Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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Items (85)
Created by rabrat
中文汉化版本 原版: 仅修改替换英文为中文单词,已有问题请联系原版作者 服务器 mod. 介绍: 输入指令来重新选择人物 / 复活 / 自杀。 可以通过设置冷却时间防止有些玩家不停的使用指令。 可以设置是否在重生时掉落全身物品。 可配置选项。 指令及功能: #重生 - (重生换角色) ##重生 - (重生并掉落物品) #复活 - (复活自己) #自杀 (自杀)...
Created by 心悦卿兮
复活按钮和传送按钮 复活按钮点击复活,传送按钮点击生成传送面板。(二者均可单独开关) PS:如果你喜欢这个模组,就给作者点个免费的赞吧! 复活按钮: 1、死亡后,将会出现一个按钮,左键即可复活。 2、通过复活按钮复活后,将在人物复活点生成一个保命微光。 2、模组设置里可以设置 复活冷却时间 和 复活血量上限惩罚,默认关闭。 传送按钮: 1、进入游戏,屏幕中会出现一个按钮,左键打开面板。 2、模组设置里可以设置 传送消耗,默认关闭。 3、NEW,模组设置里可以设置 仅管理员可以进行删除操作,默认关闭。(勉强防...
宠物增强(Pets Enhancement)
Created by 心悦卿兮
让更有用的小宠物陪着单人联机的你吧 本模组修改了所有宠物以及添加了其他额外功能,详细内容参见模组内容区/模组设置页面末尾。 PS:如果你喜欢这个模组,就给作者点个免费的赞吧!Click for Google's English translation. 题外话: 1、我的其他模组推荐:更多物品。 2、假如你只想要本模组的额外功能,可以在模组设置里的“精确开关”那里把宠物的所有改动都关掉。 3、本模组并没有使用覆盖法,理论上和其他宠物修改的模组应该是部分兼容的,但是你要注意有没有功能重复的地方,比如都给宠物加...
快速采集、采摘和建造(可配置) 新:目前已有问题都已经修复了...
新·曼德拉物品包 New Mandrake Items
———— 至玩家的一段话: 好消息——经过码师与本人的共同努力,曼德拉物品包迎来了新的的生命,我们不仅维修了bug,并且适当的提升了一些该模组的游玩体验。 目前拥有树根箱子的版本是最新版本。 今后只要不和游戏本体出兼容性问题的话,那么大概这个模组就此暂时告一段落了。 (很可惜的是,本来的更新计划中还有一个“小曼德拉宠物”的构思设计,但是实在是技术力不够,遗憾搁浅。) 不过请大家不要沮丧,本模组会一直维护下去的,如果各位拥有更好的意见和建议,欢迎在评论区和讨论帖中踊跃提出来,作者本人会时刻关注的。 谢谢各位支...
Created by kuluopai󰀍
🔎原版模组传送门:全球定位-Global Positions 🔍 🔎全球定位-汉化新版🔍 🔎模组ID:2199027653598521242🔍 自用,仅供学习与参考(原mod来源steam;后续更新mod来源WeGame) mod介绍 帮你找到小伙伴的位置! 这个模组能够将所有在同一世界探索地图在玩家的地图共享给所有人,并且能够用ALT+鼠标左键在地图上标记给其他人看(当然,这是可以配置的) @@@按住TAB键,可以选择是否将自己的地图共享给队友...
更多物品扩展包(MoreItems Expansion)
Created by 心悦卿兮
更多物品 的扩展包,依赖于更多物品,单独运行是无效的。(2023-02-05) 由于更多物品目前运行稳定,故新物品和部分新内容都将更新在此模组中。 虽然更多物品是可以单独运行的,但是该扩展包还是建议订阅配套使用的! 该扩展包也和更多物品一样,大部分功能都是允许开启和关闭的。 PS:你的点赞,是我持续更新的动力。 功能类 1、鼠标移到物品上可以显示代码,默认关闭。 物品类 水桶 水资源(水壶装水)、25格、可以存放`食物和耕作`栏以及一些种田必需的物品 抽屉 只允许被玩家摧毁的不可燃的普通箱子。分拣机不会将物...
Created by WPX4521
更多武器 单机版已更新 mod不小心删了 等一下 邪恶小法师可能得重写了 修复了亮茄护甲的问题 给太阳塔加了脑子 短剑:34攻击力 长剑:42.5攻击力 净蚀:42.5攻击力,可以当锤子用,攻击后提供移动速度 提亚马特:42.5攻击力,范围伤害 暴风大剑:51攻击力 蜂刺棒:59.5攻击力 狗牙大剑:68攻击力,攻击造成流血效果 黑色切割者:68攻击力,攻击后提供移动速度,能切割敌人的护甲 血色之刃:51攻击力,击杀一个单位后获得51攻击力持续20秒,可叠加 饮血剑:68攻击力,攻击回复13.6血量,当持有...
更好的快捷操作栏(Fast Equipment)
Created by Shino
模组功能介绍: 是客户端mod(本地mod),不能提供更多的格子。 在物品栏上方添加快捷装配栏,再也不用在格子里找半天工具辣! 鼠标点击(可以设置左键/右键)更加方便的装备上武器/工具,也可以设置快捷键。 给工具补充耐久可以直接拿起燃料点击快捷装备栏。 可以按住Shift键再点击快捷装备栏来丢弃该物品。 如习惯将背包布局设置为融合的玩家,可在mod设置里的纵向偏移处设置,以免出现遮挡的情况。 如遇问题可以创意工坊留言。 \\原作者:michi...
更多物品(More Items)
Created by 心悦卿兮
邮箱 这么多物品总归有一款适合你吧?尤其是可以帮忙分拣物品的雪球发射机、可以随身携带的容器、拥有特殊效果的物品和食物、扩大容量的箱子和冰箱等等。 PS:你的点赞,是我持续更新的动力。 模组介绍:添加了一些新物品(共50+种且可以选择是否允许制作),诸如:武器、容器、食物等。 辅助功能:显示当前时间、容器 UI 可以移动、关闭容器自动整理、物品优先进容器等。 其他功能:添加了内容平衡选项,尽量平衡一下模组内容。 拓展功能:小宠物增强。目前已经整合为独立模组,...
更多物品堆叠/More Items Stack
Created by 天涯共此时
【Introduction】 Compatible With 6.27.2024 UPDATED Version new tree seeds stackable now, also blueprints and sketchs now !!! All Stackable items can be stacked up to 100,000. Also, most items will be able to stacked. Max stacksize is configurable in mod, con...
Created by 蜻蜓队长
修改自1986758170,原作者@方块味的菠萝酱。 修复了冬天闪屏的bug,默认除雪。 有重影请在游戏设置里关闭失真! 有重影请在游戏设置里关闭失真! 有重影请在游戏设置里关闭失真! ...
皮肤队列-Skin Queue
Created by kuluopai󰀍
🔎原版模组传送门:皮肤队列-Skin Queue🔍 🔎自动分解重复皮肤🔍 🔎模组ID:2199027653598520733🔍 《自动分解重复皮肤》《拆解皮肤》《自动拆解》《分解线轴》《皮肤线轴》 自用,仅供学习与参考(原mod来源steam,后续更新mod来源WeGame) 修复了一直提示更新的问题 简单汉化了一下设置 mod介绍 搬运于Steam 原作者:John Watson 汉化:禚亞州 设置汉化:zhonger 让您重复的皮肤自动排队分解,而不是必须一个一个手动分解,增加了一个“分解重复皮肤”按钮...
童话[旧版 已停更] 新模组在简介
Created by 󰀜谢十三󰀜
已停更 请移步新的童话世界模组 X禁止搬运XX禁止搬运XX禁止搬运XX禁止搬运XX禁止搬运XX禁止搬运XX禁止搬运X XXXXXX Please DO NOT REUPLOAD this mod in any form without permission XXXXX...
Created by YangCheanHuanie
改编同人小说道诡异仙,融入了部分恐怖诡异元素 本模组的开始初衷是按照恐怖风格去做的,第一章的内容过半了才开始进行道诡的内容,所以第一章道诡的内容并不是很多,后期的更新全是贴着道诡进行的。 问题意见反馈/920116739
🌍【中文】姿态轮盘-Gesture Wheel
Created by kuluopai󰀍
🔎 原作者模组传送门:《Gesture Wheel》 🔍 手势轮盘”“姿态轮盘”《Super Gesture》《快捷表情》《快捷轮盘》《动作表情》《表情代码》《快捷键》《表情键》 原作者模组传送门: 自用,仅供学习与参考【汉化者:zhonger】 模组介绍:添加了一个用于表情的轮盘选择界面,使发送表情更容易。 更多介绍请点击右下角【更多信息】 🌍模组介绍 “快捷键”【你需要按住以调...
🌍组合状态[最新/中文]-Combined Status
Created by kuluopai󰀍
🔎 原作者模组传送门:《Combined Status 》🔍 🔎 淘气值必须搭配Insight使用:《Insight (Show Me+)》 🔍 “组合状态”“综合状态”“状态显示”《Combined Status》《显示三维》《三维显示》《三维》《季节时钟》《显示季节》《季节》《更多状态》《状态栏》 原作者模组传送门:/n 自用,仅供学习与参考【汉化者:zhonger】 模组介绍...
ActionQueue RB3 CN
Created by Ling
简介 此mod是在Cutlass的RB3基础上汉化的 汉化了配置界面和游戏内提示语句 如果你认为这个mod对你有帮助,请到这里 RB3原版 给作者Cutlass点点赞 低创,勿送点数,仅供学习与参考 原作者简介 This version of ActionQueue Reborn updates eXiGe's version to add basic support for the Reap What You Sow update. This mod is an updated version of Ac...
Adventure Experiences [Client Pack]
Created by Zero Two (CW)
Contains Stuff that might come in making the IA experience better. Thanks to longshot for testing the HD stuff! Currently Updated: Items Tiles Inventory Icons Map Icons ...
Always fresh
Created by 菜鸟老李
Always fresh 冰箱里物品永远不坏 中文mod
Created by 💖gznc💖
Auto cleaning and stacking....
Auto Cooking
Created by Tony
GitHub Repo (check out README if you wanna make supports for modded cookwares): Usage To start auto cooking: Choose an Integrated Key in the mod settings Put the materials in to a cookware (cookpot, seasoning st...
Base Projection (基地投影)
Created by 󰀉 NoMu
2023-02-26更新介绍视频: 更新说明: - 增加了基地规划功能 - 自动工作支持按录入的角度放置 - 快捷键占用优化 - 快捷宣告支持静默宣告 - 支持材料宣告 - 优化双击选择操作 - 修复旋转的一些bug 2023-02-15更新介绍视频: 更新说明: - 优化了模组物品在模组缺失时的贴图显示 - 增加显示名称的选项 - ...
Beefalo Status Bar
Created by Mindkiller
Beefalo Status Bar It shows up when you mount a beefalo, goes away when you dismount. You can also toggle it on or off (when mounted) if you feel like it's getting in your way. Note that toggling will override the "Show Automatically" setting for the curre...
Boss Indicators
Created by Ryuu
Tired of chasing after bosses or want to know if they're near? Then look no further. What this mod does This mod adds a player-like indicator to bosses to know if they're lurking around, so that you can go and smack them in their face - or run away from th...
Boss Attack Predictor
Created by Sperenza
Predict boss attack/respawn with displayed timer in a widget. Also will display the time of Ruins Regeneration and Ancient Gateway Cooldown Has same features as Hound Attack Predictor, and additionally also predicts Rift cycles It will show the bosses who ...
Bug tracker
Created by 老王天天写bug
More detailed crash logs. This mod is fully localized, but now I haven't finished writing the English version of the document, please wait patiently. What Bug tracker does? This mod helps you quickly locate the crash point.
Burning Timer
Created by Viktor
This mod displays a timer above burning objects or any campfire telling you the exact time until the fire goes out. No Lag: This mod won't affect your ingame FPS (if it starts lagging, the server will become unplayable on its own since the lag coming from ...
Craft Pot [DS, ROG, SW, DST]
Created by IvanX
Client mod that adds intuitive cook assisting interface to crock pot. Doesn't matter what server you join, modded crock pots, modded recipes, this mod serves them all on a plate and helps you cook whatever your heart desires by displaying the exact recipe....
Display Attack Range
Created by ClumsyNoob
Shows the attack range of mobs when they are targeting a player. The display will change color when they attack. Configuration options: Red, Green, Blue: Adjust the RGB color that shown for attack. Range appearance: Select range appearing while targeting p...
Enhanced Ocuvigils
Created by ClumsyPenny
Ocuvigil The Ocuvigil is now equipped with new magical powers that will help the survivors! Instead of requiring a Purple Moonlens to craft, the Ocuvigil can now take any Moonlens, providing the usual map reveal effect. Additionally, based on the gem used,...
Celestial HUD
Created by Koary
Celestial themed HUD for Don't Starve Together Current HUDs: • Crafting Tabs, Skin Container • Chests, Chester and Hutch • Sanity, Hunger, Health and Enlightenment • Wet Meter, Beaverness Meter, Boat Meter and Abigail Meter • Age Meter • Clocks, Temperatur...
Circular Placement
Created by 󰀉 NoMu
Updated On 2023.01.12: - Add automatic placement. Press LSHIFT and middle mouse click on any anchors to active. Note that when automatically planting, you need to turn of "Geometric Placement". - Fix bugs. Note that this mod supports Chinese and English cu...
Epic Healthbar
Created by Tykvesh
Spice up your combat experience with this stylized health bar! Epic Healthbar is a new widget which provides information about the current boss: Displa...
Extra Equip Slot Plus +
Created by 唯の小诺
Can be set in options: Extra item slots Extra backpack slot Extra amulet slot Extra compass slot Too many items slots maybe cause UI overflow Compatible with the latest version, directly made of materials in the box Original mod:
Created by 💖gznc💖
Client side. Calculating farming pair. Press K to start. Don't forget rating me!...
Glassic API
Created by 忧郁小鸭鸭
PROHIBIT REPRODUCE TO WeGame -> Github Glaasic API is a utility that helps you create a mod easier, or create an official-like skin. Try it now! Credits: slaxml ...
Happy Farm
Created by 摸摸
Happy Farm Increased setting: 1.      All crops grown are largest! 2.      Crops never spoil! 3.      Aligns plowing to the grid, 3x3 or 4x4 You can close 3. use Snapping Tills mod! 4.      Rapid planting Plant seed immediately without redundant action Why...
Geometric Placement
Created by rezecib
Compatible with all versions of the game (Vanilla, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Don't Starve Together-- separately listed on the Single-player workshop). You can also find it on the Klei Forums Snaps objects to a grid when placing and displays a build gri...
Increased Stack size
Created by ChaosMind42
Allows you to collect even more items All stackable items can be stacked up to a configurable amount from 20 to 999 (default is 99). In addition, the stack size can be configured independently for different item sizes (large, medium, small and tiny). Works...
Infinite endurance
Based on the MOD of the original author: MK, new items from the Brightshade and Void series are added Original author link If there is any violation of the author's wishes, it will be dele...
Island Adventures - DST Islands
Created by Terra B Welch
Note: This mod is intended to be played with the "Shipwrecked" preset. An optional add-on for Island Adventures. This mod adds a style of SW Worldgen that includes some "DST Essentials", these include the following below, all configurable via config option...
Island Adventures Assistant
Created by 0.0
English This mod is an Island Adventures Assistant mod. But it can be used without IA. The main function of this mod includes: 1.Electric Isosceles (bermudatriangle) mark 2.Clean useless items (vine,venomgland,needlespear,etc.) 3.Boss warning(inluding Ship...
Island Adventures: Blubber Pack
Created by Tosh
Keep your fish fresh in this pack made from whale blubber! Blubber Pack: ● Backpack with 8 inventory slots ● Keeps your seafood items nice and fresh ● Always wet ● Makes you lose a sanity when equipped (ew blubber!) Mod by...
Island Adventures - Shipwrecked
Created by Mobbstar Embark on a tropical journey across the seas, Together! Explore a vast new world with new biomes, seasons, and creatures. Island Adventures brings the seas of Don't Starve: Shipwrecked to Don't Starve Together. Key Features ...
Island Adventures: Deluxe Addon
Created by 忧郁小鸭鸭
Island Adventures: Deluxe Addon -> Github An add-on for Island Adventures, include some new features and skins different from vanilla SW. Dragonfly spawns in the Volcano! Kill the Dragonfly to get gems, gold, obsidian and gradoon heart! Star Staff become t...
Log Friend!
Created by Willow
Are you a lonely? No friends? Tired of one sided conversations with the local hostile wildlife? Well, be sad and alone no more, with Log Friend! What does Log Friend do, you may be asking? Well... what doesn't he do? Log Fri...
Map Jump
Created by 朋也
Open the map and right-click on the place you want to go! Note: Map Jump action can only be displayed with empty hands Enjoy!...
Marbleshrub Rework
Created by 󰀰白令󰀰 沃姆伍德,孤独者 重做已发布! Wormwood Rework!!! -- 长大至第三阶段时不再过度生长 -- 第三阶段敲掉会倒退会第一阶段并掉落1-2个大理石 觉得不错就给MOD点...
Minimap HUD
Created by squeek.
Adds a minimap to the HUD The minimap is fully functional; it can be zoomed using the zoom map binds (defaulted to the mousewheel) and can be panned by clicking and dragging. The minimap can be collapsed by hovering over it and clicking the "Close Minimap"...
Moving Box (Updated)
Created by I'm so HM02
PLEASE USE THIS UPDATED VERSION, WITH GEOMETRIC PLACEMENT SUPPORT AND MANY OTHER FEATURES: All credits go to Peanut Butter & Jelly for the original mod, I've simply updated it with the lates...
Myth Characters-神话人物
Characters here! Welcome to the Myth Characters mod. Hello survivors, welcome to our world, may the spirits be with you… For our world is filled with many dangers, many challenges, all waiting for you. Will you choose to enjoy the beautiful sights, lounge ...
Observer Camera
Created by Super Jump
A pure English version have been uploaded here: Besides all the functions from Aerial View mod, this mod add a new feature: As long as you hover the mouse over any entity or any position you...
Pack Box
You can use it to pack items. Just like Pigking, Pond,Structures,Nest of Moose,Materials, Ancient Altar,etc. Craft in the Survival Tab. To make your own number of the recipe.
Quick Pick
Created by 辣椒小皇纸
The mod removes the animation of harvest grass, sapling, berrybush and other things, which makes them picked like a carrot. It makes almost everything pick quickly. Changelog Version 1.3.0 -Quick cooking foods on firepit. Version 1.2.0 -Added Wormwood Crop...
Rope Bridge
Created by Gleenus
Enable the creation of rope bridges Recipe: 1 Boards and 1 Rope in the Science Machine (Survival Tab) How to use: Take your Rope Bridge, get close to an edge and aim on the place you want to place a bridge to. You will see in the screen how many boards and...
Sea2land Fork
Created by 󰀉 NoMu
2022年6月2日更新(Update on 2022/06/02) - 修改填海叉的贴图和动画为金色叉子 - Change the images of the sea2land fork. - 增加地皮选项,可以根据需要填出虚空、浅海、中海、深海等。注意!更换海洋地皮需要应用填海造陆重新载入后才能看得出来! - Add a spinner for users to change the turf. =======================================================...
Search Your Map!
Created by clearlove
Set your ideal map requirements, and this mod will automatically attempt to generate maps using different seeds until it finds a map seed that meets your criteria. You can set various random attributes of the world or search for a map where you can find a ...
See Spools & Skins
Created by RICK
Purchase Unit Switcher Let you switch purchased items' unit from currency to unravelled spools, spools for unit price, unravelled spools for unit price. Purchase Item Sorter Let you sort items by release, price, spools and spools for unit price. Show Hidde...
Show Me(中文)
Created by 傳說󰀘覺悟
For modules used by your own server, please move to the original author's module,For use and rewards, please go to: 自用,请勿搬运WeGame 就是Show Me(Origin)一样,将未能正确显示中文的修正,并兼容部分模组显示; showme v0.59.9.5 ...
Simple Health Bar DST
Created by DYC
Click for DS Version Click for OLD Version if the new one crashed A simple health bar! It will be displayed in the combat status automatically. (It will not be displayed when the game is just loaded !!!!!!!!!!!! don't tell me the mod no longer works becaus...
Smart Minisign
救救孩子的英语吧 go die! You have to learn to draw by yourself! 1.1.4 Support Skin (Can be disabled in the settings) 1.1.1 Update Now can draw spiced foods. 1....
Soil Retainer
Created by Fuffles
Makes it so that after picking a plant the soil spot remains in place. Requested by Windfly on the forums...
Snapping tills
Created by surg
Aligns plowing to the grid. LeftShift + RightMouseClick: Launch auto tilling on tile. Key "L": Toggle snap modes, off/optimized/4x4/3x3/2x2/hexagon. Optimized mode checks for an adjacent soil tile, if not found adjacent soil tile then uses 4x4 else uses 3x...
Spussi Cat Replacer for Spiders
Created by Hiru
Spiders into Cats. This mod is for Arachnophobia players! ---------------------------------- UPDATED! - Fixed missing Nurse Spider. - All inventory images have been updated and it'll now show ingame. ---------------------------------- Mod created for Harri...
Status Announcements (NoMu)
Created by 󰀉 NoMu
2023/03/25更新说明 介绍视频: - 常用语 - Show Me模组和智能锅模组联动 - 更多细致和有趣的宣告 - 自定义宣告 - 修改自“快捷宣告 - Shang 完美汉化”( - 兼容新版本的制作栏 - 只保留简体中文 - 对于同Prefab但显示名称不同的物品,宣告数量时分别计算...
Storeroom (New)
Created by 傳說󰀘覺悟
Update from original mod The fix no longer affects SaltBox and Tin FishBox. remove collision. 2.7.0 Update: 1. Support chestupgrade_stacksize upgrade, after upgrade, the SortOut function will...
Super Wall DST
Created by DYC
Click here for DS Version Download Super Wall Maker Hedges and ancient wall from Hamlet have been added! Super Wall: tab
The Lunar HUD
Created by 󰀣POWD3d4󰀣
Changes the Don't Starve Together HUD to a Lunar theme Changed: -Crafting Tabs, Skin Container -Chests, Chester, Woby and Hutch -Sanity, Hunger, Health and Enlightenment -Wet Meter, Beaverness Meter, Boat Meter, Inspiration Meter and Abigail Meter -Clocks,...
Wendy 小惊吓辅助 小惊喜
Created by Shang
如果你喜欢并推荐使用,请点一个让更多人发现并用上! 本模组为Wendy重做,哀悼荣耀收集辅助,协助小惊吓辅助寻找丢失玩具。 当靠近小惊吓的玩具时,会在脚下生成箭头指向 + 圆圈,玩家脚下箭头指引玩具方向。 Ps.本模组因从生存辅助中分离复制出来的代码,因此不能与生存辅助模组同时启用。 如有问题也可以QQ留言:646469067 或者QQ群:154768151 验证码:天伤酱 本mod视频介绍:小惊吓辅助mod介绍 记得点赞+关注哦! 可关注我的其他账号: 天伤酱主站空间ID:16764319 天伤酱直播房间...
Wormhole Marks [DST]
Created by Black Mirror
Changes wormholes icons on mini map to colored icons. Every pair of worlmholes get its color icons after you use one of the wormhole. Can support up to 22 pairs of wormholes. If colors of the icons are not visible enough you can enable Draw over FoW in mod...
[API] Gem Core
Created by Zarklord
Version 5.1.45 Library of powerful modding tools for mod developers. Visit Gem Core Wiki for API info For bug reports and feature requests go to the Gem Core Issues Page page and create a issue documenting your bug/feature request. Contribute to this mod o...
[API] Modded Skins
Created by Hornet
A new revamped version of the Modded Skins API comes to you. Bringing the ability for other mods to add their own skins for their custom characters and custom items! Even bringing along its own custom skin unlockable system for these modded skins. For your...
[API] Mods In Menu
Created by Fidooop
This is it! Mods in Menu is finally back and better than ever before! SPECIAL THANKS: Erik for drawing the mod icon Hornet for encouraging me and allowing me to use Hamlet Characters as a guineapig and some updates to the code Von for allowing me to use Wh...
[DST] CookDiary
Created by 馨儿喵
Author: Jerry Version: 2.0.5 Workshop: 2893991859 Quality of Life Series Mod: CookDiary , Telescope Version 2.0 major update!! Super useful!!! Open the Cookbook and see what to eat today! FAQ: 1. What does CookDiary do? CookDiary adds a page WhatToEat to t...
[DST] Legion
Created by ti_Tout
Mod encyclopedia This mod's exclusive introduction website, which details all aspects of it. address: Author's words If you find a bug, I hope you can tell me in detail, I'll fix it as soon ...
[DST]Everyone can use the portablecookpot
Compatible with all MOD character. This mod allows everyone to use the portablecookpot. How do you want to use them? It depends on the mod setting. if you want to use the portablespicer,please Enable this. Warly's exclusive food can be made. (well, I don't...
[DST]海洋传说-Legend and sea
Created by 鱼仔master
感谢订阅本mod! 我们正在筹备一些令人热血沸腾的更新,相信很快就能与大家见面了! 模组介绍页: 当前版本: 海洋【域外文明】【航海新征程】【美食盛宴】【生根发芽】 传说【山海绘卷】【通天符箓】【十二祖巫】【侠客行】【天火来袭】 我想,慢慢将模组完善,是一个极具色彩的过程... 希望我们在从未见面的地方继续见证成长 如果各位能是见证者,那我十分开心 mod作者的话 如果你发生了bug,希望可以告知我,我会尽快修复 如果你遇到无法解决的问题或者对本模组...
[Tips]Show attack time for hounds and bosses
Created by
function To prompt the attack time of the hound (worm) and the Boss. The coordinates will be displayed when the Boss already exist. If not, it indicates that the Boss doesn’t fit the conditions for generation. To display the attack time of the hound and th...
[TMIP]Too Many Items Plus
Created by Tendy
Stop maintenance 2021.12.10 Git repo: Too Many Items Plus Version: Allows you to spawn any item you want and more powerful features. You must be a Admin to use this. Press (T) to open spawn menu. Left Cli...