Fire Overhaul & Molotov
Showing 1-8 of 8 entries
Update: 26 Jun @ 6:21am

• Fixed Texure

Update: 25 Jun @ 6:57am

Update: 25 Jun @ 5:49am


• "Dragon Breath Ammo added with partile and Fire on Entity" []
• "Dragon Arrow Ammo added with particle and Fire on Entity" []
• "BugFixing"
• "Added 5 VALUES in JSON:" []
- BurningTimeAfterDragonBreathHitMin
- BurningTimeAfterDragonBreathHitMax
- BurningTimeAfterArrowHitMin
- BurningTimeAfterArrowHitMax
- DestroyOnRagConsumed
• "Increased the time of the Burning RAG from 12 SEC to 30 SEC"
• "Fixed Burning Time of Arrow and DragonBreath"
• "Completed StringTable"
• "Polishing"

Update: 22 May, 2023 @ 7:27am

• changed Name of the mod , cuz it does more than just Molotov!

Update: 11 May, 2023 @ 4:39pm

• Added StringTable

- English
- Russian
- Italian
- French
- Japanese
- Chinese

Update: 9 May, 2023 @ 10:57am


• "New Molotov Model" ( and Vodka As Well )
• "You can Lit UP a Molotov and throws it"
• "Players / Animal / Zombies" will take flame
• "Damage On Contact if you Step On the molotov flames" ( or if another entities step on )
• "Fire attached to Entities"
• "Multiple Ways to Turn Off Fire"
1) With the action : you can perform action RISED,CROUCHED,PRONED if you dont have any weapon in hand
2) Rolling on the Ground []
3) Swimming in the Sea/RIver/Lake
• "Zombies and Wolves, if they're burning, while hitting u have a chance to lit you on fire as Well"
• "Every Entities will get Damage Over Time while Burning"
• "You can use Torches and Broom and hit another entities to have a chance to get it flamed"
• "Fireplaces , if stepped on, make you burn"
• "Some minor fix solved"

Update: 30 Apr, 2023 @ 8:23am

• First Update

Update: 30 Apr, 2023 @ 8:05am