Portal 2

Portal 2

Vertical Variants
Showing 1-6 of 6 entries
Update: 22 Feb @ 3:07pm

Update: 21 Feb @ 8:45pm

Fixed flaw discovered by @Hovering Heavy

Update: 20 Jan @ 11:03pm

Update: 16 Jan @ 1:19pm

Update: 14 Jan @ 5:18pm

Feedback considered from @GrottoLova and @Rooke, refactored the puzzle in several ways:

- Moved the entrance
- Removed the recessed lighting, making the entire chamber much brighter.
- Added dot-notated step labels to make the order of the solution more obvious.
- Cleaned up the connections
- Used antlines where I could, without making a spaghetti mess.
- Cleaned up the antlines to make them easier to follow
- Removed the large glass panels (the additional light made them very distracting)
- Changed the sunken area to standard piston-platform glass surfaces, to make that section more obvious

Update: 13 Jan @ 12:55pm