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Tzeentch's Bane Towers
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Tzeentch's Bane Towers

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Publicado originalmente por Man O' War - Plague Fleet Rulebook:
When a Chaos Sorcerer takes to the sea as part of a Chaos Fleet he will always be aboard a Bane Tower of Tzeentch. This strange floating vessel resembles a huge floating castle, suspended above the waves on a glowing nimbus of light and bathed in a veil of lightning bolts that crackle along its hull.

Bane Towers are Tier 5 flying warmachines; seemingly collosal, floating towers, they unleash tremendous barrages of bolts and large, plasmatic balls of warpfire that do not discriminate in how much damage they can deal. For all intensive purposes, they're essentially flying artillery platforms.

That being said, they're a ridiculously powerful unit, and as such, cost a huge amount in both initial cost and upkeep. They also lack in HP and barrier points, and can be melted if a proper counter-measure is pointed at them.

ROR - The Unfathomable Spire
The Unfathomable Spire - a tower from within the Impossible Fortress that has escaped the warp and now acts upon its own unknowable will - is a collosal upgrade from its predecessor.

The fire rates of all its munitions is faster, it has more HP and barrier, and has Eldritch Updraft , which triggers when the Spire reaches below 50% of its HP, and spawns a unit of screamers to protect itself from whatever threat may be firing upon it. In equal tow, however, is its cost, as it's even more painstakingly difficult to purchase and maintain.

All Tzeentch factions can recruit this unit, as can the Daemons of Chaos and Vilitch. Each requires either tier 3 ports, or the maximum tier of their respective advanced unit building.

As a unit mod, this should have zero issues with other mods.

  • Dilaguna for the mod of which the Bane Towers, and the framework of this mod, was derived from (with permission.) You can find the original mod, Path of Change, here:
  • The Skeleton Crew team, which taught me everything I know, and more.
  • The Modding Den, whose fantastic work both collectively and individually drives Warhammer: Total War to stay alive, and gives birth to some of the most ingenious pieces of modding most other modding scenes would be jealous of.
  • CA, for their excellent work as always.
  • The community, of course. <3

67 comentarios
Son Gohan 18 JUL a las 4:40 a. m. 
Is it possible?
Son Gohan 17 JUL a las 9:56 a. m. 
Please make it fly higher if possible ;)
Knigga 6 JUL a las 1:44 a. m. 
how to change limit from 3?
Necroplex 2 JUL a las 1:03 p. m. 
Can we get this for changeling please?
GreyGhost14 1 JUL a las 11:42 a. m. 
can you make this so belakor can get this please
M3ran 30 JUN a las 10:56 a. m. 
would be nice if they could fly abit higher up in the sky, love the mod.
War 25 JUN a las 6:59 p. m. 
I personally feel as though the cost isn't really a good balance for these units. It definitely helps but if you run a single army and have three of these(four with the RoR), you can demolish absolutely anything in the way. Without even using the rest of my army, I melted four enemy armies of lizardmen in one battle. I feel like they could use a much lower amount of ammo or less damage. The AI is never smart enough to counter these so these things just end anything and everything.
Necrokek 22 JUN a las 9:40 a. m. 

Okay after some generous testing there are a lot of things wrong with this mod EXTERNALLY to the other factions other than Tzeetches own faction.

- Villitch from WoC cannot recruit the unit at all, it does not appear under the port option, not only that, Villitch can't really get a port unless they are a dark fortress, which only exist on the other side of the map. It should be moved to TIER 5 building or as one of the advanced millitary building options (or new)
Necrokek 22 JUN a las 9:40 a. m. 

- For Daniel, it's wonky as hell.
Firstly you have to reach the required amount of Tzeetch glory, and then you also have to find a tier 3 port? which again is quite difficult for him to do at his location, but apparantly, the port does't require him at all to have any glory because it doesn't have the associated resource attached.
(wh3_main_dae_tzeentch_points) So he can just march west, ignore his glory and get tier 3 ports instead, making his entire glory mechanic redundant.

I think if this is going to be fixed, for Daemons of Chaos it should be attached to the TIER 5 building slot and for Villitch, he should have his OWN SPECIAL building that unlocks it as a tier 5 variant, so that other WOC factions can't use the unit (or assign it to grand altar of tzeetch).
Bishamonten 17 JUN a las 3:01 a. m. 
Script might be broken, logs show the following:

Loading mod file [script\campaign\mod\gmd_tzeentch_daemon_unit_dumping_ground.lua]
Failed to load mod file [script\campaign\mod\gmd_tzeentch_daemon_unit_dumping_ground.lua], error is: cannot open gmd_tzeentch_daemon_unit_dumping_ground: No such file or directory. Will attempt to require() this file to generate a more meaningful error message:
error loading module gmd_tzeentch_daemon_unit_dumping_ground from file gmd_tzeentch_daemon_unit_dumping_ground:[string "script\campaign\mod\gmd_tzeentch_daemon_unit_dumping_ground.lua"]:8: unexpected symbol near '['
Failed to load mod: [script\campaign\mod\gmd_tzeentch_daemon_unit_dumping_ground.lua]