Storm's Additions Mod
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Обновление: 9 мар в 15:54

  • The Galactic Baseballer has been retiered and is now crafted with meteorite bars, fallen Stars, and an evil material
    - Damage reduced from 32 to 25
    - The broken debuff now only makes enemies take 10% extra damage, but also now deals 10 damage per second
    - No longer generates in Shadow chests, and the Life Emblem chance to generate has returned to 33%
  • The Oil Can now only consumes 2 cans when igniting enemies
  • The Teddy Bear now grants the regeneration buff for 10 seconds instead of 5
  • The Cyclone Emblem projectile now deals 50% the damage of the held weapon but only hits twice
  • Updated the Shroomite Launcher Attachment + Scope sprite
  • Updated the Flask of explosives sprite

Обновление: 7 фев в 18:33

  • Updated The Galactic Baseballer sprite
Bug Fixes
  • The Painbringer should no longer remain invincible after a phase transition on Multiplayer
    - Most telegraph lines have also been disabled on multiplayer due to them causing a lot of lag and being inaccurate

Обновление: 20 янв в 16:53

  • All placed banners have been updated, they now swing in the wind and react to the player
    - However this new system was not compatible with the old banners, so any placed banners will be replaced with an “IOU banner”
    - The IOU banner can be mined and then crated into any other modded banner at a loom with a certain material
  • The Galactic Baseballer main swing no longer has damage falloff
  • The Hornet’s Sting drop rate increased from 1.5%/2% to 3%/4% (1 in 33/1 in 25)

Обновление: 15 янв в 18:36

  • Added the Galactic Baseballer weapon, found in Shadow Chests and also Dropped from Demons Post Skeletron
    - Left clicking swings the bat for a basic attack, but each time an enemy one charge will be added to the bat per swing.
    - At 10 charges the bat is powered up, and right clicking will create a powerful swing that has extra range, always crits, and ignores 15 defence
    - The Power swing will inflict the Broken Debuff, which makes enemies take 15% more damage for 5 seconds
    - If no enemies are hit with the power swing it does not need to be recharged
  • Shadow chests now have a 50% to contain either the Life Emblem or The Galactic Baseballer
    - Demons now have a 3% chance to drop either Life Emblem or The Galactic Baseballer post skeletron
  • The Heavy Horseshoe Rocket Boots have been renamed to the “Longfall Boots”
  • All Aura Swords/weapons now have dust particles when swung

Обновление: 3 янв в 16:09

  • The Overloaded Scandrone music intro is no longer a separate file, and is played along with the rest of the track
  • The Mini Drill is no longer found in gold chests, and is instead purchased from the Demolitionist after any early game boss is defeated
    - Range penalty reduced from -2 to -1
  • The Jungle Spore Gun projectiles now explode immediately on impact, the explosion loses 20% damage for each enemy hit
    - Use time reduced from 22 to 18, projectile spread reduced, and projectiles spawn further back in the barrel of the weapon
    - They also have a 50% chance to inflict poison for 5 seconds
Bug Fixes
  • The Forbidden Sentry and Jungle Spore Gun no longer harm friendly NPCs

Обновление: 28 ноя. 2024 г. в 19:58

  • The Painbringer briefly no longer deals contact damage when changing from Phase 4 to 5 to prevent cheap hits
  • Updated the Arid Knives Sprite
Bug Fixes
  • Corrected the colours on 2 of the Painbringer related achievements from pink to red

Обновление: 5 ноя. 2024 г. в 21:56

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug where The Cyclone Emblem and the Shroomite Launcher Attachment would summon their respective projectile every frame if you switched from an item with a usetime of 1 to any other item
    - The projectiles can now be created with items that have a usetime of 1
    - The rockets from the Shroomite Launcher Attachment now use local immunity

Обновление: 29 окт. 2024 г. в 20:27

Tweaked the Mod Logo (Again)
  • The Painbringer will not fire any projectiles in the 1st and 3rd attack if it is too close to the player
    - The Painbringer’s third attack projectile count is now based on the difficulty, meaning more will be fired on average across all difficulties, attack speed and velocity have been reduced for said attack
    - The 4th attack now summons projectiles around the player with an even spread, and they stay in the same position around the player for a short time before becoming stationary and charging inwards, the projectiles can also now hurt you once again when they are stationary
    - The teleportation range of the boss has been reduced
  • The Vaporiser spikes now use static immunity, preventing all of them from hitting the same enemy at once if they are summoned when an enemy is directly over the spike ball as they appear.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an obscure bug where having the biome core or any of its tinkers in the first vanity accessory slot could cause an error to be thrown up.

Обновление: 25 окт. 2024 г. в 22:45

  • The Painbringer’s Second attack now has it either float above and in front of the player or just above you depending on movement direction and speed.
    - The Giant Skulls of Pain attack now aim slightly ahead of the player depending on how fast the player is moving
    - Velocity of certain attacks tweaked
  • Spectre Star renamed to “Spectral Star”
    - Now only restores 100 mana when picked up
  • The Asteroid Staff minion now attacks slightly faster
    - It now also aims slightly ahead of fast moving enemies, making it catch up to them more easily
Bug Fixes
  • Removed the debug text of the Ancient Scarab

Обновление: 24 окт. 2024 г. в 15:30

  • Some TRAE compatibility changes have been removed, only the weapon mana cost and Inferno Souls drop behaviour remain
  • The Painbringer has been revamped to hopefully be fairer to be overall less unfair
    - A lot of its attacks have been slowed down, in both fire rate and velocity, and the amount of projectiles they create, the damage has also been reduced for some attacks
    - The First attack remains unchanged, asides from the universal changes above
    - The second attack now has the boss launch projectiles upwards that obey gravity and fall down, and the boss remains above and in front of the player
    - The third attack now has the boss creating the pattern with a single set of skulls instead of 4, but fire rate increased, and the patterns can now have 7 projectiles
    - The Fourth attack projectiles now disappear after a short time after being launched, and the projectiles no longer damage you when stationary
    - The Fifth and Sixth attacks have been switched around.
    - The Now fifth attack has the boss moving to one side, summoning 3 walls of projectiles from said side, before flying to the other side and creating 3 more walls, it repeats this pattern for the whole attack, it does not summon projectiles when moving to the other side
    - The Now sixth attack only summons 1 projectile at a time, at a slightly faster fire rate. However it remains stationary for a longer time, and homes in for a shorter time with a lower homing speed (Also they still don’t damage you when stationary)
    - The 7th remains unchanged, asides from the universal changes above
    - The 8th attack has been revamped, now it summons 2 giant skulls that dash towards the player a total of 7/8/9/10 times, with the time between dashes being lower on higher difficulties, the skulls also lose 10% damage each time they hit you
    - The Shattered Crystal Phase remains unchanged, asides from the universal changes above
    - The Final attack has a slightly thinner max spread, and the burst of projectiles now move much slower with fewer projectiles, and they now rotate in flight (visual effect only)
    - For damage values: (Classic/Expert/Master/Legendary)
    - Damage of attacks 1, 2, 3, and 7 lowered from 140/220/300/360 to 140/200/270/330 (Normal and weighted shots)
    - Damage of attacks 4, 5, 6, and 8 lowered from 120/180/240/330 to 110/160/210/270 (Charging, Homing, Wall, and Giant Attacks)
    - Damage of the Shattered Crystals attacks lowered from 140/220/300/360 to 120/180/240/300 normally and 110/160/210/270 when rapidly firing
    - Damage of the final attack damage lowered from 140/220/300/360 to 120/180/240/300, and 108/162/216/270 for the ring attack
    - It now also has a different boss icon for each phase
  • Ultimate pain has also had some nerfs, to damage, attack rate, and projectile velocity
    - Damage reduced from 150/180/240/360 to 120/160/200/300
    - Still very difficult though ;)
  • The Staff of the Painbringer (And its secret variant) damaged lowered from 200 to 175
  • The Ancient Husk Health lowered from 10,000/14,000/18,000 to 8,000/12,000/16,800
  • The Lightning Scepter use time increased from 12 to 15
  • Bow of the Wyverns damage reduced from 32 to 28
  • The Vaporiser damage increased from 70 to 90
    - Now summons spikes at the end of its reach when thrown
  • The Frozen Sprit Staff minion damage lowered from 25 to 20
    - Projectiles now have 5 armour penetration
  • The Asteroid Staff Minion damage reduced from 50 to 45
    - The minion now dashes at a slower pace
  • Frost arrows now only create 2 shards that deal 25% damage of the arrow
    - They are now launched in the opposite direction that the arrow was travelling
    - Damage of the arrows lowered from 15 to 10
  • The Sprinting in the rain buff now only increases movement speed by 20% instead of 50%
  • The Granite Core damage boost duration lowered from 4 seconds to 3
  • The Warrior’s Trophy now grants +15% crit chance when above 66% life
    - The Dust effects of the 3 and the tinker no longer appear if the respective accessory is hidden
  • The Biome core now requires 3 souls of light and night in place of bones, locking it to hardmode
  • The Ancient Scarab extra damage buff lowered from 20% to 18%, and now falls off over 1.5 seconds instead of 3.2
  • The Spectre Skull revamped.
    - Enemies killed when not at full mana have a chance to drop a Spectre Star that restores 200 mana on pick up
    - It also grants the Spectre Star Buff for 5 seconds that increases magic damage up to 25%, depending on the duration remaining
    - Duration caps at 10 seconds
    - No longer grants +40 max mana
    - The changes apply to its tinker too, but do not stack
  • The Inferno Soul Crown no longer grants any summoner damage buffs
  • Inferno Soul Greaves movement speed boost lowered from 25% to 15%
  • Santank Greaves movement speed boost lowered from 25% to 20%
  • Asteroid Leggings movement speed boost lowered from 50 to 25%
  • The Spectre Empowerment potion increases magic damage by 20% below half mana instead of 15%
  • The Lunar Derplings names have been reverted to their original names before V1.7
    - Blazling, Stormling, Brainling, Starling, and Starling Minion
Bug Fixes
  • The Enhanced Healing Potion potion sickness duration is correctly reduced with the Philosopher’s Stone and its tinkers equipped.