Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

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More Bookmarks+ CHS
More Bookmarks+ 自用

Community Title Project
MB+ CTP Compatch
Items (36)
Regional Immersion and Cultural Enrichment (RICE)
Created by cybrxkhan Current Version: 1.12.3 "Syracuse" (Released 9/8/24, Compatible with vanilla patch 1.12.X) Newest Flavor Pack: Sicily: Where Three Worlds Met Next Flavor Pack: Lesbos: Island of the Poets 2024 VIET/RICE Survey & Celtic Flavo...
Community Flavor Pack
Created by El Tyranos
Community Flavor Pack aims to add a lot of historical portrait accessories for your characters, filling the many cultural lacks of vanilla CKIII. Dress up for war or court as you would be between 867 and 1453, impress your friends and subjects. https://i.i...
Community Title Project
Created by TheGib770
The mod is currently in a rewrite that allows much more compatibility and flexibility of titles and names. You can see the progress on the discord. Community Title Project is a historical overhaul mod that aims to enhance your CK3 immersive experience by d...
Ethnicities & Portraits Expanded
Created by Celticus THE MOD IS 1.12.5 COMPATIBLE! Ethnicities and Portraits Expanded is an expansive project aiming to bring the world of Crusader Kings 3 to life with a wide selection of custom ethnicities and custom 3D assets. From the Zoroastr...
EPE CHNlocalization
Created by Solomon YOOOOO
EPE汉化模组 Chinese translation submod for the Ethicities and Portraits Expanded(EPE) mod by Celticus,xangelo,Uber,Kagarino Kirie and other contributors:
CFP + EPE Compatibility Patch
Created by Kaepbora Load Order Compatibility Info for Creators Since CFP+EPE in combination exceed the index limit (256) of the headgear gene, I introduced a new gene, called `headgear_CFP`. If you have a mod tha...
Culture Expanded
Created by Celticus THE MOD IS 1.12.5 COMPATIBLE! Disclaimer - Some screenshots may be out of date for initial release, bear with us as we make up to date ones. Culture Expanded is a map spanning project that aims to expand the culture variety,...
文化拓展汉化 Culture Expanded Chinese translation
Created by Niamh Chinn Óir
Culture Expanded汉化 仍在进行中 目前进度100% paratranz地址 欢迎有能力者助力 感谢汉化组成员: Chuen0610 (泉) 、Rimorsoer 、mmonimhacker 、Andraste-DK (Andraste)、 HTenshi 、junqingjiuchu (CN_LZY)、AnoldGH 、mengmengtuan、常白、牛奶大魔王、DONGHAIZHIDABIE、51...
Succession Expanded
Created by Celticus THIS MOD IS 1.12.5 Compatible! Succession Expanded is the second project from the Expanded Mod series which aims to create a more historically authentic experience through the addition of multiple new succession types. From ...
SE CHNlocalization
Created by Solomon YOOOOO
SE汉化模组 Chinese translation submod for the Succession Expanded(SE) mod by Celticus,TheGib770,UberEpicZach,Emrysvaldr and other contributors:
RICE + EPE Compatibility Patch
Created by cybrxkhan Latest Version Released 9/8/24, compatible with vanilla patch 1.12.X Manual Download/Older Versions available on Github This is an optional compatibility patch for Regional Immersion and Cultural Enrichment (RICE) and Ethnic...
More Bookmarks+
Created by Leviathonlx
This mod enables further bookmarks in the game and also highly modifies the map, character, and title history to create a far more detailed map for the entire playable area from Iberia all the way to Mongolia. While this mod looks rather large it is actual...
Created by 帕秋莉q
汉化了morebookmarks+这个mod(目前进度82%,除部分人名地名外基本上汉化完毕) mod简介:这个mod在游戏中启用了更多的可以游玩的剧本(比如查理曼,天国王朝,第四次十字军,百年战争等),并且大量修改了地图、角色和头衔。同时把地图延伸到了东亚地区。 特点: -增加了更多也更为准确的地点。并且把地图延伸到了东亚。 -增加数百个新的CoA头衔 -生成历史骑士团,条顿骑士团和医院骑士团可以被游玩 -从769到1337年的超过22个新的剧本 增加了一些剧本的新决议,比如重建1204年后的拜占庭帝国 ...
The Catholic Trinity: 1.12.1 "Scythe"
Created by Uber The Catholic Trinity is a mod that originated as simply another module from The Kingdom of Heaven mod that has evolved into an independent and standalone mod for your CK3 games. The Catholic Trinity aims to expand your game-pl...
The Catholic Trinity 汉化模组
Created by LordCardinal
目前汉化貌似出现了一些问题,导致一定情况下本mod无法正确显示,可以将2730456007\localization\simp_chinese中的所有文件删除,将本mod上对应文件夹的所有文件复制到上边即可正确运行。问题正在进一步排查,请耐心等待。 另本汉化mod因时间原因会有不少错误,如发现错误可以直接写在评论区,我们将会尽我们能力去修订它。 The Catholic Trinity 模组的汉化,感谢肝帝CardinalCoresucn的无私奉献,此模组绝大部分汉化文本都是他的成果。 ui中有少量文本尚未...
Created by Leviathonlx
Created by Leviathonlx
MB+ No Flavorized Titles (Don't use with CTP)
Created by Leviathonlx
For boring people. Removes title flavorization for outside Asia. Don't use with CTP LOAD AFTER THE MOD...
Battle Graphics
Created by Ajey
Compatible with 1.12.* ✅️Iron man ✅️Achievements ☎️ Bug Report / Help 💡 Changelog 🛠️ Compatibility Questions / Patches / Submods I love CK3 but i hate how vanilla (= no mods) battles look and feel in game. Only two graphical...
Battle Graphics CE Compatibility Patch
Created by Ajey
Compatible with Crusader Kings 1.12.* This is the Compatibility Patch for Culture Expanded and Battle Graphics. ⚠️ Please read the following mod loading order instructions carefully. It's very important to use the correct mod loading order! https://i.imgur...
Battle Graphics EPE Compatibility Patch
Created by Ajey
Compatible with Crusader Kings 1.12.* This is the Compatibility Patch for Ethnicities & Portraits Expanded and Battle Graphics. For more information incl. mod loading order please check out the mod description of Battle Graphics....
Battle Graphics EPE CE MB+ Compatibility Patch
Created by Ajey
Compatible with Crusader Kings 1.12.* This is the Compatibility Patch for using More Bookmarks+ and Community Flavor Pack and Culture Expanded and Ethnicities & Portraits Expanded together with Battle Graphics incl. all other required Comp. patches for tho...
Population Control (Reduce late-game lag)
Created by CreamKaKao Description A simple mod that controls the population. This mod helps reduce late game lag. <Before> <After> Creates a decision ...
Big Battle View
Created by Agami
Adds a more detailed, fullscreen battle view. Switch to the normal view with Page Down, open the big one with Page Up. Switches to compact view if there are more than 5 MAA in the list. Shows big knight portraits if there are fewer than 3 MAA. There's a bu...
More Interactive Vassals
Created by perl
A comprehensive overhaul to CK3's vassal mechanics, in development for over 3 years, that focuses on adding character interactivity and new gameplay mechanics. Update 3.0 is out now! (Full Changelog) Discord Server: A Modula...
Created by 凝辅国
重写了原版的“结束封臣战争”,“要求在封臣战争中投降”互动,与相应的拒绝事件。 可以对封臣的封臣使用这两个互动了,在拒绝事件中新增了一个加入战争的选项。 并添加这两个互动到当前情势栏内,不需要像以前一样需要一个个地去找在交战中的封臣了。 对原版的events/interaction_events/vassal_interaction_events.txt文件进行了修改。 欢迎任何bug的报告与反馈...
Created by 真快乐否
mod主要目的: 1.为了快速区分后代子嗣是玩家一代目的哪一支。 2.快速区分角色是否是未认领的私生子支系。 右键决议:创建家族分支 限制:被选中的 ai 必须是本家族成员,玩家必须是宗族族长。 右键决议:创建家族分支(未认领的私生子) 限制:被选中的 ai 必须是非本家族成员,且真实父亲是玩家。 右键决议:开除宗族 限制:被选中的 ai 必须是本家族成员,且实际父亲不是真实父亲,玩家必须是宗族族长。 问题:无法移除死亡角色,并且超出六代将不包括在内。 ai不可用,理论上兼容所有mod,支持存档。...
Created by Kenshin
★ 动态支持系统 领主可以征求封臣的支持,换取为期5年的封臣同盟,并维系与封臣之间的关系。低好感封臣会提前中止这种支持并结束同盟,过低好感会加剧这种倾向。 封臣同盟可以被召唤加入领主的战争,封臣同盟又会召唤下一级封臣同盟加入战争,但封臣不能被召集加入反抗领主暴政战争和自由派系战争。 玩家召唤封臣参战需要花费威望,AI无偿。AI会更倾向于与强力封臣结盟,这会加强国家韧性。 最大结盟封臣阈值,超过吃接受度惩罚: 公爵:2 国王:3 皇帝:3(电脑角色4) 两个帝国头衔:6 三个帝国头衔:9 ★ 厌战系统 加入战...
骑士与侍从 Knight&Squire
Created by Kenshin
近期更新 1、人物界面的侍从显示,现在显示在朋友、仇敌上方 2、AI骑士自动寻找侍从,被玩家标记的AI除外 3、教育侍从取消自动接受,改为有接受度限制 4、现在成为骑士不再需要骑士特质(这会增加操作繁琐度,对所谓沉浸感帮助也不大) 5、特质显示侍从上限 6点军事=1名侍从 →6点军事+6点勇武=1名侍从 6、册封骑士接受度调整 7、沿用TWJK版的保存侍从生涯的设计;沿用TWJK版骑士有特质路线的设计,通过战斗胜利升级特质 8、爵士头衔 ser title 预期更新 1、希望在新版把骑士和庄园挂钩,骑士世袭...
NUI:Family Tree
Created by アステリオス
NUI - All New UI "NUI: Family Tree" is a mod that adds a UI to view the character's family tree. This mod will help you find out the origin of your character or interesting clan. Supported Language English Français Deutsch 한국어 Русский язык 中文 Español 日本語 (...
RUI:Character 1.12
Created by Saltfish
Works standalone. RUI for 1.12, and added support for many anime mods, and updated AGOT compatch. 无需订阅原模组。 适配1.12版本的RUI,对中文本地化进行了修正,并增加了对大部分纸片人mod和新版本AGOT补丁的支持。 兼容性等方面见原模组说明,这里增加了以誓约为接口的一坨二刺螈mod,同样是将RUI置于要兼容的模组下方。 View original mod page for more informatio...
NUI:Realm Ledger
Created by アステリオス
NUI - All New UI "NUI: Realm Ledger" is a mod that adds a UI that allows you to easily check the status of the character's realm. You can quickly find out which vassals you should gift, neighbors to watch out for, etc. Supported Language English Français D...
Created by 牛奶大魔王
牛奶汉化之RICE 是对 区域沉浸与文化丰富的文本进行汉化,,由于原汉化Jujiote菊苣已经长达一年多没有进行更新所以我接手了他原本的汉化内容并在其基础上更新至最新版本,并在未来会持续更新 12月更新日志 1月更新日志 1.9版本更新日志:
Created by 牛奶大魔王
简介 本项目将N菌汉化与牛奶汉化全部合并兼更新(部分远古项目与文本过多项目不包含其中,以传送门已汉化项目为准,原汉化仍保留并更新 N菌那边不知道) 感谢一代N菌 他入伍了以及二代N菌kennyS 他摸了的贡献 点我查看 | 如何删除假中文 因为我们收录并修订N菌和汉化合集,所以不建议在游戏中启用此两汉化以免覆盖集成汉化的文本 已经汉化的项目 图片加载不出点这里 你想要请愿汉化的项目 (给你两拳,竟然要奶皇看...
No More Plagues
Created by FunGaming44 Tired like me of the constant plagues ? Then this is the mod for you, this mod completely disables the plagues in the game. Back to just enjoying the game without the annoying plagues....
No Duchy Limit
Created by Neutrino
A standalone mod that removes the opinion penalties from holding too many duchies as a king or emperor. Should be compatible with most mods....