.

Game still says "New Traditions Available" in the popup. As you start with enough unity for multiple unlocks,

Open tradition tree once more. Everything in the currently selected tree is greyed out. So open tradition selecting window, everything but Statecraft and Aptitude are greyed out.

Can unlock either or both fine and spend unity in either tree to make unlocks. But original tree remains greyed out.

The other trees than these two only open up after time has elapsed and you can unlock one part of the tree only, in the time period. (540 days but the message still says 900)

Leaving you locked into using these tree to get rid of the message.
Xerxes  [author] 14 Jul @ 3:27am 
-On Minerals:
Negative Income at gamestart is somewhat common with OMEGA since starting systems are highly randomized and economic costs/upkeep quite high.

In such a case, the Orbital Extraction System offers you the ability to specialize your production towards whatever resource is most needed at the moment.

I added an additional usage note on the mod main description based on your feedback since I realize this is very much not obvious to a new player.

Also, if you start on an "Alpine World" you will likely have pretty strong mineral deposits to exploit.