Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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Items (129)
Created by 󰀍西瓜@󰀍
不掉落冬季盛宴物品(Don't Drop Winter's Feast Things)
Created by Raiscies
这个模组会禁止生物掉落冬季盛宴的饰品和食物,但不包括其它途径所得到的.可以配合掉落物清理mod食用. 模组有三个设置, 分别可以设置盛宴食物, 普通饰品和特别饰品(boss饰品, 也包括彩灯)的掉落. 其中特别饰品的掉落默认开启. This mod will forbidden mobs to drop Winters' Feast's ornaments and foods, but not include the things that you get by other ways....
晾晒万物(Dry Everything)
Created by 某幻想家
Catch grumpy creatures using trap and hang them on the rack! Look up the Introduction Document for details. Published on behalf of the original author (with authorization) Introduction Document: Click here...
勿忘我四阶段可采摘 Forget-Me-Lots regrowable.
Created by StarWatch
勿忘我在进入四阶段后可通过采摘回复到生长阶段 有哪位大佬有MOD制作教程的话 分享一下 谢谢!!! 我国区账号,不能用讨论区?! 开了加速器 所以留言我可能回复不了,但一定会看的!:PolygonHeart: ...
建家党狂喜(more items)
Created by 橙子
mod introduction: 0.4.9 Farm notice : Kill the corresponding animals to drop blueprints and souls. You need to build the incubator within the range of the farm (the default range of the farm is 2x2)...
Created by Rick
偏僻的小岛上曾经生活着两只相亲相爱的渡渡鸟。 突然有一天海盗来袭,渡渡鸟们被迫相隔两地。 勇敢的冒险家们快来拯救渡渡鸟,让它们团聚吧! ---------- 【岛屿】: 世界会额外生成两座岛屿,分别名为“渡渡岛”与“海盗窝点”,“渡渡岛”与“海盗窝点”分别只生成一只渡渡鸟 不出意外的话,全世界仅有这两只,所以诸位请尽全力保护好渡渡鸟的生命安全 : 渡渡鸟夜晚会睡觉,当它睡觉时可以捡起,在玩家身上时需要喂食以免饿死 杀人蜂和蜘蛛会忽视渡渡鸟,猎犬会主动攻击渡渡鸟,需要保护它们免受攻击。每过两到三天在一起的两只...
Ground Chest
Created by 白起43
Ground Chest汉化版本,原模组连接: 打开UI以查看附近地面的各种道具并与它们交互。 强烈推荐在PVP风滚草模式中使用,方便在决赛圈寻找各种道具。...
😶‍🌫️防止灭绝 No Extinction
Created by SYXDlsj大爷
原更新:2020 年 4 月 2 日 - v:1.4.0 原作者:防止灭绝 - No Extinction 娱乐至上本地化完善: 模组名称、描述、配置 多人服没处可撸怪? 这似乎很有用!!! 防止皮弗娄牛、伏特羊、蜘蛛巢、空洞树桩、发条骑士、蜂窝、石虾、蛞蝓龟窝的灭绝。 https://steamus...
Created by WantedFine
BOSS要来了, 准备好了吗? 增加了提示文本自定义界面,快捷键V,默认关闭,需要模组设置里开启一下。 ...
能力勋章 Functional Medal
Created by 恒子while(1)
Brief Introduction Addition of the Medal System, you can use the cartographer's desk to make various medals. Functional Medal is an extended mod with the theme of "growth". It adds a new type of prop "medal" on the basis of the original game. Different med...
开船辅助 - Ship Control
使用快捷键快速控制船锚,船帆和舵轮 默认快捷键: F4 - 放下/收起船锚 F5 - 开始控制舵轮 F6 - 放下/收起 最近的船帆 默认快捷键可以在mod设置菜单中更改 Quickly grab your boat controls Default hotkeys: F4 - lower/raise anchor F5 - grab steering wheel F6 - lower/raise sail You can change the default hotkeys through the mod...
A Test Version of More Map Icon
Created by RICK
How to opt in the test: 1.Open map 2.Click the button on the right down corner 3.Select some icons to see if it works I hate it that a client map icon mod crashes because of an official update I can't recall. So I think I should fully remove the old soluti...
😶‍🌫️骑牛状态显示 Beefalo Status Bar
Created by SYXDlsj大爷
同步更新:12月 20 日 - v:1.3.1 原作者:Beefalo Status Bar ~~独乐乐不如众乐乐~~ 娱乐至上本地化完善: 模组名称、描述、配置语言自适应、游戏内选项切换、 更新日志: 03、同步更新12.20、v13.1、 https://steamuserimages-a.aka...
(列队行为学转联机)ActionQueue RB3汉化版
Created by 大雄
(列队行为学转联机)ActionQueue RB3汉化版...
😶‍🌫️地图背景无网格 服务端
Created by SYXDlsj大爷
原更新:2022 年 8 月 18 日 - v:0.022 原作者:Gridless Map (客户端) 娱乐至上本地化完善: 模组名称、描述、(水翻译,好歹显示中文看得舒服?对吧- -) 客户端改成服务端! 森林海难都可适用,洞穴就不跑了,肯定没问题的啦~ 删除地图网格背景来提高地图的可见性,清晰的世界! 让你专服的小伙伴都能清晰查看地图真棒!
Invincible Buildings / 建筑无敌
Created by asingingbird
Walls, fences and chests are invincible (cannot be destroyed nor burnt, but can be hammered), including: 1. Fence 2. Fence Gate 3. Wood Wall 4. Hay Wall 5. Stone Wall 6. Thulecite Wall 7. Moon Rock Wall Recently added: 8. Chest 9. Scaled Chest 10. Home Sig...
Color Adjustments[Client]
Created by 狐狸是狗
Press K to pop up the menu you can now turn the filters on and off at any time or customize adjust the color of the screen, with their favorite effect https...
Auto Replace Bone Armor
Created by coco
Introduction Bone armor has a cooldown of 5 seconds after each injury-free period. By switching multiple bone armors continuously, the cooling time can be greatly reduced in disguise (the CD is reduced to more than 1 second) and the battery life of a singl...
Bululu's Icebox [ 中文 / English support! ]
Created by 布酱Scorpio
First of all: MOD function needs to be set. If it is not set, it is the original game, which means it is not turned on. If server crash, It may be caused by opening other MODs with similar functions. Please close other fresh MODs and spoil me only ლ(╹◡╹ლ)~...
😶‍🌫️自动整理物品 Automatic chest sorting
Created by SYXDlsj大爷
原更新:2021 年 3 月 15 日 - v:1.0.2 原作者:Automatic chest sorting ~~独乐乐不如众乐乐~~ 娱乐至上本地化完善: 模组名称、描述、配置语言自适应、
灵魂携带/Soul carrying
Created by fybreak
死亡和溺水不会掉落物品,死亡只掉落告密的心,重生护符,第二次机会表. 死亡和溺水不掉落物体 Death and drowning do not drop objects 玩家身上没有空位也可以使用 进行复活 Players can resurrect with "reviver" even if they have no free slots on their person. ...
Range Indicator
Created by takaoinari
Show ranges by clicking, deploying or hovering. Features By default, use middle mouse button to click object to show/hide its range. (Change to left/right/side button and/or bind modifier key if any conflict.) By default, press F5 to quickly hide all range...
😶‍🌫️虫洞传送焦点 Wormhole telelocation
Created by SYXDlsj大爷
原更新:2020 年 4 月 5 日 - v:1.0.2 原作者:Wormhole telelocation 娱乐至上本地化完善: 模组名称、描述、(水翻译,好歹显示中文看得舒服?对吧- -)
Created by 凍了个心
萌新可以附身到大佬身上,成为大佬的挂件。 大佬可以正常操作 萌新只需要按F就可以了 当然大佬也会获得属性提升 攻击UP 移动速度UP 很简单的一个MOD希望有用。 ...
Efficient agriculture
Created by liximi
Brief Introduction This Mod includes advanced modern fertilizer and modern planting tools, so that players can eat fresh vegetables and fruits all the year round, making them healthier! Contents You can find the exclusive category of this Mod in the craft ...
Advanced Circuit Extractor
Created by 朋也
A new advanced circuit extractor has been added to the exclusive items for wx78. When removing the chip, the chip will not lose durability and the robot will not lose power, but the advanced circuit extractor will lose 10% durability ...
More Map Icon[Server]
Created by RICK
Add extra map icons. You can freely modify mod file "moremapiconlist.lua" to change which icons to show. Difference between server mod and client mod: server icons are visible to every player, and reveal themselves worldwide. client icons are visible only ...
ActionQueue Addon
Created by 凉薄暮人心
Tip:You need to enable any other ActionQueue mod,otherwise this mod will not work. Features: -Change last recipe function. -It will still work if you have any ingredients. -Now the firesuppressor can't be selected if the meter is full. -Now the campfire an...
Rewrap Bundles
Created by linjinzhen
Quickly rewrap bundles and gifts (Source Code) DST version DS version When unwraping bundles and gifts (including normal right-click unrewrap and using the following special methods), the item no longer falls to the ground, but enters the inventory. If you...
Auto Miner Hats(智能矿工帽/智能礦工帽)
Created by Clouds42
Now miner hats will automatically turn the light on and off depending on the time. 矿工帽会根据天色自动开关。 礦工帽會根據天色自動開關。...
Extra Equip Slots+1/2/3 (Tell me what you want)
Created by 凛子不是林子
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I have suspended updating the MOD introduction, because it takes a lot of time, if you want to know about compatibility issues, please use it and then feedback, because there are many adapted items that have not been added to the introducti...
Epic Healthbar
Created by Tykvesh
Spice up your combat experience with this stylized health bar! Epic Healthbar is a new widget which provides information about the current boss: Displa...
Auto Rowing (Updated)
Created by 󰀘 Kryz 󰀘
I just Update and add a feature to this mod The original is here: New feature: - Added option to change paddling speed Updated to The Curse of Moon Quay Update - Now you can u...
keep crafting page
在你离开特殊科技后保存对特殊配方的索引。 在你打开制作栏路过某个科技的时候不会改变你的制作页面(点名批评月球) google: Save the index to the special recipe after you leave the special technology. When you open the production bar and pass a certain technology, your production page will not change (naming and cr...
避茄针/Avoid Deadly Brightshade Rod
Created by LTFUST的麻瓜
能够帮助你的农场/种植园抵挡亮茄的入侵 PS:不会影响到范围外的亮茄寄生,因此亮茄工厂之类需要亮茄的装置的依然能够正常使用 PS2:如果你没有做亮茄自动处死装置(例如经典的岩浆池+火龙果)的话,亮茄依然可能会寄生在范围外的野生植物上 B站介绍视频,搜索:BV11j421m7b1 --新增物品:防茄涂层 --新增物品:避茄针 =防茄涂层= 简介:后期物品,代价不算太昂贵,但可以升级你的避雷针,使之拥有抗茄能力 配方位置:魔法 所需科技:无 制作配方:纯粹辉煌*1,注能月亮碎片*5,月岩*5,成熟石果*10 使...
Minimap HUD(小地图转联机)
Created by 大雄
Minimap HUD(小地图转联机)...
Golden Boomerange 黄金回旋镖
Created by 风一样的男子
黄金回旋镖,攻击力与长矛一致 使用次数为100次,耐久为0时碎裂 感谢兄弟姐们的订阅,您的支持就是我的动力 该MOD基于原作者的基础进行修改,出处:
Moving Box - Geometric Plant (Updated by JC)
(All credits go to Peanut Butter & Jelly for the original mod and the updated version by Im So HM02, I've simply updated it with the one more structure and Geometric Placement ) Moving box is a base moving tool used to pack buildings that have already been...
Abigail Pro Max T PlusCup -- 更好的阿比盖尔
Created by xivna
Now Abigail can do better! - Abigail's attack power, health, movement speed, glow range, and normal health regeneration can be modified. - And the effect of spiritual herbs is enhanced. If you find it helpful, please give a free like~ V1.1 update - Now Abi...
Auto Walking
Created by 川小胖
What does this mod do This mod add auto-pathing feature when you right-clicking on map. How To Use 1.Trigger Autowalk: RightClick a point on the Map/Minimap HUD/Smallmap HUD to make your character automatically move to the target location(press Y to trigge...
Item Scroller
Created by 川小胖
click the icon or enter /itemscroller in chatbox in game to open the config page and for DS here: Item Scroller Original modname :MouseWheel Adjust StackSize(it's a bad name so i renamed it) it's a SERVER MOD !!! Why? you can't take one item to cursor from...
Mark Clockwork Position
Created by 朋也
Mark the position of clockwork creature, which is convenient for putting starfish...
[Deprecated] Abigail Flower Controls
Created by RICK
1. Optional Two Buttons, one for summon/recall, the other for commune. Left Click to use. Note that if you click too frequently, the icons may be inconsistent with Abigail's state. Note: You must bring Abigail's flower, this mod won't support attacking Abi...
Coloured Percent
Created by Atobá Azul
Changes the colour of the percent text in equipment based on durability to be more visible, or simply for preference! Configureable. Hey, you! If you like what I do, please consider supporting me on Ko-fi!...
Created by 一血
按P键后, 人物进入暂停状态, 不被作为攻击目标, 且无敌并失去行动力,不消耗三维。 再按P键, 从暂停挂机状态解开, 恢复正常行动力。 PS:找不到原mod,从别的地方搬过来的,用来大家一起联机时临时有事离开挂机很好用。...
Created by 盼盼
😶‍🌫️几何布局 服务端 Geometric Placement Server
Created by SYXDlsj大爷
同步更新:8 月 2 日 - v:3.2.0 原作者:Geometric Placement (客户端) ~~独乐乐不如众乐乐~~ 娱乐至上本地化完善: 模组名称、描述、配置语言自适应、游戏内选项切换、 让没订阅的路人或朋友也能摆放得整整齐齐多棒!对吧哈?! 03更新: 同步原作者更新、重构翻译、重新调...
Revive Beefalo / 皮弗娄牛复活
Created by Tetrikitty
When a belled beefalo otherwise would have died, this stores it in the beefalo bell instead, so you can revive it later with a Telltale Heart or Life Giving Amulet. Has configuration options for disabling either or both of the above. 有铃铛的皮弗娄牛将会死前,它反而会进入铃铛内...
Fish Farm - Updated
Created by I'm so HM02
The Fish Farm is a self sustaining food source. There are 3 stages of growth, indicated by the number of fish you can see in the water. Growth speed depends on amount of flowers nearby. Easy recipe = 5 Boards, 2 Fish and 4 Bees. No Machine Required. Normal...
😶‍🌫️管理员计分板+ - 客户端
Created by SYXDlsj大爷
原更新:2019 年 2 月 15 日 - v:1.22 原作者:Admin Scoreboard+(客户端) 娱乐至上本地化全完善: 模组名称、描述,游戏内置显示中文 玩家列表可实行更多便捷指令!
Ice Furnace
Created by X Game
The Ice Furnace is a cooling version of the Scaled Furnace with various practical functions. Players can choose one of the following three ways (through the mod configuration) to obtain the Ice Furnace: Use Ice Staffs and Fire Staffs to transform the furna...
Craft Pot [DS, ROG, SW, DST]
Created by IvanX
Client mod that adds intuitive cook assisting interface to crock pot. Doesn't matter what server you join, modded crock pots, modded recipes, this mod serves them all on a plate and helps you cook whatever your heart desires by displaying the exact recipe....
Enhanced Chester/Hutch and handle monkeys
Created by 幕夜之下
Strengthen Chester and Hutch so they can't be killed. If you want to kill temporarily, put in the first square to temporarily remove the protection. Does not upgrade the capacity of Chester/Hatch. Does not conflict with capacity upgrade mods. Comes with a ...
Fast Collect Store Sort...
Created by 繁花丶海棠
Quick take/store materials Crafting menu Collect product or ingredients from near containers,not support backpack,not cross boat Crafting menu search text box collect item Smart Crock Pot Mod Collect Food ingredients Press Ctrl then mouse right Inventoryit...
Advanced Attack
Created by Villkiss
Highlight/Lock Attack Target
Created by 川小胖
highlight the attack target in red, the locked target in yellow and the exclude one in green If default keybind is conflict with other mod, you can adjust it in mod config page: ATTACK(RED): Auto highlight the current attack target everytime you launch an ...
Created by 心悦卿兮
复活按钮和传送按钮 复活按钮点击复活,传送按钮点击生成传送面板。(二者均可单独开关) PS:如果你喜欢这个模组,就给作者点个免费的赞吧! 复活按钮: 1、死亡后,将会出现一个按钮,左键即可复活。 2、通过复活按钮复活后,将在人物复活点生成一个保命微光。 2、模组设置里可以设置 复活冷却时间 和 复活血量上限惩罚,默认关闭。 传送按钮: 1、进入游戏,屏幕中会出现一个按钮,左键打开面板。 2、模组设置里可以设置 传送消耗,默认关闭。 3、NEW,模组设置里可以设置 仅管理员可以进行删除操作,默认关闭。(勉强防...
Just Another Mute Mod
Created by Matcha
A small mute mod that customize for me and my friend. This mod will mute: - Sawhorse. - Wigfrid's beefalo riding music. - All 8 critters starving sound. - Lucy....
Created by LXJ
支持移植您的 芦苇 仙人掌 蘑菇 洞穴香蕉树 并且修复间距为1...
New Boat Shapes
Created by Cuikui
A complete mod to craft custom and preset boats Compatible with most mod 5 new boats with unique shapes Rectangle, Caravel, Moon, Raft and Bridge https://i.imgu...
Boat Button
Created by 火锅超人!!!
Enhance your seafaring experience with customizable options. - Toggle Button: When approaching the rudder and sail, a draggable button will appear, which can synchronize the lifting of the rudder or sail.
form goggle translation Contains the following elements: 1. Record the contents of the box items, right-click on the materials in the production column, and you can search for the materials yourself. 2. Middle click storage 3. Left click to create a highli...
Created by 󰀅TAE󰀅
Help Me Up!
Created by \zs
## Help Me UP When you die, you will become a corpse instead of a ghost. Just like *The Forge*, others can help you up. After a certain delay, the corpse becomes a ghost. The delay time is 1 minutes by default and can be customized. You can enter /rip to b...
Personal Chesters
Created by Dragon Wolf Leo
All comments that violate Steam Rules and Guidelines will be reported. This mod gives all players their own Chester. Personal Chesters are separate from the original Chester, so he'll still remain in the world. However personal Chesters are linked to the p...
ActionQueue RB3 CN
Created by Ling
简介 此mod是在Cutlass的RB3基础上汉化的 汉化了配置界面和游戏内提示语句 如果你认为这个mod对你有帮助,请到这里 RB3原版 给作者Cutlass点点赞 低创,勿送点数,仅供学习与参考 原作者简介 This version of ActionQueue Reborn updates eXiGe's version to add basic support for the Reap What You Sow update. This mod is an updated version of Ac...
Kill Announcement (New)
Created by 傳說󰀘覺悟
v1.9.9 1.Add daywalker2 kill Announcement; 1.9.8 Update: 1.Add Sharkboi kill Announcement; 1.9.4 Update: 1.Add daywalker appear and kill Announcement; 2.Add Atrium gate and terrarium refresh Announcement. 1.8.8 Update: 1.Add Hound and Worm attack;2.fix alt...
Archive Marks
Created by 冷冻水
Mark Archive... Look at the cover. Wolfgang don't need brains!...
Medal Exam
Created by 繁花丶海棠
客户端模组 游戏中单独佩戴女武神的考验勋章时不能自动攻击小动物,小动物会有红色圆圈提示 游戏中单独佩戴蒙昧勋章时可以看清题目和正确答案并自动答题 上述勋章升级时或卸下勋章栏任意装备时关闭功能 本模组授权任何合集和平台使用...
changan gift
Created by 杏子熟啦
Provide players with opening items to prevent them from becoming naked in the wilderness...
Advanced Warning
Created by Tony
Player will say the warning string when bosses/hounds's sound appears Currently Supported Warnings Deerclops Bearger Sealnado (Island Adventure) Hound Attack Worm Attack Antlion sink hole Antlion cave-in Special Thanks lucy for the Portuguese BR translatio...
Hounds attack predictor
Created by Sperenza
Predict hounds and cave worms attacks with a displayed timer in a widget. The widget is on top left of the screen, there is a timer on the widget indicate how many time left before the next attack. Will be disabled when you use Boss Attack Predictor Idea o...
快捷消息Short Message(deprecated)
Created by FretsOnFire
危急关头,动动鼠标发送消息,不要滥用哦 In an emergency, you can send message with one click. Don't abuse it. 修改自定义消息方法: The way to put your personalized messages in the menu: 找到游戏模组目录 find you mod directory windows: steam/steamapps/workshop/content/322330/2560088945 Linux: $...
😶‍🌫️全图定位 Global Positions
Created by SYXDlsj大爷
原更新:2022 年 6 月 4 日 - v:1.7.4 原作者:Global Positions 娱乐至上本地化完善: 模组名称、描述,游戏内置显示中文 根据原作者的所有内容进行全翻译、 更新日志: 02:添加三个单独文本显示模式 可切换:空文本、纯文本、有表情(默认空文本)【也许有用叭】 http...
Created by 心悦卿兮
邮箱 犬牙陷阱和荆棘陷阱自动重置 如果你觉得这个模组不错的话,请不要吝啬你的大拇指,非常感谢! 给朋友写的 犬牙陷阱 触发后 1秒 自动重置 荆棘陷阱 触发后 3秒 自动重置 关于配置项:(默认关闭) 可以设置陷阱不消耗耐久度...
训牛速率调节 Cattle Training Rate-Modified
Created by StarWatch
训牛速率调节 Cattle Training Rate-Modified 调节训牛的速率 目前支持: 0.5倍 1倍(默认) 1.5倍 2倍 3倍 4倍 5倍 10倍 20倍 40倍 80倍 100倍 如果有人希望增加一些其他的支持的数量修改的话,可以留言,下次更新或不定期我也许会增加一下 有哪位大佬有MOD制作教程的话 分享一下 谢谢!!! 我国区账号,不能用讨论区?! 开了加速器 所以留言我可能回复不了,但一定会看的!:PolygonHeart: 我的其他MOD 采集&堆叠-修改 Collection ...
😶‍🌫️综合状态 服务端 Combined Status Server
Created by SYXDlsj大爷
同步更新:2022 年 5 月 2 日 - v:1.9.1 原作者:Combined Status (客户端) 娱乐至上本地化完善: 模组名称、描述、配置更新情况: 客户端改成服务端,并且同步原作者更新! 让路人或朋友也显示这么丰富的状态显示不好吗? 多么的方便,是吧?有人会拒绝? 启用客户端的不影响服务器启用的模组,仅是为了让那些朋友或路人也显示更多的状态! 显示淘气值需搭配此 Insight 模组! 首次 v: 根据此作者发布: Combined Status (mod...
Created by Raiscies
Consistently Developing... Developer does not speak English, so there might be a dozen of syntex errors... Mod has a partial English translation, some texts are not complete. This mod is not very completed, but is roughly available. This is a mod that help...
scan map
Scan the map, enter the world to scan. Automatically scan when saving every day. After scanning, mark important resource points, such as the Wood Salt Mine, various islands in the Pig King Water, etc. Some resource points will not be marked if the map is e...
ignore mod out of date
无视服务器模组过期 慕斯版的,过期了会有弹窗提示 修复:游戏内如果使用游戏内客户端重连,则不会有弹窗,防止卡住重连不了。 Ignore server module expiration For the mousse version, there will be a pop-up window when it expires. Fix: If you use the in-game client to reconnect in the game, there will be no pop-up window ...
Auto-Unequip on (1-20)% (From Beyond Update)
Created by kevin
From JohnWatson Client mod. Automatically unequips your rechargable items at 1% to 10% for normal items, exclusive 1% to 60% to shield of terror, eye mask and Dreadstone set Configuration * Normal items to unequip at 1 to 10% > default set to 1% * Shield o...
Created by 小小龙
Auto do the Archive task....
Lag Remover
Created by 天涯共此时 Update: you can clear the world any time during the game by use code. (only for manager) ❤️This mod has multiple functions to help your game lower pine and fix lag. All functions can be turn on individu...
Insight Unlock [server]
Created by hamurlik
Feel free to use code from any of my mods for any reason. Learn from them, copy them, publish edited versions, anything. Check out my other mods! Creative Mode 2 Force anyone to say anything in chat Small testing island Insight Unlock Insight Unlock Charac...
Displays a timer above burning objects or any campfire telling you the time until the fire goes out....
More Crafting Details
Created by Sinny Deas
About Displays some stats about some items in the crafting menu. Damage is dynamically calculated to consider damage modifiers. Thanks Cookies53 (Damage modifiers suggestion) Bombobbit (Scrapbook suggestion) oxworld (Planar Damage report) Lomion (Ocean's w...
Nightmare phase indicator
Created by surg
Client-side mod. Indicator shows current nightmare phase and time left. Status Announcements mod supported. In settings, you can set: 1) Position indicator on the screen. 2) Position timer relative to the indicator. 3) Position phase name relative to the i...
Old Lureplant
Make lureplant can stuck bosses again...
Random terrains and resources
Created by 󰀉xuhx󰀢
Choose the terrains, traps, and protected resources yourself before creating a world. Note: Sometimes traps and protected resources may not be generated if they are placed on a congested terrain....
Chinese++ Pro
Created by 冰冰羊
汉化你的客户端/服务器 MOD名称、MOD介绍、MOD设置 甚至MOD内容! MOD内 含中文高清字体(思源黑体)与中文翻译优化:修改了一些令人不爽的汉化内容,可与【中文语言包】同时开启~ 新增煤式猪人语言包(默认关闭),开启后能让猪人的台词变得和哔哩哔哩·踏雪寻梅3124的猪人一样骚~ 注意:开启该MOD的高清字体功能后请不要再开其它含有修改字体功能的MOD,容易导致崩溃! 第三方MOD汉化情况 请查看 这个贴子 如有其他需要汉化的MOD,可以在这个帖子中发mod ID或名称(最好ID,名称容易重复)。需...
Created by
Making RebuildRecipes() run more negatively 更消极的重载配方 Some actions in game will cause the game to try to reload recipes, which causes varying levels of lag . (usually positively correlated to the number of mods enabled). 饥荒的一些操作会让游戏尝试重载配方,这造成体感不等的卡顿(通常和mod开...
Repairable and Combinable Equipment
Created by Lilith·Blinks
Allow equipment to be repaired by its recipe, or to combine with the same equipment Each function can be switch on alone, you can even allow your equipment to be repaired to over its limit Details in mod setting...
See Spools & Skins
Created by RICK
Purchase Unit Switcher Let you switch purchased items' unit from currency to unravelled spools, spools for unit price, unravelled spools for unit price. Purchase Item Sorter Let you sort items by release, price, spools and spools for unit price. Show Hidde...
Sea2land Fork
Created by 󰀉 NoMu
2022年6月2日更新(Update on 2022/06/02) - 修改填海叉的贴图和动画为金色叉子 - Change the images of the sea2land fork. - 增加地皮选项,可以根据需要填出虚空、浅海、中海、深海等。注意!更换海洋地皮需要应用填海造陆重新载入后才能看得出来! - Add a spinner for users to change the turf. =======================================================...
Created by 💖gznc💖
Client side. Calculating farming pair. Press K to start. Don't forget rating me!...
Created by Asobi
Why : The technological progress of different players will vary with the way of playing, the time of playing, the fall of the boss fighting and the speed of picking up the blueprint. Therefore, in order to make low-tech players can quickly grasp the techno...
Redux HUD
Created by the sewers
Stylizes your HUD and GUI in the pause menu style! Version: 0.1.5 Combined Status Compatibility from Nightmare HUD. This mod would've not been possible without CunningFox's HUD library. Also, consider using this mod for extra swag. !!!For people who want t...
Simple Controller
Created by 烎 '
About English translation: All translations in this mod are generated by artificial intelligence, and there may be many errors. Since I don't know English, I currently don't have the ability to proofread them. Due to the issue of the English text being dis...
Pets & Dimensional Container
Created by X Game
This mod allows players to transfer items over long distances with the help of critters. - Petting pets can open the dimensional container for the owner, pet again can close the container. If the owner is too far away from the pet, the container will autom...
Show Me(中文)
Created by 傳說󰀘覺悟
For modules used by your own server, please move to the original author's module,For use and rewards, please go to: 自用,请勿搬运WeGame 就是Show Me(Origin)一样,将未能正确显示中文的修正,并兼容部分模组显示; showme v0.59.9.5 ...
Simple Health Bar DST
Created by DYC
Click for DS Version Click for OLD Version if the new one crashed A simple health bar! It will be displayed in the combat status automatically. (It will not be displayed when the game is just loaded !!!!!!!!!!!! don't tell me the mod no longer works becaus...
Show Oceanfish
Created by 豌豆射手
This is client mod The text displayed is your local language. Show the names of ocean fish. It allows to set the text size and vertical offset, and supports the setting of color text for season fish schools. It is allowed to use the hotkey to switch the di...
Sleeping Buff
Created by 傳說󰀘覺悟
version:2.0 Update: 1.Tent, siestahut, portable tent, bedroll furry durability and recovery speed can be set. 2.Configurable recovery speed 3.Configurable maximum HP recovery. ...
Skill Presets (and More)
Created by Remi
Features Skill Loadouts The mod provides 5 additional slots for your skill tree configurations. Each configuration is edited separately, but data can be transferred from one slot to another using the Copy and Paste buttons. The presets are stored on your d...
Smaller world[Tiny world]
Description: This mod allows you to create smaller worlds than the configurable map areas, including forests and caves. How to use? enable the mod - Forest/Cave - World Generation - Select a preset style - Select "Smaller World/Smaller Cave" to start the g...
Spussi Cat Replacer for Spiders
Created by Hiru
Spiders into Cats. This mod is for Arachnophobia players! ---------------------------------- UPDATED! - Fixed missing Nurse Spider. - All inventory images have been updated and it'll now show ingame. ---------------------------------- Mod created for Harri...
Status Announcements (NoMu)
Created by 󰀉 NoMu
2023/03/25更新说明 介绍视频: - 常用语 - Show Me模组和智能锅模组联动 - 更多细致和有趣的宣告 - 自定义宣告 - 修改自“快捷宣告 - Shang 完美汉化”( - 兼容新版本的制作栏 - 只保留简体中文 - 对于同Prefab但显示名称不同的物品,宣告数量时分别计算...
Stop Stumps
Created by Ryuu
This is a simple mod made in response to the large amount of people who can't be bothered or sometimes forget to dig up stumps after chopping trees. Too many stumps can become a problem in large servers, so this mod is useful to improve performance. What t...
Snapping tills
Created by surg
Aligns plowing to the grid. LeftShift + RightMouseClick: Launch auto tilling on tile. Key "L": Toggle snap modes, off/optimized/4x4/3x3/2x2/hexagon. Optimized mode checks for an adjacent soil tile, if not found adjacent soil tile then uses 4x4 else uses 3x...
Storeroom (New)
Created by 傳說󰀘覺悟
Update from original mod The fix no longer affects SaltBox and Tin FishBox. remove collision. 2.7.0 Update: 1. Support chestupgrade_stacksize upgrade, after upgrade, the SortOut function will...
Wendy 小惊吓辅助 小惊喜
Created by Shang
如果你喜欢并推荐使用,请点一个让更多人发现并用上! 本模组为Wendy重做,哀悼荣耀收集辅助,协助小惊吓辅助寻找丢失玩具。 当靠近小惊吓的玩具时,会在脚下生成箭头指向 + 圆圈,玩家脚下箭头指引玩具方向。 Ps.本模组因从生存辅助中分离复制出来的代码,因此不能与生存辅助模组同时启用。 如有问题也可以QQ留言:646469067 或者QQ群:154768151 验证码:天伤酱 本mod视频介绍:小惊吓辅助mod介绍 记得点赞+关注哦! 可关注我的其他账号: 天伤酱主站空间ID:16764319 天伤酱直播房间...
Super Wall DST
Created by DYC
Click here for DS Version Download Super Wall Maker Hedges and ancient wall from Hamlet have been added! Super Wall: tab
Where you are?
Created by 某幻想家
Where are you? Clicking the "Where" button in the lower left corner of the world will bring up the search panel. Clicking on a creature (or object) on the panel will mark its direction in the current world. In addition, breeding sites for tumbleweeds, beef...
Use Main Menu In Game[Client]
Created by 繁花丶海棠
Main functions 1. Fast goback game without exit when client/server error 2. Pause menu Use main menu in Game (exit will save game) 3. Fast save world/mod change exclude server info change Mod Options Interface scroll bar add subtitle node 4. Generate virtu...
1.右键麋鹿图标空a自动挂机。 2.左键麋鹿图标装上物品栏护甲(不包括背包) 3.吃雕像前自动卸下装备。 4.变身的时候不会隐藏物品栏(原模组为海棠的显示物品栏),在此基础上变身的时候右键装备可以装备上改物品(注意:会把背包挤下来),右键装备栏可以卸下已经装备的物品。 装备和卸下的时候不会改变物品栏的贴图,但是实际上是有效果的。 google 1. Right-click the elk icon to automatically hang up. 2. Left-click the elk icon to...
Straight Eat Spice of Waly,support functional modal
Created by 繁花丶海棠
Now you can straight eat spice of warly. Eat salt spice can now delta 15 health. Support functional modal MOD. Wortox eat soul spice can delta 25 hunger....
Walter Dodge
Created by 繁花丶海棠
Walter or All roles can dodge now....
Wormholes and Sinkholes Icons For Server
Created by Monti
I really liked the Wormhole Icons mod, but it was quite annoying to try to communicate with other persons if you wanted to talk about a specific wormhole. That's why I created this mod to combat this problem! Overview This mod gives Wormhole Icons to every...
Telepoof mode on/off
Created by Asere
Turn on/off your lazy explorer to telepoof ! v0.1.4: Adds support for controllers ! v0.2.0: Adds config "Allow mode for other items" to have a mode on items that allows it (like the star caller). Also work on modded items that have "reticul" component" (De...
[DST] Roseate HUD
Created by vampy.reD
Please, if you are going to use any drawing or anything from the art of this HUD, credits the real artists who made it!! HUD Updated Guys!! Enjoy!! Using now HUD Skins library by CunningFox! Version 1.6 - Updated to CunningFox HUD Skin Library, added Wilso...
Performance Pack
Created by coco
Introduction Used to improve game smoothness,Greatly alleviates the increasing lag that occurs as the number of in-game days increases Can be enabled for local host and cloud servers, including local host without caves enabled Is it necessary to enable oth...
[FIX] Display Attack Range
Created by Scrimbles
This is a version of the Display Attack Range mod with a tweak that fixes a crash when certain mobs appear or certain other mods are installed! The original developer hasn't updated for years now, and hasn't responded to requests for an update, so I made t...
Smart Minisign
救救孩子的英语吧 go die! You have to learn to draw by yourself! 1.1.4 Support Skin (Can be disabled in the settings) 1.1.1 Update Now can draw spiced foods. 1....
WX78 - Custom Circuit Slots
Created by The CyBee
SERVER MOD. Custom number of circuit slots for WX from 1 to 1000 or more!! Just change TotalCircuitQuantity value on modinfo.lua Tested up to 40, but you can custom to bunch more. Please keep reporting so we can make this even better. VISUALLY it does show...
[Gorge] Victorian HUD
Created by vampy.reD
Please, if you are going to use any drawing or anything from the art of this HUD, credits the real artists who made it!! 18/03/2023 - HUD UPDATED GUYS, ENJOY!! Version 7.2 - Added CunningFox HUD Skins library, Missing textures and Wilson's Beard Morsel Ico...