Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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Client Side Mod Collection
A collection of worthwhile client-side enhancements that will work on any server for you.

No Mods Warning has a slight bug and might not be worth subscribing to yet if you join a lot of different modded servers.

-----Advanced Tooltips-----
- Allows for configurable tooltips with values from hunger/health/sanity to insulation values
- Good replacement for Display Food Values + Detailed Tooltips BUT has reported to crash occasionally

-----Always On Status-----
- Persistently Displays Health, Hunger, Sanity, Player Temperature, World Temperature, Moon Phase (including waxing/waning), and World Day, and a Season Clock.

-----Where's My Beefalo?-----
- Primarily adds a minimap icon for Beefalo, but can be configured to include icons for most things (gatherables, critters, most giants etc)

-----Geometric Placement------
- Displays a grid when placing objects that shows where you can/cannot build
- Grid can be extended, but causes increasing lag

-----Gesture Wheel-----
- Adds a wheel to quickly select emotes by pessing G

-----No Mods Warning----- *BUGGED*
- Removes the mod warning when loading up the game
- BUG: shows warning after connecting to a modded server and requires you to re-connect to clear it

-----Minimap HUD MZ-----
- Enhanced version of the Minimap HUD mod with more custom options in-game and out

-----Smarter Crock Pot-----
- Adds a predict button to the crock pot to show what you will cook

-----Sticky Recipe-----
- Adds a "Sticky" Button to crafting recipes and adds it to the HUD, with item progress and a remove sticky/build button

-----Wormhole Marks-----
- Colours wormhole pairs on the map when you enter them, up to 12 wormholes.

-----Status Announcements-----
- Alt-click parts of your HUD to announce their status globally or locally.
- This mod can be configured to display current/max values in the mod section.
- You might want to check out the page for full instructions and keys!!!
Items (11)
Advanced Tooltips
Created by Licat
Display a lot more information on item tooltips Info: - Food values (hunger/health/sanity) - Food spoiling time - Weapon damage - Item durability - Armor durability & protection - Clothing insulation - Heatstone temperature (host only due to technical limi...
Combined Status
Created by rezecib
Supports all versions of Don't Starve (Vanilla, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Hamlet, Don't Starve Together). You can also download from GitHub, although that won't auto-update for you. (code contributions also welcome via GitHub) This mod enhances the HUD...
DST Where's My Beefalo?
Created by shtornovi
Please make Jesus Lord of your life today, I love you! Playing DS for a pretty good amount of time today.I've decided that i need a direct path to my Beefalo. Adds minimap icon for the Beefalo. Requested and added icons for Winter Koalefants Summer Koalefa...
Geometric Placement
Created by rezecib
Compatible with all versions of the game (Vanilla, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Don't Starve Together-- separately listed on the Single-player workshop). You can also find it on the Klei Forums Snaps objects to a grid when placing and displays a build gri...
Gesture Wheel
Created by rezecib
Adds a wheel selection interface for emotes, making it easier to emote. By default, the hotkey is set to G (but you can configure it in the mod config options). Holding G will bring up the gesture wheel, then moving your mouse in a particular direction wil...
Minimap HUD MZ
Created by pigshaam
Adds a minimap to the HUD with More customiZable and more controlable configuration options in game mode are added. I think that this MOD is very complex to understand and to use it. When more customizing is unnecessary, you must use original "Minimap HUD"...
Smarter Crock Pot
Created by Nadav
WARNING: Mod has not been updated a long time. Read the comment section. Do you find yourself confused over the many recipes the crock pot offers? Do you need to check online before cooking? This mod alters to Crock Pot to show you what you're going to coo...
Sticky Recipe
Created by Rick
Makes a recipe sticky to remind you what you are working on. Click the sticky button in the recipe popup and a windowless popup will appear on the right side from which you can also click build. Very useful to keep track of how much you've gathered and rem...
Wormhole Marks [DST]
Created by Black Mirror
Changes wormholes icons on mini map to colored icons. Every pair of worlmholes get its color icons after you use one of the wormhole. Can support up to 22 pairs of wormholes. If colors of the icons are not visible enough you can enable Draw over FoW in mod...
Status Announcements
Created by rezecib
How it works ALT(+SHIFT)+click parts of the HUD to announce their status ("I'm wounded!", "I have 2 twigs.", "We need more drying racks."). For controllers, the announce buttons show up on the HUD when in Inventory or Crafting mode. (SHIFT is needed for in...
Gold Boulder Map Icon
Created by Splooze
Adds a minimap icon for the gold boulders. They probably added it to the game by now. ...