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Enhanced EuropaWar
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15 mar, ore 22:58
9 nov, ore 22:59
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Enhanced EuropaWar

A modified EuropaWar that balances around Enhanced Armaments. Para Bellum...

- EuropaWar enemies now use weapons from Enhanced Armaments
- Humanoid enemies can now go unconscious (negative vitality)
- Underwater scooter enemies will switch to gun when they engage
- Underwater scooter enemies will inherit vitality after switching
- Clown Unlockers will carry some traitor items
- Clown Chemists will use more poisons
- Clown Boomers will not explode if you managed to detach its C-4 block
- Separatist Infiltrators now use anechoic diving suits from Real Sonar
- (Lua) In multiplayer, Separatist Spy will imitate appearing and equipments of your crew

- Enemy health has been decreased
- Enemy attack range has been decreased (20m -> 10m)
- Diving suits of Humanoid enemies are now disposable

Load Order:
- Enhanced EuropaWar
- Enhanced Armaments

- EuropaWaifu++ Patch
24 commenti
AngeL 15 ott, ore 2:42 
Nevermind I cant read :P
AngeL 15 ott, ore 2:40 
Is this compatible with Barotraumatic?
Azure  [autore] 15 ott, ore 0:57 
AngeL 15 ott, ore 0:50 
Does this mod work with RRR Armaments?
D 6 set, ore 22:48 
Running this with Neurotrauma causes server crash at a certain point. Not sure what is causing it honestly, I have tried mitigating it by removing all human tags from the clowns and such but it still happens.
SmilingChaos 31 lug, ore 0:24 
好的 感謝:steamthumbsup:
Azure  [autore] 31 lug, ore 0:11 
SmilingChaos 31 lug, ore 0:09 
請問要裝EuropaWar嗎? 還是用這個就好?
Azure  [autore] 28 lug, ore 17:46 
Zach 28 lug, ore 16:00 
Do you still get one-shot by clowns wielding alien pistols in this?