A Hat in Time

A Hat in Time

New Hat City
Showing 1-10 of 15 entries
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Update: 17 May, 2019 @ 9:37am

DLC 2 Recook

Update: 14 Nov, 2018 @ 12:59pm

Polish Update! Fixed glow status effect in Crow hideout, added water tower to junkyard, tweaked lighting throughout map, added belltower ringing sound, Fixed flickering platform in the factory, added dialogue to the Walrus Captain on the dock, added splash sounds for falling off of map, fixed broken DW timepiece materials, added short cooldown for switching music, fixed DW enemies spawning while not in death wish, added some new coins and collectibles, changed and added some music, broke the cinema projector, tweaked some visuals, moved some purple coins, other minor changes. Death wish challenge now uses correct death wish timer.

Update: 21 Sep, 2018 @ 9:09pm

Fixed Random Status Effect Volumes, Added new death wish challenge, Added many visual changes with new Seal the Deal assets, Changed the old Doctor's Office Building to Snatcher's Death Wish entrance, Added some npcs and some dialogue, Changed thumbnail.

Update: 17 Sep, 2018 @ 1:41pm

Seal the Deal- Map now works with the Update!

Update: 15 Sep, 2018 @ 2:18pm

Seal the Deal Update Test 2

Update: 15 Sep, 2018 @ 1:05pm

Seal the Deal update test.

Update: 30 Aug, 2018 @ 12:56pm

Fixed music switch (you can now swap between tracks as you please!), Removed crosswalk collision that caused players to bonk, Added cranes to blue area, Added ambient sounds, Added rain weather that can be toggled on top of clocktower (Rain toggle Kismet node provided by Jawchewa!), Added player jump recovery point in red area, Small visual tweaks, reworked boost panels to be faster.

Update: 30 Aug, 2018 @ 9:21am

Temporarily reverted back to previous update.

Update: 30 Aug, 2018 @ 9:06am

Accidental Update (Uploaded Wrong Version)

Update: 25 Aug, 2018 @ 4:26am

Added a new area with 60 total blue coins, a rift token challenge, and timepiece. Revamped night skybox lighting to actually make city darker, Slight redesigns of Red Area buildings. Swapped alternate and main music tracks. Added boost panels around the city. Fixed bird blocking music box input, however you must interact with the bird NPC before changing the music track. Fixed Rift Token with no collision. Specified in a Time Rift hint to be more clear. Many other issues fixed and minor visual changes, fixed dome collision on planetarium roof.