Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Abril 2024
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【崩坏3/Honkai Impact3】德尔塔 DeltaΔ Replaces Bill
Vytvořil ☆麻辣香锅☆
说明 / Explain · 欢迎反馈 (Welcome feedback) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 创作者 / Creator · Models(模型出处): miHoyo 神帝宇(移植到MMD) · Compile(移植): 麻辣香锅 · Thumbnail (封面): 【绀海】雲鶴.Undefined 模型信息 / Details · Weapon Boens for TLS update(临死一搏新添加的武器骨骼) · Jiggle Bones(飘动骨骼) · Flex anima...
【碧蓝档案/Blue Archive】月雪宫子 主题 铬合金霰弹枪 改版
Vytvořil 野生带鱼
“虽然兔子不会因为寂寞而消沉,,,但我又不是兔子” 像你这样的小兔子,为师最喜欢了 “我对宫子的喜爱已经难以用言语去形容,全寄托于这把枪中。” 又到了做一把宫子痛枪检验贴皮水平的时间了,于是我选择了铁喷作为载体。 非常感谢【苦黄瓜】大佬制作的优质铁喷模板! 特别感谢【Forget_淡忘】忘姐姐分享的全息素材! 该mod具有全夜光,法线贴图,动态描边,动态全息贴图和呼吸全息贴图。 同时,该mod包含了第一人称的模型、动作以及枪械音效 原mod链接:https://steamproxy.net/shar...
【战双帕弥什】COD:MW2022 Signal.50 露西亚 替换 30发军用连狙
Vytvořil FenLan.
替换 30发军用连狙 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自 M82A1闇冥 制作的 COD:MW2022 Signal.50 原武器地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3144362397&searchtext= ——龙行踏绛气,虎腾佑岁祯。她风驰在颓垣荒土,奔行于山阜之巅。鳞甲双刃铩火扬焰,鱼龙拖尾雨布云兴。龙是掩蔽是幻化、是隐喻、是漠然,唯独袍角烙刻的印痕,是皎炎无法吞噬的本真,封印着她不会轻易诉言的决意。 效果图:...
【碧蓝档案/Blue Archive】河和静子 主题 泵动式霰弹枪 改版
Vytvořil 野生带鱼
"百夜堂,出摊啦!" 既然已经做了铁喷,那木喷怎么不再来一把呢! 于是我选择了与蓝白色调相反的粉黑色调,而且老板娘的专武真的很像木喷啊!(不过好像原型不一样) 依然是感谢【苦黄瓜】大佬制作的优秀木喷模板! 同时感谢【小_毁】大佬给的樱花流光文件,我在其基础上小改了一下整合到该mod上。 该mod具有全夜光,法线贴图,动态描边和动态全息贴图,同时具有樱花表面流光效果。 此外该mod包含了第一人称的模型和动作。 替换游戏中的泵动式霰弹枪(木喷) 原mod链接:https://steamproxy.net...
【崩坏3rd】希儿 墨染镜华 替换 Rochelle (R-18)
说明 · 【崩坏3rd】希儿 墨染镜华 替换 Rochelle (R-18),封面写错了靠 · 仅较小程度修改了衣装贴图(去除胖次,添加啤,其实本来就有) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 其他 · Original Model:开胃master · 喜欢/(不喜欢) 就请 点个赞/(给个反馈) 吧,谢谢大家了 禁止任何未经允许的转载...
【逆流茶会】pl式朱鹭咲澪/茶会澪替换弗朗西斯重置版 tokisaki mio replace francis(Reset the version)
Vytvořil 流歌Ruka
模型来源:百度贴吧 逆流茶会吧 -时崎黑羽- 由筱米模型制作 由远方瓶绑骨制作 由远方瓶物理制作 由筱米表情制作 由筱米贴图制作 绑骨:流歌Ruka vrd,飘动骨骼编写:流歌Ruka 表情制作:流歌Ruka 本mod包含:第三人称,第一人称,图标,表情,没有乳摇(因为模型自身胸部没有骨骼所以没有办法制作) 转载请注明借物表,这个mod的链接以及我的id 心心念念的重置版来了,本次使用的是茶会官方的模型,跟之前社区摸的有一些区别(比如脸)比起原mod多了一些飘动骨骼以及表情 视频预览 原版链接 ...
主播女孩重度依赖 超天酱安全屋图标和动态箭头/NEEDY GIRI OVERDOSE Angelkawaii safe house arrow(动态)
Vytvořil Nagasaki Soyorin
这是一股照亮混沌的令和时代互联网的一道光 (指会自发光) 给在电子的海洋里冲浪的阿宅们带来笑容 (思迈路思迈路) 未来的和平我向你保证 (我又鸽啦) 躁动不安但放心交给我 (背后黑枪) 互联网天使 降临于此(god 1) ✟ 升天 ✟ (3.21 打算加 Internet yamero的立绘 箭头想办法重置下 可能会很慢 还是等哪位好心人能发素材再做罢,自己实在抠不动了) 我又回来做超天酱啦,勉强搞懂了动图的制作原理,说不定以后会做个动态枪 (做好力) 原本是想弄两个立绘的,但MV里有全身的也只有跳舞的时候...
寂静时分:2-码头 Dead Air:2-Wharf
Vytvořil HerobrineAce
已将死亡丧钟4人上船之后的后续做了出来,解释了为何下一个战役是在花房中。 The follow-up after the DeadToll 4 people boarded the ship has been made, which explains why the next battle is carried out in the flower house. 进入安全屋后你将进入下一关,由官方制作,因为此地图只在第一关增加了码头。 After entering the safe house, you wi...
少女前线 404小队棒球棒 / Girls' Frontline 404 Baseball Bat
Vytvořil PIO
替换了游戏中的棒球棒 顶端是404小队队徽,增加了不刺眼的夜光 不要在意Nepgear穿模的手...
樱花弹道和弹痕(Sakura ballistics and bullet marks )
Vytvořil FAW075
简介 替换了弹道,改成了樱花的效果 (The trajectory has been replaced and changed to the effect of cherry blossoms) 弹痕也是樱花的效果,且具备夜光 (Bullet marks are also the effect of cherry blossoms, and have luminous) 觉得这个太亮的点这里 喜欢的点个赞吧,你的赞是我最大的动力 更新说明 21/4/9 因为有部分枪械mod和柔和开枪火焰冲突,所以我删除了柔...
广州增城 (Zengcheng)Lv7.3
Vytvořil 爱都有罪love
人最宝贵的东西是生命。生命对人来说只有一次。因此,人的一生应当这样度过:当一个人回首往事时,不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞愧;这样,在他临死的时候,能够说,我把整个生命和全回部精力都献给了人生最答宝贵的事业——为人类的解放而奋斗。 zc_m1 zc_m2 zc_m3 zc_m4 zc_m5 BGM:海阔天空、迎春花、今年胜旧年、十五的月亮(潮汕版)、Fell for U 解决闪退问题:1,选项视频使用推荐设置,2,取消订阅个别导致闪退mod 用爱发电,喜欢的话可以滑到下面支持一下 》 》 》 》 》...
Vytvořil mmi开心
粉色弹道烟雾0.7秒;Pink trajectory and smoke 0.7 seconds
你的散弹枪弹壳会消失;Your shotgun bullet casing will disappear 其他版本见我的创意工坊物品;See my workshop items for other versions...
迷途-Lost Way
Vytvořil k1.听诗静夜分
首先,感谢大康老师、烈锋老师以及搭图大佬们的帮助ov o 背景:病毒传播的速度远比人们预想的要快,一夜之间,死亡的气息便已笼罩全城。摆在幸存者眼前似乎只有两条出路:投靠军方或是自力更生。而经历过军方背叛的四人组,显然选择了后者。一番探讨后,他们决定向郊区进军,寻求在郊区一处仓库的朋友的帮助。沿途,他们将穿越军方层层封锁、漫步在毫无生机的河畔、在破旧的地下设施中蹒跚前进......不过眼下,逃离这栋危险的旅馆才是当务之急..... 作者的话: 本图是作者的第一张图,从零开始断断续续搭了一年左右,技术可能相对还...
生还之锋-重制版(fos_remake) V6
Vytvořil Aiden锋锋
6.0调整了药的位置,使之不会刷在非主要道路中,修复了对抗下一部分不同模式的触发会冲突导致的bug。 全新的生还之锋地图,可以和旧版共存。更新点和特性详见介绍: 视频介绍: --------------------------------- B站介绍视频 --------------------------------- 总体调整: 1,所有关卡支持战役,药役,对抗模式 2,药役和对抗模式的坦克数量固定为1,救援为2 3,所有关卡的广告纹理进行了焕然一新的重置 4,增加了大量的彩蛋和隐藏内容 5,修改了关卡...
黄昏时刻2re At the gloaming Ⅱ RE
Vytvořil 秋风扶麦*
【黄昏时刻系列第三部】 直升机驾驶员被感染,飞机坠毁在北方边境的城市,幸存者们跟随军方撤离的路线,一路穿过穿过城市、森林、城镇到达通往北方的大桥,赶上最后一架直升机。 建图命令 第一关:map m1_city_outpost 第二关:map m2_through_forest 第三关:map m3_fled_town 第四关:map m4_north_bridge 【已停止更新】...
黄昏时刻re At the gloaming RE
Vytvořil 秋风扶麦*
【黄昏时刻系列第一部】 军队和CEDA开始撤出城市,幸存者向城市郊区出发,穿过城市街道,乘坐火车到达沙漠竞技场寻找救援。 地图代码 map watercity_re map watercityii_re map town_re map arena_re 【已停止更新】...
才羽桃井语音 替换 打包音效
Vytvořil 欲妒
游戏~游戏~打游戏呀~想打游戏~ ...
7 HD Potted Plants
Vytvořil Ellie
This mod is the first one (and probably one of the only ones of this kind ever) that uses Model RNG on map objects. The coding to make such a thing work is complex and requires some game processing power :). Anyway, this being said, it's pretty obvious : t...
A random Saferoom colour correction mod
Vytvořil Mute
Just a small one here to change the saferoom colour corrections. Do note that, some maps won't use the saferoom colour corrections, and will instead use the current map's one. As of the upload date, I'm having some technical difficulties, so the L4D1 ones ...
Alley War (1.2)
Vytvořil 桃李果树
The alley is the only way to escape the city. ========================================================================================== This is my fist original campaign, simple routes and random routes, have fun! If you find any bugs, please remind me in...
Anime "WOW!" Sound Effect [Weapon Upgrade Pickup]
Vytvořil 0 n i
Plays whenever the player picks up a weapon upgrade (Laser sights, incendiary / explosive ammo, ect.) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯...
Auto Bunnyhop
Vytvořil Sw1ft
Auto Bunnyhop Script Auto Bunnyhop for YOUR Listen / Dedicated server. Features Ability to disable/enable Auto Bunnyhop Keeps saved for each player when a level changes Chat Commands !bhop - turn on/off auto bhop !bhop2 - turn on/off 2nd method of auto bho...
Azur Lane Pixel Dynamic Paint
Vytvořil 十年公交男
Azur Lane Pixel Dynamic Paint Included: Spray paint. Description: Thirteen dynamic spray paints of Azur Lane, the file is from Azur Lane, enjoy it. Statement: Textures:十年公交男 Artwork from Pixiv:Azur Lane At last: Also have to catch the MOD! ! ! ! Label # 标签...
Beldurra 2 (part 1 of 2)
Vytvořil Mashed torpedoes
PART 1 OF 2 - YOU MUST SUBSCRIBE TO BOTH FOR THE CAMPAIGN TO WORK! The infection has left more than a wake of dead in Beldurra. Something big is living there now, and it brings down the Survivors' chopper as they attempt to fly over. Players will make thei...
Beldurra 2 (part 2 of 2)
Vytvořil Mashed torpedoes
PART 2 OF 2 - YOU MUST SUBSCRIBE TO BOTH FOR THE CAMPAIGN TO WORK! The infection has left more than a wake of dead in Beldurra. Something big is living there now, and it brings down the Survivors' chopper as they attempt to fly over. Players will make thei...
Better Gas Can Textures
Vytvořil мяFunreal
I like the vanilla textures, but they look rather poor in quality, so i made new ones. Note: the "Hard Rain" diesel can has two models. The old one has a different texture layout and I did not modify that one. Some custom campaigns might use that model, so...
Bile effect-胆汁特效
Vytvořil 花璃
改胆汁特效+倒计时 Bile effect 可和其他非胆汁特效的胆汁mod一起订阅(前提是 订阅的胆汁mod没有任何特效,不然就发生冲突) 本来这胆汁特效我是和我另一个胆汁mod放到一起的,然后我拆开另外上传到创意工坊这里。 附带胆汁mod+胆汁特效版本的:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2239530290 角色是白玉老师画的 ノワール(诺瓦尔) 点一下赞再走吧QVQ ...
Black Mesa View Tilt
Vytvořil petrichor_syntax
Black Mesa and Half-Life WON inspired view roll. This does NOT work on dedicated servers, to use this in multiplayer you need to make a local server or play singleplayer campaign....
Blue Laser sight
Vytvořil CaPPy
Changes the red Laser Sight to Blue...
Blue Archive Live2D Game Development Department Memorial Lobby Main Menu
Vytvořil act01
This Mod includes (In order): Hanaoka Yuzu with OST 50. Hue by KARUT Tendou Alice with OST 67. someday, sometime by KARUT Saiba Midori with OST 36. Koi is Love by Mitsukiyo Saiba Momoi with OST 54. After The Beep by Nor Hanaoka Yuzu (Maid ver.) with OST 38...
Carryable placer
Vytvořil Nescius
Script that makes carryables placable precisely on the ground using reload button. When carryable can be placed it's shown as translucent model (check video). If it cannot be placed wherever you are aiming it will either be not shown or be translucent with...
Cirno Fumo as Tank Projectile
Vytvořil Kuraibu
Replaces the tank's projectiles with Cirno fumo Funky (2) Mod details: Replaces the concrete and tree trunk projectiles Custom sounds when picked up, and hit Funky (2) Check out my other mods: Fumo Cirno replaces Plushies Cirno Fumo as Gnome Credits Model ...
City 17
Vytvořil Mrs. Puss
Please, check out my HL2 movie! "Seven hour war" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVuqIuCCpT8 == Take a deadly walk through the City 17, straight from Half-Life 2 ep 1. Fight your way from the very bottom of the town to the trainstation and... well, escape. ...
Clearer Laser Texture
Vytvořil Henrietta
Changes particle\beam_smoke_01.vtf to a new texture that I made with a graphic editing software in a few minutes. First picture is the original. Second is the newly made. Third is the thicker one I made. First one is in the base game, so if you want that, ...
Cocoa Hoto Loading Screen
Vytvořil Märchen Pekoe
Cocoa from "Is the Order a Rabbit?" Background Loading Screen Replacement My first mod became so famous I did not know it would become famous So I make another mod with other character I hope you guys like it :-)...
COD:MW Heckler & Koch HK433 SD Black (Replace Rifle SG552)
替换SG552(步枪) 此MOD已经获得原作者的授权 玩得开心 原作者:Denny凯妈&zmg 原MOD链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2860196906 Replace Rifle SG552 I have the original author‘s permission have fun Original Author:Denny凯妈&zmg Original Links:https://steamcommunity....
COD:BOCW Zenitsco AKS-105 Bullpup Off-white (Brand new) [Replace AK47]
描述 仿制COD19的灰白色迷彩,但是是崭新出厂(没有磨损什么的) 替换AK47(步枪) 此MOD已经获得原作者的授权 玩得开心 原作者:逝去的十月&M82A1闇冥,我 原MOD链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3136078384 Replace Rifle AK47 Replica of 's off-white camo, but brand new from the factory (no wear and tear ...
Cold Front (Part 1)
Vytvořil JAiZ
https://i.imgur.com/k6s3QYM.png After fighting their way North through ravenous hordes, Nick, Coach, Ellis, and Rochelle abandon their boat at a nearby dock due to a collapsed bridge. With nowhere else to go, the survivors head inland in hopes of finding r...
Cold Front (Part 2)
Vytvořil JAiZ
This is part 2 out of 3 for Cold Front. You must download all 3 parts for the campaign to work Click here to go to part 1....
Cold Front (Part 3)
Vytvořil JAiZ
This is part 3 out of 3 of Cold Front. You must download all 3 parts for the campaign to work Click here to go to part 1....
Cristiano Ronaldo's SIUUUU and disappears replaces Boomer's explosion/death
Vytvořil PxpertoGameplay
This mod replaces the Boomer's explosion/death sounds with Cristiano Ronaldo screaming SIUUUU and then disappears Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHS7e4T2hwQ...
Crossing Over L4D2
Vytvořil Alice sentence
It is a divine battle map. It has five chapters. It is transplanted from the classical generation map. The story tells of an evacuation centre where survivors were killed by a zombie attack. They were forced to hide in a house in the countryside, but they ...
CS:GO Sawed-Off
Vytvořil Twilight Sparkle
Hello everyone again, today i have made the Sawed off from CS:GO, it will replace the Wooden Shotgun (Pump Shotgun) and it comes with its original animations with its sounds too, also notice that this weapon doesn't have a flashlight attachment so in the s...
Custom 2x damage, 4-round Script Mod (Scout)
Vytvořil syahmi2002.sa
This mod will replace Scout's default script with a custom script of a Scout with twice the damage of its original script and fitted with 4-round magazines. It is very suited for guns like R700 from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and any similar guns. Chan...
Cut Spitter Particles + Glow
Vytvořil Orinuse
Within particles\spitter_fx.pcf, I (as in Smrekish) found a couple of unused components for the acid pool.. so I added them back in this addon! This brings back a swarm of bugs, haze and glow effects. The glow effects look bad in my opinion so I decided to...
Dam It (Part 1)
Vytvořil waxeton
DAM IT At first, before L4D became Valve's property, Turtle Rock Studios was considering releasing another official map for the same game with new dialogues! But that idea was no longer taken into account, and only one teammate released the Beta version. W...
Dam It (Part 2)
Vytvořil waxeton
DAM IT At first, before L4D became Valve's property, Turtle Rock Studios was considering releasing another official map for the same game with new dialogues! But that idea was no longer taken into account, and only one teammate released the Beta version. W...
Dark Carnival: Remix
Vytvořil NF
Dark Carnival: Remix is a redesign of Dark Carnival that remakes the layout and adds new areas and events in Whispering Oaks to explore. Beta content has also been brought to life and restored throughout the maps. See the Tunnel of Love with flowing water,...
Dark Tide 3.0
Dead Air Storm Mode
Vytvořil HerobrineAce
- If you need a console to create a map: c11m1_greenhouse_storm c11m2_offices_storm c11m3_garage_storm c11m4_terminal_storm c11m5_runway_storm ...
Dead Center: Rebirth
A remake campaign of Dead Center (My first work) 죽음의 센터 리메이크 맵입니다. 첫작이라 부족한 부분이 많을 수도 있습니다. 버그 제보나 건의사항은 댓글이나 제 프로필 댓글에 써주시면 검토하도록 하겠습니다....
DeadCity2 Lite (Official)
Vytvořil ilcannibal
Kill plenty of zombies battling through the Back Alleys, over a Draw Bridge, Locate the Military Outpost to escape....
Death Aboard - L4D1 Port
Vytvořil Cuba
In Death Aboard you start out in a prison and work your way out to the nearest docks area. From here, you board a stranded ship and finally to an island where there will be a lighthouse as a finale. The classic L4D1 map faithfully ported. G'day lads, Death...
Death destination v3.1
Vytvořil 逝去的梦
Chinese zombie apocalypse, death is the only safe place, escape to a safe place!...
Death Sentence (Part 1/2)
Vytvořil PöpThèséFøøls
Will you be able to survive through the city, the campsites, the swamps and reach the island? Creator: Neojo aka neojobabynou Original post: https://www.gamemaps.com/details/2624...
Death Sentence (Part 2/2)
Vytvořil PöpThèséFøøls
All info in 1st part....
Vytvořil rdr_tg
Info: This is an imitation of the Printstream line for the weapon Desert Rifle FN SCAR, this was inspired by JTPNZ, creator of the Printstream in the game CS:GO. About: The texture is designed to approximate the Printstream style. Depending on the angle of...
Detour Ahead
Vytvořil boogada
Detour Ahead campaign....
Deployable Laser Sights
A script that makes it so explosive ammo boxes will deploy laser sights when used instead of explosive ammo. Textures and requested by _Ilshat52_ Local/dedicated server only....
Devil Mountain
Vytvořil Pips
The survivors find themselves trapped in the suburbs with Devil Mountain looming large in the distance, its emergency beacon activated. Is it a call for rescue, or a warning of danger? Climb the back of the beast and find out! Devil Mountain is a sprawling...
Diescraper Redux
Vytvořil Rectus
After being firebombed, the survivors must flee their safehouse, and find their way to safety. A 4 map campaign playable in all game modes. Extensively tested on Versus. Now playable on offical servers (possibly running outdated versions). Supported mutati...
Dniepr 4.0 Pt 1 by Benoit Dereau, Mael Vignaux, Guillaume Boitel
The Dnieper River is one of the major rivers of Europe, rising near Smolensk, Russia and flowing through Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine to the Black Sea. This campaign has original music, models, and textures. This is the old fixed version we had posted here...
Dniepr 4.0 Pt 2 by Benoit Dereau, Mael Vignaux, Guillaume Boitel
The Dnieper River is one of the major rivers of Europe, rising near Smolensk, Russia and flowing through Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine to the Black Sea. This campaign has original music, models, and textures. This is the old fixed version we had posted here...
Dniepr 4.0 Pt 3 by Benoit Dereau, Mael Vignaux, Guillaume Boitel
The Dnieper River is one of the major rivers of Europe, rising near Smolensk, Russia and flowing through Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine to the Black Sea. This campaign has original music, models, and textures. This is the old fixed version we had posted here...
Dniepr 4.0 Pt 4 by Benoit Dereau, Mael Vignaux, Guillaume Boitel
The Dnieper River is one of the major rivers of Europe, rising near Smolensk, Russia and flowing through Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine to the Black Sea. This campaign has original music, models, and textures. This is the old fixed version we had posted here...
Dniepr 4.0 Pt 5 by Benoit Dereau, Mael Vignaux, Guillaume Boitel
The Dnieper River is one of the major rivers of Europe, rising near Smolensk, Russia and flowing through Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine to the Black Sea. This campaign has original music, models, and textures. This is the old fixed version we had posted here...
Dniepr textures 드네프르 텍스처
재료만 Materials only...
Dniepr v2 드네프르
Author: bendix8FR Dniepr 2.0 캠페인은 드니프르 강을 따라 실제 및 가상의 장소에서 진행됩니다. 쇼핑몰, 건설 중인 건물, 강, 버려진 도시, 하수구, 그리고 마지막으로 프리피아트 시와 같은 장소를 통과합니다. 드니프르 강은 러시아 스몰렌스크 근처에서 발원하여 러시아, 벨로루시, 우크라이나를 거쳐 흑해로 흐르는 유럽의 주요 강 중 하나입니다. 이 캠페인에는 독창적인 음악, 모델, 텍스처가 포함되어 있습니다. 이것은 이전에 여기와 다른...
Doge for Loading Icon
Vytvořil Bánh mì chả
http://i.imgur.com/UqMRK8k.gif ------------------------------------------------------- Credits: Original Cảm ơn đã sử dụng ...
Dohna Dohna Alice Shotgun
Vytvořil Knucklenator
I think this one was Spas? Re-upload from M82A1...
Dragon Katana [One-Handed] (Katana)
Vytvořil 🍂Kojiro🍂
Dragon Katana replaces... Katana if you don't like the katana one-handed , you can find two-handed version of this on kf2 anim here Includes : -View model -World model (has sheath but can be drawn) -HUD icon -Sounds CREDITS : Model/Textures and thumbnail b...
Drop Dead Gorges (Complete) / 暴毙峡谷
Vytvořil 诚宝
http://i.imgur.com/OerL787.png 暴毙峡谷是一张非常刺激的非官方地图 Drop Dead Gorges is a very exciting map. 原本这个地图有两个part,但是互相冲突,我上传的这个是两个part二合一的版本 Originally this map has two parts, but they conflict with each other. The one I uploaded is a two-in-one version of the two p...
Dynamic Light
Vytvořil Sw1ft
READ THE DESCRIPTION Dynamic Light This is a server-side add-on (for YOUR Listen / Dedicated server) Creates dynamic light on molotovs, pipe bombs, spit, burning infected (SI and Tank) and muzzle flash Chat Commands !dl_reset - reset settings to default !d...
E3 Flashlight Beams
Vytvořil XENORT
Kept you waiting, huh? Here's another "beta flashlight beams" mod by yours truly. This time based on E3 variant seen in different presentations and gameplay footages of the time. Pros: - Beams can light up some dim areas. - Unlike Early 2008 counterpart, w...
Fairfield Terror - Part 1/2
Vytvořil Sang
Fairfield Terror is a fan-made remake of Turtle Rock Studio's original No Mercy, the game studio that owned the rights for Left 4 Dead back in 2007/2008 before Valve took over the game. The original design of No Mercy featured a much darker atmosphere, had...
Explosive Barrel 02爆炸油桶
Vytvořil 夜良Zl
在原版爆炸油桶的基础上替换了《DARLING in the FRANXX》国家队02贴图,贴图改成2048像素,添加发光效果 Replacing Exploding Barrel Mapping,Texture 512 pixels changed to 2048 pixels, added glow effect ...
FN-15 (M16)
Disclaimer: You are not allowed to port or modify these materials without explicit permission. Features: - Replaces M16 - Custom sounds included - Flashlight included - 2 RNG reloads (only empty reload works online) Credits: - Model, textures: Casper (I ai...
Fairfield Terror - Part 2/2
Vytvořil Sang
Fairfield Terror is a fan-made remake of Turtle Rock Studio's original No Mercy, the game studio that owned the rights for Left 4 Dead back in 2007/2008 before Valve took over the game. The original design of No Mercy featured a much darker atmosphere, had...
Free Passage 2.0
From : https://www.gamemaps.com/details/18152 Consol: cfreepassagem 1~3 This map supports coop, versus, scavenge, survival...
Genshin Impact Devil Hutao Replaces Coach 小恶魔 胡桃 替换 教练
Vytvořil ☆麻辣香锅☆
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1747940658856274515/34CBC07D7ED73B6282B3F7AF2E3D47BB462BF9B1/ ----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s Hutao.It replaces Coach in game. 小恶魔胡桃替换游戏内教练 喜欢我的mod就订阅收藏点赞三连支持我 你的支持是我...
Goodbye,Nanning V5.4 (Reset Version)
Vytvořil HerobrineAce
////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - This map is difficult. Please protect your teammates! - Four survivors came to the power school and decided to find a way out. - There are four maps in total, one of which is the survival mode. Due t...
Haunted Forest (Author's upload) - Fixed finale
Vytvořil Snow
This is the Haunted Forest campaign, re-uploaded by the author himself (that's me). Back in the days when I published this campaign, the Steam Workshop didn't yet exist. After all these years, I decided to put it on the Workshop myself. The finale was fixe...
H&K MP5SD Black 真纪 (Replaces H&K MP5)
Vytvořil AJO
兄弟,你()()() 枪模来自国外的作者——Raizen: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1884205843&searchtext=HK+MP5+SD original mod link: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1884205843&searchtext=HK+MP5+SD Thanks to Raizen for granting me ...
L4D2 Two Evil Eyes 3.0
Last Summer V5
Author: Non_Essential aka Marc Machi Gil This is my first campaign. 3 custom maps based on real places from Spain (coop only). First map is about my neighbourhood of Valencia. Second is the place where I used to play with my band. Third is the place where ...
Last Ride Fixed (v2 Fixed)
Author: JohnnyRamoneBR After escaping from the city in Burning Night, the helicopter of the survivors face problems during the flight and ends up crashing. Now they must cross another infested city to find an escape vehicle in the opposite side of the city...
infected damage display
Vytvořil 星魂桑丶
Translate By Google! Support language: Chinese & English Language Code:0 = Chinese,1 = English。 Defalut Lang:Chinese(0) You Can Change Defalut Lang In Here:Left 4 Dead 2/left4dead2/ems/idd/lang_setting.txt Defalut lang in lang_setting.txt is 0 ONLY ACCEPT ...
Legacy Particles Support ( muzzle effects )
Vytvořil Urik
to everyone asking about FOV slider: it's from this or this mods Important: for modders. Previous conflicts now have been resolved by changing material paths, but still, if you want to reuse some of the effects here, please, do make effort to completely re...
Lockdown: Chapter Two
Vytvořil a1ex MVP
https://i.imgur.com/8cXSiCC.png I recommend that you play LockdownDLC first to get the full Lockdown campaign experience. This is a sequel and the story continues from where chapter 1 left off. 5 maps Story continues where LockdownDLC left off Several maps...
https://www.gamemaps.com/details/2625 6 maps When you get crash error Try this Manually type "stringtabledictionary" in the server console (but you need to restart the map after this), Add "-stringtables" in the server's launch parameters, or; Set "stringt...
M24 Upgraded w/ MWR Animations - Compressed Weapon Mod (Scout)
Vytvořil syahmi2002.sa
This reuploaded mod will replace Scout with an upgraded M24, utilizing R700 animations from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered, made for those who don't want to risk their game to have unstable FPS and occasional audio cuts with many HQ-ish mods insta...
Lux's Survivor Legs script
Vytvořil Shadowysn
NOTICE: This addon uses scripts. This will not work in Dedicated servers. Use local/listen servers, or singleplayer instead. An upside to this is that if you can see this addon's effects, everyone else can. This is a port-to-VScript of Lux's Survivor Legs ...
Machina bullet tracer particles
Vytvořil AvengedDeathAlert
This will change all of the gun's bullet tracer particles (except the L4D2 mounted machine gun) into the Machina's particle. Default tracers are red colored, while incendiary(fire bullets) and frag rounds(explosive bullets) are bright orange colored. Impor...
Medical Cabinet at Whitaker's Gun Shop
Vytvořil Jugger
This addon will only work on Local Servers(Hosted by You or Someone that is using the mod) or Single Player. Not a fan of the many Medkits found on Whitaker's Gun Shop? Want some more variety or challenge in this level? That can be achieved with this mod! ...
Military Industrial Complex II
Vytvořil The Thug Shaker
*I am just uploading this campaign to the Steam Workshop. All credit for the creation of this campaign goes to Garbage Boy. I have not edited any part of this campaign. This is my first upload, so if there happen to be any problems with the download/instal...
Mega Skyboxes + Color Correction 2023
Vytvořil Mily
Este mod tiene como objetivo mejorar los aspectos del Cielo de todas las Campañas tanto de L4D y L4D2 mas el color correction para cada campaña. Como beneficio adicional, ¡funcionará en línea! :) ⭐Incluye: 🌟Color Correction para todas las Campañas. 💎Disfru...
Mochi Tanks (Krone&Mashu&Peke)
Vytvořil 猫猫拯救世界
Krone as l4d2 tank Mashu as sacrifice tank Peke as l4d1 tank Features 10 static expressions (100+ keyframes/10种静态表情100+关键帧) RNG(🔴红薯⚪麻薯🟣紫薯) jiggle bones(飘动骨骼) cel shading(二次元着色) procedural bones(vrd/抑制部件穿模) first person arms(viewmodel/第一人称手模) ragdoll(布娃娃物理)...
model NH2 part 5
model only ...
Modified RE2 Health Bars v3
Vytvořil Interneted
Inspired by https://i.imgur.com/PhvImXn.png Keep in mind that this add-on has almost a complete overhaul compared to the previous ones, so if you don't like this one, you can enjoy my previous versions! Modified RE2 Health Bars Modified RE2 Health Bars v2 ...
model NH2 part 6
model only ...
MW2019: Throwables and Deployables
Vytvořil mav
Set aflame enemies with the Molotov cocktail and traced fire rounds, explode your targets into gibs with the homemade Pipebomb and explosive rounds, and divert your enemies with a CEDA infused Boomer Bile sample. A pack of throwable items and deployable am...
nacheneko Dynamic Mainmenu
Vytvořil 凛乄月
Replace:x\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2\media l4d2_background01.bik---l4d2_background05.bik...
Nightmare House 2 나이트메어 하우스 2 v2
Added DLC model at textures Author: LilSaintCN this chinatown 저는 이 지도의 작성자가 아니며 단지 지도를 옮겼을 뿐입니다. 지도 소개: 생존자들은 탈출 중 실수로 차를 뒤집어 혼수상태에 빠졌다. 눈을 떠보니 환상향이 눈앞에 있었다. 그들은 호기심에 모험을 떠났고, 일련의 무서운 사건들을 경험했다. 그들은 겁에 질려 차를 운전했지만 여자귀신에게 끌려가 다시 혼수상태에 빠졌다. 깨어났을 때, 정신병원에서 발견...
Orange Health Bar
Vytvořil ᴶᵉˡˡᵒ❤
This orange bar will replace the ugly color of the original process bar. Includes: Healing Starting a generator Picking up an incapped member Fire/explosion packs You name it!!! Blue Health Bar Pink Health Bar Green Health Bar Purple Health Bar Yellow Heal...
OKcf's Script Pre File Libs
Vytvořil 洛圣都改猫王
Manager... Never conflict with other mods now!...
Original Dead Center Skyline
Vytvořil Gyroic
Turns out, inside the files of the c1m1_enviorment folder is every version of the textures for the skyline. From reference textures to a pre-final version of the fog covered textures for the skyline. The most interesting part, is that their's a version of ...
Oxygen cylinders_BOCCHI THE ROCK 孤独摇滚氧气瓶
Vytvořil 夜良Zl
Replacement of oxygen cylinders(替换了氧气瓶) Comparatively few people do oxygen bottle mod, they did a share out, I'm lazy greedy convenient so borrow the big brother vmt, changed the mapping is not dynamic, do dynamic mod file is relatively large memory, with ...
Pasiri [4 Chapter Campaign]
Vytvořil Somnician
'Pasiri' is japanese. It means it is made to run errands. This is a 4 chapter campaign that has the cola event in each map. The finale consists of bringing all of the cola bottles to... each building with an antenna attached, and escaping in a pod at the e...
Prague PART 2/5
Vytvořil perfect_buddy
Necessary content for this campaign Please rate and comment on the part 1 addon...
Plan B
Vytvořil Rectus
After a car crash, you are stranded in the middle of nowhere with a storm approaching. You need shelter and possibly find a way to continue your journey. A 3 map campaign playable in Co-Op and Versus. Features exploring, dynamic weather, lots of easter egg...
Prague PART 4/5
Vytvořil perfect_buddy
Necessary content for this campaign Please rate and comment on the part 1 addon...
Prague PART 5/5
Vytvořil perfect_buddy
Necessary content for this campaign Please rate and comment on the part 1 addon...
Prague PART 1/5
Vytvořil perfect_buddy
This campaign takes place in Prague, Czech Republic during the onset of the apocalypse. Players will have to travel across the city through 4 different districts in order to reach the last remaining evacuation point. REMEMBER TO SUBSCRIBE TO ALL 5 PARTS, O...
Prague PART 3/5
Vytvořil perfect_buddy
Necessary content for this campaign Please rate and comment on the part 1 addon...
Precinct 84 (Fixed)
Vytvořil Trunten
After a helicopter crash into a city just freshly hit by the infection The survivors see glimpses of the police still active and head their way to Precinct 84 In the heart of the city by a small mountain that divides the city Official workshop version from...
Precinct 84 Original by Sir Eric B.
After a helicopter crash into a city just freshly hit by the infection. The survivors see glimpses that the police are still active and them to Precinct 84. This is the original version with the gas station that blows up to holy hell if you are not careful...
Propane tank, oxygen tank and pipe bomb 1000 damage explosion
Vytvořil Nescius
Specials and tanks will get up to 1000 damage from propane, oxygen tank and pipe bomb explosion. Witches and survivors are unaffected. Default damage is 25. fun fact: propane and oxygen tank explosions are implemented by spawning pipe_bomb_projectile and m...
Purple-Pink weapon selector
Purple-Pink weapon selector I hope you enjoy it...
Realistic Flashlight
Vytvořil Leyla
http://puu.sh/kxgcQ/4fd1c34bb9.png This addon replaces the flashlight sound and lighting with more realistic ones. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ http://puu.sh/kxgqO/c29af2e385.png Check my other mods: http://puu.sh/nUB5R/2d8cf5ebe3.jpghttp:/...
Realistic FX [Materials]
Vytvořil Tiến ~Kriegs~
FX Materials in order for the Particle to work. Notice: The pistol is my personal mod that i didnt publish yet, and also for the mac-10, the pistol is taken the model from Half life 2 USP mod and the MW2019 animation. The hunting: https://steamcommunity.co...
Realistic Molotov Particles
COMMISIONS OPEN FEATURES -new particle systems -new particle textures -fire will not block your vision anymore! CREDITS -MysterAC DO NOT REUPLOAD ANY OF MY MODS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION https://i.imgur.com/F5PyEEv.jpg Dont forget to like, favorite and share h...
Realistic Whispering Oaks Billboard
Vytvořil Savantir
This is Realistic Whispering Oaks Billboard. ...
Redemption "Patch"
Vytvořil Rise
RNG Far Cry Style Healing Animations
Vytvořil tomaz
Dumb little mod. Replaces the adrenaline. This time it comes with a whopping number of 10 different animations that play randomly. Some of them are inspired by the animations from Far Cry 3, one of them from Far Cry 6, but most of them are inspired by the ...
Road To Nowhere II by Mapeater
Version 4.0: The 4 Survivors have crash into a police barricade they found out that there is a town called Greenville that is holding down the infection they must reach out this last standing place before everything goes to hell. This needed Valves missing...
Ryker's Main Menu
Vytvořil UndeadRyker
Modifies the main menu to be listed, a-la Left 4 Dead 1. Selecting a gamemode will instantly lead to the "Advanced Search" page, with the redundant "Custom Search" button replaced with a "Create Lobby" button, making hosting games easier. "Play Single Play...
Simple Bunnyhop Detect
Vytvořil mt2
Bunny-hop detect script The bunnyhop message output condition is over 3 bunnyhop and velocity over 350 You can change the conditions with ver1.4 update Open "ems\simple_bunnyhop_detect\bhop_detect_condition.txt" adjust the < count,speed > and save For exam...
SCP Containment Breach Pick up Item Sound
Vytvořil Alix
Replaces the L4D2 Pick up Item for the SCP Containment Breach Pick up sound Sound from SCP CB (again) Go check out my other SCP Mods...
SMG Silenced - hellsing gold
Vytvořil TOG | K1CHWA
a gold ssmg custom normal map custom exponent map mod works best on very high shader settings (gold/gloss fx does not work on lower end pc) please dont redistribute my custom textures/normals....be original and make something on your own. SKIN MODS GOLD MO...
SPEC OPS Grizzly Medkit
Vytvořil KJ
Replaces both viewmodel & worldmodel first aid kit Compatible healing sound mods porting, rigging etc by KJ...
Suicide Blitz 2
Vytvořil Calango Aceso
Parte Unica Adicionado a oficina Steam por mim para facilitar o acesso de todos aqui você baixa o mapa a vontade estará sempre visível a todos diferente do que fizeram com Warcelona parte 1, 2 e 3 que não tem mais acesso fonte do mapa https://www.gamemaps....
Survivor-Specific Perks
The best design decision of L4D as a franchise is the fact that every survivor is the same, no one has an advantage or disadvantage making the teamplay of L4D more pronounced. This mod aims to ruin this by giving each survivor their own unique perk. VSLIB ...
Tank Challenge
Vytvořil obez
v1.5 An offshoot of Tanks Playground, a little idea we had while playing Tanks Playground with friends. Survive waves of tanks with increasing difficulty until rescue. At each wave, one additional tank will spawn (ie. 6 tanks at round 6). Easy mode only sp...
textures NH2 part 1
materials only ...
textures NH2 part 2
materials only ...
textures NH2 part 3
materials only ...
textures NH2 part 4
materials only ...
The Mortuary New Version 2017 By Poor, Vaz2107 Port l4d1
Vytvořil {aic}
15.10.17//// 10/17/17 update 2 map: The survivors must go to the mortuary to examine the infection. The campaign includes many places to visit Metro> Car Park> Industry> City> Mortuary - New textures - New Tag with humor - Each meter was tested many of tim...
The Parish Retexture
This is a casual project undertaken by myself. I intend to slowly replace and redesign the parish to my liking. Instead of devoting myself so I do not get burned out, I do not have any estimated time on completion, choosing instead to sporadically apply re...
Undead Zone (Fixed)
Vytvořil Trunten
The Undead Zone is a Left 4 Dead 2 campaign based on upcoming film Mary Doe. The campaign stars horror legend Tom Savini. It will take players through 5 unique and challenging levels. Enter the Undead Zone if you dare. The Undead Zone boasts a large 5 map ...
Undead Zone - Part 1 of 4
Vytvořil Freak
Subscribe to the Undead Zone Official Collection to ensure to have all the files you need to play. The Undead Zone boasts a large 5 Map Campaign that ranges from an underground reservoir, to a ghost town, to a desolate desert landscape. The campaign expand...
Undead Zone - Part 2 of 4
Vytvořil Freak
Subscribe to the Undead Zone Official Collection to ensure to have all the files you need to play. The Undead Zone boasts a large 5 Map Campaign that ranges from an underground reservoir, to a ghost town, to a desolate desert landscape. The campaign expand...
Undead Zone - Part 4 of 4
Vytvořil Freak
Subscribe to the Undead Zone Official Collection to ensure to have all the files you need to play. The Undead Zone boasts a large 5 Map Campaign that ranges from an underground reservoir, to a ghost town, to a desolate desert landscape. The campaign expand...
Undead Zone - Part 3 of 4
Vytvořil Freak
Subscribe to the Undead Zone Official Collection to ensure to have all the files you need to play. The Undead Zone boasts a large 5 Map Campaign that ranges from an underground reservoir, to a ghost town, to a desolate desert landscape. The campaign expand...
Vytvořil Rayman1103
VSLib (VScript Library) is a simple, lightweight library for L4D2's script system. It is a loose collection of classes and functions that work together to provide additional features....
Vytvořil Pertenezco a Leidi
https://i.postimg.cc/1tJyJ3PQ/v2.jpg Los sobrevivientes quedaron atrapados en una misteriosa y peculiar urbanización. Ahora todo lo que tienes que hacer es sobrevivir Características: Mapa espacioso Las casas y la atmosfera (no es 100% similar al real) Con...
xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Anim Mods base
Vytvořil xdshot
Base dependency for 3-rd person re-animations mods for survivors and infected Features: Provides basic system of adding replacements for animations. Slot system that allows combining multiple re-animations mods. Up to 48 different slots per each character....
Z-PTZ v2.0 (Fixed)
Vytvořil treeshade
Author: DarthDed ( https://www.gamemaps.com/search?q=DarthDed ) Added stringtable to all maps. Vehicle glowing, music, poster and outro title fixed....
ZengCheng v5.12
Vytvořil ᴄᴜᴏɴɢ
Old version of ZengCheng. I'm not the author of this map. All copyrights to the Authors of the map: ????love profiles/76561198100387245...
[命运2&碧蓝档案 Destiny2&Blue Archive]清澄晶 黑桃a Kiyosumi Akira AceofSpades
Vytvořil 野生带鱼
该mod已经获得绘制和改动模型的授权 原mod链接: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2632094627&searchtext=%E9%BB%91%E6%A1%83a "盖牌认输永远不在选择之列。" "老师,终有一天,我会前去收下这份感情之名。" 当怪盗和赌徒碰撞到一起,会迸发出怎样的火花呢? 现在,拿起这把枪,告诉你的敌人,谁是真正的王牌吧。 这个倒更像是一个技术力总结的作品,总结了我学习制作mod这近一个月的成果。 我为该m...
[崩坏3/Honkai_impact]爱莉红色透明计分板/Alicia loading_background(translucent red stats panel)
Vytvořil 楚风幽
传火—为刘玉锟发声!!! "爱莉红色透明计分板/Alicia loading_background(translucent red stats panel)" / (The English description is at the bottom) 根据下列说明来实现计分板透明。或者你想要原版计分板,点击订阅即可。无需下列操作 。 In order for the score panel to display properly, you need to reload the game UI. if you ...
[洛琪希 Roxy]止痛药 Pain Pills 无职转生 ~到了异世界就拿出真本事~
Vytvořil Anxir
洛琪希图片替换止痛药图片,图片来自pixiv,侵权删 pixiv id:87149963...
[碧蓝档案/Blue Archive]浅黄睦月 CODOL MINIUZI
Vytvořil 野生带鱼
咕呼呼~小恶魔睦月来咯! 非常感谢【MxDlZnB】大佬标注的二创许可! 原mod链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2946793698 我在原mod的基础上加装了手电,非常感谢【逝去的十月】大佬提供的优质模型! 手电配件来源mod链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3113052854 手电配件来源mod演示视频:https://www.bili...
[碧蓝档案/Blue Archive]陆八魔 阿露 COD:WW2 M1C-EBR
Vytvořil 野生带鱼
本mod已经获取了制作授权,感谢 逝去的十月 大佬的授权! 原mod链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3080519704 原mod演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1eu4y1t7gS 本mod具有:夜光、法线贴图以及全息贴图,替换游戏内的15连木狙? 还在看?给阿露买瓜子去!(这是我目前比较满意的作品) 在你执行再上传、二次创作、移植等操作前,请先向作者请示 一切违规操作、针对作者...
[Bocchi the rock!]Bus Stop
Vytvořil Elaina
Bus Stop...
[碧蓝档案/Blue Archive]鬼方佳代子 半仿制印花集 官模吉他(夜光+珠光)
Vytvořil 野生带鱼
佳门,感动常在! 不论是喜欢音乐的佳代子,还是喜欢佳代子的你,会拒绝这样一把吉他吗? 该mod具有夜光和珠光,同时去除了高血腥模式下会沾染的血迹 目前已知会和部分人物mod红名冲突,但经过测试不会影响正常游戏 白色的地方不晓得贴什么,为了避免单调,我尝试了贴印花集素材,贴的不好还请见谅 2024.3.25 新增法线贴图 在你执行再上传、二次创作、移植等操作前,请先向作者请示 一切违规操作、针对作者以及本mod的恶意行为或将导致本mod下架 Before you perform operations such...
[COD:MW2019] Grenades and Explosions Sounds
Vytvořil XEN
There's one I haven't change in the mod which is the sound for throwing the molotov (fire_ignite_2), I can't find any audio converter to make my sound 176 kbps to the original, so if anyone knows how to do it, just comment thank you! This mod replaces the ...
[Genshin Impact/原神] KLEE Replaces Zoey /可利替换zoye
Vytvořil Alyer夏
Introduction/简介 That’s KLEE.it replaces Zoey in game. 原神可利替换游戏内佐伊 Replaces Zoey 替换 Zoey 模型:mihoyo ------------------------------------- //Correct size//正确的大小// ------------------------------------- models | 模型 jiggle bones | 飘动骨骼 flex animation | 表情 zoye a...
[honkai 3]cheongsam seele(black) replace ellis
Vytvořil 开胃master
希儿 墨染镜华(黑)替换 ellis 模型来源:神帝宇 本mod含有表情 物理 飘动等 测试之后应该没有太大的bug,有的话请留言...
[PROP] Fence Cast Shadow
Searched around the workshop and didn't find any mod for this so here is simple VMT tweaks allowing chainlink fence to receive/cast shadow (not really a 'fix' because it wasnt a bug but wtf do I call this?) ...
[VScripts] Library of Utils
Vytvořil Sw1ft
Just my library for various scripts...