Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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"The Shining" Axe Red Skin
Skapt av TrulySc
If Prophet wants me to take down this mod I will most certianly do so. This is mostly for private use....
600+ Sounds (Doors Only)
The modified door sounds were originally in 600+ Misc., but I've decided that they are distinct enough to belong in their own VPK file. The contents of this item change the majority of the game's door sounds and adds a flavor of realism to the audio....
AK-47 - Higher Quality Textures
Skapt av RainyRayne
Note: this is NOT compatible with my previous AK swap mod, as they both edit AK47.vmt. Better textures for the classic AKM. Uses the CSGO texture as a base(which is twice the resolution of L4D2's AK), with edits to make it more align with L4D2's AK. I also...
Accurate Bile Bomb Color
Skapt av Ultimatum
Here's a simple texture tweak. Now it looks like a real jar of puke. I've always disliked how the Bile Bomb looked more like Spitter Goo rather than actual Boomer Bile, so I "fixed" it. It's a simple texture edit, so it SHOULD work with most re-animations ...
Liminal Skyboxes
Skapt av yoru
This mod makes night-time maps feel like, you know, night-time. Customisable Map Fog darkens the fog you see in the distance. However, it could appear a little shady during daytime campaigns. Note that this is a script, this isn't meant to be used on offic...
Beta Chainsaw Animations
Skapt av Cuba
"I'm gonna make mincemeat with this chainsaw!" - Blake Jordan Back again with another beta fix up job. This time I patched up some of the many unused chainsaw animations to a working state and filled the gaps with adjusted retail animations. The chainsaw s...
Basic Transition
Skapt av Azuki
A cleaner transition screen between maps. Without stats: Simple Transition...
Better Loading Bar and Spinner
Skapt av dingus
I was never a fan of L4D2's loading icons, so I decided to change them. I made this loading bar to improve the look of the loading screens alongside the original spinner from L4D. Updates The black border at the bottom of the loading screen has been remove...
Alma Wade (F.E.A.R x L4D2)
Skapt av Ellie
Hello everyone =). Today, I am happy to release this "project" that have been in my workstation for over 9 months ! It all started as the want to use the Sine proxy to make Alma Wade from F.E.A.R randomly appear in Mercy Hospital ; LuciferFlash ported the ...
Beta pipebomb [Script]
Skapt av CHAUS
Description: This is a modified version of my old addon Now there is only 1 grenade instead of 3 Changes the script and the sounds of pipe bomb, now it will explode faster (as it was in beta). YOU CAN USE THIS TO REMOVE BEEP SOUNDS YOU CAN USE THIS IF YOU ...
Black Mesa Footstep Sounds
Skapt av Pareidolia
List of sounds Cardboard Concrete Dirt Duct Flesh (dead bodies) Grass Foliage Glass Gravel Metal Metal Grate Plaster Sand Tile Wade (Water) Wood Credits Sounds - Black Mesa ...
[xdR] Unused Tank Run (v3)
Skapt av Andy's Toy
Changes the Tank's Run animation to his 3rd Unused Run animation. Requires xdReanimsBase. Occupies Slot 15. Credit: Turtle Rock Studios & Valve: (Animation) Andy's Toy: (Compiling) ...
Black Mesa View Tilt
Skapt av petrichor_syntax
Black Mesa and Half-Life WON inspired view roll. This does NOT work on dedicated servers, to use this in multiplayer you need to make a local server or play singleplayer campaign....
[xdR] Smoker Strangler
Skapt av xdshot
¨Lets just hope noboy replaces a smoker with a anime woman because that would´ve made into a ¨H#ntai...i´m right?¨ - Powered by Source™ Requires xdReanimsBase subscribed otherwise it has no effect. Occupies Character Slot 41 of reanimations....
[xdR] KF2 Bloat (Boomer)
Skapt av xdshot
Requires xdReanimsBase subscribed otherwise it has no effect. Killing Floor 2 Bloat animations ported to Boomer 🤮 Occupies Common Infected Slots 29 of reanimations Original motion data by Tripwire Interactive....
Combat Shotgun on 'L4D 1+2' Animations Remix
Skapt av Querentin
This mod uses gun positioning, running animations and animation blending from Left 4 Dead 1 and everything else from Left 4 Dead 2 thus bringing best of both worlds together. The rest will follow as I polish up each weapon for release. Big thanks to Lt. Ro...
[xdR] Hunter Snork
Skapt av xdshot
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones" - some codmw3 quote idunno Requires xdReanimsBase subscribed otherwise it has no effect. A mix of Snork NPC anims from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shado...
Blood Overhaul
Skapt av Phaeton
This add-on replaces blood splatters, flesh wounds and static blood decals with brand new higher resolution textures. I just figured original textures are kinda outdated since they are 14 years old. Breathe new life into your game with these. ...
Common Infected - New Physic
Skapt av Freezer
Tired of clipping arms(arms going through body) and old ragdoll physic that looks too stiff ? Looking for mods tha make you wanna play L4D2 again, if you want to bring killing Common infected into another level of fun. Inspired by graymainer's Physics Enha...
[xdR] E3 Charger Animations [UPDATED VERSION]
This is how the Charger charges in pre-release media now with the E3 claw attack animation ...
[Vscript] TRS Beta Fog Cvars
This is very awesome sauce...
Creepy HL2 Witch Sounds
Replaces the Witch sound effects with various sounds from Half Life 2. Compatible with Witch Music Replacers. Made to be used with the Witch Charple Mod by Willi....
[VScripts] Library of Utils
Skapt av Sw1ft
Just my library for various scripts...
Cry of fear oversaturated ost for mob music (horde and saferoom leave music)
Heya, this mod changes the musics cues for small hordes and leaving the saferoom by replacing them with oversaturated bits of Cry of Fear ost. Credits goes to Andreas Rönnberg and Muddasheep for making the original ost. This is a small mod I made for mysel...
Cry of Fear Menu Theme (Main Menu Music)
This sound mod replaces the main menu music with the main menu theme from Cry of Fear. This was a request and actually not supposed to be released for the public, but I thought I'd share it anyways. Replaces all 15 main menu music files. Uploading this req...
[Support] Random Door Controller
This add-on opens/closes doors on the map at random. Sometimes a door that was always open is closed, and a door that was always closed is open. You don't know right away what's behind the door. - Support only official campaigns. No effect on add-on maps. ...
[Support] Give N Take (Throwable Sharing)
If your teammate misses the items because they haven't seen that, but you can pick that up and pass it over. 1. If you shove the other player while holding a throws, you can leave the throws to the other player. If your teammate is incapacitated, you can t...
Cry of Fear SafeRoom (cpmusic)
Skapt av Gir Tactico
Reemplaza la musica de la habitacion segura (dentro de la habitacion segura) con la de Cry of Fear Replaces the safe room music (inside the safe room) with that of Cry of Fear PD toda la saferoom...
[Support] Checkpoint Heal
This script was created for survivors who entered the checkpoint with low HP. I don't want to struggle from beginning with low HP in current round because I arrived at the checkpoint with low HP in previous round, but I don't want to die and respawn with 5...
[Improved] Random Object Spawner (RNG)(BETA)
This addon randomly places additional objects in the official campaign. You play the same official map all the time, don't you want something new every now and then? Wouldn't it be possible to change gaming experience, just by slightly changing the placeme...
CSO2 H&K G3SG-1 with L4D1 Styled Animations
Skapt av BlindTwig
Finally, a good looking Military Sniper. What's this? A weapon mod? From me? What is this, 2021? That's right, I've got my own little piece of the L4D1 Style Animation pie to give you all! Except not really, I didn't make this. This is my friend Nerdie's a...
CSO2 Scout on L4D1+2 Animations
Skapt av trans dogboy
a tier one thats a tier two for some reason Original Concept and Animations - Querentin Model - Valve and Nexon Animation Edits - Nerdie ...
[Improved] Random Item Spawner (BETA)
This addon randomly places additional items in the official campaign. Do you want to get and use items more often? Do you want to challenge the higher difficulty, but always feel like you are running out of items? This addon gives you the chance to get mor...
CSS Weapons Retexture
Skapt av Arima
Teh Snake did all the retextures .. i just edited the scout before uploading here (my edit sucks),.. yes, i got his permission. This mod only includes the textures for the View models, and if you use it with a reanimation mod, check if the model has correc...
[improved] Legacy Weapon Manager
This addon will drop a secondary weapon on the ground from the dead player. Weapons are not needed in Heaven. Weapons are useful for survivor who still alive. In the originally, the secondary weapon was attached to the owner's dead body, so teammate player...
[Improved] Headshot Feedback Effect
This add-on adds SOUND and BLOOD EFFECTS when killing zombies with headshots. When a bullet hits a zombie's head, you want feedback that tells you it's a headshot just by hearing the sound? This add-on makes a blunt sound when you kill a zombie with a head...
[Improved] Active Talker
This add-on changes survivor characters to actively speak their lines. - When another survivor is caught by a special infected, that person's name is called. - When someone hits by the Boomer's vomit, Other survivors call that person's name. - If everyone ...
Cuba's Common Infected
Skapt av Cuba
Get the Flu, Join the Mob. Greetings fellow hoodlings, like me you were happy to see the new common infected included in the Last Stand update. However once I saw they were mostly unaltered beta infected textures I thought there was some areas they could b...
[Hard-Mode] Random Car Alarm Controller
This add-on increases the difficulty of the game. Are you bored of doing the same thing every day in L4D? Then let's try a new challenge. This addon turns on/off alarms for cars on the map. You'd better forget about the familiar location of the alarm car. ...
[Hard-Mode] Improved Tank AI
No more TANK BURGER. This add-on improves the tank's AI to a level that is more threatening to survivors. The major changes are as follows. - When the tank hits the survivor, the rampage motion is removed. - When the tank throws a rock, it frequently chang...
Dead Space - Spitter
Skapt av _MaZ_TeR_
Dead Space 2 and 3 Spitter replacer. Requests or spam comments will be ignored or removed. I will not update my L4D2 addons any more than that they work without errors. My old mods that are unlisted probably will not be fixed unless I really feel like it, ...
Dark Carnival's Concert Metal Theme
Skapt av AcidDragonGraugh
Here is a very special release. Why special? Because I made those both song thanks to all the support I've been receiving here in the workshop from you guys! Replaces the 2 soundtracks that plays during Dark Carnival's finale for 2 ORIGINAL songs composed ...
[Hard-Mode] Improved Hunter AI
If you can't hunt, you will be hunted. This add-on improves the Hunter's AI to a level that is more threatening to survivors. The major changes are as follows. - Prevents claw attacks from shoved Hunters - When the Hunter pounces a survivor, nearby survivo...
[Hard-Mode] Improved Acid Spread
This add-on solves the problem that the spitter's acid spit does not spread over the props. That's how hard the game gets. Because the places you can avoid acid becomes fewer. Try using it with the Random Object Spawner! Because it's made for Random Object...
Default Deagle Millenia's Texture Redux
It's been a long time... After experiencing burnout, lack of motivation and creative direction, i decided to try something new. So i experimented with some weapon retexturing. Millenia's legendary deagle retex is already incredibly well done, and i just wa...
[Hard-Mode] Delay Healing
If using this add-on, the effects of Pain Pills/Adrenaline take effect slowly. Pain Pills/Adrenaline are no longer an immediate means of getting out of a crisis. Be careful, If you are incapacitated while the healing effect is occurring, the healing effect...
Demonic Jockey Sounds
Skapt av Big Chungy
Basically the same thing as my demonic tank sound just with the jockey this time. Hope you enjoy....
Demonic Tank Sounds
Skapt av Big Chungy
I saw a few tank sounds on the workshop and noticed a Demonic Tank Sound mod that someone created. It seemed ok but just sounded like the tank hit puberty and had a deeper voice, not really a demonic voice but still pretty good. I decided to make my own de...
Yet another Cry of Fear music mod
Skapt av yoru
Replaces all campaign startup music. Version with special infected pin-down music. (Google drive backup version) There are many cof music mods, this is just my own personal touch. ...
xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Anim Mods base
Skapt av xdshot
Base dependency for 3-rd person re-animations mods for survivors and infected Features: Provides basic system of adding replacements for animations. Slot system that allows combining multiple re-animations mods. Up to 48 different slots per each character....
[Hard-Mode] Additional Mega Mob
This add-on will trigger a mob event when: - If the witch is not killed within 7 seconds of harassing the witch, mob event will occur. - In Chapter 3 of the No Mercy Campaign, When you blow up a gas station, mob event will occur. https://i.imgur.com/RXc8aR...
WRT Weapon Sounds V2.0 (Reload Sound)
only includes reload sounds from WRT Weapon Sounds V2.0 ...
Detailed Pipebomb with Animated Lightbulb
Skapt av miztaegg
A high quality detailed pipebomb in your hand, completely revamped texture doubled to 1024px, with custom alpha, normal and exponent maps, and the animating light powered by Duracell Procell....
Dynamic Light
Skapt av Sw1ft
READ THE DESCRIPTION Dynamic Light This is a server-side add-on (for YOUR Listen / Dedicated server) Creates dynamic light on molotovs, pipe bombs, spit, burning infected (SI and Tank) and muzzle flash Chat Commands !dl_reset - reset settings to default !d...
WRT Weapon Sounds V2.0 (Firing Sound)
only includes firing sounds from WRT Weapon Sounds V2.0 ...
E3 Flashlight Beams
Skapt av XENORT
Kept you waiting, huh? Here's another "beta flashlight beams" mod by yours truly. This time based on E3 variant seen in different presentations and gameplay footages of the time. Pros: - Beams can light up some dim areas. - Unlike Early 2008 counterpart, w...
Weapon Unstay
Skapt av Moon Moon
There can be only one! Much like Grenade Launchers, Chainsaws, and M60s, there can only be 1 weapon per spawn. Script by sebastian277 from https://www.reddit.com/r/l4d2/comments/kpiu8n/vscript_help_disable_weapon_stay/gi0emqn?utm_source=share&utm_medium=we...
Empty Clip Sound
Skapt av Hex To Max
Play empty clip sound nearby teammates can hear (and vice versa) right after you fires rifle/SMG/sniper/pistol(s) to the last bullet in the magazine. !!! This addon is server-side script. It means this will work only if you host a server and not work if yo...
Water slowdown disabler
Skapt av Rise
the script simply disables the water slowdown in all maps only works in single player/local servers if the host has the addon some custom campaigns wont work due to how they did their water slowdown Credits- Orin- initial idea ...
Skapt av Henrietta
Turns water more transparent overall. C2M1 pool of water is still greenish, but much clearer. C3 swamp still looks like shit, but has very mildly improved transparency. C4 water is generally bluer and clearer. C5 water is slightly blue and clearer. July 25...
Faster Voting Interval
Skapt av ChimiChamo
Removes the 180 second time limit between votes on local servers. ...
Foldable Stock for the Auto Shotgun
Skapt av Sergi338
IMMERSION TIME! NOW WITH FULL ONLINE COMPATIBILITY! In both Left 4 Dead 1 and Left 4 Dead 2, the survivors always extend the stock of the Auto Shotgun in the deploy animation in 1st person. However, in 3rd person, the stock is static and never moves (stayi...
Twisted Witch (replaces l4d1/l4d2/the sacrifice models)
Well I hope you're looking for a witch with hands on hands on hands with a distorded face, because that's just what this mod is ! Replaces the witch and witch bride models and texture with that lovingly made and designed creep : D Works for l4d1 and l4d2 m...
Twisted tank (replaces l4d1/l4d2/the sacrifice models)
IMPORTANT : If you have the server consistency problem, make sure to turn off cvar and sv_consistency. If there is something else, the exact error message might solve the issue. Update : I replaced the colliders with the ones from the base tank model, norm...
GoldSrc Based Old Spray Sound
Skapt av RUN 90s
Did you remember the louder spray sound that you heard in HLDM or CS1.6? Now I've pick that sound and re-adjustment in Audacity to make this sound compatible to use in L4D2. Hope you like it!...
FP Animations Recoded
Skapt av Shadowysn
NOTICE: This addon uses scripts. This will not work in Dedicated servers. Use local/listen servers, or singleplayer instead. An upside to this is that if you can see this addon's effects, everyone else can. A built-from-the-ground-up version of First Perso...
Extended Hordes
Skapt av Grizzly
A slight re-tuning of blackcats Super Hordes. Original mod here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=128167328&searchtext=Super+Hordes Super Hordes kind of slams the spawns out. My mod stretches the spawns out over a slightly longer time...
This addon modifies the damage_cutout to add more gib to CI body wounds. This will only work on local server, players who joined your server must also subscribe to this addon otherwise they will have ERROR model as the mod spawns custom gib models. These a...
Volatile Sounds for Hunter from Dying Light
You can watch the video to see what's the deal about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2UBPr5Vd4k --- What to do if you experience screeching, popping, or static sounds while using this mod: Step 1: Go to Steam>steamapps>common>L4D2>L4D2>addons>Workshop an...
Twisted Charger
Well, are you looking for a charger that has an arm made of people ? With a twisted neck and swollen face ? If yes you will never guess what I've got here- This mod is a replacement for the model and texture of the charger, designed and made by yours truly...
Twisted Jockey
Soooo, folks, ever thought " I sure wish there was a creepy smiling self mutilating jockey " ? Well you're in luck ! For you, I introduce : The Twisted ! Designed by yours truly, it has the smile, the self mutilation, and most importantly the creeps ! ... ...
Grenade Launcher & M60 Fix [Server Mod]
Skapt av devlos
Grenade Launcher & M60 Fix By Solved/Devlos! Aka "Timonenluca" A recoded Fixed Version off: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2002508596 Requested by: ZachNohKap A Local/Dedicated Server Mod Mod info - Ability to refill: The M60 - Abil...
Twisted boomer (replaces l4d1 and l4d2 models)
I know many of you always wanted a bloated boomer with it's guts hanging out, I just know it. ..... Well hey : D Here's a new twisted for the special infected serie : the twisted boomer ! Disgusting, with its guts coming out to say hello and the upper part...
Grenade Launcher on 'L4D 1+2' Animations Remix
Skapt av Querentin
This mod uses gun positioning, running animations and animation blending from Left 4 Dead 1 and everything else from Left 4 Dead 2 thus bringing best of both worlds together. The rest will follow as I polish up each weapon for release. Big thanks to Lt. Ro...
high fire rate while incapacitated
Skapt av CHAUS
Description:You shoot faster when you're incapacitated This addon only works in a single game and a local server (the creator of the server must have this addon so that it works for everyone) Описание:Вы стреляете быстрее, когда выведены из строя Данный ад...
High-Res Weapons - Beta-Style Versions
Skapt av Lt. Rocky
An alternative to the High-Res Weapon & Item Textures, where the Uzi, M16, Mini-14 and Super M4 are utilizing extra unused effects to make them visually closer to their old, worn-out styles as seen in the preview images for L4D prior to it's release. Are t...
Turtle Rock Aesthetics
Skapt av poudido
The goal of this mod was to recreate the feeling of the beta versions of Left 4 Dead while also bringing original twists ideas, however, the mod at this state is poorly made and incomplete, and I don't have the motivation to finish or fix it. If you're a t...
Hit Marker Be Gone!
Skapt av Red Schism
Removes the enemy Hit Indication Marker. Useful for the Pro gamer that prefers to play without HUD, or for the Average gamer that is simply tired of those pesky red arrows messing up their Screenshots!...
Horror Ambience
Skapt av yoru
Would you like to get the heebie-jeebies? The spooks? The scares? You won't get it here, since it's l4d2. But you'll be able to hear a few weird noises here and there. I sampled sounds from a variety of sources, including Cloverfield, Stalker, Metro, DOOM ...
Toad Sounds for Spitter from Dying Light
You can watch the video to see what's the deal about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rp7aFijFRq8 --- What to do if you experience screeching, popping, or static sounds while using this mod: Step 1: Go to Steam>steamapps>common>L4D2>L4D2>addons>Workshop an...
TLS Hunting Rifle on L4D1 Animations: REAL BETA
Skapt av trans dogboy
Uses modified Hunting Rifle L4D1 animations. I broke into TRS headquaters to bring you this beautiful amalgamation. Enjoy my rancid creation, the v_HuntingRifle_NamVet REAL! NOTE: Helping Hand and Item Extend animations are currently broken, I'll fix it ev...
Hunt Down The Freeman Style Molotov
Skapt av Oxxy (Real)
I got bored and things happened ok This mod retextures the molotov to look like Hunt Down The Freeman (HDTF)'s molotov. Includes a phong mask, bump map, proper transparency, and a 1024 by 1024 texture. 2048 wasn't possible as 1024 was the highest quality I...
Incap grenades
Skapt av CHAUS
Description:The addon allows you to throw grenades when you are incapacitated This addon only works in a single game and a local server (the creator of the server must have this addon so that it works for everyone) Описание:Аддон позволяет вам кидать грана...
Is Hollywood Particle Effects
It's a delicate particle effects mod.(Muzzle Flash efffects can be seen in my mod's screenshots)I don't know why it was deleted by the original author - Tenryuu. This kind of special cinematic effects is quite realistic.Like the effects that we can view in...
The Source Model Pack
Skapt av Gyroic
This mod will change various, cartoony models and textures used in L4D1 and L4D2 to their counterparts used in other source games Like Half-life 2 and Counter-Strike: Source. Kinda like how Garry's mod changes some models when other games are mounted, this...
The Particles Manifest
Skapt av Urik_shared
Disclaimer: this is a new experiment of mine. I don't know how it will go - please don't immediately bash it if it doesn't work out because of conflicts & complexity; in my view, it could solve some issues I had with earlier system. The new proposed manife...
Jiggly Suit Nick
Skapt av Despair
A mod for Nick, it adds jigglebones to his suit jacket and holster, it also includes Cuba's jigglebone attachments. This mod does support re-textures, not model edits though, obviously. Some minor touch up to the hands was preformed, the hand and finger bo...
The Insane Tunnel of Love
Skapt av Savantir
This is The Insane Tunnel of Love....
Just Menu in GAME [ING]
Skapt av ĶÒ.ÓŊEĴØ
This addon has been updated with the new "The Last Stand" DLC output and it works correctly and this addon makes: Menu varied within the game, When you're playing in a game (VS, COOP,REALIST,etc) pressing ESC, With which you can: (Read the FAQ ⬇⬇⬇) Crossha...
L4D1 Animations - β Medkit
Skapt av Lt. Rocky
Its the old animations from the first Left 4 Dead, the oldest that is! Recreated from the mad scientist laboratory that is my Blender, its the β animations! I figured I'd put this out for people to enjoy, its an interesting set! It makes the medkit feel ni...
The Great Devourer Replaces l4d1 Smoker
Skapt av HappyDog4you
This replaces the model and textures of the l4d1 smoker with the smoker from the mod "The Great Devourer". You must have the required items for this to work. All work is by Ramm.asmiette. If you are happy, don't thank me, thank them. This is their work. Li...
Tank cam shake Reduced
Skapt av CHAUS
Description:Reduces shaking by 50% This addon only works in a single game and a local server (the creator of the server must have this addon so that it works for everyone) Описание:Уменьшает тряску на 50% Данный аддон работает только в одиночной игре и лок...
The Great Devourer
Skapt av Ramm.asmiette
My last mod before chrismas ! Yeww some mouths grew up on his head ! Smoker mutation 2.0 Original model Own made textures default sounds Happy nightmares !...
L4D1 Beta Gore Shove Sound Effects
Thanks to Clocker for giving me the sound effects form beyta L4D1 and thanks to Pedrin for finding the sound effects =========================================================================== BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BET...
Tactical Training (improve AI + etc)
COOP resembling Versus The SI AI in this training mode benchmarked some human behavior of versus mode. They judge smarter, dodge faster, and attack more accurately. But they can't stop you. Show everyone your tactics. ※ This mode is suitable for 4 players....
Tactical Shotgun on 'L4D 1+2' Animations Remix
Skapt av Querentin
This mod uses gun positioning, running animations and animation blending from Left 4 Dead 1 and everything else from Left 4 Dead 2 thus bringing best of both worlds together. The rest will follow as I polish up each weapon for release. Big thanks to Lt. Ro...
L4D1 Concept-Styled Chrome Shotgun
Skapt av BlindTwig
Oh my god, original content! Heyo, fake beta content! This is basically a recreation of that shotgun Bill has in the old concept art from TRS during the beta. My friend Ox did the original mesh. It was never finished, had no texture, flashlight, or anythin...
L4D1 HUD: Vertical
Skapt av D e v 〃
I think there used to be a vertical L4D1 HUD on the workshop before but apparently the author removed/privated it, so I decided to make one myself because it looks cool, I also made some other minor tweaks Compatible with custom crosshairs and centered rad...
Tactical Movement Speed
Skapt av ExPR
Move carefully, watch your fire, and we'll be just fine. Do you wish Left 4 Dead was a slow-paced, survival horror and tactical zombie game? Do you miss feeling the terror and hopelessness of being pursued by the witch? Then this mod is for you! Introducin...
Super Hordes
Skapt av Blackcat12951
Left 4 Dead not hard enough? Find cutting through hordes of infected easy? How about up to 400 infected in a wave? This mod adds a large amount of infected for each wave, as well as decreasing the time between waves and adds a few bonuses. This mod is for ...
L4D1 Item HUD Icons - Last Stand Update
Skapt av RainyRayne
HUD icons for the first aid kit, pain pills, pistol, and dualies from the original Left 4 Dead. These items don't use iconsheet.vtf anymore as of the Last Stand update, which is why I've uploaded them adjusted for the new format. ...
Sun Flare Removal
Skapt av t0m50n
Remove the sun flare similar to what changing your shader detail < high does....
L4D2 AK47 on Edited L4D1 Animations: REAL BETA
Skapt av trans dogboy
Uses modified Rifle and Autoshotgun L4D1 animations. I broke into TRS headquaters to bring you this beautiful amalgamation. Enjoy my rancid creation, the v_SovietRifle_NamVet REAL! Animations and Model - TRS/Valve Animation Edits - Hex/Oxxy and Nerdie ...
L4D2 Desert Rifle on L4D1 Animations: REAL BETA
Skapt av trans dogboy
Uses modified Rifle L4D1 and Vanyarin animations. I broke into TRS headquaters to bring you this beautiful amalgamation. Enjoy my rancid creation, the v_BurstRifle_NamVet REAL! NOTE: Helping Hand and Item Extend animations are currently broken, I'll fix it...
Stronger Flashlight (GLOBAL EDITION) 2.0
Skapt av H.U.N.K
////////// READ BEFORE USING IT!!! ////////// Unfortunately the (GLOBAL FUNCTION) doesn't work on "Campaign" mode you have to play on "Realism" in order for it to work for everyone This ONLY works on "Local Servers or Singleplayer" The HOST MUST have this ...
Soma Akers witch theme
Skapt av Sleepy Boy Jones
replaces the witch approch and alert music with Terry Aker's stalk and Aker attack theme If you wanna know more about terryboy then check out his dating profile ;) http://soma.wikia.com/wiki/Terry_Akers ...
SMGs/Pistols Headshot Wound to Common Infected
Skapt av Hex To Max
Enables SMGs and Pistols to inflict headshot wound to common infected in any mode like Campaign, Scavenge and Versus !!! This addon is server-side script. It means this will work only if you host a server and not work if you join any other servers which do...
L4D2 M60 on Edited L4D1 Animations: REAL BETA
Skapt av trans dogboy
Uses modified Rifle L4D1 and M249 CS:S animations. I broke into TRS headquaters to bring you this beautiful amalgamation. Enjoy my rancid creation, the v_VietRifle_NamVet REAL! INCOMPATIBLE WITH SOUND MODS THAT REPLACE THE M60's BOLT_FORWARD AND BOLT_BACK ...
SMG on 'L4D 1+2' Animations Remix
Skapt av Querentin
This mod uses gun positioning, running animations and animation blending from Left 4 Dead 1 and everything else from Left 4 Dead 2 thus bringing best of both worlds together. The rest will follow as I polish up each weapon for release. Big thanks to Lt. Ro...
Small FP Use Animation
Skapt av ChimiChamo
A small script that makes weapons play a small use animation when using something or picking up an item. Yes the animation is delayed, no I don't know how to fix it. Local/dedicated server only....
L4D2 Rifle on L4D1 Animations: REAL BETA
Skapt av trans dogboy
Uses modified Rifle L4D1 animations. I broke into TRS headquaters to bring you this beautiful amalgamation. Enjoy my rancid creation, the v_Rifle_NamVet REAL! Animations and Model - TRS/Valve Flashlight Meshes - ihcorochris and Rise Zip-tie Mesh - Oats Ani...
Listed Style Menu (No Logo)
Skapt av dingus
Custom menu to bring back the feel of L4D1's main menu. This time without a logo. Updates This has now been updated to include the Versus Survival mode. The Singleplayer menu has been moved into the Campaign menu as per the update. I have removed the "Play...
Sin City styled Black & White vision
Skapt av Eriixas
Ever wanted to die like a protagonist in a stylized action movie? Look no more, you're in the right place! Changes default Black & White vision with Sin City styled vision. Does add red, orange and traces of yellow to the boring default vision the game had...
Lux's Survivor Legs script
Skapt av Shadowysn
NOTICE: This addon uses scripts. This will not work in Dedicated servers. Use local/listen servers, or singleplayer instead. An upside to this is that if you can see this addon's effects, everyone else can. This is a port-to-VScript of Lux's Survivor Legs ...
Magnum Pistol on 'L4D 1+2' Animations Remix
Skapt av Querentin
This mod uses gun positioning, running animations and animation blending from Left 4 Dead 1 and everything else from Left 4 Dead 2 thus bringing best of both worlds together. The rest will follow as I polish up each weapon for release. Big thanks to Lt. Ro...
Simple Loading Screens (Last Stand)
Skapt av Qdude
Reworks the loading screens to be just the campaign logo with the campaign tagline. Features all 14 campaigns. Even the hidden "default" poster that shows on a map without a poster is changed to be simpler. Supports 16:9 resolution. Some of the campaign lo...
Silent Hill: Mannequin (Hunter)
Skapt av person man
Replaces the Hunter with the headless Mannequin creature from Silent Hill....
Silenced SMG on 'L4D 1+2' Animations Remix
Skapt av Querentin
This mod uses gun positioning, running animations and animation blending from Left 4 Dead 1 and everything else from Left 4 Dead 2 thus bringing best of both worlds together. The rest will follow as I polish up each weapon for release. Big thanks to Lt. Ro...
SIG SG552 on 'L4D 1+2' Animations Remix
Skapt av Querentin
This mod uses gun positioning, running animations and animation blending from Left 4 Dead 1 and everything else from Left 4 Dead 2 thus bringing best of both worlds together. The rest will follow as I polish up each weapon for release. Big thanks to Lt. Ro...
Map Previews - REMAKE
Skapt av Raiden
My lastest work, Remake of Map Previews for Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 Campaigns using in game maps to take right screenshots! Previous Image Res: 256x128 New Image Res: 512x256 (Good enough) This mod replaces Map Previews from Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 Campaigns with ...
Matte Black MAC-10
Skapt av JulietAlphaXray
No sounds, no animations, a simple mod that darkens the Mac-10/Silenced SMG's overall appearence. Includes ONLY textures for the Mac-10/Silenced SMG/Suppressed SMG ...
Melee Crosshair Removal
Skapt av ButchAmy
It always annoyed me that the crosshairs used for melee weapons and spectating were not only simply copy-pasted from TF2, but also very low resolution at that. I don't need a crosshair for melee weapons anyway, so I decided to just remove them completely....
Shove Other Survivors
Survivors can now push and shove each other, which is only effective in single player mode and rooms where the homeowner has used this module's local server. Only the homeowner needs to use this module, everyone in the room can enjoy it. Make things intere...
Motion Blur Removal Continued
Skapt av Rainy
Remove the motion blur of infected and melee weapons. This mod removes the motion blur of Charger, Hunter and all melee weapons. This is an extended support mod for the following mod: Motion Blur Removal. The existing mod is so old that it currently doesn'...
Setting Lock (ConVar Reset)
This add-on prevents the variable value settings of the game from being changed when you create a local server after connecting to some steam community server(=dedicated server). In other words, after entering & leaving the dedicated server, you want to pl...
MP5 on 'L4D 1+2' Animations Remix
Skapt av Querentin
This mod uses gun positioning, running animations and animation blending from Left 4 Dead 1 and everything else from Left 4 Dead 2 thus bringing best of both worlds together. The rest will follow as I polish up each weapon for release. Big thanks to Lt. Ro...
Night Hunter Sounds for Smoker from Dying Light
You can watch the video to see what's the deal about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tF07oGh3QV0 --- What to do if you experience screeching, popping, or static sounds while using this mod: Step 1: Go to Steam>steamapps>common>L4D2>L4D2>addons>Workshop an...
Nightmare House 2 Flashlight Mod
Skapt av Haven012
Replaces the default flashlight texture with the one from Nightmare House 2 which appears much brighter and has a wider radius....
Metal Tank Theme
Skapt av AcidDragonGraugh
Replaces the theme song of the tank for a Metal version produced by me! I was thinking about creating a frantic song for the game to show off some of my work and stuff, and...here's the result! :D If you liked this song, please, check my other songs, you c...
Skapt av H.U.N.K
This disables "Slowdowns" by Infected when "Hit" No more getting stopped when running just because you took damage by a zombie :D Tags: zombies don't grab you, zombies don't slow you down, disable zombie slowdown, zombies don't stop you. Credits: Major: Am...
Skapt av JulietAlphaXray
A refinished desert rifle in the same damn color, desert. Edits the desert rifle with a basic tan finish and some extra details. Includes no sounds, nor animations so feel free to choose your own. In the Screenshots I'm using Arima's Desert Rifle Reanimate...
Overhauling the Originals Colt Pistols on L4D1 Animations: REAL BETA
Skapt av trans dogboy
Uses modified Pistol L4D1 animations. I broke into TRS headquaters to bring you this beautiful amalgamation. Enjoy my rancid creation, the v_Pistol_NamVet REAL! Animations - TRS/Valve Model and Texture - Lt. Rocky/Splinks Reshaded Normals - ihcorochris Ani...
Sawrunner charge(Cry of fear)
Skapt av Reyiarlu
Replace charger music Music by Andreas Rönnberg copyright Team Psykskallar "contusion"sounds are taken from Appelflap64 http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=154403241&searchtext=cry ...
Rangemaster: Reloaded
Skapt av Cuba
Gun. Wuzzup! So we've all seen L4D1 ports by other talented people yeah yeah. BUT, this is MY port, there are many like it but this one is mine. Using IK and constraints I automatically converted the L4D1 animations to the L4D2 rig so helpers are not neede...
Postal Redux horde music
UPDATE : Changed the "Terror - MobRule" track to a higher quality version. Ok so for some reason the track I used for mobrule sounded really awefull ingame. Changing it to a higher quality seems to have fixed the problem. Let me know if there's still issue...
Revision Infected - Cuba's Common Infected Addon
Skapt av Cuba
Old meets new. Greetings fellow hoodlings, Its been a while hasn't it? Time to show the infected some more love and warm their cold hearts with an addon to bring back a look from ages past. Back in mid 2008 while the game was being redesigned, our angry fr...
Resident Evil 7 - Molded Sounds for Boomer
You can watch the video to see what's the deal about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64iFBpW-F24 --- What to do if you experience screeching, popping, or static sounds while using this mod: Step 1: Go to Steam>steamapps>common>L4D2>L4D2>addons>Workshop an...
Refractive Puddles
Skapt av Lt. Rocky
A simple mod that modifies the puddles seen throughout maps to use a refract shader, utilizing two separate normal maps, one being animated....
Resident Evil 2 Main Menu Sound Effects
Skapt av XD001
Replaces the main menu sound effects with RE2's menu sound effects. Here's a link to an alternative version that combines this mod with both the L4D1&2 sound effects all together: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kil0kcgo0rz6r73/RE2%20Main%20Menu%20Sound%20Effect...
Remove Explosion Flash
Skapt av Rainy
Remove the flash of explosives. This mod removes the screen flash of all explosives. All explosives in l4d2 have a red flash on the screen when they explode. It obscure the screen momentarily, so it interferes. Therefore, this mod removes it to provide a c...
Oxxy's TRS Survivors (2006)
Skapt av Oxxy (Real)
A recreation of the beta survivors by Turtle Rock Studios. Here they are, finally released, my versions of all the survivors and their eras, along with some extra additions. Includes: VGUI Working viewarms The survivors themselves Original facial expressio...