Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Para Bellum - Campaign
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Actualización: 22 DIC 2023 a las 4:45 p. m.

Para Bellum Campaign:

- The rosters of Cyrenaica and Cyprus were expanded, to make these factions more interesting to play and differentiate them more between them and with Egypt, but maintaining a slight influence for historical reasons.
- Additionally, the bug where Egypt could not recruit war elephants was fixed.

Updated effects:

- Now you can spark the buildings with the incendiary artillery, and they will burn with big flames and smoke columns. In addition, depending on the material they can end up with a nice deflagration.
- The effects of artillery hits on terrain have been improved, with a new artillery impacts texture and raising dirt. Also the incendiary artillery effects on the terrain are improved, with the terrain burning, etc.
- The properties of many particles has been enhanced: now the blood will remain the whole battle duration; the smoke and fire effects, the dust raised by the troops, the desert wind or the snow in the blizzard, are no longer limited by the rendering distance.
- The dust effects now are adapted to each type of terrain (snow, grass, mud, desert).
- Volcanic eruptions on the campaign map.
- No FPS impact noticed, in comparison with the previous version.

IMPORTANT: This update requires to redownload and replace the Para Bellum - Effects movie.pack file of your Rome II data folder, available through the link in the Steam Workshpo mod description. It is required to update this file in the case you use any of these mods:
Para Bellum - Collection
Para Bellum - Effects
Rivers of Blood - Gore Edition
Rivers of Blood - Realistic Edition

Actualización: 30 SEP 2023 a las 2:03 a. m.

Little update fixing some of the issues of the previous one:

- Fixed public order bug and rebels attacking with only one unit.
- Limited the rebel armies' experience (no longer starting with silver chevrons).
- Complete revision of the rebel armies compositions for all factions and campaigns/DLCs, for more realism.
- Fixed "stop movement" armies effect bug.

Actualización: 21 SEP 2023 a las 12:36 p. m.

- New religious buildings for the Iapygian culture, thanks to Pontifexum.
- Etruscan roster expanded for GC, including some of their RotR units (DLC required).
- Included Rhodian slingers and Cretan archers to their corresponding factions in GC and WoS campaigns and custom battles.
- Added Tarentine cavalry to Sparta and Lonchophoroi (light cavalry) to Syracuse, Epirus, Pergamon, Macedon, Athens and Sparta, for a more precise distribution among the GC Greek factions.
- Custom battles rosters expanded: Added the auxiliaries to Rome in the different DLCs and the inclusion of mercenaries in the factions related to their corresponding areas, mainly the Greeks, Successor Kingdoms and Eastern factions. Also RotR armies compositions improved, and Epirus changed African elephants to the Indian ones in the custom battles for historical accuracy (will be changed also in campaign in next updates).
- Fixed generals' star level effects.
- Revised and debugged scripts.
- Fixed Persian scalation script for WoS.
- Credits and aknowledgements updated.

Actualización: 19 SEP 2022 a las 10:04 a. m.

Fixed a bug reported by ElTitoMuelas, consequence of the previous update.

Actualización: 16 SEP 2022 a las 7:29 a. m.

Fixed CTDs caused by chariots units of the generals and when loading Palmyra campaign/first battle.

Actualización: 1 SEP 2022 a las 3:50 p. m.

- Minor fix to make the mod compatible with the other updated parts.

Actualización: 13 AGO 2022 a las 4:18 p. m.

Features from Open Beta added to Para Bellum Campaign/Collection:
- New campaign names in the main menu, based on the historical period, and placed in chronological order.
- Fixed agents not taking effect with some actions.

Actualización: 17 JUL 2022 a las 5:07 a. m.

12 and 24 Turns Per Year submods:
- Included all Campaigns/DLCs (previously only working with the Grand Campaign).
- Buildings and technology times increased x1.5 and x2 respectively, in respect to Para Bellum values.
- Adjusted the historic chronicle script.

Reduced in the main mod Empire Divided to 4TPY and Caesar in Gaul to 12TPY, it was set by default at 12 and 24 respectively, so is adjustable to previous values with these submods.

Longer battles submod:
- Adjusted the morale base so units don´t fight till death.

Para Bellum Campaign/Factions:
- Fixed Kush missing description text, and Rhodes and Macedon incorrect spelling, in the faction selection menu. Added Epirus in the Successor Kingdoms group.

Para Bellum Population and Multiplayer Patch: fixed for compatibility with the scripts updates.

Actualización: 16 JUL 2022 a las 4:19 a. m.

Fixed several script issues:

- Overall debug of the campaigns/DLCs scripts.
- Restored the Chapter objectives missions, that were missing in the Grand Campaign and Empire Divided.
- Adjusted zoom levels with increased ranges and tilt angle, available for all campaigns/DLCs.
- Fixed Household expands.

Actualización: 6 JUL 2022 a las 3:01 p. m.

Para Bellum - Weather:
- Fixed the FPS drop that some users noticed during the autumn turn in the Grand Campaign.
- Slightly retouched the seasons' hues in Grand Campaign, for instance now winter looks more clear, less foggy and dull, and overall combines better with the GEMFX and Reshade profiles.

Para Bellum - Combat:
- Added "At the centurion command!" and "Tactical retreat" abilities to Noniac´s Para Bellum Legions units.

Para Bellum - Campaign:
- Fixed a rare bug where a loaded game can no longer upgrade the Triarii after researching Cohort Organization. Added other small corrections to the Roman units evolution upgrades.
- Added more variety to the generals' recruitment, including a total of 239 commander cavalry units distributed between all the campaigns and factions.
- Fixed the suicidal tendencies of the mounted generals, that rush to charge against the unwalled settlements on their own, straight to a certain death.
These last couple of last points are the same as the mod "Mindful Generals", but it is not required as Para Bellum Campaign and Collection includes its own version.
- Updated the Spanish translation file. Special thanks to @DarienKan and @LordKoal in this regard.