Men of War: Assault Squad 2

Men of War: Assault Squad 2

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Battle Of the Kruzhevsk (Eng)
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Battle Of the Kruzhevsk (Eng)

On June 12, 1943, German troops surrounded the Soviet city of Kruzhevsk. Dmitry Klimov's army was ordered to stand to the end...
Kruzhevsk is a small Soviet city developing for military needs. It is of strategic importance because it is in a very advantageous geographical position. A large number of military depots and an industrial zone make it possible to supply the Soviet army.
In pre-revolutionary times, the estate of one of the wealthy nobles stood on the site of the Kruzhevsk. With his money, residential huts were built, a school for peasant children and a small church on the hill, a water mill was built on the river and a windmill near the field, the nobleman himself lived in a house that stood on an artificial embankment not far from the peasant houses.
After one of the wars of the XVIII century, the noble house was completely destroyed, and the rest of the village was looted and left abandoned for many years. Also, as a result of the past battles, several cannons remained on the mountain near the church, one of which still stands there ...
More than 100 years have passed since the first workers settled in the village, which was nicknamed Kruzhevsk. Huts, a school, two mills were repaired, a field was plowed, a village council building was built, and roads were paved. Life proceeded slowly until 1939...
In 1939, after the outbreak of World War II, an order was given to modernize the Kruzhevsk for military-industrial needs. An industrial zone, several residential blocks, a cultural center, and shops were built. The artificial embankment was turned into a headquarters, a military unit and warehouses were erected, thus Kruzhevsk officially became an advanced Soviet military-industrial city and further development plans were impressive...
After the invasion of the German army in 1941, the construction of the city slowed down sharply due to lack of resources...
In 1943, Kruzhevsk was surrounded, but no one was going to give it into the hands of the enemy without a battle...
Russian version:
HOI4|Mr.Pickles 7 Dec, 2024 @ 1:02pm 
ис 3 в 1943? лмао
YOUSIF 1 Dec, 2024 @ 10:34am 
nice game well done
Towarzysz Mateusz 22 Sep, 2024 @ 2:19am 
it crashes like 5 minutes after the start of the attack, i think it has a problem spawning some units