Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Enclave Reborn Redux
Showing 41-50 of 73 entries
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Update: 28 Feb @ 7:31pm

Power Armor and CAS Equipment files that were conflicting with OWB and causing the CTD
The Region Select Screen so it at least looks nice

This will break saves, but since it didn't start to begin with it wont matter.

Update: 23 Feb @ 4:50pm

The Street Sweep Focus Check. AGAIN
The Cavalry Event firing multiple times. Apologies
Sierra Army Depot from a Enclave Province to a Town Province. Buildings are Back.

The Tech Tree to include the Black Devil and Hell Fire Power Armors, though they are blocked and can only be unlocked through focuses. This is for the upcoming compatibility with the OWB Tech Mod.
Focus and Events now reward the tech and is displayed on the Focus Tree.

Washington Brotherhood now get's Frank Horrigan Units. Spawns em too. I regret nothing.

Unique Enclave Tech that unlocked the Black Devil and Hellfire Power Armor's

This will break saves

Update: 21 Feb @ 5:26pm

Norfolk events not firing
Norfolk Events misfiring
Washington Recon events not firing
Adams Air Force Base not firing
a strange case where taking Norfolk would have you declare on the Enclave, even if they didn't exist.
US Capitol being able to be rebuilt without being secured
US Capitol Events firing out of order
Honduran PAA Decisions and event
Canadian PAA Decision and event
Falls Church. Again!
Removed Streets being clean. For real this time I swear!!!
Localization on Andale Cannibals

Generic Hellfire Power Armor having the Vault-Tec Power Armor skin. Now it should have the Enclave skin.

Green Mountain Boys Decision
Added in Poder Ganger event. (Yes did that on purpose)
A block tech on ALL Enclave Tech Files as somehow the AI was being able to research things like Assault Tanks and S'Lanter Equipment. And Hellfire Power Armor. Glad that is fixed.

This will break saves

Update: 12 Feb @ 1:08pm

Update: 9 Feb @ 6:07pm

Update: 7 Feb @ 3:57pm

Minor Hotfix.

Fixed S'Lanter Combat width. It was supposed to be 2, but it had both a 2 and a 0, so of course the game prioritized the zero.

Update: 6 Feb @ 5:29pm

Update: 6 Feb @ 10:18am

Fixed the tooltip in the Purist Yakuza focus.

fixed a bracket error in the events.

This should not break saves.

Update: 5 Feb @ 6:41pm

Fixed bizzare event issue with Pioneer Scouts
Fixed the Purist Yakuza Focus
And fixed an ERB Big which is the biggest reason I'm adding this that changes Granites portrait to the Full USA Portrait.

Update: 5 Feb @ 4:21pm