Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Items (33)
[ENG/CN]Diplomacy Puppeteering
Created by Stakataka_3030
Introduction: Welcome to Diplomacy Puppeteering, a small Hearts of Iron IV mod that allows you to dominate geopolitics in a simpler way than ever before. Are you tired of watching other countries slip from your grasp? Now, you can reassert your dominance t...
请注意,本模组不再适配52,请开官中进行游戏 有事来Q群找我:493600092群主会女装 与日本的兼容补丁https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2944416056 交流组:http://steamproxy.net/groups/CwCU Recruitment of Chinese to English translators(招募中译英翻译者 重制版https://steamproxy.net/sharedfil...
[CN/ENG]War Provoke
Created by Stakataka_3030
This mod allowed you to use a New diplomacy function to provoke other country. They will declare war at you not trigger opposed guarantee do trigger YOUR guarantee you are the defense side cost 100 pp no ironman Please give me a like if you do like this mo...
Unit Icons Revamped (New)
Created by Double Geared
Quick FAQ for those who've wondered what happened with the mod. Q1. Is the mod dead? A1. Yes and No. While I have some incentive to work on the mod, other endeavours like rl work and the contribution to the Great War Redux mod hinder development. I cannot ...
Uncensored Event Pictures
Created by CSRZ
IRONMAN COMPATIBLE - will work with every version of the game _______ The mod replaces censored event pictures with original (non-edited) pictures or similarly close pictures. Feel free to suggest changes. Previously part of the Historical Flags & Emblems ...
Created by lokaspokas
Portraits 👍👍👍👍👍 I'm going to try to overhaul all vanilla and DLC leader portraits, should be compatible with ironman...
Player-Led Peace Conferences
Created by Neutrino
This mod gives players full and direct control of peace conference proceedings in wars they are involved in. Wars without player involvement conclude as normal. Currently supports patch 1.14 and above. If you're playing on version 1.10 or 1.11, please use ...
More Medals
Created by Ndlf
This mod increases the variety of medals for Germany, the United States, and the Soviet Union. This Mod goal is to make the game more immersive by increasing the variety of medals. Not all medals can be selected from the beginning, but the types of medals ...
Modify the maximum number of factories that can be assigned to a production line.
My name is Evan, 24 year old. I am a regular soviet worker. Some days ago the higher ups suddenly gathered up all the workers in the factory, they told us we are going to Leningrad to build a factory and contribute to the motherland's industrialization. So...
LampGeoplus Models Icons
Created by Snow Fox
This mod now can help Lamp’s Eqpt Icons support the new “presets” feature. This mod now can link "Lamp's Eqpt Icons" to "GEO World War 2 Models Mod" ------ 3/2/2024 Update: 1. Added and Paired Geo's WW2 tank Model with Lamp's Eqpt icon 2. Correct 3D tank m...
Lamp's Eqpt Icons
Created by 电灯弗里曼
I am drawing new icons for tank and plane designer. The priority of tank is higher than plane. This is a long-term work. Please be patient. Thk u for your support. While some equipment do exist in-game, they have no corresponding icons. This MOD provides s...
Hoi4 Axis Rework
Created by Der Weiße Baron
(IF YOU WANT TO USE THE PORTRAITS ASK ME on the DC Server) Reworked Countries: - Croatia (Still WIP but it goes Forward xD) - Slovakia gets Independent after Munich Conference(70 Days ) - Reichsprotektorat Böhmen und Mähren focus (if you accept the Fate of...
Historical Army Insignia
Created by Chiantozzo
https://i.imgur.com/fmPYN9u.png CONTENT: This mod adds a total of 204 Army and Army Group Icons usable as any nation, most are Flags but there are also other symbols. DISCLAIMER: If you think i am supporting any ideology with this mod please GROW UP, the p...
Historical Airplane Scheduler for AI
Created by Caro
This mod, the AI will be provided with aircraft on a historical schedule.(Have weapons that are as close to historical as possible) GER...21planes ENG...33planes FRA...14planes USA...24planes ITA...15planes SOV...16planes JPN...27planes Messerschmitt Me 26...
Get Rid of Annoying Puppet‘s Troops
Created by 海音线的枫茜
Prevent your puppets from forcibly transfer their troops to you.This mod works with all mods. 阻止附庸将他的辣鸡编制部队强行塞到你的手上。本mod可与任何MOD完美兼容 *Not compatible with Ironman *不支持铁人模式...
German Division Icons Expanded
Created by InsaneWorld
Check out my other mods in the collection above such as: Italian Division Icons Equipment Capture Ratio 20% + More DISCLAIMER: I do not support or condone Nazi Germany, its ideology or its actions. This mod is made for historical accuracy and player custom...
GEO World War 2 Models Mod
Created by Kakheti Kartli
★Prohibited activity Unauthorised redistribution or modification is prohibited. If any unauthorised redistribution or modification is discovered, this mod will be deleted. (Do not re-texture it either without my permission) ★Creation of sub-mods of this mo...
GDW's Army Insignias
Created by G.D.W
https://i.imgur.com/fmPYN9u.png https://i.imgur.com/FKNxWGK.png Welcome to my mod! This mod adds additional army insignias for the major nations ingame and hopefully minors someday too! Around 150 new insignia have been added. Join my discord and help me o...
Created by Mlecz
https://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif This mod will optimize your game and make the map more clear and colorful. Addons: *less shaders *non-reflective water *sharper borders *coloured icons *strategic view adjustments HOI4 version: 1.14+ Mods Paradox version: ht...
Downsize AirForce
Created by time lapses
限制电脑空军数量,缓解卡顿 https://i.imgur.com/5EFfZ8A.gif 给个免费的赞吧 支持游戏版本:1.12.* 1.12.*版空军卡顿已经缓解了,mod的使命已经完成了,可能不再需要此mod来缓解卡顿了 限制AI的空军生产,以缓解后期卡顿。 (当达到一定数量空军后,AI停止生产) (1)AI行为: 1.战斗机 轻型战斗机+重型战斗机+舰载战斗机——总共达到1000架时停止生产,低于800时恢复生产。因为游戏机制,暂时无法区分它们。 2.轰炸机 近距支援机(含舰载)、战术轰炸机、战略轰...
Core State Display
Created by ZhiZhong_
Add a new map mode which can display the core state and claimed state. Compatible with most other mods The main colors means GREEN - is your core state and owned by you RED - is your core state but not owned by you Yellow - is your claimed state ----------...
Blackice Submod: Unlock SS Division templates
Created by Versaminx
The sub-mod for Blackice Historical Immersion Mod. Unlock most of the SS units and SS templates to make them editable. Now you can design elite SS divisions, for example, get rid of the Viking Panzergrenadier division of the SS with a speed of 4 kilometers...
Awosome topbar button
Created by Ocarnial
Awosome topbar button...
Additional Effects: RE-loaded
Created by Archangel
This time with more ammunition! Implemented new ideas and balance changes, as well as included support for people with AND without DLC's. Feel free to leave feedback about further changes and balance tweaks as this is a mod that is actively used during our...
Add German Generals AI REWORK
A Series of the Add Generals mod Reworked using Stable Diffusion and Photoshop. Almost all are redone, Im aware of the couple that arent and will be making the changes. This is my first public mod series leave feedback in the comments. ALSO THANKS FOR PUTT...
-MI3: DLC Countries-
Created by MnCnNn
MI3 is basically taking MI2 and streamlining it into three mods. Mod List 1. MI3 Majors 2. MI3 DLC Nations 3. MI3 Minors Included in this Mod This mod MI3 DLC deals with all nations that received 3D Models as part of DLC packages. Man the Guns (HOL, INS, M...
-MI3 Majors-
Created by MnCnNn
MI3 is basically taking MI2 and streamlining it into three mods. Mod List 1. MI3 Majors 2. MI3 DLC Nations 3. MI3 Minors Included in this Mod This mod MI3 Majors is the base mod, containing steamlined graphics for land units (excluding tanks) for the follo...
通用国策拓展 Expansion of General National Policies
麻烦点一个免费的赞吧,谢谢了 Expansion of the original General National Policy Everyone has come!!!!!! Just give a like and leave!!!!! Expanded the military and industrial lines of universal national policies, making small countries without national policies more playab...
同志,如果你喜欢这个MOD,请给个免费的👍👍👍吧,好让更多的人看到这个MOD。 本MOD为德国新增了史实将领,同时根据史实资料(百度百科、维基百科)为德国及其轴心国盟国将领补全了将领特性。 特性补全逻辑为: 将领若是从军校毕业则为其添加职业军官特性; 步兵军校毕业(比如伏龙芝军事学院步兵科)则为其添加步兵军官特性; 骑兵军校毕业则为其添加骑兵军官特性; 装甲兵、炮兵、海军同理; 若36年之前战功赫赫且授勋则为其添加战争英雄特性; 若36年之前为师、军及以上级别则根据其具体兵种为其添加兵种指挥官特性; 根据历...
简简单单72个建筑槽 Simply added 72 building slots
Created by 鸡哥全能少年
钢铁雄心战犯聊天组 推荐搭配MOD 建筑拓展 简简单单加一个72建筑位,AI好像可以用(我也不会修改AI不会用!)解决了老外那个建筑位错位问题 72个建筑位只限玩家使用版本 部分建筑独享建筑位修改: 基础设施 独享10个 合成炼油厂 独享10个 (KX只能3个) 储油罐 独享10个 火箭基地 独享2个 核反应堆 独享1个 建筑共享建筑位: 民用工厂 72个 军用工厂 72个 海军船坞 仅限海边72个 目前测试兼容MOD: KX KR Simply added 72 building slots. The A...
Created by 影盐
对MOD工业加成科研(https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2904648239&searchtext=%E5%B7%A5%E4%B8%9A%E5%8A%A0%E6%88%90) 的拙劣模仿(chao) 众所周知打仗打的就是后勤,后勤靠的就是工业 现在只要你有足够的工业,哪怕撒哈拉沙漠、西伯利亚烂地、亚马逊雨林、极地雪原,你也可以飙车 决议开启,两种加成模式,每周自动检测改为决议手动检测,可以共享给盟友 目前未做平衡 3.7 增加了数值...
来都来了,顺手点一个赞怎么样,支持一下 来都来了,顺手点一个赞怎么样,支持一下 有任何BUG或需求请在下方聊天区反馈或加 QQ 1142105985 小广告:接小型MOD定制(有偿),需要联系下方QQ ! 接小型MOD定制(有偿),需要联系下方QQ ! ------------------------ MOD已经适配了KX MOD,欢迎下载!!! https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3159252751 MOD已经适配了TNO MOD...
Created by DongYu
政治面板更多内容 汉化 由于没有修改任何现有的游戏文件,因此本MOD与所有游戏都兼容。至少应该是这样。...