Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

129 평점
SRB2 2.2 Greenflower zone Act 1
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2024년 3월 27일 오전 5시 31분
2024년 4월 17일 오전 6시 39분
변경 사항 7개 ( 보기 )

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SRB2 2.2 Greenflower zone Act 1

This map is a port of the first level with a spawn area inspired and ported a segment of the final level from the fangame called: Sonic Robo Blast 2 (SRB2).

Side note: This map doesn't have a specific gamemode, and the rings on the map are now using a entity called item_healthammokit

This map port of the first level and the inspired and ported a segment of the final level for the spawn area are based on the 2.2 version of the SRB2.
This map includes Vscript one of the them increased a bit the jump height & speed of the players the other is just makes the item_healthammokit not turning into the halloween health packs when its on scream fortress, and now there a new vscript that make the item_healthammokit emit the sound, just to reduce a bit edict

I try to be as accurate as i can to the original map of the fangame even place every object that should be on the level (except enemies, monitors and the tokens, because i don't know how i could implement the special stages in the map without probably causing a edict problem again ).

All of the assets and songs used are from SRB2 (except for the Resupply Cabinet of course and also i discover that one song isn't from srb2 at all its from Earthworm Jim 3D) by the way i did some edit on some models but it is still not made by me, its still from SRB2

Filename: srb2_gfz_act_1_v7

I hope you like it.

Postscript: i hope that this new update fix the audio problem completely
인기 토론 모두 보기(2)
2024년 4월 17일 오후 5시 54분
Report bugs / problems
2024년 4월 8일 오후 1시 05분
green flower
댓글 34
Minealberto112  [작성자] 2024년 4월 30일 오전 11시 42분 
The Rat Man there only 5 emblems on the map
The Rat Man 2024년 4월 30일 오전 11시 23분 
How many emblems are on the map?
Minealberto112  [작성자] 2024년 4월 30일 오전 2시 36분 
pancakerings i actually thought of porting the srb2 ctf maps but then i realized i would have to recreated how it plays in srb2 because if i do it in the normal tf2 way the map would probably be a sniper heaven and since i don't know how to make complex vscript to recreated it that's why i didn't ported the srb2 ctf maps.

Aida i know that the map is like a sniper heaven but if i added objects that are not part of the original main map it would have make the main part of this map inaccurate to the original map of the fangame.
nicky needs medication 2024년 4월 29일 오전 7시 53분 
interesting but imagine if u ported the srb2 ctf maps
The Rat Man 2024년 4월 16일 오전 11시 45분 
Yeah I think the new version bricked the music because not it's just garbled scribbled noises
Aida 2024년 4월 8일 오전 11시 18분 
I want to like this but many enormous chunks of the map look like sniper heaven from the preview screenshots. Those insanely long, wide-open sightlines desperately need objects to break them up
Dead 2024년 4월 3일 오전 6시 34분 
May I advice that in the teleporter room, you can add portraits to where the player might get teleported into, helps alot what they'll be expecting.
miguek!! 2024년 4월 2일 오후 6시 37분 
soldado alemao de 1939 - 1945 2024년 4월 2일 오후 5시 25분 
lisadeems, the noise from pizza tower?
冰冻西瓜球🍉 2024년 4월 2일 오전 9시 05분 