Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War

Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War

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EBF Flamers Burn Forests
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EBF Flamers Burn Forests

In 2 collezioni di Kurziel
Evolving Battlefields
11 elementi
Mods that work well with EBF
68 elementi
Evolving Battlefields

Evolving Battlefields (EBF) is a series of mods that bring more fluidity to the game's combat situations. These mods are intended to improve the immersion and lore aspects of the game while making as little impact on vanilla balance as possible. The AI may not be able to take full advantage of some mods, but shouldn't shift the balance significantly.

Some People Just want to See the World Burn

This mod changes weapons with the trait Flame. This affects units like Chaplain, Crisis Suit, Dominion, Knight Crusader, and Immolater. Now attacks will have these additional effects:
  • Remove Forest, Brush, Recaf Weed and Orkoid Fungus in the targeted tile.
  • Adds a Burning Forrest feature that lasts for 6 turns.
  • Adds a Smoke Screen that starts 2 turns after the flamer attack and lasts for 5 turns (ends 1 turn after the Burning Forest).
Burning Forests

Units that stay in the tile will take a reduced flamer hit each turn. Burning forests provide roughly half the biomass and movement penalty of regular forests.

Since the smoke screen provides the same amount of ranged damage reduction as a forest, I removed it from the burning forest.

These changes to cover will be applied before the damage for the attack is resolved.

Possible Future Plans
  • Possible expand the burning functionality to other terrain features.
  • Possible add an action to the appropriate units to burn tiles without opponents to attack.
I am open to feed back on whether this mod is in a good functional spot or if I should expand it.


This mod should not conflict with any mods. However there is an oddity with the Knight Crusader's heavy flamer attack, preventing it from being modified by ext. There may be conflicts with other mods that change KnightCrusader.xml. The conflict will not cause any crashes but may prevent the Knight Crusader's attacks from burning forests.

I have used the volcanic trees texture from my Gladius Recolored mod as the textures for the burning forests. If you prefer another mod's volcanic trees texture, raise it above this one in the load order.

This mod should affect weapons with the Flame trait added by other mods.
12 commenti
Kurziel  [autore] 4 giu, ore 11:53 
@PillBox20 Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it!
PillBox20 4 giu, ore 7:51 
Making my game more realistic?

Thanks for the mod!
I'll leave an award too!

Have a good day! :firey::firey::firey:
Kurziel  [autore] 3 giu, ore 14:30 
@Grotzel Thank you for the kind words! It is always nice to hear that other people are enjoying my mods. :)
Grotzel 3 giu, ore 10:46 
Oh - those look great! And having the smoke as an additional temporary effect is extremely immersive!
Again, I adore the concept of evolving battlefields in general ... and having flame attacks actually burn the environment is just so atmospheric! Very few games do this, but I've always loved it, even if it is just an optical effect. This ... is even better! :)
Kurziel  [autore] 2 giu, ore 19:12 
@PrimarcH Thank you!
☞ PrimarcH ☚ 2 giu, ore 13:50 
good idea and i really like that type or strategy Good job kurzi:BFG2fist:
Grotzel 2 giu, ore 12:11 
Oh ... good idea for a quick fix then! :) And yes ... both bonus effects would be a little much.
Kurziel  [autore] 2 giu, ore 11:19 
@Grotzel Yah, it is using the same effect as the Imperial smoke screen, so it is already providing the cover bonus. :)

I removed the cover bonus from the burning forest itself, I didn't want to stack it too high.
Grotzel 2 giu, ore 11:06 
You are fast ... possibly nearly as fast as a fleeing grot! :)

Looks cool! Errr ... I meant ... hot. Looks hot! Could you perhaps turn it a little darker? It looks perhaps a little too much like the smokescreen effects of imperial factions ... not that that's necessarily wrong. Hmmm ... come to think of it ... it might be argued that it should provide similar protection from ranged damage ... Not that folks should really be encouraged to seek cover in burning forests ... but still. ;)
Kurziel  [autore] 2 giu, ore 10:46 
@Grotzel And... we have smoke!