Оцінок: 175
Adaptive Simple Storage
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Mod, 1.4, 1.5
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18.716 MB
26 лип. о 12:38
8 серп. о 20:22

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Adaptive Simple Storage


This mod is an independent port of [JDS] Simple Storage by JangoDsoul from the LWM's Deep Storage to the Adaptive Storage Framework using the Simple Storage Retexture and restyle made by Phaneron.

Why should I consider using the Adaptive Storage Framework over LWM's Deep Storage?
LWM's Deep Storage has a passive overhead and is generally less optimized than ASF. LWM was a great mod when it was released because it allowed you to store items in objects using its own integrated system prior to support. However, now this is out of date because this feature is supported natively. ASF's thingdefs use the vanilla maxItemsInCell field while LWM's runs alongside vanilla creating passive overhead along side retaining various limitations regarding stack numbers causing a drain on your TPS and FPS. Beyond just using the vanilla system ASF also introduces some seriously cool features like graphics that update as you store items and allows you to hide the rendering of items that are stored away. This mod is a backend rewrite of [JDS] Simple Storage to utilize this new framework so we can enjoy Phaneron's awesome art and reap the performance benefits of ASF.

I'd greatly recommend you check out a great performance mod made by the talented creator of ASF bbradson on GitHub!
Performance Fish[github.com]

Is this mod compatible with LWM Deep Storage?
Yes. ASF and this mod are perfectly compatible with LWM's Deep Storage. ASF even allows you to choose systems between the two. However, if you continue to use mods dependent on LWM's Deep Storage then I would recommend you look into LWM's Shallow Storage an updated fork that switches port to the vanilla storage fields improving performance.

Is this mod compatible with the X storage mod?
This mod should be compatible with all other storage mods. If one isn't let me know as it's probably a simple fix regarding the defnames that I have been lazy to update to make sure they're unique. As far as I can tell this mod can even run alongside the latest version of Simple Storage and Old Simple Storage a mod that retains some of the storage options removed in the latest update.

How do I use the other textures in the screenshots?
To reduce storage tab clutter this mod allows you to rotate objects to switch textures. Look for the handy "Rotate to change appearance" notification in the description of the object to know if you can rotate it.

My boxes are missing and some colonists are stuck!
If this happened to you then you were subscribed prior to the major code rewrite that fixed some major bugs please read the info at the bottom of this page as there is an easy fix!



This mod is an independent port of [JDS] Simple Storage by JangoDsoul and uses no assets from the original mod. I am not affiliated with the ASF team. This mod was made with the permission of Phaneron to use his textures in the port. Please check out his mods including Basic Storage a mod that goes well alongside this one! I claim no rights to the contents of this mod meaning you are free to modify it and re-upload it as you please. Please just credit the original authors!

(CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)[creativecommons.org]

If you loaded your game and noticed that your boxes are missing that means you were subscribed prior to the major code rewrite.
Your items should be safe as my mod does not control the number of items in a cell stack that is controlled by ASF!
This update fixed a litney of errors and issues that went unnoticed in my play-testing. It was worth it, trust me!

Here is how to fix it: Load the affected save, notice which boxes are missing, place new boxes over top of where the old ones are.
If any pawns are still unable to move after trying the above: they are stuck in a JobDriver state loop try resetting the pawn by drafting them which should reset their JobDriver state resetting them. Sorry for any inconveniences, this was my first mod!
Коментарів: 105
vin  [автор] 16 жовт. о 9:50 
I'd have to ask a translator if they can do it. I'm very accepting to the idea.
LeoWyze 16 жовт. о 9:33 
When will localization be added?
ShinUon 15 жовт. о 20:55 
That would be really awesome if you ported those!
vin  [автор] 15 жовт. о 19:37 
There are some performance reports in the Dubs Mods discord (available via the Dubs bad hygiene steam workshop page). However, I can tell you that the performance hit varys with colony scale and items stored.

Any haul operations, significant # of items stored, and stacks past a certain stack size will cause a significant TPS & performance hit since it invokes its own system that isn't optimized rather than the new vanilla logic. I can consider porting some of the textures and storage objects from deep storage to ASF at some point soon maybe!
ShinUon 13 жовт. о 0:08 
The description says LWM Deep Storage has passive overhead. How much performance difference is this when compared to ASF?

I've switched over to ASF mods but still miss the types of containers LWM Deep Storage had. Not sure if it was worth it since I'm not sure what performance improvement I got by switching.
Z9527 7 жовт. о 13:09 
Thank you very much for your answer.
vin  [автор] 7 жовт. о 12:51 
Perfectly safe to make that change. Make sure to set it to read-only so that when i update your change isn't replaced so your items get shot out of the box.

For your second question, I'm only planning to maybe add custom shelves and perhaps refrigeration.
Z9527 5 жовт. о 18:11 
In addition, I would really like to be able to add custom capacity size Settings and the option to use stone to make boxes. Is this likely to appear in a future update?
Z9527 5 жовт. о 18:09 
hey boss, I thought I had too little storage space, so I changed the number <maxItemsInCell>8</maxItemsInCell> in the XML Crate E ThingDef. I found that the in-game capacity did get bigger. The first time I changed the MOD's contents, Is it safe?
vin  [автор] 3 жовт. о 18:22 
Vanilla Expanded Props and Decor. It adds a category to the furniture tab which lets you place props that don't add to colony value and just act as decor.