Company of Heroes 2

Company of Heroes 2

Imperial Japanese Forces
Showing 1-10 of 76 entries
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Update: 4 Aug, 2023 @ 6:18pm

Destroyed HQ Kohei call-in now works for all doctrines. Thanks to 没领结,的兔w for the bug report!

Kohei are now affected by more doctrinal abilities, such as Ambush Tactics and Suicide Explosives. For the Emperor death refund added. Can build Radio Posts, Heavy MG Bunkers, Weapon Racks. Senninbari was not added yet- upgrades might be redesigned.

Update: 8 Apr, 2023 @ 1:53pm

Type 1 47mm AT Gun to T2 from HQ. Requirement for 2 buildings removed.
Gyokusai and Critical Repair Team build icons moved. 14 and 11 from 31.
T1 and T2 passive icons now appear after construction.
Hiroko contained.

Update: 1 Apr, 2023 @ 1:35pm

Hiroko has been unleashed!

She has replaced all of the other commanders! Instead of being hidden away in the Random Commander Selector!

Update: 1 Apr, 2023 @ 1:10pm

Update: 30 Mar, 2022 @ 3:16am

Chi-Ha Kai and Ka-So can now crush infantry. You’re welcome, FunnyFruit!
Type 4 Ke-Nu upgrade cost lowered to 10fu from 20.
Vehicle squad UI order fixed.
Hohei camouflage accuracy bonus set to 1.25x from 1.5x as intended.
7.7mm upgrade voice line changed.
Raider demo charge hotkey set to D from E to prevent conflict.

Updates for patches since the last AE update-
Snipers are slowed after shooting.
Plane crashes no longer crush humans. No kamikaze jokes, please
Type 92 MG Formation updated. No longer has custom Distribution table.
Both Type 94 Trucks can carry MG, mortar, and marksman.
Type 97 AT gun had projectile added.

Update: 8 Dec, 2021 @ 12:12pm

(Test Change) Field Infirmary now has its own building tab.
Fire Support Team vet 3 bonus to 20% accuracy, -23% received accuracy from 25 and -15. Accuracy nerf applies to AT Support.
Increased minimap size of Type 94.
Kohei AT Satchel Icon updated.
Hohei reinforce cost with Senninbari reduced to 19mp from 20.
Fire Support Ceramic Grenades fixed for Prototype Weapons. Type 4 Rifle weapon switch bug fixed.
Weapon Rack Text Improved slightly.
Airdropped infirmary is no longer a squad.
Random Commander Selector improved once again.

Update: 19 Nov, 2021 @ 6:14am

Fuel shortage moved to after 2nd tech.
Ambush accuracy bonus to 25% from 50 for all units except Raider Group, Mainland Veteran Squad, FBC, and LFC.
Ambush cooldown bonus now correctly applies to Infiltrators. Final Assault Squad ambush brought up to date, though they have no camo.
Field Infirmary size to 2 from 18. Weapon priority to -20 from -80. Building is no longer treated as a squad to fix its missing health and construction bars.
Log Spike Fence moved to Fire Support Teams from Hohei Squads. Once again provide heavy cover, from light. Build time to 24s from 30.
Fire Support Teams can now build Radio Posts.
Type 92 MG Manual Reload added, hacked from vanilla game files.
Type 3 Chi-Nu now properly requires T4. Thanks to FunnyFruit for the report!
Type 2 Ke-Nu Vehicle Priority fixed.
Type 1 AT Gun description updated. Both AT Guns now start with Vehicle Priority active. This was much harder to get working than it should have been because the editor STILL HAS NOT BEEN UPDATED.

Update: 12 Nov, 2021 @ 1:54pm

Starting manpower to 320 from 280.
Counter-Fieldcraft now using correct UI.
Chi-Ha 120mm Upgun cost to 20mp/10fu from 40/20.
LFC cost corrected to 230mp from 232.
Random Strategy Selector improved.

Update: 26 Oct, 2021 @ 7:05am

“T3.5” has been renamed to “T4”.
Vet 1 upgrade times for the Type 1 47mm AT Gun and Type 92 HMG reduced to 10s from 20.
Ancestral Weapon 30mu cost removed. Gave wrong weapon, bug fixed.
Aim Unerring 30mu cost removed.

Concealment Networks no longer affect Field Infirmaries. This is partly due to a bug, but the nerf is intentional.
Holdout Officer’s (non-functional) moving camouflage was removed, UI updated.
Final assault minimap icon improved.
Anti-tank Support Team UI updated.

Fire Support Minesweeping bugs fixed (had been enabled by T1, minesweeper models would appear). Thanks to FunnyFruit for the report.
Trench can no longer be upgraded with 2 weapons. This was a bug.

Update: 13 Oct, 2021 @ 8:47pm

Chi-Ha Defense Mode speed multiplier to .375x from .25.
Marksman Sniper Hide sight bonus to 15 from 20.
Landing Force Commander manpower cost to 230 from the bugged 252. Officer reinforce cost is now 35 as intended.
Raider Group: Throw Demolition Charge replaced with Timed Explosive Charge from USF Paratroopers. Smoke Discharger Round to vet 0 from 1, starts on a cooldown. Cost to 15mu from 10. Vet 1 reduces munitions costs of the abilities by 10 and 5, respectively.
Raiders and Infiltrators now use better code for their moving camo, based on Commandos.

Gyokusai: no longer throw an additional magnetic mine from ambush. Instead, penetration is increased by 2x, enough to guarantee penetration against all Allied vehicles, and cooldown is set to .75x. Since the ambush mine provided a much longer stun than the default, vet 2 stun improved to 2.5s from 1.5. Ambush camouflage UI updated.
Fixed bug which increased mine damage to 160 from 135 at vet 2.

Magnetic Mine Deflection Damage to 60 from 50. Affects Hohei and Gyokusai.
For the Emperor! no longer prevents Gyokusai from Banzai charging, since the ability does not affect Gyokusai. Ability no longer affects Critical Repair Teams.