

MH: Mechanical Biomimetics
Showing 1-8 of 8 entries
Update: 1 Feb @ 12:53pm

- Buffed the TORT unit's survivability significantly and reduced its offensive capabilities. It's more solid armor plating than anything else, after all.

Update: 14 Jan @ 8:07am

- Nutrition and Chemical units now require water if DBH is enabled (assumably following DBH's settings).

Update: 2 Dec, 2023 @ 2:18pm

- Chemical Unit and microscythers no longer bleed as they do not have coolant needs.

Update: 8 Sep, 2023 @ 2:20pm

- This mod will no longer delete muffalos as a legal pack animal for all factions in the game, just for the android union who will have muffalos replaced by the TORT unit.
- Chem units are carnivorous now. If you absolutely hate this feel free to join the discord and voice your frustration. I doubt you'll convince me that a mechanism to produce neutroamine that can't be produced in the vanilla game by any mechanism should be permissible with just grown food, but you can always give it a shot.

Update: 7 Jul, 2023 @ 3:39pm

- Changes to mechanical needs to match the new MHC system.

Update: 28 May, 2023 @ 11:03am

- Resource cost to manufacture units has been tweaked - generally upwards.
- Some units have had their resource output greatly increased to compensate.

Update: 25 May, 2023 @ 7:12pm

- Removed needs for several animals:
Chem unit has no coolant/lubricant needs
Nutrition unit has no lubricant need
Mineral unit has no lubricant need
TORT has no lubricant need
- Minor changes for compatibility with MHC and ATRC code changes.

Update: 11 May, 2023 @ 12:45pm

[Auto-generated text]: Initial upload.