Arma 3
Arma 3 Survival
Showing 1-10 of 17 entries
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Update: 28 Aug, 2021 @ 9:53am


FIXED: Switched to PositionASL instead of AGL when spawning loot to keep positions from being wildly incorrect
FIXED: Mission parameter menu prints "Saved Profile:" after deleting a profile

CHANGED: Save As edit box will now clear out after completing a save
CHANGED: Mission parameter menu will now switch the Saved Profile combo box to the newly saved profile after using Save As function

Update: 22 Aug, 2021 @ 3:04pm


FIXED: Mission does not end when everyone is dead and no respawns are left
FIXED: Satellite Shop does not refund points when attempting to buy one, when another is already present
FIXED: CAS Rockets do not land on target with come planes (CUP)
FIXED: Suicide bomber's explosives are not deleted when killed
FIXED: Project OPFOR UN faction does not have displayName defined
FIXED: RHS AFRF Faction VMF Flora does not have its displayname properly defined
FIXED: OPCAN UNSC Marine Woodland faction does not have properly defined displayname
FIXED: Daisy cutter fell abnormally on CUP maps
FIXED: Arsenal fell abnormally on CUP maps
FIXED: Master Loot Black List was not loaded
FIXED: Players were able to call in multiple CAS Helicopters of the same type simultaneously
FIXED: During overrun waves, enemies could be "reset" due to pathing errors and teleport behind players
FIXED: Music sometimes not playing on clients. Updated KISKA Music functions to newer standard that is far more reliable
FIXED: Unconscious ACE AI being teleported by pathing reset
FIXED: If faction is present on client but not on the server, the faction would not be updated to the default on all machines. This could cause various issues such as the AI not spawing or points not being awarded
FIXED: Default track spacing in the Music Manager did not show the actual default values

ADDED: OPTRE themed loot lists (these have Elite & Spartan gear blacklisted)
ADDED: Mission parameter to toggle special waves
ADDED: Mission parameter to adjust what wave a faction will show up on
ADDED: Mission parameters for adjusting AI skill
ADDED: Mission parameter for lightning
ADDED: Mission parameter for rain

TWEAKED: KISKA_fnc_CAS slightly to make rockets and napalm more accurate
TWEAKED: Faction classes are now hashmapped
CLEANED: Shop GUI Configs

CHANGED: Mission parameters are now configured in the map briefing menu with "Configure Parameters" button, and during the game by opening the map and going to "KISKA Systems" tab
CHANGED: Arsenal GUIs now close after the arsenal is deleted
CHANGED: Waves are separated into two categories: Normal & Special. Normal waves are not significant changes to gameplay (paratrooper & defector waves). Additionally this expanded the waves into a more modular system.

Update: 25 May, 2021 @ 4:01pm


For the full changelog, click the link, there are too many edits to post here

ADDED: JTFS Armory Faction Support
ADDED: RHS ALL faction which includes several RHS units merged into a single faction (authored by: mtp)
ADDED: Daisy Cutter support (remove foliage)
ADDED: Mission parameter for time multiplier (authored by BriscoeTech)
ADDED: Tooltips to current music playlist songs (long names were cut off)
ADDED: Custom events for build items
ADDED: CSAT Modification Project support
ADDED: Russia 2035 factions support
ADDED: Scripted eventhandlers for wave start and end
ADDED: AI helicopter gunner supports (attack helicopters and door gunners)
ADDED: “Load Playlist” button to Music Manager
ADDED: Mission Parameter to disable AI mine detection
ADDED: The ability to have custom display names for shop items
ADDED: Aegis unit factions (also added several of their classes to enhance the vanilla table if used when Aegis loaded)
ADDED: Aegis Marines factions support
ADDED: Aegis Atlas factions support
ADDED: BLWK_fnc_openShopAction
ADDED: Mission parameter section for AI
ADDED: Mission parameter to toggle enemy AI feature AUTOCOMBAT
ADDED: Mission parameter to toggle enemy AI feature SUPPRESSION
ADDED: Item Reclaimer build item
ADDED: Mission parameter for the minimum number of waves between vehicle spawns
ADDED: More precision to mission parameters of vehicle and special wave start rounds
ADDED: Custom tooltip support for shop build items
ADDED: Satellite shop build item
ADDED: 3CB BAF Support
ADDED: Added Max Terminator faction support (authored by BriscoeTech)
ADDED: Enemy helicopters special wave
ADDED: KISKA_fnc_classTurretsWithGuns
ADDED: There Is Only War faction support (authored by 0xlord)
ADDED: Suicide bombers carry unique vests and headwear (authored by aussie-battler)
ADDED: Mission parameter for special wave likelihood
ADDED: SOF PF factions
ADDED: SOG PF build items
ADDED: Napalm bomb drop support to both KISKA_fnc_CAS and shop
ADDED: Player’s uniforms now change to a faction uniform depending on the friendly one
ADDED: Custom loot list framework with mission parameter
ADDED: SOG PF Loot list preset
ADDED: Custom mission endings for error states
ADDED: Mission parameter for maximum number of loot spawns
ADDED: Colored text to Music Manager to indicate when a track is already in the current playlist

FIXED: Load screen showing game mode as “undefined” (now “Survival”)
FIXED: BLWK_fnc_faksToMedkitLoop error that caused loop to continually run
FIXED: Hit point global handlers not deleted after use
FIXED: Modded aircraft would not properly select their gun during supports
FIXED: CUP aircraft do not start with engines on and can crash into the ground because of it
FIXED: BLWK_pointsForHeal being undefined during init
FIXED: AI enemy can sometimes just keep walking away from play area
FIXED: Improved consistency of invincible items including the Main Crate
FIXED: Multiple misuses of “null =”
FIXED: BLWK_fnc_prepareUnitClasses did not provide empty arrays to a factions’s vehicle list when the entry is empty in the unit table
FIXED: Improved reliability of drones to not get stuck above player base during drone waves
FIXED: Dome panel was under “Obstacles” Category in the shop instead of “Panels”
FIXED: Timeline in Music Manager not properly scaling when moving from one playing track to the next
FIXED: Paratrooper wave using incorrect syntax with “addCuratorEditableObjects”
FIXED: Script error for JIP players attempting to add actions to the loot reveal box
FIXED: The ability to call in infinite supports while hold down the ctrl key in the map
FIXED: Several JIP remoteExecs that were not using client ids and therefore not executing
FIXED: BLWK_theAiHandlerEntity becoming null and therefore wave units not actually spawning

CHANGED: Money pile points to be half of previous (30x points for kill now)
CHANGED: Heal action on crate to be hold action
CHANGED: Disabled requirement to have vanilla revive on to have FAKs turn into Medkits
CHANGED: “The Crate” 3d icon to be less transparent
CHANGED: KISKA_fnc_CAS to now add canons to pylon aircraft that do not have one by default
CHANGED: Made revive from medkit into a hold action when player is down (known issue that is Bohemia level, action text might not come up until you engage the action)
CHANGED: Made ACE medical crates invincible
CHANGED: Made invincible items not cook-off if ACE is enabled
CHANGED: Music Manager will now autoPlay selected tracks unless the “pause” button is pressed
CHANGED: Adjusted saved mission parameters to utilize hashmaps instead of array (your previous saved parameters should properly load from the previous array method, however, overwrite them the next time you launch the mission)
CHANGED: Made build objects array cache into hashmap for faster referencing
CHANGED: Heal action on crate will be available 2m away
CHANGED: Improved variety from secondary vehicle spawn by ensuring (if possible) that a second vehicle spawning will not be the same type as the first
CHANGED: Increased the likelihood of a second vehicle to spawn during vehicle waves
CHANGED: Default vehicle spawn likelihoods
CHANGED: UGB bomb support to be Laser Guided Bomb
CHANGED: Various prices of supports and build items (turrets are generally cheaper and many offensive supports too)
CHANGED: Overrun waves will now teleport all players to the same location outside the play area and with the Main Crate. Enemies will still be placed on top of your previous position, however, they will now spawn directly opposite of where the players were placed. If the play area’s conditions are not suitable for this type of wave (too much water) it is skipped
CHANGED: Made lamps invincible
CHANGED: Increased default radius of indestructible building
CHANGED: Increased the required area for enemy land vehicles to spawn to mitigate them getting stuck
CHANGED: Removed the ability to assemble and disassemble turrets bought from the shop
CHANGED: Consolidated all relevant mission diary entries into “Survival” section
CHANGED: Removed any build actions of a turret when inside of it
CHANGED: Increased object view distance when entering aircraft gunner supports but maxed to 2km
CHANGED: Made level 5 enemies give players more points
CHANGED: Reduced the minimum distance needed for garbage collector to delete objects
CHANGED: Increased default points for both kills and hits
CHANGED: Reduced random weapon box spin cost
CHANGED: Reduced price of lamps

Update: 21 Dec, 2020 @ 5:54pm


ADDED: Mission parameter for controlling loot whitelist mode (under Area Settings).

FIXED: Blacklisted magazines still spawned as loot.
FIXED: Hostile weapons wouldn't randomize if on headless client.

CHANGED: Made it so a random attack helicopter defined in the faction class will spawn for the support instead of just the first entry.
CHANGED: Made loot lists config based. These are now located in: Headers\descriptionEXT\Loot Lists.hpp

Update: 20 Dec, 2020 @ 4:59pm

FIXED: Heavy armor appears in transport heli friendly array.

Update: 20 Dec, 2020 @ 4:46pm

ADDED: HE rockets CAS support.
ADDED: AP rockets CAS support.
ADDED: Guns & HE rockets CAS support.
ADDED: Guns & AProckets CAS support.
ADDED: AGM CAS support.
ADDED: UGB CAS support.
ADDED: Cluster bomb CAS support.
ADDED: HCW marines faction for OPTRE First Contact.
ADDED: RHS USAF US Army UCP factions.
ADDED: Save parameter option in the map so that Mission Params can be stored on the server.
ADDED: CUP factions support.
ADDED: Mission parameter to control the actual likelihood of vehicle spawns in a wave.
ADDED: An ACE self interaction to open the support menu.
ADDED: Several H-barrier objects to a new H-barrier category.

CHANGED: All factions to a config based approach.
CHANGED: Made BLWK_fnc_cas based upon pylons. Now supports any aircraft that has them.
CHANGED: Made collision loop more aggressive.
CHANGED/OPTIMIZED: Made Kill & hit events on enemies local instead of using multiplayer event variants. Done to reduce network issues/crashes.
CHANGED: Relaxed garbage collector to allow for 50 bodies for several minutes.
CHANGED: Made vehicle spawns not take 2 waves but now can happen every other wave from start point.
CHANGED: Increased base likelihood a vehicle will spawn in a wave.
CHANGED: Made large military wall invincible.
CHANGED: Set default max waves to 30.
CHANGED: Set default vehicle start wave to 5.
CHANGED: Set default special wave start to 10.
CHANGED: Added walls around the starting block.
CHANGED: Increased the price of long concrete walls.

OPTIMIZED: Enemy kill and hit event network traffic.
OPTIMIZED: Network message for dropped items being deleted at the start of the next wave.
OPTIMIZED: Stalker functions network traffic.
OPTIMIZED: Network traffic for suicide bomber audio.

IMPROVED: Increased the reliability of wave starts based upon enemy deaths.

FIXED/CHANGED/OPTIMIZED: With new config based approach for unit factions, all players prepare the classes. There was an issue with having both a server and headless client that caused two doses of very large publicVariables that has been replaced by this.
FIXED: Items that were supposed to be invincible were not set as such and did not properly update when an object's locality changed. Also fixes issue with the crate teleporting.
FIXED: Invincible buildings radius not affecting all clients.
FIXED: Headless Clients did not actually gain control of AI when loaded.
FIXED/OPTIMIZED: Network interaction of players and killed units that caused crashes in extreme circumstances.
FIXED: OPCAN Secessionist Union Faction missing from faction selection list.
FIXED: Missing semicolons in infoPanel.hpp.
FIXED: Missing semicolons in ViewDistanceLimiterDialog.hpp.
FIXED: Vanilla mag repack causes an error when you repack without one of your weapon slots filled.
FIXED: Vanilla mag repack copies a magazine when you have two that do not combine to a whole magazine.
FIXED: Syntax error for stalking KILLED eventHandler that caused improper balance between players.

REMOVED: Several old functions that were no longer in use.

Update: 12 Dec, 2020 @ 11:27am

CHANGED: Syntax of postinit function that caused infinite loading screens for clients on dedicated servers (included in 0.7.34 Hotfix 2 on Github)

Update: 12 Dec, 2020 @ 10:47am


FIXED: Two infinite (dedicated) server loops checking for players.
FIXED: Users without interfaces (headless clients & dedicated servers) still ran BLWK_fnc_initClientAlias in full.

Update: 11 Dec, 2020 @ 2:18pm

FIXED: Dedicated server crashing due to undefined global vars.

Update: 9 Dec, 2020 @ 5:55pm


ADDED: ACRE consideration for radio (you get 343's).
ADDED: Range master belts will now be given to players by default. This was because default items can now take up more space then what the player has available

ADDED/CHANGED: Faction vehicles now supports multiple classes for a single type (it can pick between multiple tank classnames instead of one for example).