Portal 2

Portal 2

63 ratings
The Cube of Destiny v1.2
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10.666 MB
7 Aug, 2012 @ 1:56pm
22 Sep, 2012 @ 10:26am
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The Cube of Destiny v1.2

What I think will turn out to be my most brain-bending challenge yet, but with that comes the fact that I've probably not managed to squish every bug in it. I tried my damndest to get them all, but if there's one that I missed, tell me
Update: Fixed an alternate solution, and made it clearer what each button does
Update 2: Reduced antline clutter, tidied up a bit, and removed the nescessity for the light bridges in the same swoop as making the test look REALLY PURTY :D Thanks Carl.Kenner!
zigzagtenniscoe 12 Jul, 2024 @ 6:40pm 
Another one I’m not familiar with from having watched Rage, but this one actually wasn’t bad. I initially thought I wouldn’t care for this, because much like the last one the steps were mostly obvious. Not to mention while the way to get out of the room behind the grates is obvious, the double-grates significantly reduce visibility and detract from the aesthetics of a test which otherwise isn’t that bad for boomer Old Aperture BEEMOD-style.
zigzagtenniscoe 12 Jul, 2024 @ 6:39pm 
But that last move was sick. Redeemed the chamber in my eyes. I was thinking that it would be a combination of luck and ninja skills with the way I was trying to game it, then I looked at the cube dropper… and wondered if there was any way to sacrifice to get a new one to get the momentum required rather than relying on my speed to get back to the my button to open the gate to its button, sending it through a floor portal while running on the gel in an attempt to conserve momentum that never works well with objects for some stupid reason…

And then that move dawned on me. Didn’t take me too long to figure it out, but hey, you’ve gotta be a little meticulous and stand on both buttons to make it work , but you also make it easy to execute if you know exactly what to do. All the hallmarks of great techniques, checked!

Difficulty: 2.75/10
Enjoyed: 6.75/10
SpielSatzFail 29 Nov, 2020 @ 2:20am 
It worked for me but didn't feel 100% intended. I'd prefer the surface under the dropper to be only one panel for two reasons: it would serve as a hint and it would be easier to place the cube catching portal correctly. Other than that good chamber.
LB 8 May, 2017 @ 8:27am 
How challenging was this supposed to be? If it was meant to be more than easy, I probably found an unintended solution: https://youtu.be/MAzna5mD9Rc though the only other solution I can think of is just as easy, so maybe it needs more fixing?
Petutski 6 Nov, 2016 @ 9:58am 
Very clever cube momentum puzzle. Thanks!
smaccona 6 Aug, 2013 @ 10:07am 
Really excellent - possibly my favorite of yours so far
Lumina Rose 19 Oct, 2012 @ 3:53pm 
Great Chamber, loved it immensly
Zavinious Akkol 17 Sep, 2012 @ 11:53am 
This had me skating around with the cube like a fool for a few minutes until I figured where the inertia came from.. very good indeed!
Yunas  [author] 9 Sep, 2012 @ 8:49am 
@Geneosis Yep, that's it! I deliberatley lowered the celing by one recently to stop you being able to give the cube enough speed with the gel
Geneosis 9 Sep, 2012 @ 8:31am 
Oh, you should just use the cube fall speed from the dropper right? Well I forgot that there was a white surface here after painting all the room in orange XD