

More New Human Clothes
Showing 1-10 of 24 entries
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Update: 21 Sep @ 3:40pm

Added new clothes:

-new set for slaves
-new set for unemployed POPs (maybe later I add ones for the different strata)
-new set for soldiers in empires with 'barbaric despoilers'-civic
-new sets for knight commanders, knights and squires (empires with Toxic God-origin)
-new sets for necromancers and death priests, as well as for politicians and priest in empires with Necrophage-origin

Update: 18 Sep @ 2:06pm


-Due to the significant lower quality of converted assets from the original version of this mod I will mostly use them for POP jobs
-higher quality assets are used for leader portraits

-optimized distribution:
+ politicans in theocratic governments get new clothes
+ politicans in materialistic governments get new clothes
+ barbaric despoiler Civic-empires get sets for (leaders) officials and commanders + (jobs) politicans and soldiers
*their soldier cloths are most likely to be changed soon (don't look barbaric enough)

Still TODO:
-slaves should have their own, dirty set of clothes, but this is somehow not working
-Next step: Female 19 and 20 still have clipping issues. They will be used for necro-stuff
-new screenshots, so that you know that you get. The current ones are not up to date but can show what is to expect

Update: 15 Sep @ 2:36pm


Update: 15 Sep @ 1:22pm

-added a set of clothes for dignitaries with Citizen Service-civic (basically an identical military uniform used by politicans (pop job), commanders and officials)

Update: 15 Sep @ 5:49am

Optimized cloth distribution for soldier jobs based on ethic and authority

Update: 15 Sep @ 5:01am

-added clothes for soldier-jobs in spiritualistic empires (to give them more of an crusader-like look)

Update: 12 Sep @ 11:30am

-added clothes for soldier jobs in pacifistic empires

Update: 12 Sep @ 9:28am

-added clothes for officials and administrators in authoritarian governments (Star Empire, etc.)

Update: 11 Sep @ 3:47pm

-update on V3.13.*
-Significantly increased available clothes and its distribution

basically: clothes for farmers, workers, miners, enforcers and so on, in short: to much to keep track

Update: 12 May @ 2:50pm

Included a larger variety in the cloth distribution (I mostly went through the wiki site and included all the jobs that had been added since the last year, which is also a preparation for future extensions)