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17 Jul @ 2:42pm
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"Like walking, but better"

Everything is achievable through technology. Better living, robust health and - for the first time in our history - the possibility of a better teleportation. Hello and welcome to Spark Industries. What you'll need for spacefaring is right here.

Project sb.Teleport, courtesy of SI, was created as a response to the tender published by the Terrene Protectorate. Its goal was to create a convenient, functional and simple UI system paired with their newly implemented Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice. Eventually another finalist had been chosen, one the Terrene Protectorate dubbed more... "agreeable".

We at SI, however, never lost hope. While the Protectorate's eventual demise was tragic and untimely, not in the least due to billing and development plans put on indefinite hold, it also offered an opportunity to get access to Ship Lattices circumventing usual Protectorate bureaucracy. We finally got a chance to see our ideas in practice. Please, keep in mind that new technology involves risks, so remember to backup your important data before upgrading, and report any issues with the system to our engineers. A happy customer is a healthy customer with their limbs still attached. Be safe and travel with a flash!

Thank you for choosing Spark Industries.

Latest version and source code are available on Github [].

Replaces teleport window of vanilla ship teleports and teleports purchased from 2-Stop Teleshop. Old interface is still accessible via fallback button.


- All the usual QoL MetaGUI stuff
- You can deploy mech anywhere you can teleport
- Filtering! Filter can be set via corresponding textbox. Enter while in the textbox applies the filter (only bookmarks that have filter in their text fields are visible). Search is case-insensitive. Standard destinations (like Warp down) are not affected. Esc while in the textbox or Reset button resets the filter
- Previewing hazards. If a bookmark is selected, info panel tries to list permanent environmental hazards at destination. Don't forget to equip your EPP!
- Now with editing and deletion. Deletion asks for confirmation. Polite.
- Supports longer names than stock UI (Vanilla bookmark names are limited to 28 characters)

Requires Stardust or Stardust Lite. There are no other hard requirements, although OpenSb users may see some minor bonuses.
Замінює інтерфейс корабельних телепортів і тих, що можна купити в 2-Stop Teleshop. Старе вікно все ще доступне через кнопку [Vanilla Dialog].

Що у нас тут:

- Стандартні фішки MetaGUI (наприклад, підтримка тем)
- Якщо кудись можна портанутися, то і меха можна запустити (якщо, звісно, ви його маєте).
- Фільтр. Можна шукати закладки по вмісту тестових полів. Ігнорує регістр літер. Стандартні локації (наприклад, "Вниз на планету") при фільтруванні не прибираються і доступні завжди. Натисніть Esc в поле або відповідну кнопку, щоб скинути фільтр
- Передпросмотр загроз. Намагається показати постійні кліматичні умови на планеті, яку ви вибрали. Не забувайте вдягнутися по погоді.
- Тепер разом з редагуванням і видаленням. Видалення запитує підтвердження (як і має бути в продуманих інтерфейсах).
- Підтримує довші імена для закладок (в базовій грі існує ліміт на 28 символів)

Потребує встановлений мод Stardust або Stardust Lite. Інших вимог немає, але користувачі OpenSb можуть отримати деякі дрібні бонусні фічі.
[UA]BorealStargazer  [author] 23 Jul @ 1:38pm 

I've included a patch for one TP from this mod, you can see it here in Github repo []. It applies new UI to outpost-styled radar teleporter from this mod, if that's the one you're trying to use. I'm going to reupload it here tomorrow.

That mod also has "bigoutpostteleporter", I didn't touch that one. The process is the same for each of them:
- find out how it is called internally and where is its object file located (vanilla racial teleporters are in /objects/ship/tpname/tpname.object, purchasable ones are in /objects/teleporter/..., modded ones are wherever the mod author put it - in case of More Teleportz, those are at the same locations, but in their own subfolders)
- create inside my mod folder a file tpname.object.patch at the same path as the "original" TP object.
- copypaste content from any other similar patch file into it.
Pixus 23 Jul @ 8:54am 
Right now I'm just using the More Teleportz outpost teleporter as an example of trying it out.
[UA]BorealStargazer  [author] 23 Jul @ 5:36am 
@Pixus Afaik no, if the modded race has its own teleports defined in the same way as the base game.
Which race are you using?

On FU: Hotfix for science outpost is ready locally, but I need a bit more time to assemble and republish the mod here.
Pixus 22 Jul @ 8:52am 
Thanks for the template suggestion! I did try it myself and I don't think it's working at the moment. Do I need to put in the Lua file in there as well?
[UA]BorealStargazer  [author] 22 Jul @ 7:46am 
@Pixus Since this problem will probably arise with any custom race using custom teleporters, I can suggest a "template": take a look at the patches for vanilla tps on Github, then copypaste one and rename for your race.
I can make a patch if I know what mod it is :). Or, if you make one yourself, feel free to poke me so I can add it to the mod as an option.
[UA]BorealStargazer  [author] 22 Jul @ 7:37am 
@OctoBi28 Looked into FU. The game crashes to main menu if a player tries to use a teleport at Scientific Outpost with my mod installed. Other teleports seem to work fine, both on ship and purchased teleporters. So you can warp to FU SO, but not from FU SO using their local teleporter.
I'm looking into it, but the solution isn't easy. A patch for FU SO is required, and patching a dungeon is more complicated due to the size of its file.

I can tell what needs to be changed, but so far I wasn't successful.
Pixus 20 Jul @ 8:29am 
Since I'm using a modded race, that makes more sense. I'll simply just make a patch for that then in the meantime, and thank you very much for your response!
[UA]BorealStargazer  [author] 20 Jul @ 2:11am 
@Pixus Just tested it - runs fine. Extended GUI changes vanilla dialogs (but keeps the objects intact), this one instead changes objects (teleporters) to use the new UI but does not change vanilla window in any way. In my tests, sb. window opens by default, and Extended GUI's one shows when I press "Vanilla Dialog".

Tl;dr there is no overlap in files being patched between those two, so it should be compatible.

1. Maybe another mod in your installation is patching teleporters (as objects) in some way.
2. The scope of this version is limited to ship teleports for vanilla races and vanilla 2-Stop Teleshop teleports. Stationary teleports (for example, at the Outpost), custom teleports for non-vanilla races (like Avali) are not included yet (hence "alpha" version). I'd like to ensure it works as intended first, and get some stats as to what custom races are in use, and what can be improved. If you're trying it with one of those, let me know, I'll see if I can patch it in quickly.
Pixus 19 Jul @ 10:40pm 
Quick question but is this compatible with Extended GUI? I have this and it installed and since it's not displaying this mod's teleport screen, I assume that it's being overrided.
[UA]BorealStargazer  [author] 19 Jul @ 11:17am 
@OctoBi28 Tried to reproduce the crash but didn't succeed. Teleporters for vanilla races seem to work correctly. Teleporters for FU races still use vanilla interface (as expected, since I didn't write patches for them yet). I'll attach a screenshot from FU to show it.
Although so far I've tried only FU on top of OpenSb, not vanilla Sb.
If you have time, try to throw your starbound.log at me on OpenSb Discord server, I'll try to figure it out.