Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

The Unconventional War 1.13C
Showing 1-10 of 22 entries
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Update: 20 Oct, 2023 @ 6:31am

-Fixed white phosperous not showing up in techtree
-Fixed some minor bugs

Update: 13 Oct, 2023 @ 8:25am

-fixed 250kt ,5mt and 50mt nuclear device conversion not triggering
-fixed button bug in conversion

-Files and elements related to the old pre-resistance update system.
-A bunch of un used localisation lines
-Removed Debug from startup event
-more unnessisairy files
-No longer used aspects on the state population tab

Update: 13 Oct, 2023 @ 6:02am

-Updated to 1.13

-Reworked Tech framework
This way it should be more compatable with other mods influencing techs and less prone to cause techtree related issues and chrashes.

-Reworked Nuke conversion
Should be less janky now and less preformance impact ( have been unable to extensively test it )
Progression bar currently disabled

-Changed Nukes and radiation interface
-Edited event texts related to startup

Removed unnessisairy files

Update: 13 Oct, 2023 @ 6:01am

Update: 5 Nov, 2022 @ 6:43am

Update: 7 Feb, 2022 @ 6:10am

Removed railwaygun due to 1.11

Chemical weapons:
AI No longer spawn with chemical weapons
As of currently AI will not produce chemical weapons but will use them if they obtain them trough for example annaxing a nation

Nukes and radiation:
Doubled the amount of radiation cleaned from decisions
Doubled Nuke conversion speed
Light radiation clean cost 15 -> 5 pp
Light radiation clean time 25 -> 20 days
Medium radiation clean cost 25 -> 15 pp
Medium radiation clean time 50 -> 35 days
Heavy radioation clean cost 50 - > 35 pp
Heay radiation clean time 60 -> 40 days

Update: 20 Jun, 2021 @ 12:57pm

Unconventional 1.05a

update for 1.10.*
fixed germany not being able to build SF

Update: 29 Feb, 2020 @ 8:14am

added option to disable staff requirements
AI will get free chemical warfare equipment after researching techs to give them a bit of a boost
AI will only use chemical weapons after any other country has used them first, therefore AI will not use chemicals unless a player has used them
Support Staff combat width set to 0
Regiment Staff combat width set to 0.15
Support staff buffed
Regiment Staff buffed
SS infantry Soft attack bonus to 12% ( was 8% )
SS mot. soft attack bonus to 12% ( was 8% )
SS mech soft attack bonus to 8% ( was 6% )
SAS soft attack bonus to 35% ( was 25% )
Guards infantry soft attack bonus to 10% ( was 6% )
Guards mot soft attack bonus to 10% ( was 6% )
Guards Mech soft attack bonus to 15% ( was 6% )
NKVD soft attack penalty to -35% ( was -50% )
Generic special forces soft attack bonus to 25% ( was 15% )
Volksturm soft attack penalty to -10% ( was -7% )
Volksturm hard attack penalty to -15% ( was 0% )
Volkssturm experience loss penalty per regiment to 1% ( was 0% )
Volkssturmgewehr soft attack to 8 ( was 7 )
Volkssturmgewehr piercing to 4.2 ( was 4 )
Volkssturmgewehr defence to 24 ( was 25 )
Volkssturmgewehr breaktrough to 3.2 ( was 3.5 )
Volkssturmgewehr production cost to 0.42 ( was 0.45 )
Volkssturmgewehr now requires tech 'Improved infantry equipment II' to be researched ( was 'Improved infantry equipment I' )
Railwaygun Production cost to 20 ( was 25 )
Railwaygun resource cost to aluminium 3 tungsten 3 steel 6 ( was 2 2 4 )
Flamethrower equipment now adds to unit stats ( + 15 soft attack + 0.2 hard attack + 35 piercing )
Flamethrower equipment resource cost to aluminium 2 oil 1 ( was 2 0 )
AI germany will now research Volkssturm when losing the war
AI germany will prio researching the volkssturmgewehr after researching the volkssturm
AI germany will gain 30 volkssturm divisions when researching volkssturm ( players germany would get 10 )
Disabled revolts due to update

Update: 29 Nov, 2019 @ 6:05am

Subversion tab due to upcomming dlc

Significantly lowered building cost ( 100 to 25 ) of railguns due to sneezing breaking them
Scaled down population tab
Lowered war exhaustion increase rate ( 0.125 to 0.055 per +/- 7 days )
Increased peace time war exhaustion decay ( -0.4 to -0.8 per +/- 7 days )
Resistance to revolt risk lowered to 50% from 100% ( 50% of state resistance will now be added to revolt risk instead of 100 )
Fascist countries: Core Provinces lower revolt risk from offensive wars ( 10 was 20 )
communist countries: Core Provinces lower revolt risk from offensive wars ( 15 was 20 )
Democratic countries: Core Provinces lower revolt risk from defensive wars ( -35 was -20 )
Fixed bug that would add revolt risk when in defensive war
Version 1.8.1 patch

Added DLC requirement to steam page:
you do not need the dlc to use this mod however commander abilities are not usable.

Update: 11 Oct, 2019 @ 11:14am

Fixed bug messing up commander debuffs
Fixed Bug chrashing the game when selecting sniper tech