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Chivalrous AI
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26 Nov, 2024 @ 9:07pm
1 Dec, 2024 @ 12:39pm
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Chivalrous AI

NOTE: This submod is to be played on VH campaign difficulty. Battle difficulty can be adjusted as you desire.

Rome Remastered AI is well known to be extremely biased against the player. On very hard difficulty even your allies will soon declare a war on you if they find an undefended settlement. This breaks immersion for a mod like Chivalry, which is set in Medieval period. This was a time of alliances and religious struggles.

This mod fixes above issue. It contains an AI script that removes AI bias against the player even on very hard difficulty.

The features of this mod are as following

AI changes:
1. For neutral faction, AI will not attack player as soon as it borders it. It will take into account the player's relations with other factions such as if player is at war with the faction that is AI's ally then AI is more likely to attack
2. AI will not attack its player ally so it will never (or very rarely) betray the player.

Campaign balancing changes:
1. Religious penalty to public order is reduced.
2. Cavalry is nerfed. They are still stronger than infantry but to a less degree
3. All unit cost is reduced by half.
4. Unit recruitment times are reduced.
5. In standard (medium) unit size all spear units have 60 men, all missile and melee infantry units have 40 men, all cavalry units has 20 men and general's bodyguard has 10 men

Above changes with are done to ensure that the AI is chivalrous diplomatically but is strong and aggressive when fighting against.

NOTE: With this submod your settlements will always have taxes automanaged. Even if you set the taxes yourself it will be overridden in the next turn. Unfortunately, there is no way to solve it with current modding capabolities that game provides. To compensate for this you will get extra income and population growth from your settlements.
luckyjkun  [author] 31 Jan @ 12:11pm 
Oh man you will then hate the expansion mod I am working on :D
Tumbleman 30 Jan @ 7:32pm 
It's an interesting idea but i tried playing a campaign as Nicaea and for tor the first 30 turns i was destroying stacks of 1k-3k turks every single turn. The drastically reduced costs meant that the turks could endlessly replenish their losses to the point where every city I captured had the minimum population. I don't know if this experience carries over to other campaigns but I found myself tired out after the constant battles that stopped me from paying attention to just about anything else other than my largely stagnant border with the turks. It would be neat to get this mod without the financial changes that seem to encourage the AI to spam endless half and quarter stack armies to besiege my cities.
luckyjkun  [author] 2 Dec, 2024 @ 8:47pm 
No it does not work for big map submod.
I am not going to make this for those mods because those mods are constantly being updated and each update will break the submod. I am busy with another mod and cannot constantly chase their mods.
I will be happy to help modders of those work shall they every want to incorporate this into their mods
Emir Ismael 2 Dec, 2024 @ 4:33am 
@luckyjkun regarding your question (What mods do you want such mod for?)
can you assure that its working for the big map submod and if you can make one for glory of Rome or imperium surrectum
Emir Ismael 2 Dec, 2024 @ 4:31am 
is it working for the big map sub mod?
luckyjkun  [author] 1 Dec, 2024 @ 12:39pm 
Fixed early era campaign issue. Should work now
suenchai 1 Dec, 2024 @ 2:59am 
only tried early campaign. i can only press esc and reload the auto end turn save to get around the issue. So, reload every turn :(
luckyjkun  [author] 30 Nov, 2024 @ 11:42pm 
For early campaign or high and late as well?
There is a bug in early campaign. Will push update soon
suenchai 30 Nov, 2024 @ 11:19pm 
The moment I press end turn at turn one and enters a new turn, ai automatically takes over everything, e.g. moves troops, retreats, attacks etc. Then, ai ends turn for me and the cycle starts again. I wonder this is a bug only happens in my games or others have such issue. It will be better to fix it asap. Otherwise, the unit balance seems good in custom battles.
luckyjkun  [author] 30 Nov, 2024 @ 10:43am 
Sorry for confusion. I added chivalry mod as a required item for this mod