Halo: The Master Chief Collection

Halo: The Master Chief Collection

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Purps Halo 2 Campaign Overhaul Old
Engine: Halo2
Game Content: Campaign
File Size
8.336 GB
19 Jun @ 7:47am
2 Jul @ 2:51am
29 Change Notes ( view )

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Purps Halo 2 Campaign Overhaul Old

*NOTE* When microsofts servers broke last night I was in the middle of updating the mod. This caused my steam upload file to corrupt and is not longer even attached to the actual workshop file. I had to upload a new version of the mod but will be leaving this up. You can find the updated version of this mod here: Purps Halo 2 Campaign Overhaul Updated


The purpose of this mod is to rebalance the legendary campaign for a bit of fun making every weapon usable and fixing a lot of the bugs like Brutes having as much HP as hunters (not joking btw) or just bullet spongey enemies in general giving them a heafty nerf to their overall HP. Elites remain unchanged as they need no buffs/nerfs. Keep in mind, that every weapon buff you see the enemies also get which is multiplied even higher by the legendary affixes so no, this isn't going to be that much easier to run. You will, however, not get one shotted by jackal snipers anymore, yay! I did throw in a couple of whacky changes for some fun as well. I also increased the amount of allies/enemies in several areas.

A comprehensive changelog can be read on the nexusmod page :)



Oldmomba update 1.0.3
Fixed some pathfinding issues
Increased ammo on ground weapons
Added new magnum marine at start
Other general / optimization fixes

Cairo update 1.1.0
Many changes made to the levels ally/enemy count
Pathing changes and fixes

Delta Halo 1.1.0
Updated the map changes many different encounters. Enjoy!

Outskirts/Old Momba 1.1.0
Streamlined the map experience and the level should be overall completed now.

Regret 1.1.0
Changed many battle encounters and even added some "fun" new ones :)
Purple Sauce  [author] 3 Jul @ 1:10am 
Okay, while I was uploading last night the microsoft servers went to the toilet to take a crap. This corrupted my steam workshop upload tool and disconnected the mod from the workshop so I couldn't update it anymore. I uploaded a new version of the mod called Purps Halo 2 Campaign Overhaul Updated on the steam workshop. I will be leaving this mod page up, but if you want to get the new updates please go subscribe to the new mod page. I'm really sorry about that but nothing else I could do to resolve this issue other than making an entirely new mod upload. The link to the new mod page is above in the description as well.
Purple Sauce  [author] 2 Jul @ 2:26pm 
I can't add any other updates atm due to the account login issues with xbox live for the moment. I can still, however, modify the mod and test things as I please. I will be finishing up some different encounters in different levels that I had planned, then doing small modifications to high charity and the great journey and that's about it. Everything should be mostly finished by tomorrow. After that just more playtestings and QoLs.
Purple Sauce  [author] 2 Jul @ 2:24am 
update has been released, more QoLs, streamlining more things, a few encounter changes on Quarantine and Uprising.
Purple Sauce  [author] 2 Jul @ 1:36am 
Next update coming shortly. Many more QoLs, a few changes here and there. We're coming close to being done! It's been a long 2 months but after the changes to Uprising, High Charity, and The Great Journey are complete we will officially be finito. Most things seem to be working as intended now so after these changes are done I may do a few more QoLs and the mod will be completed. Thanks for sticking it out with me!
Purple Sauce  [author] 2 Jul @ 1:00am 
Thanks for your kind words Doom, most of those bugs are intended other than the jail cell bug. The third bug is actually in the base game itself and I'm not sure how to fix that tbh. The jail cell bug happened when I was originally changing the script over a month ago which broke them so I gave them a better weapon in the coming update. You can grab it quickly to get a super weapon or just let it go :)

You would also be surprised, the pathing issues were a nightmare to fix. If anything, it took me the longest amount of time just fixing the pathing issues since this game uses dynamic pathing and hardcoding pathing doesn't always work.
Doomweapon66 1 Jul @ 8:25pm 
Should also note one last thing: I'm actually fairly surprised that this is one of the few mods I've really seen for Halo 2 that fixes the pathing issues the AI generally have. I imagine it wasn't necessarily the most "difficult" fix but it felt way better actually having my AI allies follow me pretty closely through the levels.

Also love that the friendly AI actually have some competence (or as close to that as it gets for friendly AI in Halo) and a bit more durability now. Think this mod was the first time I ever really felt fairly comfortable with giving an AI ally a rocket launcher or fuel rod gun outside of a vehicle section with me driving. Normally giving them rockets outside of vehicle sections means they blow themselves up or they blow you up but I only had 1 time in the mod where I got friendly fired by the AI.
Doomweapon66 1 Jul @ 8:17pm 
Only "major" complaint I had with the mod was having to walk for the most part through the tank section of Delta Halo and the first vehicle section of Quarantine Zone doesn't feel good but having the army of elites and marines walking with you does give it a totally different feel and experience.
Doomweapon66 1 Jul @ 8:13pm 
Actually enjoyed this mod a bit. I probably played it at a lower difficulty than intended but I was mostly looking to see what was changed with the sandbox and I liked what I saw.

Found 3 bugs but none of them were major issues.

First bug is marines in most cutscenes have BRs glued to their hands. Not a big deal but it was pretty funny seeing Johnson and Miranda just having BRs with them after being captured.

Second bug I found was the marines in the jail cells in Gravemind have human weapons. Their weapons disappear when they pick up the weapons on the floor but it made for a very interesting run going through Gravemind with a BR.

Third bug I found was getting a magnum then swapping a dual wielded weapon with an ally with a pistol gets you 2 pistols, 2 normal weapons, and lose the ability to dual wield.
I'd almost say it's not worth fixing just because you can do an interesting strategy of normal weapon, pistol, normal weapon, pistol.
Purple Sauce  [author] 1 Jul @ 6:24pm 
Hotfix uploaded Enjoy!
Purple Sauce  [author] 1 Jul @ 4:43pm 
Forgot to recompile the map so the marines still have the sparking going on around them since they don't have any shields 😂 Will be fixing that in about 10 mins