Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

DeadStop [Beta 19]
1–10/11 bejegyzés mutatása
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Frissítés: 2021. szept. 24. @ 19:17

-fixed a miss-labeled file that caused the map to be unplayable :/ (oops)

Frissítés: 2021. szept. 24. @ 19:07

- LOTS of detail added (especially to the first half of the mission)
- caused and then fixed a bug that caused game to crash during rain storms
- improved lighting
- changed zombie populations to fit setting
- overall gameplay and visual changes to entire map that I can't list right now.

Frissítés: 2021. jún. 21. @ 15:38

+ fixed a problem that caused the correct map to not load

Frissítés: 2021. jún. 21. @ 14:48

+ changed ground/wall dev textures to be more clear
+ added an outdoor segment between the warehouse and silos that replaces the old hallway
+ added some small extra details
+ clipped multiple surfaces
+ changed water textures in some areas
+ added new infected populations to map to fit the theme
+ re-did the path into the first silo
+ over all tweeks and changes to the whole map that I can't remember

I have also begun work on the second map of the campaign, though it is not in a playable state yet :)

Frissítés: 2021. márc. 29. @ 14:10

minor fix 3

Frissítés: 2021. márc. 29. @ 14:03

minor fix 2

Frissítés: 2021. márc. 29. @ 13:53

minor fix

Frissítés: 2021. márc. 29. @ 13:23

+ added a second silo
+ added multiple minor routes/paths
+ added some small details
+ added arrows to show where to go
+ opened up multiple areas a bit more
+ made many other minor changes and additions to overall map

- removed manditory horde event at finale

Frissítés: 2021. márc. 7. @ 17:23

minor fix again

Frissítés: 2021. márc. 7. @ 17:06

minor fixes