Space Engineers

Space Engineers

OKI Grande Weapons Pack - Modernized
Mostrando 1-10 de 23 aportaciones
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Actualización: 11 MAY 2022 a las 9:56

66. Added gravity drop to the 122mm, 230mm, 180mm, 75mm, 60mm, and 203mm weapons. The 14.5mm and 50mm naturally received gravity drop due to their weapon types in the Warfare 2 update. This should fix the issue of these weapons missing high in gravity. I apologize for taking so long to get this fix out, but I've been busy with work.

67. Updated the 60mm turret model. This should fix the broken LODs. Cross your fingers.

68. Rebalanced turret build materials. This began with sorting the turrets into different standardized types/sizes, and assigning parts for each size to represent the turret mechanisms and controls. Then a standard list of parts for each gun barrel/type was determined and added to this. As the final layer, a steel plate buffer was added to adjust turret HP and assist with welder-repair on turrets. Then, as a final tweak, deformation resistance of all weapons was reduced from 0.4 to 0.5 and general damage resistance was adjusted based on turret size/type. This should, in general, make all turrets weaker to explosive weapons and bullet-type weapons. The damage resistance multiplier change was mostly focused on making certain turrets tougher compared to other turrets (IE a 60mm HVP both has more raw HP and more resistance to 14.5mm/50mm than a 14.5mm CIWS turret) but also on moving the turret's HP from these modifiers into buffers.

In general, MOST WEAPONS GOT HEAVIER. I'm sorry if your atmospheric designs no longer fly, but a lot of these turrets were unreasonably soft, especially compared to vanilla weapons/turrets. Some weapons got lighter and functionally tougher at the same time - for instance, the triple 230 battery lost something like 300 steel plates, but more of the plates it does have were shifted into the armor buffer at the top of the component stack, meaning it can now take more damage before becoming nonfunctional than it previously could.

The large and small grid designators still need to be rebalanced. It's a small thing and shouldn't matter too much. I just ran out of time today to do it and I wanted to get this patch out before it's another week or more before I have time to do it.

Actualización: 26 MAR 2022 a las 15:13

63. Rebalanced OKI ammo production costs starting from new base values for vanilla ammos. I determined the amount of iron, nickel, and magnesium you had to pay per point of damage for each of the vanilla ammo types (ignoring the extra uranium, plat, etc costs on railguns and missiles), then kind of eyeballed a common number as a baseline - it's not a scientific average or anything, just something that would put me in the ballpark for ammo costs. These numbers are 0.003125 iron per damage, 0.000375 nickel per damage, and 0.00025 magnesium per damage. I multiplied these by the total damage numbers for the new balance from the recent patch, added the cost of suitable components as before (and swapped the magnesium cost for uranium on the penetrator railguns), and rounded the numbers to something clean and tidy (with whether I felt the ammo needed a little push up or down in cost influencing how I rounded).

Note that because the damage per gatling shot drastically decreased in Warfare 2 (150 to 90), and the costs for the ammo for the new guns accord fairly well with the costs for gatling ammo, this means that ammo costs have generally increased.

The new costs are:
14.5mm: 55 iron, 6.5 nickel, 4.5 magnesium
50mm: 11 iron, 1.3 nickel, 0.9 magnesium
122mm: 16 iron, 1.9 nickel, 3.4 magnesium, 0.7 silicon
203mm: 20 iron, 16 nickel, 4 magnesium, 1.2 silicon, 2.2 cobalt, 0.1 gold, 0.05 silver
230mm: 60 iron, 10.6 nickel, 5.8 magnesium, 0.7 silicon, 3 cobalt
180mm: 98 iron, 10.5 nickel, 11 magnesium, 1.2 silicon, 2 gold
75mm: 147 iron, 20 nickel, 10 uranium, 3 cobalt, 2 gold
60mm: 80 iron, 13 nickel, 5.5 uranium, 3 cobalt, 2 gold

64. Rebalanced ammo masses, based on the weight of the ingots that went into their production so that they now obey the law of conservation of matter. And then I did a little rounding to produce clean numbers which means I'm creating/destroying matter anyway, but maybe if you squint physics will make sense.

The new ammo masses are:
14.5mm: 35kg to 66 kg
50mm: 45kg to 13kg
122mm: 45kg to 22kg
203mm: 45kg to 44kg
230mm: 90kg to 80kg
180mm: 75kg to 123kg
75mm: 75kg to 182kg
60mm: 75kg to 103kg

65. Rebalanced recoil and impact forces. To begin with, I multiplied the velocity of each projectile by the mass of each individual projectile (for 50mm and 14.5mm, I divided the mass by the number of projectiles per magazine). In other words F=M*A, to get a rough number for what recoil should be. This number is wrong, because it presumes you're firing the bullet and casing together, but we can only get so close in spengies. I then multiplied these wrong numbers by vague guesses about how much I should tweak them to make them feel "right" and then rounded them to make them readable. The units below are in what I assume is newtons, but Keen's documentation sucks so I don't actually know.

The new recoil forces are:
14.5mm: 25 to 165
50mm: 200 to 780
122mm: 50,000 to 16,000
203mm: 5,000 to 5,000
230mm: 300,000 to 64,000
180mm: 500,000 to 160,000
75mm: 500,000 to 300,000
60mm: 500,000 to 124,000

Hit impulse was set to 1/10th of recoil force for 14.5mm and 50mm, 1/2 of recoil force for 122mm and 230mm, and 1/1 of recoil force for the railguns and interceptor rockets. For comparison's sake, the vanilla recoil values and hit impulses are presented below. For rocket-type weapons (which includes Keen's railgun implementation), hit impulse is not listed and is somehow calculated from other ammo stats - how, I don't know.

Gatling: 200 recoil/2 hit
Autocannon: 1,000 recoil/3 hit
Assault Cannon: 50,000 recoil
Artillery: 150,000 recoil
Rockets: 0 recoil
Small Railgun: 30,000
Large Railgun: 120,000

Actualización: 2 MAR 2022 a las 9:45

62. A collection of fixes for the 60mm. Added entry in BlueprintClasses and BlockCategories. Changed Azimuth from 270 degrees to 360 degrees. Halved ammo cost for 60mm Sabots (their cost was previously equal to 75mm, which does twice as much damage - this is just a rough cost adjustment until I have time to fully rebalance ammo costs again). We have figured out what is wrong with the LODs, but I'm not sure when we will be able to get it fixed - seems to be a bug introduced with a new update to the toolkit Chipstix uses for exporting/converting files.

Actualización: 27 FEB 2022 a las 18:37

53. Increased placement size of the 230mm triple battery from 5x5x3 to 7x7x4. This may be a controversial change, but I believe it is necessary for balance and visual purposes. The barrels on the 230mm extended outside of the 5x5 bounding box, and if you are maximizing damage per surface area, there was little reason to ever choose the single 230mm turret over the triple turret since they were both the same size. I understand this may break or invalidate some creations, and that made me hesitant to do this change earlier - but I believe that it's ultimately for the better that I make this change, and I apologize if your creations are affected.
54. Implemented a new turret, the 60mm HV-P Railgun Turret. This is a superheavy 7x7 turret meant as an alternative to the 230mm triple battery for heavy warships, with one offering better long-range performance and the other offering better, shorter-range firepower. The 60mm HV-P features the same 3200m range as fixed railguns, a fire rate of 3 RPM, a charge rate of 45 MW, 1200m/s velocity, 0.03 accuracy, and 22000 penetrator damage per shot.
55. Renamed the 75mm and 180mm railgun turrets and their ammo to something that is less of a mouthful. This should not affect your creations or scripts in most cases, as it's largely just a display name change.
56. Updated muzzle flashes for all guns. This was largely an effort to fix those for the 14.5mm and 50mm, which were lacking them due to improper naming and definitions. I corrected the placement on some for the 122mm and 230mm weapons, and butchered a vanilla railgun muzzle flash to add to the OKI railguns. These still aren't perfect, but should hopefully be better. Particle effects are still fairly new to me, so I'll probably come back and make additional tweaks as time goes on.
57. Replaced the OKI 50mm autocannon sound with the vanilla autocannon sound. It just sounds better.
58. Added targetting definitions to all weapons - now when you select "target weapons" with turrets they should properly target OKI weapons.
59. Increased lock-on range to 3.6km. While I am not yet ready to reduce turret AI ranges and fully rely on the new lock-on system, increasing the lock-on range will support target lead indicators for railguns and provide a comfortable buffer against target loss at the edge of weapons range.
60. Several balance adjustments that I'll address piece by piece. First up is some accuracy buffs.

14.5mm SG fixed accuracy increased from 0.15 to 0.12
50mm SG fixed accuracy increased from 0.18 to 0.14
50mm LG fixed accuracy increased from 0.24 to 0.19
122mm SG fixed accuracy increased from 0.22 to 0.16
122mm casemate accuracy increased from 0.23 to 0.2
230mm LG fixed accuracy increased from 0.14 to 0.1
230mm casemate accuracy increased from 0.15 to 0.12
230mm turret accuracy increased from 0.16 to 0.15
230mm battery accuracy increased from 0.26 to 0.24
180mm railgun accuracy increased from 0.05 to 0.01
75mm railgun accuracy increased from 0.05 to 0.01

In general, fixed guns should feel satisfying to use, rewarding player skill and focus vs passively relying on turrets. Poor accuracy does not contribute to that. I also think that there is an additional element of risk/reward present in rotor turrets, where the lower durability and engineering effort that goes into them should be rewarded with access to better performing weapons. Casemates and 230mm in general seemed like they could use a bit of an accuracy buff.

14.5mm SG fixed ROF from 400 to 480
14.5mm SG turret ROF from 400 to 480

While the selling points of 14.5mm vs vanilla weapons are velocity, accuracy, and range, ideally resulting in more hits on target sooner (even if they are weaker hits), the 2-barreled versions of these weapons seemed like they could use a little help.

50mm damage from 250 to 350
50mm SG fixed ROF from 180 to 160
50mm SG turret ROF from 180 to 160
50mm vehicle turret ROF from 400 to 240
50mm LG turret ROF from 400 to 240
50mm LG fixed ROF from 360 to 280
50mm LG stormgun turret ROF from 360 to 280

I was previously capped in the amount of per-hit damage I could give to 50mm because of issues with deformation damage. These have been solved in Warfare 2, and so I've been able to increase the damage to something a little punchier. Rate of fire has gone down to compensate (and because the vanilla autocannon sound does not sound good at very high ROF), though the 50mm SG fix and SG turret have received proportionally smaller ROF nerfs so that, overall, they receive a DPM buff.

203mm damage from 500 to 600
203mm accuracy from 0.25/0.26 to 0.22
203mm explosion radius from 5m to 6m
203mm proximity detonation radius from 4m to 5m

PMW torpedoes using some evasion parameters have a better evasion chance than I would like. These changes should hopefully increase interceptions against more evasive torpedoes without changing the general number of torpedoes in a salvo necessary to overwhelm a given point defense setup (as potential interceptions are more related to engagement time and rate of fire, unless torpedoes are fired so close together that one interceptor can kill multiple torpedoes).

230mm damage from 11000 penetrator/1000 post-pen explosion to 14000 penetrator/1000 post-pen explosion.
230mm LG fixed, casemate, turret ROF from 6 to 5
230mm LG battery ROF from 18 to 15

This change is mostly about keeping 230mm feeling relevant compared to vanilla artillery. Their DPM numbers are relatively close, but vanilla artillery trades range and accuracy in exchange for meeting an important breakpoint: destroying large grid heavy armor cubes in a single shot.

Increased power usage of the 75mm and 180mm railguns from 50MW to 60MW

A relatively minor balance change to make their power consumption slightly more impactful, and to make more room for the 60mm's power draw below them.

230mm penetration range from 10m to 15m
180mm penetration range from 7.5m to 10m
75mm penetration range from 21m to 40m

General normalization of some penetration ranges, based on using up their penetrator damage entirely on large grid light armor full cubes.

61. Because of fixes in Warfare 2, turret rotation speed matters again (for a long time, turrets would just snap to target and you could not rely on slow turret speeds as a balancing factor). As a result, I have changed turret speeds from the ground up. Some of these may be buffs, some of these may be nerfs, some of these may not actually be changes. My intent with this first pass is to make the turrets feel appropriate for their size and role. Larger turrets turn slower, small anti-fighter turrets turn faster. More balancing may be required, this is just a starting point. All speeds are for both elevation and rotation and are listed in degrees/second.

Designator turrets: 181.5
14.5mm SG: 110
14.5mm Vehicle and LG: 88
50mm SG: 110
50mm Vehicle and LG: 77
50mm Stormgun: 33
203mm Vehicle and LG: 66
203mm Heavy Turret: 33
122mm Vehicle and LG: 55
122mm Casemate: 77
230mm Casemate: 44
230mm Turret: 22
230mm Battery: 11
60mm Turret: 11

Actualización: 4 FEB 2022 a las 6:33

52. Fixed block group icons in BlackVariantGroups.

Actualización: 26 SEP 2021 a las 7:29

47. Added some economy definitions to OKI ammo. I don't actually know what these do or how helpful they will be, but vanilla ammo has them.
48. Increased production time of 180mm and 75mm projectiles to 20 seconds. Reduced production time of 230mm projectiles to 15 seconds. Just putting these in their proper place, as "higher tier" weapons the railgun ammo should take more time to produce than the 230.
49. Reduced ammo in magazine for Designator Charges to 1. Reduced size and mass of Designator Charge from 1 to 0.002. The recipe still produces 1000 charges, but this should now result in much more coherent behavior and a more easy to understand metric for how many charges you have left/loaded.
50. Added 203mm Interceptor Rocket ammo type. Currently, this uses the icon for vanilla 200mm rockets (I would like to change this in the future) and the material costs are subject to future rebalance (it can be hard to balance explosives because of their highly variable damage, I may need to increase the cost of these).
51. Converted OKI Heavy Missile, OKI Missile, OKI Vehicle Missile turrets to railgun framework. These all use the above 203mm Interceptor Rockets - if you have 200mm Rockets loaded in them from before this patch, you may need to unload them manually so that the correct ammo can be loaded. I have done my best with the visual effects to keep them somewhat rocket-esque, but the railgun framework was never intended to be used for rockets - but it was still the best tool for the job for what I wanted to do. The new turrets fire "rockets" at 480 m/s, 1200 meter max range, the six tube turrets fire 18 rounds per minute and the heavy turret fires 40 rounds per minute. The rockets themselves have a 5 meter radius 500 damage explosion (same damage as rockets, just 5m radius instead of 4m). However, the real magic comes in with the railgun framework's new proximity detonation feature. When one of these "rockets" gets within 4 meters of a grid (after a 50 meter minimum arming distance) it will detonate. While decent against fighters, these are exceptionally useful against player made guided missiles, even those using evasion modes.

In my testing, these turrets are capable of complete interception of small (1-6) volleys of small grid PMWs fired at static targets. Large volleys can overwhelm them, and coordinated strikes (IE 6 missiles arriving in a wave vs a stream) can also get missiles through. In live-fire PVP tests, using OKI designators for early warning, maneuvering against the incoming PMWs, firing turret-guided anti-PMW PMWs, and using 3 of these turrets, I was able to achieve complete interception of 16 incoming PMWs.

Actualización: 26 SEP 2021 a las 7:27


Actualización: 20 SEP 2021 a las 3:35

44. 14.5mm fixed gun build stage models were backwards. New models are correct way around.
45. 75mm railgun was still very slightly misaligned, creating some potential physics issues around the top of the block. New model to correct the issue.
46. Removed reload messages from all 230mm turrets, added reload message to 122mm fixed gun. The intention here is to reduce the notification spam at the bottom of the screen for larger ships, while still providing the player with the most pertinent information (when their own fixed and manually aimed weapons are ready to fire again).

Actualización: 4 SEP 2021 a las 13:01

43. Updated the attachment points for the 230mm Battlecannon, 230mm Casemate, and 50mm Stormgun. I trimmed the attachment points on the sides for all three, on the fixed guns added a back attachment point, and on the casemate added a bottom attachment point. In all cases this should lead to the attachment points better reflecting the model's actual size/hitbox. However, the trimmed side attachment points will result in a loss of airtightness on some faces.

Actualización: 1 SEP 2021 a las 23:25

40. Implemented the large grid missile turret. This is a new weapon model made by Chipstix and Ash Like Snow, created using existing OKI assets (large grid turret bases, vehicle missile turret, etc). I haven't done anything too special here, it's essentially a reskinned large grid missile turret with the standard extra durability you would expect from this mod. One asset we don't have is a new icon, so it currently shares its icon with the old OKI vehicle missile turret. Ideally this and the other OKI missile turrets will be converted to using Whip's framework for some proximity-fused flak-like effects, if/when prox fusing gets merged from the beta branch to the main branch of the API.

41. Organized blocks into groups/variants. This should make it easier to place OKI weapons while building, and also clean up the G menu a bit. The blocks are organized into 8 groups: small grid fixed guns, large grid fixed guns, railguns, casemates, small grid turrets, large grid 3x3 turrets, large grid 5x5 turrets, and designators. I could probably squeeze the designators into the small grid turrets and large grid 3x3 turret groups, and combine the large grid fixed guns and large grid railguns to tidy it up more. Let me know if you have an opinion on that.

42. Rebalanced power usage. Unfortunately, it is not currently possible to alter the power usage of weapons that use Space Engineer's standard weapon times (as far as I know, I've been asking around). I also did not touch the railguns this go around, so this is really only a balance pass on the 122s, 230s, and designators. In general this has meant a reduction in power usage. The new values are:

230mm: 20 kw base rate
122mm: 10 kw base rate
Designators: 2 kw base rate

Turrets: (every 100m of max range) * ( base rate) = max power usage, plus additional base rate usage while reloading
Casemates: As above, except times 0.5.
Fixed guns: 2k idle (same as vanilla weapons), base rate while reloading
Triple 230: A special case, for a weapon of such power I used the turret formula and multiplied the base rate by 3 for both reloading and turret AI.

Since you don't need a ton of power for autoloaders/the weapons' mechanisms, to me this power usage represents targetting radar or similar, and Whip's railgun API will scale the power usage with the AI range setting you use on the turrets and casemates. Casemates get a little special treatment here, using less power than full turrets as another means of compensating for their limited arcs.