Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Showing 1-9 of 9 entries
Update: 23 Jul @ 10:01am

- Rearranged the naming of the control points, now it looks like this:

E (main) B D C A
- Point E now captures much faster
- Fixed tons of lighting issues
- Added a ramp onto a traincart from the left of A side
- Redesigned some indoors rooms
- Multiple minor fixes and adjustments
- No one reads this anyways

Update: 26 Jun @ 3:57am

Update: 26 May @ 6:29am

- Fixed an error, where the time would not be added for BLU after they capture Point B
- Fixed an error which caused the BLU team members in their respawn rooms to teleport to RED's second spawn room after capturing Point B
- Added a room on entrance to Point C yard to break sightlines
- Added / fixed sound effects for Point E opening
- Minor cosmetic changes and fixes

Update: 9 May @ 7:09am

- Added extra routes for attacking the C and D control points (boards leading upwards onto pipes on C and extra vent flank on D)
- Added a fence cutting a sightline on point C
- Added a forklift cutting a sightline in the furnace area
- Added Rick May memorial statues
- Added more arrows, decorations and props
- The door from point B to Main E is now locked after capturing point B by the BLU team
- The door between point D and Main E leading into small room with vent exit is now one-sided, can be accessed from the vent exit side
- The Main E point's opening sounds are louder now
- Various small visual corrections

Update: 9 Mar @ 5:30am

- Fixed a hole in clipping near Point C
- Reworked area near Point A
- Minor adjustments to surroundings and sounds

Update: 12 Feb @ 6:21am

- Switched and removed some props to free up space around points A, C, D, E and near BLU spawn
- Adjusted some lights and sounds

Update: 8 Feb @ 11:09pm

- Retouched areas around B, C and E
- Retouched lighting in multiple areas
- Retouched capture times, and changes to respawn times upon capture
- Point B now has an easier access from RED spawns, through the windows
- Point C now has an extra overhead pipe, extruding to the side of point B
- Point E now has a big circular wall, separating it from direct attacks from BLU's positions
- Added a forward spawn for BLU, activating after the capture of point B (anyone present in their respective spawnrooms will be teleported into new ones)
- Added walls and obstacles in front of each RED spawn exit to minimize spamming and spawncamping
- Added more props
- Added more player clipping
- Fixed a hole in the displacement outside
- Multiple small fixes and improvements
- Localization files updated

Update: 5 Feb @ 1:26pm

- Added a room with doorways outside one of BLU spawn exits
- Added more props and obstacles to break sightlines
- Added a walkway to the B point from the right side of first RED spawn
- Added walls near the point E to break a direct sightline to the RED spawn
- Added more signal lights above locked/unlocked doors for clarity
- Replaced some textures and lighting for better looks
- Reduced the capture time for points A, C, D and E
- Reduced amount of time needed to unlock point E after capturing B
- Changed amount of time left at the start of the round
- Fixed some sounds
- Fixed one handrail facing the wrong way

Update: 3 Feb @ 11:22am