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Avorion eXtended - Buyable Ships
Ships & mods from this collection should provide enough ships for all stages of eXtended gameplay.
All ships can be bought at Shipyards for just credits. No build mode required.
Items (2)
Laserzwei's Advanced Shipyard
Created by Laserzwei
This mod extends vanilla shipyards to produce custom-made ships....
[2.5.2+] Xavorion: eXtended Avorion
Created by LM13
Complete Gameplay Overhaul, aimed at fixing, extending and rebalancing sandbox experience in as many areas as I could handle over 2 years of development. Changes include a rework of galaxy generation, weapons, combat, progression, spawn system and tweaks t...
Linked collections (2)
Brankors Avorion Fleet
Contains 72 items
In 9 collections by LM13
[2.5.2+] Avorion eXtended
27 items
[2.5.2+] Avorion eXtended - Recommended Mods
18 items
[2.5.2+] Avorion eXtended - Extra Mission Pack by KnifeHeart
19 items
Avorion eXtended - Starter Ships
17 items
Avorion eXtended - Localization
11 items
[2.5.2+] Avorion eXtended - Optional Tweaks
19 items
eXtended Scripting Framework - Library collection
13 items
Avorion eXtended - Faction Packs by Mighty Brankor
15 items
[2.5.2+] Xavorion: eXtended Gameplay Preset
38 items