Space Engineers

Space Engineers

685 ratings
3D Ship Projection
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7 Nov, 2016 @ 6:52am
2 May, 2019 @ 9:56am
19 Change Notes ( view )

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3D Ship Projection

CAUTION: Use at your own risk! Never use it on public servers!
Heavy performance impact!
Text surfaces support added. Keep in mind the script was not originally written to support this,
so it's not perfect (image running out of screen with different sizes than original LCD).
To use it, add zero-based index of surface after second '/' character of tag. If none specified, zero is used.
Example: 3D/1,2/0; 3D/Menu/1

To make it work, you must switch LCD font to "Monospace".

Ship diagnostic tool. Useful script for viewing your ship in 3D from your bridge online.

Script is compatible with Digi's control module. However it is not essential to run script. Only controlling menu will be a bit more difficult.

This script is able to scan your grid and also all connected grids containing at least one terminal block. Then it shows output on screen including which block are functional (and if they are actually working), which are damaged and also destroyed. On included HUD shown on top left corner you can immediately determine your ship's status.
I focused on variability and simplicity, so every variable you can change is accessible without opening script and changing values there. Instead of it, you change them in menu controled by buttons or using Digi's Control Module.
Changes made to this script are saved through sessions in certain world.

Setup of script:
1) Place this script to programmable block, compile it and save it.
2) To determine on which LCD panel the projection will be shown, add a '3D/x,y/' to its name, where x and y are indexes of position of panel in panel matrix, starting at zero. This means the most top left LCD panel should have '3D/0,0/'. (Ignore quotation marks.) To print it on different surface, use index behind the tag: 3D/1,2/0; 3D/Menu/1
If you don't understand, you can start with adding only '3D//'.

To adjust projection (scaling, rotation correction, rotation speed, color schematics, toggle functions), use MENU -> "Set parameters". There are more settings available there, just have a look.

Setup of menu:
Menu is toggeable, means it will NOT show up right after you set up name of LCD. To show it, press "menu" button.

1) To name of a LCD panel you want the menu be displayed on - add tag '3D/Menu/' To print it on different surface, use index behind the tag: 3D/1,2/0; 3D/Menu/1
2) To control menu you need 7 buttons in total. (In toolbar or on button panel). To make buttons, (if you don't use Digi's Control Module) run the programmable block with these arguments:
left, right, up, down, enter, back, menu
3) To toggle menu, press 'menu' button.

If you use Digi's Control Module, set it to read all inputs and uncheck the 'Run on input' checkbox.
Keybinding is as follows:
left/right/up/down - Numeric 4/6/8/2
enter - Numeric 5
back - Numeric 0
switch menu - Home

Setup of HUD screen:
You can have only HUD displayed on LCD. To make it so, add this tag to LCD: '3D/HUD/' To print it on different surface, use index behind the tag: 3D/1,2/0; 3D/HUD/1
And that's all.
(This feature was implemented very roughly, and is not very optimized neither fancy-coded. Script crashes and non-intended behaviour may occur.)

Setup events:
Script will trigger certain timer block if ship integrity will fall under or is equals defined percent.
After triggered, it will wait till the integrity raise above the percent before it is triggered again.
To setup an event timer block, add '3D/<type>_<percent>/' to it's name, where <type> is either 'ARMOR', 'TERMINAL' and 'TOTAL' and percent is integer between 0 and 100. Examples:

Whitelisted grids:
To reduce rendering time and simplify view, you can set which grids will be shown.
In menu, open 'Whitelist grids' and then you can manage through passing arguments to programmable block, which keywords (at least one) must contain any block on grid to be shown.
I personally add ship tag to every block belonging to that ship. This way, if you have a spotlight on rotor, and spotlight contains ship tag, and you add tag to whitelisted grids, event the spotlight is shown.

Additional notes:
If you want to reset settings, run the programmable block with 'RESET' argument.

If you want to pause execution of script (for whatever reason), use 'power [on/off]' to pause the execution.

Keep in mind that the more LCDs you use to projecting, the longer will it took. Also when big picture is shown on LCDs, it will make lag. (Since game must render very much characters on LCDs, it is not cheap).

It is possible to regulate the refresh rate of ship scanning and model rendering. These values found in menu configuration means which ticks will script wait before processing task. (More or less). The ship scanning has the most priority. So if you set Ship refresh rate to lower value than the ship scanning actually take, it will lock the script to only scanning ship without rendering results.

I defined 5 different color schemas for use. If you want to change it, and you can do C#, look for char GetBlockColor#() functions is ShipObject class. It is not difficult to understand what is going there.
For others, the presets are:
#1: FUNCTION - Functional blocks are green if working, otherwise yellow. Missing are red. Not functional terminal blocks are lighter gray, others dark gray.
#2: EXTENDED - Different blocks have different behaviour (if solar panels has input, it has different color, if door is opened, if tanks are set to stockpile, and also the actual fill values, sensors are blue if detected something, cockpits are blue if occupied etc.)
#3: INTEGRITY - the block integrity is available only to temrinal blocks, so armor blocks will remain gray until destroyed. Other blocks will change color from green to orange according to their integrity.
#4: STATUS - Everything gray except missing red blocks
#5: SIMPLE - Everything gray.

You can define more LCDs with same index, it will be projected to all LCDs.

Your menu LCD can be also projection LCD. If you then activate menu, it will be shown instead of projection.

I intentionally tried to remove all user configuration inside code, so don't you need to open script and recompile it with new settings.

Blueprints using this:
"Minas" Compact VTOL (Vanilla/WASD)

Not recommended for use on multiplayer servers.
Hektor Riven 5 Apr @ 12:47pm 
I see none answered to Fallenq. I had the same issue but easily solved it by reducing the following values, from their default 49,000 to 10,000:

const int MaxInstructions_Render = 10000;
const int MaxInstructions_Scan = 10000;

The refresh rate is very low: once every few seconds, and not regular, but it's perfect as one doesn't need to check twice per second if the ship gets damaged, plus is much less performance consuming!
PimpMyDog 2 Mar @ 7:03am 
Hi is it possible to somehow use this script's functionalities to find out where do I have heavy armor blocks in my grid? Even if I have to modify the script. Initially I built my plane with heavy armor blocks but when it was almost ready I instantly regretted it lol then I started to replace the heavy blocks one by one to light armor blocks but the grid is still weighing absurdly much so there still has to be some remnant heavies hiding somewhere. Tons of effort have gone into this massive contraption so I don't want to just start anew.
anrew10 17 Aug, 2023 @ 8:39pm 
Currently only able to see the 3D/Menu/ LCD, and no matter what i do to the 3D/0,0/ LCD nothing is showing even when i turn it specifically to text
BigErn77 27 Jun, 2023 @ 7:33pm 
No longer works with Digi's Control Module.
Fallenq 12 Nov, 2022 @ 2:55am 
The script is too complex how to fix this?
lolomot 9 Nov, 2022 @ 8:34am 
Is there a limit on how big a grid can be?
Georgik  [author] 28 Feb, 2022 @ 1:53am 
@Eisenwolf not currently, but you should be able to fix it locally by changing line 197 replacing
`b.CubeGrid == program.Me.CubeGrid` with `b.IsSameConstructAs(program.Me)`
Eisenwolf 28 Feb, 2022 @ 1:32am 
Is it possible to put the PB on the maingrid and the LCD on a subgrid (hinge or rotor)?
Georgik  [author] 8 Nov, 2021 @ 6:32am 
It is mentioned in Additional notes
KotiKat 8 Nov, 2021 @ 5:35am 
Hai i wanna change the destroyed block color to yellow or something like that where in the script can i change the color?