Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Items (60)
【原神/Genshin】刻晴/KEQING replace Zoey
Created by Lilim
https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif 素材:mihoyo 制作不易,喜欢请点个赞 DD闲聊群:697196002 其他幸存者版本均在群文件 需要定制MOD请联系QQ ...
【原神/Genshin】草神 Nahida Replaces Francis
Created by ☆麻辣香锅☆
说明 / Explain · 欢迎反馈 (Welcome feedback) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 创作者 / Creator · Models(模型出处): 立刃于心(移植到MMD) miHoyo Genshin Impact blk asserts (原神游戏文件)(暂未上线,从别处获取到的模型) · AssetStudio-CAB(解包工具) - Razmoth · run animation(跑步动作) - ZGabriel · ragdoll animation(原神站立闲置动...
Lux's Survivor Legs script
Created by Shadowysn
NOTICE: This addon uses scripts. This will not work in Dedicated servers. Use local/listen servers, or singleplayer instead. An upside to this is that if you can see this addon's effects, everyone else can. This is a port-to-VScript of Lux's Survivor Legs ...
【NEEDY GIRI OVERDOSE】主播女孩重度依赖 超天酱医疗包/OMGkawaiiAngel Medkit(动态)
Created by Nagasaki Soyorin
超天酱的直播也太舒服了吧 我永远喜欢超天酱!!! 重操旧业ing... 现在解封又要回校力(悲) 动态制作不易求个赞赞( Original model 原模型:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=906699749 动态效果: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1999064986620548507/AC0B16CE4DF2EDF965A57835FC5AE899D635A18E/?...
原神 丘丘人(Genshin Hilichurl)
Created by 月悠红茶
youtube video: https://youtu.be/G5-Mcw_kpZ4 B站视频地址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1AP4y1L7EE (这个原神MOD的演示)(This Genshin MOD Video presentation, If you can not watch the video, please use VPN) (这个MOD是替换zombie,变成了丘丘人)This MOD is a replacement zombie and bec...
【原神/Genshin】心海 Kokomi Replaces Ellis
Created by ☆麻辣香锅☆
说明 / Explain · 欢迎反馈 (Welcome feedback) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 创作者 / Creator · Models(模型出处): miHoyo ShujinStudent(从游戏内提取) · Compile(移植): 麻辣香锅 · Cover(封面): 【绀海】雲鶴.Undefined 模型信息 / Details · Weapon Boens for TLS update(临死一搏新添加的武器骨骼) · Glowing Effect(夜光神之眼、发卡) ·...
[xdR] California Girls
Created by xdshot
Requires xdReanimsBase subscribed otherwise it has no effect. Also install Francis and Louis Reanims Compatible variants or search Reanims Compatible replacement models of them. Replaces healing animation with *California Girls (aka The Chad Dance)* emote ...
xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Anim Mods base
Created by xdshot
Base dependency for 3-rd person re-animations mods for survivors and infected Features: Provides basic system of adding replacements for animations. Slot system that allows combining multiple re-animations mods. Up to 48 different slots per each character....
Insurgency M92手枪
Created by Beau
替换初始手枪 个人非常喜欢的一个模型,特点就是单持双持都是单手枪,速点手感非常好 修改了贴图,法线贴图 素材来源:昵图网 模型来源:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2212864128 没有做发光的,因为发光的做得实在是太垃圾了,自己都看不下去了 - - 再也不吐槽别人皮肤做的难看了,我不配 ...
【原神】单手剑—斫峰之刃(砍刀) \ 【Genshin Impact】 单手剑—斫峰之刃(machete)
Created by 洛兮
替换近战武器砍刀,replace machete —传说中象征着某一则特定契约的利刃,曾经斩落过山岳的尖端。 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 包含:基础颜色贴图,法线贴图,夜光效果,沿用官方动作。 contain:basetexture,normal map,Luminous effect,Follow the official action。 L4D2皮肤mod制作群:923879694(游戏不止,MOD不停) 1016787637(漂移巴士群) 我的B站主...
【原神】P.S.S.10—烟绯(替换SPAS)/ 【Genshin Impact】P.S.S.10-Yan Fei(replace spas shotgun)
Created by 洛兮
替换spas,replace the spas shotgun 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 包含:基础贴图(basetexture);法线贴图(normalmap) 原版链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2009655522 origin model:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=20096555...
Created by 超级小咪
replaces M60 替换 M60 做完一整套,然后退游 目前该武器有声音,模型,最低亮度的夜光和法线 Currently the weapon has sound, model, minimum brightness luminous light and normal 如果喜欢就请点击订阅吧! If you like it, please click to subscribe! 最后,心海YYDS!...
【原神】胡桃 加载图标 [Hu Tao]Loading Icon
说明 · 【原神】胡桃 加载图标 Loading Icon · GIF来自BliBili Dazeroyuu · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome.) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1709664318114281751/F52CE841B4F35982668EB8B1ED90E9C98B3497DE/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterb...
【原神】Insurgency Tactical M16A4 甘雨 替换 SCAR
Created by FenLan.
替换 三连发SCAR 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自 zmg 制作的 Insurgency Tactical M16A4 原武器地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1699084438 ——清心的花瓣,很好吃.….应该说特别好吃。就是因为太好吃了,所以我才不敢在玉京台种它,生怕哪天一个不小心就会忍不住..嗯?你说特别苦?可是.….这不就是它的味道吗?...
【原神】神里绫华AWP 【Genshin Impact】Kamisato Ayaka AWP
Created by Chocoo
嗯...美景当前,只差一壶茶与之相衬呢. 你在城中,见过枯萎的樱花树么?这种「枯」之美,让我想到春天盛开之景.不过别人似乎并不这么想,不再开花的樱树会被移走…就算一次也好,真想看到它再次开放. 稻妻神里流太刀术皆传——神里绫华,参上! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Replace AWP with Genshin Impact:Kam...
Genshin Impact Yanfei Replaces Nick 原神 烟绯 替换 尼克
Created by ☆麻辣香锅☆
----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s Yanfei.It replaces Nick in game. 原神烟绯替换游戏内尼克 喜欢我的mod就订阅收藏点赞三连支持我 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces Nick 替换 Nick ----------------------------Then/补充---------------------------- This is new...
荧替换黑妹Rochelle。 妹妹实在是太可爱啦! 我永远单推妹妹。 原神一直处于梦游状态的我昨天才摸到岩元素神像,这个插秧大法实在是太好玩了。 还有温蒂池子里的芭芭拉是真的多嗷,不管了,芭芭拉冲鸭! ...
[原神] 刻晴 AK47 Insurgency FAL
Created by Azhe
替换AK47 Replace AK47 拥有夜光效果 With luminous effect 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1UU4y1a7iD 替换30发连狙版本: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2416261535 Replace military sniper edition: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetail...
【原神/Genshin】甘雨 Ganyu Replaces Louis
Created by ☆麻辣香锅☆
说明 / Explain · 欢迎反馈 (Welcome feedback) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 创作者 / Creator · Models(模型出处): miHoyo 观海子(移植到MMD) · Compile(移植): 麻辣香锅 · Cover(封面): 【绀海】雲鶴.Undefined 模型信息 / Details · Weapon Boens for TLS update(临死一搏新添加的武器骨骼) · Glowing God Eye(夜光神之眼) · Jiggle Bone...
「 粉色系列 」number.3 - 棒球棒 | 炫彩动态版 / 「 Pink series 」 Baseball Bat | Colorful dynamic
Created by Egret♥白鹭鹭
「 粉色系列 」No.3 | 近战武器第一作 | 替换了棒球棒,(replace the Baseball Bat) 自带柔和炫光,球棒的整体颜色会在粉蓝之间不断渐变 手绘添加了两颗小星星,并制作了动态特效,会动的小星星很可爱呢~ 我很喜欢哟 最后祝你们使用愉快 (^U^)ノ~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「 pink series 」 No.3 | Colo...
California Girls Healing Sound
Created by Ame
California Girls as Healing SFX For the mod, look to your right screen in this mod page This is just a simple add-on I made, as I just started If anything go wrong, just tell me in the comment :D...
Created by lm
初音miku乌兹Aug-para 替换冲锋枪uzi 我自己已经用了非常久了,闲的无聊上传了。 AUG9mm-xs-para(uzi replace uzi I have used it for a long time for myself, idle boring upload P.S:There is a small problem with the texture,You can see it in the last picture. I am too lazy to fix it. I hope yo...
【原神】刻晴铬制霰弹枪(Genshin impact KeQing Chrome Shotgun)
Created by 黑蝶沼
简介 替换了铬制散弹枪铁喷(replace Chrome shotgun ) 拥有全夜光( With full night light) 弱化了夜光(Weakened the luminous ) 渲染图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1861684903883977174/897713107045CF9DE86D22376D12F00EA085D2C9/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imc...
【少女前线】FAL 消音冲锋枪(Girls' Frontline FAL Mac-10)
Created by 黑蝶沼
简介 拥有部分夜光(Has some luminous ) 弱化了夜光(Weakened the luminous ) 没有原版smg持枪mod(No original mod ) Pid=7346965 有些线条处理的不是很好,望谅解 你可能不相信,这枪皮的灵感来自一辆坦克 动态的鸽了...
Created by Azhe
之前做的,一直懒得发 另:接武器MOD定制 联系方式见个人资料...
猫羽雫-燃烧瓶 nekoha shizuku molotov
Created by yes,wangxiaoming
neko molotov 添加了动作 夜光 ...
猫宫日向木喷 | NekomiyaHinata pump Shotgun(pump Shotgun)
Created by 桃乐丝啊
猫宫日向 猫老大 NekomiyaHinata 木喷 单喷 仅替换了贴图 Replaced the skin 部分夜光效果 It will glow in dark places 拥有质感 Have texture 模型动作均来自官方 The model and action are from the official https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1716409000985268792/58B23AB02D84A5F1A73DA803106524B4...
用nany cat 的部分电音替换了 被Boomer喷了胆汁之后的音乐 求生者因胆汁的恶臭而止不住的猫嚎 The survivor howled like a cat because of the stench of bile...
通用材质 General Materials
说明 · 此物品仅用于个人MOD所使用的部分通用材质 禁止任何未经允许的转载 ...
【原神/Genshin】云堇 Yunjin Replaces Bill
Created by ☆麻辣香锅☆
说明 / Explain · 欢迎反馈 (Welcome feedback) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 创作者 / Creator · Models(模型出处): miHoyo Festivity(从游戏内提取至Blender) · Compile(移植): 麻辣香锅 · Cover(封面): 【绀海】雲鶴.Undefined 模型信息 / Details · Weapon Boens for TLS update(临死一搏新添加的武器骨骼) · Glowing God Eye(夜光神之眼)...
Cheshire Azur Lane【柴郡】R-18
Created by 仓鼠箘
Cheshire R-18 version from Azur Lane, replacing Rochelle. This Cat from England said she found the Trove! Adaptation: This is my taste; Optimized white stockings's black flaw; Added black Pantyhose in black RNG; Added black gloves; Make the clothes on the ...
Mia Replace Jockey
Created by Vaz0w
This addon replaces Jockey. --------------------------------------------------------------- Models and Textures: Hamuketsu --------------------------------------------------------------- Includes: Models; Jiggle bones; First person arms; ------------------...
[Elaina]Elaina short hair replace Ellis
Created by Elaina
Elaina short hair replace Ellis Model:koikatu First person arm model Third person model Floating bone R18...
Created by TPP
模型来源 TararaTarako 替换人物 Nick MOD包括 第一人称,第三人称,乳摇,屁股摇,飘动,表情,局部夜光 其他 有bug请在留言区反馈 谢谢! ...
Elysia replace louis R18
Created by 黑桃
model:_Alicia cloth:01musume I suddenly found out that Christmas was coming, so I rushed to make this mod and wish everyone a Merry Christmas. There may be some bugs in this mod, and I probably won't be going to fix them due to the lack of time....
[Honkai Impact 3rd] seele replace tank R18
Created by 黑桃
It`s R18 mod.The characters are naked. There may be a problem with the action, but I don't want to fix it. Using this mod may cause changes in the tank's hit decision....
RNG Illustrious (光辉睡衣) R-18
Created by 仓鼠箘
A RNG Black & White skin Illustrious Replances coach. I changed the body texture and added some normal map texture, These changes resulted in the MOD becomes more R-18. More "details" find by yourself after you subscribe~ Based on @一夜回到解放前 from https://ste...
Wet Illustrious (湿身光辉)R-18
Created by 仓鼠箘
In short, it's a wet body welfare. This is a R-18 mod, you could see her bools. Hair: white --> gold Cloth: white --> black Shoes: white --> shine black with red And added wet body effect. More "details" find by yourself after you subscribe~ 2022-3-3 updat...
[R18+]Dracula BlackDress [Hunter]
_____________________________________________________ 这些型号特点: - 猎人模型 - 猎人 L4D1 模型 - 猎人细菌 - exenteration 和 exenterationhit _____________________________________________________ 模型来自:MIku Miku Dance 模型和所有权利属于:Inwerwm and 屌伱只閪唔想返工加班 索具和编辑:索具和编辑:MOwGli...
China Dress Jinlian(金莲旗袍)R-18
Created by 仓鼠箘
A China Dress Jinlian(金莲) Replace Bill WARNING: DO NOT POINT YOUR FLASH LIGHT ON HER! Added very high definition pantyhose Her China-dress became transparent also her shoes. The color of China-dress changes from dark blue to black Added normal maps to pant...
(R18) Nick - Nilou Genshin Impact
Created by Jules!!
belly-dancing on another level This was archived from My Main Workshop ...
(R18) Francis - Tsukiyuki Miyako Swimwear
Created by JulesWBSB
it's a lie, there's no swimwear at all Full clothes by Elaina...
[R18]Mac-10 hiiro Csgo(夜光)
Created by 老瑞瑞
CSGO mac-10 替换 UZI hiiro目前算是我比较喜欢的vtuber,不过她的图片可太难找了,更别说涩图。hiiro旗袍真的好看yyds 不涩涩,负人生 展示: https://s2.loli.net/2022/04/27/7X2yVKHY4RDos6G.png https://s2.loli.net/2022/05/04/qHlc9oNFzOkZeAv.png 夜光: https://s2.loli.net/2022/04/27/flAdOwVmzU56vnP.png 这是萌新的第一个亲手做的...
Wet Bride RNG(湿身婚纱) R-18
Created by 仓鼠箘
In short, it's a wet body welfare! Added a wet body effect, body reflective reinforcement, and clothing will be translucent. Normal map added: clothes,skirt,high-heel, gloves,sleeve,pantyhose,hair; The hair added three times fineness, because original hair...
(R18) Rochelle - Asuma Toki Bunny Suit
Created by JulesWBSB
y'all got fooled again! threere's no bunny suit at all muahaha- Full clothes version by yong...
Genshin Impact Devil Hutao R18 replace Coach
Created by Artillery Rain
Original mod by ☆麻辣香锅☆ I never intended to publish my Hutao . But since i fixed the error ( which she randomly grows taller to match Coach height ) i hope people can enjoy her a bit more . Also added melee handling attachment , removed inventory placement ...
Lisa Apocalypse replace Zoey(德)丽莎 R-18
Created by 仓鼠箘
Theresa Apocalypse...no it's Lisa ! Damn miHoYo, Lisa of Genshin Impact is actually a copy of Teresa from the Honkai Impact ! Except eyesight, pupil color, hair color, height, Large chest... It's as like as two peas.-_-|| This character is based on @Spicy ...
[R18]动图 替换 井盖贴图
Created by 春田在手
口动图 动图来源作者p站ID:najar 啊这...作者居然连井盖都不放过......
Sexy lingerie Haku【弱音情趣内衣】R-18
Created by 仓鼠箘
Sexy lingerie Haku R-18, replace Nick! Who doesn't love Kidney deficiency Haku sister? Tags: Long hair, lace, lingerie, bikini, patent leather high heels, Kidney deficiency, etc. Characteristic: Face Expression, etc. Adaptation: Lace: white solid - Black t...
Cat Girl Haku II【弱音 猫耳 贰】HP-DMG R-18
Created by 仓鼠箘
Cat Girl Haku, HP-DMG, replace Louis. Tags: Haku, Cat Girl, White hair, Red & Blue Different eyes, Ponytail, Dress, White Stocking, White Leather Heels, Broken clothes, HP-DMG, R-18. This is HP-DMG, no need to subscribe any other accessory MOD, It would ch...
Bunny Girl Haku for Riot【兔女郎弱音-城管】R-18
Created by 仓鼠箘
Bunny Girl Haku replace for Firstly thanks for @MLUI 's video Guide! The reason why I chose to replace for Riot Common infected is because the Riot's weakness is its back, and Bunny Haku's back also dosen't wearing clothes... By the way, Miss Haku trend to...
Toy D❤❤k【仙女棒】
Created by 仓鼠箘
Toy D❤❤k from Guangzhou Zengcheng replace Tonfa. I recommend you using ! Changed the color from purple into Pink, added translucent and illuminate. I will update to add Haku's Calligraphy upon this toy! This MOD was permitted by The author of , All copyrig...
(R18) Pillow Medkit - 14 RNG Genshin Arts
Created by Jules!!
need to hug this in the zombie apocalypse This was archived from My Main Workshop ...
honkai impact 3rd bronya replace coach R18
Created by 黑桃
It`s NSFW This is a private mod I made in May and may have some bug The cover is not this mod, it's just a web image...
(完全体/updated)R18/神乐七奈/Kagura Nana/silent-SMG/model and sound
Created by 卢本伟傻逼
已经完美解决了夜光太亮的问题。即使是在暗处,你也可以清楚的看清色图。功能和前代版本一样。(修改了枪械模型和射击音效) It has solved the problem of too bright night light perfectly.Even in the dark, you can see the porNographic picture clearly.The rest of the features are the same as the previous version.(Modified ...
R18/神乐七奈/Kagura Nana/silent-SMG/sound
Created by 卢本伟傻逼
将你的消音SMG(也就是那个有消音器的小冲锋枪)变得奇奇怪怪的。我也更改了拔枪和射击时的音效。(贴图原图来自于mmi,已经征得原作者同意。) Turn your silent-SMG (that little submachine gun with a silencer) into pornographic images , I also changed the sound of deploying and the sound of shooting....
(R18) Zoey - Kagura Nana (かぐらなな) Vtuber
Created by Jules!!
No Skirt This was archived from My Main Workshop ...
Created by 玲纱-l0rqmm
r18我要哥哥大鸡巴小黄曲,替换呼叫救援,撤离,结束音乐。很黄很暴力,娇喘让我欲罢不能! 结束的时候听到娇喘~~~~若藻:啊呀~啊呀~啊呀~啊 游戏内所有声音开到最大,之后进游戏你就会...........石更,请记住,不要被你妈妈,爸爸,哥哥,姐姐,弟弟,妹妹,表锅,表姐,爷爷,叔叔,阿姨,奶奶,大姑妈,大姑父听见?.........等亲属听见...最最重要的就是,不要被你女朋友听到,不要不带耳机 作者:我自己-l0rqmm r18我要哥哥大鸡巴小黄曲音乐会,替换黑色狂欢节音乐会和背景点这里:https://...