ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

Human NPCs
Showing 1-10 of 63 entries
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Update: 31 May, 2022 @ 12:13am


Fixed - Turret glitch.
Added - Large villages.
Added - NPC Base raiding.
Added - LostIsland Spawns.
Changed - NoBuildDistance=25 (To assist with using Simple Spawners Mod).

Total_Villages=5 (The amount of big villages that can be on the map at a time)
Village_NPCs=50 (The Amount of NPCs the village will try and maintain)
Village_Distance=5000 (Minium distance between big villages)

Players must be at the base before it will be attacked.
Players can put a Do Not Attack Sign to prevent base attacks.

BaseAttackNotAllowed=0 (1 = Turns off the base attack feature)
AttackBaseAmount=3 (The amount of attack waves that will happen during a base attack)
AttackerNumbers=15 (The amount of attackers per wave)
AttackLoot=0 (The percent chance that a attacking NPC will drop their standard loot)
AttackHutRange=120 (The range the NPCs attackers will be spawned in)
StartAttackDelay=3600 (The NPCs will not attack for the first hour of the game)
AttackerPower=50 (The percent of status (health power ect) compaired to the normal NPCs 10-weak 150-strong)
MinimumStructures=16 (Minimum amount of structures within the AttackHutRange before the attack will happen)
AttackChance=60 (Chance that the attack will happen on the current loop, 100 it will always happen, Good to keep it random)

Update: 1 Oct, 2021 @ 7:55am


Fixed the clothing glitch when not playing the game in English.
Recommended to do an admincheat DestroyWildDinos if its not a new game.

The issue was that tames would be naked and bald when loaded from a saved game
and killed wild NPCs did not have any clothing in their inventory

Update: 18 Aug, 2021 @ 8:53pm


Genesis2 Spawns added.
Genesis2 Total_NPCs is set to 1000 by default.

Turrets are now disabled by default.
Turrets are now destructible in PVe.
Turrets can be damaged by projectiles.

Changed in GUS under [Human_NPCs]

Removed - NoTurrets=0

Added - TurretsAllowed=(0 or 1) Default is 0, (0 remove X Plants,1 Have X Plants,) 0 will remove all existing X Plants from your game.

Added - DamageTurretAmount=(1 to 100) Default is 1, How strong the X Plants are. 1 Strong, 100 Weak

Update: 28 Jun, 2020 @ 10:49pm


Fixed - Loot Spawn Bug
Fixed - Thatch wrong health

Added - X Plant Turrets to Villages
Added - Clothing_Quality=(0 to 100) adjusts the start clothing quality, under [Human_NPCs_Clothing]
Added - NoTurrets=0 NPC villages now grow X Plants (0 Have X Plants - 1 remove X Plants), under [Human_NPCs]
Added - TurretDistance=75 The minimum distance between X Plants, controls density, under [Human_NPCs]

Added - NPC Default Amounts
The Island is set to 1000
Genesis is set to 1000
Ragnarok is set to 1500
Valguero is set to 1500
Crystal Isles is set to 1000
ScorchedEarth is set to 1200
Extinction is set to 1000
The Center Set to 500
Aberration Set to 500

Adjust in the GameUserSettings.ini
Total_NPCs=1200 -- Set to 0 or remove this line to use Defaults

Maps not listed will default to 500

--Tip for the NPC X Plants--

Calm, Tame or kill the whole tribe to stop the X Plant firing.

If you have set the NPCs to friendly the X Plants will be too.
until you hurt a NPC or Hut or Steal their loot then they become active until the AngryCoolDown timer ends.

If the Tribe is killed or the owner NPC of the X Plant the the plant will destroyed when you leave the area same as the huts do.

Update: 12 May, 2020 @ 1:39am


Fixed - NPCs now do not turn off Preserving Bin
Added - Option in PIE for Bow and Spear to only use Tranqs
Adjusted - default Single_Loot_Array to lower amounts
Adjusted - Item_Quality=(-1 or 0 to 10) -1=Random 0=Normal 10=Highest
Adjusted - NPCs Reaction

Update: 15 Apr, 2020 @ 9:16pm


Added Naming your storage container NOAUTOLIGHT when you do not want to have the NPCs turn on and off.

Added Weapons and Tools to Default Single_Loot_Array
(Bola, Bow, Club, Metal Hatchet, Metal Pick, Slingshot, Spear, Sword)

Added -- Default_Single_Array_Replace=0 If you want to replace the tools with something else

Update: 9 Apr, 2020 @ 7:39pm


Added -- Genesis Spawns Points.
Added -- The Below GUS.INI settings.

Item_Quality=(0 to 10) -- 0=Random, Sets the quality of items in the Loot Crate.
Single_Item_Chance=25 -- 25% chance that each item from the Single_Loot_Array has to be in the Loot Crate, will only add 1 of each item.

Single_Loot_Array= Array of BluePrint Paths separated by a comma ( , ) but will only add 1 of each item to the Loot Crate.

Update: 27 Oct, 2019 @ 2:47am


Updated - Check for good ground to build huts.
Updated - NPCs add items to storage boxes code.
Updated - Punch NPCs will now collect berries and thatch from the environment and damage bushes like a player.
Updated - Clup NPCs will now collect fiber and thatch from the environment and damage bushes like a player.
Added - PlayerHutDistance=25 Range in Meters, The hut will not be built if a player is closer than this.

Update: 15 Oct, 2019 @ 2:48am

UpDate V2.33

Added - You can stop the NPCs using a storage box by naming it notauto
Added - NPCs will add wood to Standing and Wall Torches and light them at night and put them out during the day.

Note - You can add a weapon torch to the wall or standing torch and the NPCs will not turn it on or off.

Update: 13 Oct, 2019 @ 3:22am

UpDate V2.32

Fixed - Increased the spawn height to 5 meters.
Added - You can now wave and calm down the NPCs while driving a raft or riding a dino.
Added - NPCs can now light and put out the fire in campfires and forges depending on what is in the inventory.
Added - NoAutoFire=1 if you want to disable the lighting campfires and forges.
Added - NPCs can now add items to the Smithy, Fabricator, Chemlab ect as storage.
Added - ShowNoMercy=0 0 = They will leave you alive if you get knocked out, 1 = They will always kill you.
Changed - Improved item delervery system now works with S+ items and some other mods
Changed - Tamed NPCs no longer whistle.
Changed - OnlyPlayerUpsets to EveryThingUpsetsNPCs - Default is off.
Changed - If EveryThingUpsetsNPCs=0 (default) then NPCs stay calm after waving even after a server restart.