Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Artículos (59)
The New Order
https://i.imgur.com/t6GK7yd.png The year is 1962, and Mexico is held fast by the Leviathan. Before the Second World War overturned the global system, the Mexican Revolution destroyed the Porfirian regime in a deluge of violence. Now, under the New Order of...
The New Order: Last Days of Europe(CN.Ver)
Creada por Camouflage
时值西历1962年,欧罗巴正在长筒靴下苟且偷生。 第二次世界大战将旧世界彻底焚毁,一个新秩序从它的废墟中涅槃重生。在它的暴政之下,数百万人归于黄土之中。在它的威胁面前,自由的最后灯火行将熄灭。 大日耳曼国在世界大战中崛起,成为欧洲无可置疑的霸主。无数的生命在终焉之战逝去,但他们的鲜血换来的只有耻辱。德国的雄心壮志最终都化为了痴人说梦。它的军队如死尸般臃肿涩滞,它的政治如马戏团般内讧不休。如此种种,悉数印在阿道夫·希特勒那行将就木的视线之中。在他的身下,无数秃鹫盯着他,目露饥渴凶光。 东亚细亚在共荣圈的大旗下...
幻想乡音乐 Gensokyo Musics
Creada por 墨染新月
精选东方project同人纯音乐 车车人都爱听的电台 联机可用,不影响版本号! music、音乐包、电台 封面:p站id 106531074 ---柏林人形 歌曲目录在播放器有,或者MOD文件里localisation内。...
2on2 ARENA CN Ver.
Creada por 我个菜荀子
欢迎来到钢四亚洲挑战赛官方地图 非常感谢TommyKay的授权。这个图原来问题很大,但我花了大量的时间来重新平衡。现在已经基本定型,在比赛结束前只会进行小规模调整。 TommyKay原本地图 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2897277292&searchtext=tommykay (停止更新) 注意!!本mod同时支持简体/繁体版本 简体玩家请在启动器勾选官方中文,如果觉得字体丑可以打个52字体mod(创意工坊) 繁体玩家请在...
Creada por 西里斯-Sirius
Creada por 西里斯-Sirius
西里斯AI优化记录 法国-民主-小协约国: 1、法国进行国策的顺序 2、法国将重心放在欧洲,并且重点针对德国,向东南亚国家要求驻军支持 3、法国提高顾问倾向,提高学说精神倾向,提高战时经济和部分动员的倾向 4、法国在不会触发debuff之后主动移除马提尼翁协议 5、法国不要给予德国和意大利科学家庇护 6、法国拒绝土耳其投资事件 7、法国邀请南斯拉夫和罗马尼亚加入必然成功 8、法国不要征用民用火车和重组铁路系统 匈牙利-中立-哈布斯堡: 1、匈牙利进行国策的顺序 2、匈牙利将重心放在欧洲,并且重点针对德国和意...
东方project 将领和内阁包(Touhou Advisers&Generals)
Creada por 冷月茗
I only made Simplified Chinese, but you can freely translate it into the language you want. 添加了幻想乡的少女们作为将领,因为人太多的缘故所以直接做成的白板将(高情商:方便刷将)。 制作了其中一些人物的内阁(人太多了真的做不过来,脑子灵感耗尽了.gif) 开局需要决议启用,为了方便按照出场作品做成了决议列表,你可以根据需求招聘你想要的少女们。当然,全点一遍就是全都要。 不建议在相关萌化mod或国家中使用,出现克隆人概...
Nazi flag centered
Creada por Lost
Nazi flag, centered version...
Dancing Hitler Portrait
Creada por Gindisi
Dancing Hitler Portrait v1.0.6 for Hearts of Iron IV v1.13 ABOUT: Changes Hitler's leader portrait to an animation of him dancing. Based on this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoV_gsbYcxI Inspired by the animated leader portraits added in Old World...
Creada por 同一个热
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2093668479901191298/F1D4C9A84A1AFD9719B61BE4E120A40E8B291203/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false 在一个作者懒得设定的平行时空中,1936年的神州大地出现了新的割据势力:理塘。你将扮演丁真珍珠,中间忘了,同时,逐步发掘理塘的真相。 MOD特色...
TNO music 2.0 (+from submod's)
Creada por VELF
Music from the TNO mod Original mods: TNO 2WRW ODF Next Frontier Songs from the Future The Ayden George Collection I recommend playing with TNO GUI to achieve the best effect. DO NOT RUN WITH A REGULAR TNO WITH IRONMAN...
Creada por shenyoule
收录了十九首丁真名歌 1.zood 2.i got smoke 3.烟distance 4.nayanion 5.xxx 6.smoke forever 7.nicodin 8.自抽巷 9.理塘Hood 10.smokeboy 11.等一下就回家 12.理塘夏天3.0 13.烟曲 14.烟渣子 15.1376赫兹 16.last day 17.寄给阿妈的信 18.货源假 19.我记得 2023.6.5更新 添加三首歌曲 自抽巷 理塘hood smokeboy 重新录制了所有歌曲 2023.6.16更新 添加...
Creada por Yukitaga
旧版:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2945449516 新版丁真阳光帅气 相比之前更贴合钢4画风...
Red Flood
Creada por Red Flood Mod Team
The 0.3.7 update has finally arrived! https://docs.google.com/document/d/19XnAndS8Q8cCEmW1eU3mc9DmOW6zFkZ9Bt0_SY8xTLw/ Welcome to Red Flood https://i.imgur.com/8eO4zSq.png In 1905, when the guns fell silent in the Far East, the Russian Empire had won a pyr...
Red Flood CN
Creada por 卡巴基
本Mod为外挂汉化版本,请确保【连同赤潮Mod本体一并勾选】,并【将游戏语言设置为中文】!!! 本Mod为外挂汉化版本,请确保【连同赤潮Mod本体一并勾选】,并【将游戏语言设置为中文】!!! 本Mod为外挂汉化版本,请确保【连同赤潮Mod本体一并勾选】,并【将游戏语言设置为中文】!!! 赤潮有自己的讨论群了!群号:397587815 汉化组目前急需翻译人员,欢迎有志之士前往 https://paratranz.cn/projects/180 申请加入汉化 版本介绍: 由于赤潮原版的一些Bug以及相对频繁的版...
Pax Britannica: Lo-Fi Beats to Commit Man-Made Horrors To
Creada por New Grestin
https://i.imgur.com/Kimo2QE.png Intended to accompany the base mod, Pax Britannica: An Imperial Timeline. This music mod contains three new radio stations with 78 songs: https://i.imgur.com/8ZexFeZ.png Pax Britannica - Original Music: A variety of original...
Pax Britannica: An Imperial Timeline
Creada por New Grestin
"With this principle, you may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension." - Nikola Tesla https://i.imgur.com/HKWxMSd.png https://i.imgur.com/Ybw14Bb.png For more than a century, Imperial Britain has ruled over nearly a billion souls, with domi...
Creada por Glowingone
使用汉化时请将启动器语言改为简体中文。 本汉化为Submod形式,请配合原mod使用。请通过以下链接订阅PB本体与音乐包: https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=2792132018 https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=2792130727 简介 以此原则为指导,你也许能活着看到超乎想象的人为灾难。 -尼古拉·特斯拉- 一个多世纪来,大英帝国统治着数十亿的生灵,英国的势力遍布...
The road to 56 CN
Creada por Hungry Fool
支持1.14新版本 现在只加载56汉化一个mod即可,不需要再订阅56原版 已经启用中文模式,请在启动器切换中文使用 游戏本体于每月的八号更新,届时我们的更新会导致旧存档闪退,想接着玩旧存档的请及时备份mod旧版本文件,我们的模组ID是2129897125 !!!重要!!! 注意: 请勿挂载52汉化、人名和部队名称汉化 、 原版汉化补全 、 以及任何修改将领领导人名称图片和部队船名的模组,除非它是专用于56之路打造的,因为其代码很**地把检测触发条件的代码写成了按名称检测,可能会出现,国策条件不满足,事件无...
TNO Map Mod
Creada por Trespasser
Back, and up to date! If you encounter any bugs, feel free to reach out to me, or leave a comment. Updated to 1.14.* Ironman Compatible Should be working with most mods that do not change the map's colour attributes/terrain textures. The first two iteratio...
East Showdown
Creada por nidelak
https://i.imgur.com/4dfkDPT.png Welcome to the East Showdown (ESD) This mod is an Russian-Ukranian War / Special Military Operation simulator and recounts the events that took place after 24 February. Our mod is neutral and not pro-Russian or pro-Ukrainian...
East ShowDown (东欧危机)汉化
Creada por 欢哥小鱼
事件文本变代码临时解决方法:将3198719932/localisation中的simp_chinese文件夹复制黏贴至2948642461/localisation中即可解决 BUG:事件文本变代码(未解决) East Showdown - 东欧危机 汉化 本模组为外挂汉化包,请订阅原模组搭配游玩 创作者: 欢哥小鱼 - 翻译/发布/校对 没有任何汉化组!任何自称此MOD汉化组的都是骗子! 新的大地图微操模组汉化来了,1944诺曼底登陆,刚兴趣的可以去看看欧 Scenario: Overlord 汉化 当...
摘要: 我叫田所素食,立本长崎人,今年16岁,是女子高中生. 自从1905年打赢了对沙俄的战争后,立本的一切都是那么欣欣向荣.我所在的长崎原本只是一个落后的小港口.但不到30年的发展,长崎就摇身一变成为了影响力辐射半个太平洋的国际都市.显然,学院读本上是这样说的.我在这里活着,在这里后悔.我的存在被印刻于纸上,我的生命就是阅读进行的时间,我想向你讲述的是我的故事. 开笔记,伴随着翻页的声音.不止一次,我的视线从高到低,越过流动的云朵与缓慢的时间,又回到了悲伤与遗憾的岁月... 那天天气晴朗,阳光透过水汽折射...
Creada por firefox
本MOD无需或者说是不可以和KX本体一同开启 今后请在启动器里的游戏设置里把语言改成中文(可能需要更新启动器),然后先不用任何MOD开一次游戏原版确定切成中文后,再开KX汉化 可能会出现各种文本问题,正在观察中 每次更新的内容请看改动说明 注意,KX现在内置了路线教程,远比讨论区的准确 由民间热心人士组建的kx讨论群,可加群讨论872718435 如果发现读取了是原版,可以看看讨论区的方法 提醒一下,所有SUBMOD用之前都请关注一下是否适配了最新版本KX KX汉化补充 https://steamcommu...
The Great War Redux
Creada por J12
The Great War: Redux is a stand-alone rework to Wolferos’ famous Great War mod. https://i.imgur.com/q8cpY5E.png Revamped focus trees and gameplay for a more varied, replayable, historical and interesting experience. If you want to be involved in the develo...
(新)The Great War Redux 中文汉化
Creada por 思绪过分热情
⚠️考虑到部分玩家的困难,本汉化改为中英双语版本,无需再修改启动器语言⚠️ ⚠️本汉化为外挂式汉化,使用时必须与本体一起勾选⚠️ ⚠️打开是英文/乱码/原版内容的,请先查看帮助文件尝试自行解决,实在无法解决再加群询问⚠️ (位置:Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\394360\2968781930) The Great War Redux的新汉化Mod,在原汉化组的基础上适配了最新版本,同时修正了大量原汉化组的上古错翻和机翻内容。 QQ讨论群群号:773292710 部分子模...
Cold War Iron Curtain-Chinese Version
Creada por fight fow
本汉化包由他们改变冷战汉化组完成,针对钢铁雄心4游戏。请在游戏启动器设置选择中英文均可,单独加载本汉化整合版即可,无需另外加载52本体汉化,也不要加载其他相冲突的mod。 冷战铁幕原mod英文版链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1458561226 第一版:1.5天佑女王版已汉化完毕 第二版:1.54罗得西亚版文本汉化率:96.9% 第三版:1.9抉择时刻版文本量在9万5千行以上,汉化率97.5% 第四版:1.10强硬派文本量...
Endsieg:Ultimate Victory
Are you interested in a more accurate, more fun and europe-only Endsieg-like mod? Join the Primo Victoria Discord! This is the official successor to the Götterdämmerung 1944 Mod. Anyone else claiming to be or uploading a former/older version of this mod (G...
Creada por Midare_Toushirou
This is a Chinese translated version of great mod of "Endsieg: Ultimate Victory". Non-Chinese players please visit https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1532883122 to get the English Version....
Darkest Hour v1.0 The Road to War
Creada por Soviet Gengar
https://i.imgur.com/9L4QYDd.png https://i.imgur.com/HZzV944.png Darkest Hour is a total overhaul mod for Hearts of Iron IV. Beginning in 1933, the world is still reeling from the effects of the 1929 Wall Street Crash. With the rise of extremism in Europe, ...
Creada por Mel-Hlc
至暗时刻(DH)v1.0版汉化包(23/07/24) 汉化包的每次更新内容可以点击本mod预览图右侧,更新时间下方的“改动说明(查看)”。 当前汉化包对应版本: DH:v1.0.5 HOI4:1.12.14 !!!请在启动器中将语言改为中文!!! B站中文汉化宣传片 创意工坊预览界面没有是因为Youtube的CJB审核被视频里面的小胡子吓傻了 D H 汉 化 组 现 状 云汉化(请通过测试后再申请加入汉化群): https://paratranz.cn/projects/4630 discord中文频道: ...
UMCbN 2.02
Creada por Narzgel
2.02 Update is OUT! Join us on Discord! • https://discord.gg/GD8JWq7 • see regular TEASERS there • place for your suggestions, bug-notice • place for chat, chill and new friendships :-) Support UMC on Patreon and claim BENEFITS! • https://www.patreon.com/N...
UMCbN 2.0 (CN)
Creada por 小龙龙笼包
本mod为汉化mod,原版为UMCbN 2.0,即原*UMC*系列mod,现原版已整合为一个mod 原版steam链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2805019475 汉化已获得作者授权 尚未汉化部分进度: 法国:60%(剩余包括事件、决议、民族精神等) 德国:90%(剩余均为事件文本) 对原版字体不适应的朋友可以订阅这个mod:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetai...
Creada por 吾双RG
公告:无论将来p社怎么更新,本字体mod永远都是可运行的,有感叹号也不用管! 铁人√ 这个mod会在你开启官方中文时显示52汉化mod所用的字体 侵删 如果字体变糊了评论区有解决方法 尘埃漫步粉丝群:528536160...
Total War Mod
Creada por stjern
Total War Mod DISCORD: https://discord.gg/qRM4Brd DO NOT use other mods together with TW, low chance of compatibility. (Music mods and our submods are compatible). Use HIGH texture quality for the new map textures, use MEDIUM for vanilla textures. --------...
Total War CN(全面战争汉化)
Creada por bilibili阿皇
==Total War CN(全面战争汉化)== 如果可以,请在上面图片的左下角点个免费的👍👍👍吧,好让更多的人看到这个MOD,非常感谢! 现在汉化为最新24.5.31版本,如果创意工坊自动更新失败,解决方案:重新订阅MOD;不行就删除我的文档中的整个P社文件夹,或者P社文件夹里的整个钢四文件夹。 祝大家六一快乐 Paratranz云平台项目链接:https://paratranz.cn/projects/7895 日常更新(目前翻译进度99.96%,缺校对与精翻,欢迎前来支援!) qq群:72137759...
BlackICE Event-GFX
Creada por maverick
Added several new event-pictures Version 7.0.2 updated for use on Avalance 1.12.13 Blackice HIM and lower versions Please report any comments or Q on the main Blackice steam page https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1137372539...
BlackICE Historical Immersion Mod
Creada por maverick
{ENLACE ELIMINADO} We aim to bring Hearts of Iron 4 to an all new level, making your game experience more immersive, historical and challenging. Black ICE completely overhauls most national focus trees, changes gam...
Creada por Manfred
黑冰8.1.1汉化包(240926) BI汉化组(云汉化)负责维护与更新 欢迎各位热爱黑冰、有志汉化的同好加入 本汉化包仅包含localisation文件夹的翻译以确保稳定运行,故没有包含人名、番号、舰名等翻译。同时由于黑冰原版的事件文件位置十分分散,不一定在localisation文件夹内,故可能有部分事件的标题、选项是没有翻译的。 云汉化: https://paratranz.cn/projects/823 52论坛: https://bbs.52pcgame.net/forum.php?mod=vie...
World Ablaze (8.1)
Creada por Uncharted
https://i.imgur.com/tSNsh84.png TOA Compatible! Summary World Ablaze is a ongoing project to completely overhaul Hearts of Iron 4 to become more challenging, historical, and exciting to play. It features a massive expansion and complete overhaul to the tec...
World Ablaze (8.1) CN燃烧的世界中文版
Creada por Polaris
重要说明 因P社已更新官方中文,本MOD现只保留【simp_chinese】语言,以前使用中文内容假替英文文件的汉化方式将被废弃,请各位玩家在启动器将语言切换至中文游玩。 启动器里选择游戏设置→语言→选择最下面的【中文】 简介 燃烧的世界(World Ablaze)是装备科技大改(Armed Forces Overhaul)的正统继任者,在装备科技大改(Armed Forces Overhaul)拆分为纯科技树MOD后,其游戏性、国策、事件等改动和新增均由本MOD继承,本MOD仅汉化,其他游戏性本体文件需要...
Toolpack without the Errors
Creada por marijn211
The most improved and up-to-date continuation of Toolpack Perfect for debugging, fixing peacedeals or just cheating. The opening button is above the map options at the bottom-right (or use control+T). After enabling a menu click a state on the default map ...
Millennium Dawn: A Modern Day Mod
Creada por Millennium Dawn Mod
https://i.imgur.com/hpEdk0J.png https://i.imgur.com/MYaznE7.png With the dawn of a new millennium, a new chapter in human history is about to be written. Globalization continues to change the lives of countless billions while rising extremism is showing si...
Millennium Dawn: Construction Slots 112+
Creada por Memil
Millennium Dawn: A Modern Day Mod : 112+ Construction Slots Expansion submod Precautions Please subscribe to the base mods below before playing this mod. Millennium Dawn: A Modern Day Mod What mode is this? This mod increases the maximum construction slots...
GEO Modern Models Mod for Millennium Dawn
Creada por Kakheti Kartli
★Prohibited activity Unauthorised redistribution or modification is prohibited. If any unauthorised redistribution or modification is discovered, this mod will be deleted. (Do not re-texture it either without my permission) ★Creation of sub-mods of this mo...
Millennium Dawn千禧黎明汉化补充
Creada por Mel-Hlc
Millennium Dawn 千禧黎明汉化补充 V1.10.2 1.各国开局的库存外国装备,如“Mig 29”→“米格 29” 2.编制及番号列表、开局部队番号(法国尚未完成) 3.国名翻译为此前的全称模式,如“美国”→“美利坚合众国” 闪退的试一下重新订阅,记得重订之前把mod文件删干净,本mod文件夹为steam\steamapps\workshop\content\394360\2993730352 已知不兼容: Millenium Dawn New Weapon Icons & GFX (舰船和人...
新秩序GUI | tnoui
Creada por LEON
替换游戏ui eng.ver here 此模组不对因使用未在简介内列出的模组所产生的问题负责 mod兼容补丁(灰色表示无需补丁): 原版,56之路补丁,赤潮,kr补丁/Kaiserredux补丁,Fuhrerredux补丁,马国戡乱史兼容补丁,umc补丁,千禧补丁,八年抗战补丁,千周之国补丁,東方劫烬变(ROA) 补丁,(烽火重扬补丁,(more flavor)),英式和平补丁,燃烧的世界补丁,旧世蓝调补丁,new ways补丁,旭日永不落补丁,全面战争补丁,至暗时刻补丁,冷战铁幕补丁,红色世界补丁,The...
The New Order: Last Days of Europe - A New Millennium DEMO
Creada por tara_kdn
A New Millennium The sequel to the well-known mod The New Order - Last Days of Europe! Almost 60 years have passed since the atomic bomb brought victory to the axis powers. Their hegemony would, however, not be eternal. The German Reich, having suffered fr...
The Moe Order: Last Episodes of Anime
Creada por Rei
The Moe Order: Last Episodes of Anime - or TMO for short - is a full anime conversion of The New Order: Last Days of Europe that aims to recreate its entire world in a new light. We hope to be as accurate to the source material as possible within the mediu...
Anime History
Creada por Star
The greatest anime crossover in history! https://i.imgur.com/pmJr2s4.png Anime History is the most popular anime mod ever made for a historical strategy game with over 100.000 subscribers! This mod not only fills every single portrait in Hearts of Iron IV ...
Anime Music
Creada por Star
Anime Music is the largest collection of anime music ever made for a historical strategy game! https://i.imgur.com/2Ofe0An.png This music mod not only covers immersive music for playing with Anime History, but also provide anime songs from other genres thr...
World of Anime
Creada por Star
World of Anime is Anime History's companion mod with alternate portraits! https://i.imgur.com/pmJr2s4.png World of Anime is Anime History's companion mod with alternate portraits! This mod not only fills every single portrait in Hearts of Iron IV with an a...
Millennium Anime
Creada por Rune
The world of anime marches into the new millennium. https://i.imgur.com/AxRtwRS.jpg Hi there! I would like to share with you all my latest project which is an anime mod for Millennium Dawn! I first came up with this idea a few months ago and got to work la...
The Road to Anime
Creada por Rune
The world of anime shall last to '56 https://i.imgur.com/BK9ER0g.jpg Road to Anime is the official Road to 56 compatibility spin-off of Anime History. Having over a thousand portraits in the quality Anime History is known for, this mod will enhance the ani...
Millennium Anime 2
Creada por baconizerfordays
Will not change checksum! With permission from Juliet, this mod simply continues Millennium Anime to the newer version of Millennium Dawn. This mod is stand-alone and doesn't need the original Millennium Anime to work. Portraits that are of lower-quality a...
Adorable heart
Creada por 希尔
钢铁萌心 重大通知 在mod排序中,需要本Mod放在最下面 现在钢铁萌心已经完全适配了官方的简体中文,如果你进入游戏发现游戏内文本为英文或者文本残缺,请在语言设置中调整为中文 如果你不想使用原版字体,可以搭配这个模组使用(建议使用原版字体) (不推荐使用)字体替换:【钢铁萌心】52字体替换 更新日志 更新内容可以参考steam的更新日志 QQ交流群群号:903913596 萌心discord 萌心联萌 希尔的秘密花园 bilibili官方账号:钢铁萌心制作组 更新进度与日志都会在这两个地方发布。 学习版 学...
Adorable heart music
Creada por 希尔
钢铁萌心音乐包(可单独使用) 钢铁萌心地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2879371758 目标是每个主要国家都来一个电台,如果你喜欢的国家还没有电台,先别急,电台会有的,一切都会有的。 已更新的电台: 奥地利:德意志统一电台 圣杯王国:圣杯同萌皇家电台 苏联:苏维埃革命电台 火车国:火车人偶电台 戴比路克帝国:乐园计划电台 神州帝国:光耀神州电台 幻想乡:幻想乡精选电台 瓦哈拉社:NINE电台...
TNO: Next Frontier
Creada por NIKA
https://i.imgur.com/74gNH53.png Per Aspera Ad Astra Ever since humanity was just born on the plains of Africa, the stars shining brightly in the black night sky have always been a symbol of dreams and hope. At last, humanity has the power to bring us close...
TNO:Next Frontier(CN.ver)
Creada por KangNi
Next Frontier汉化已经兼容简体中文!请大家切换到中文游玩! 汉化组目前缺人手完善大量文本内容,欢迎各位大佬通过申请后加入到汉化大家庭中 云汉化:https://paratranz.cn/projects/6441 汉化考核群:615991629 https://i.imgur.com/74gNH53.png 循此苦旅,直抵群星 回望过去,自人类诞生于非洲平原之初,夜空中璀璨的星空长久以来寄托着人类的希望与梦想。 日新月异,现在的人类已能迈向星辰大海,离开我们的摇篮——地球,至下一处边疆。 德国正...