Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

Aryo, The Fractal Light
Showing 1-10 of 28 entries
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Update: 27 Jun @ 3:09pm


Update: 25 Jun @ 9:39am


Update: 24 Jun @ 9:34am


Update: 1 Apr @ 7:40pm


Update: 12 Mar @ 11:17am


Update: 6 Mar @ 10:41am


A new update has released!

By popular demand, Aryo's range has received a significant nerf.

Fair, Uair, and Nair have all received range decreases, but gained speed buffs to compensate.
-Aryo's balence has been pretty tough, due to his massive hitboxes requiring a slow speed. This clashed with Sleet form, and overall just felt bad to play. He needed to be faster to be fun, but his immense range would turn him into a mash-to-win character. Thus his range has been decreased on these moves in order to speed them up.

Jab 3 has received a range decrease, but no further changes.
-I generally just didn't like how quickly Jab 3 could be thrown out as a massive hitbox in front of you, despite how little it ended up getting use. A small range reduction should keep it in check compared to an overall faster Aryo.

Fractals have been reworked again.
Fractals now have a hitpause multiplier, and their Drift and Sdi multipliers have been made uniform into the stats of light fractals (0.5 multiplier)
-This is made in an effort to make Fractals more similar to Elianna's steam, holding the player in place for a short time.

Update: 2 Mar @ 3:54pm


A new update released!

- Reworked fractals (again, this is like the 8th time)
Fractals now do incredibly reduced knockback, but retain their Drift and SDI multipliers. The intention is that they will now properly work for followups, instead of knocking the opponent far away immediately. Opponents will still have the ability to drift far away from Aryo, with increased control now due to the acceleration period. A well timed SDI will still allow you to escape faster.

- Reduced endlag
Most moves will now have reduced endlag on hit, this is to reduce the feeling that Aryo was punished for using moves at all. Some moves will now even cancel earlier on hit.

- Added new animations to Dstrong and Fstrong's charging

- Reverted Dattack
Originally, Dash attack reversed Aryo's momentum. This was changed in an early update, however it made Dattack way too strong and it became a 'win neutral' button. Restoring it's reversed direction brings back it's uniqueness, as well as making it a bit more balanced, potentially at the cost of ease-of-use.

Update: 5 Feb @ 5:35pm


Update: 5 Feb @ 4:07pm


Update: 29 Jan @ 7:11pm
