

Protogen Race Patch for Frackin' Universe [UNOFFICIAL]
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Update: 4 Nov, 2023 @ 3:30pm

Update: 31 Oct, 2023 @ 4:50pm


Broad strokes:
- No more sandstorm immunity
- Major stats nerfs, some weakness reductions
- No more weapon class{sniper} buffs
- Weapons nerfed

- Tile immunities retained
- No more inherent temperature immunity
~/Unmentioned = Unchanged, * = Changed, # = Removed, 0: = Defaulted
{ Prior -> New (delta/Real Value) }; Change Details ( - / + )
+ / -: Buff / Nerf
D = Default Value

Base Stats:
*0: Max Health { +10% -> 0% (-10%/D) }; 100HP ( - )
* Max Energy { +20% -> +10% (-10%/110) } ( - )
* Breath { 135s -> 115s (-20s/115s) } ( - )
* E+ Block { 850ms -> 1000ms (+15%/1s) } ( - )
*0: Damage { +15% -> 0% (-15%/D) } ( - )
* Fall { -15% -> -10% (-5%/-10%) } ( - )
*0: Fire { +15% -> 0% (-15%/D) } ( - )
*0: Ice { +15% -> 0% (-15%/D) } ( - )
* Physical { +15% -> +5% (-10%/+5%) } ( - )
* Radiation { -25% -> -20% (+5%/-20%) } ( + )
* Electric { -15% -> -10% (+5%/-10%) } ( + )
* Cosmic { -10% -> -20% (-10%/-20%) } ( - )

Biome/Weather Immunities:
# Cold
# Heat
# Ice Status
# Sandstorm

* Jump { +15% -> +5% (-10%/+5%)} ( - )
* Dash { +20% -> +5% (-15%/+5%)} ( - )
* Defense { +15% -> +10% (-5%/+10%)} ( - )

~ {Protogen}
* {Energy}
0: Energy Block Time
Damage { +10% -> +5% (-5%/+5%) } ( - )
Max Energy { +20% -> +50% (+30%/+50%) } ( + )
+ Magazine X { D -> +25% (+25%/+25%) }; 25% more rounds! ( ++ )
* {Magnorb}
0: Crit { +2% -> 0% (-2%/D) } ( - )
Crit X { +5% -> +8% (+3%/+8%) } ( - )
Damage { +30% -> +15% (-15%/+15%) } ( - )
Max Energy: { D -> +50% (+50%/+50%) } ( + )
Damage { +15% -> +10% (-5%/+10%) } ( - )
Crit X { +75% -> +10% (-65%/+10%) } ( -- )
~ Max Energy
# {Sniper} ( -- )

Update: 4 Aug, 2023 @ 3:57pm

Update: 7 Nov, 2022 @ 3:33pm

Sorry! Tried to publish the older FR version as a favour to someone, ended up accidentally uploading it in place of the mainline patch for FU.

Back to normal now! If you encountered errors in that brief intervening period, they should be fixed. Sorry!

Update: 7 Nov, 2022 @ 3:31pm

Update: 29 Oct, 2022 @ 4:21pm

Tweaked some values, fixed some small errors with implementation.

Changelog v.2.0.1

- Energy block reduced from 33%->15% base and 50%->5% sniper
- Protection fixed, reduced base: 5%->2.5%
- Energy value corrected for +10%

Update: 29 Oct, 2022 @ 3:21pm

⚠ Looking for manual installation files? See here[].

Many stats were not functioning as expected. The syntax changed when FR was integrated into FU. Not backwards compatible with FR, or at least, completely untested.

By fluke I modelled these after the FR one in error.

- Increased starvation time
- Fall, Jump, Def fixed
- Slime-related movement effects immunity fixed
- Fixed wrong tag for Sniper Rifles, bonuses should apply now
- Up-to-date tagging patches for existing weapons in "Protogen Race Mod"; they should show FU bonuses now!

See in-game for all stats changes, MANY were adjusted.

Please note: This version MAY be a bit buggy. The docs aren't terribly clear on how some values are calculated. Could be some trial and error - do leave a comment if you find anything obviously not working.


Fix patch to model off new Frackin Universe species stats; this should correct some oddities.
* Max_Health unchanged
* Max_Energy 1.3 -> 1.2
~ Food_Delta [70->0/20m] -> (70->0/25m) (25 minutes)
* Energy_Regen [0.585->1.75s] -> (0.5248->1.57) = -10% faster
* Energy_RegenBlock [1.5s] -> (1s) = -33%
* Power_Multiplier [1] -> (1.15) = +15%
* Fall_DamageMult [1] -> (0.85) = -15%
+ Protection [0] -> (0.05) = +5% Damage Reduction

* Fire = +15%
* Ice = +15%
~ Physical = +15%
* Poison = 100% (Immune)
* Radioactive = -25%
* Electric = -15%
* Costmic = -10%
~ Grit (Heavy Knockback) [0]->(0.25) = +25%

~ Poison + status -> Status should properly remove now (case issue)
* Insanity

+ PoisonGas = I
* Insanity
* Sandstorm = I

* Jungle (-fujungleslow + jungleslow) = I
+ slimeStick = I (should process properly on slime now) [TILE]
- SlimeFriction (Only used on enemy atacks?)
+ slimeImmunity (vanilla, unsure)
* Mudslow (mudslow + fu) = I
* Snowslow (slow + slip + slushslow) = I
* Iceslip = I
* Clay = I

~jumpModifier = 25% -> 10%
+ airJumpModifier 25% -> +10% (ambiguous as to if == higher jump, or other stat)

Tech bonuses:
~ Protection 25% -> +15%
~ Jump 25% -> +15%
~ Dash 25% -> 20%

~ Sniper -> sniperrifle wasn't applying
~ Magnorb 6% Def -> 5% Def

Update: 20 Aug, 2022 @ 8:45pm

- Fixed issue with diet definitions; ROBOT_FOOD category items will now be edible without penalty. [Adjusted: No longer current as of 01/01/2023 - see Git/Description]

- Tweaked knockback resistances on magnorb and sniper; magnorb knockback resist removed, sniper added - should drastically minimize kickback.

- Added missing stat definition regarding slime; slime should no longer present movement problems as intended.

Update: 17 Jul, 2022 @ 11:54am

Just a bunch of text changes. I don't think Starbound's font is monospace, so it's not quite as simple as character counting when you wanna get something centered.

Also updated the text description to properly match the actual stats effects. Stats unchanged.

Update: 17 Jul, 2022 @ 11:52am