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Items (71)
Created by 法莎莉雅
整合了人气比较高的几个二次元MOD 主要原因还是因为大佬们的美化总是涵盖的方面太广,导致很容易和其他同样修改了物品的MOD冲突,所以才弄了这个剔除了绝大多数物品,只留下和衣服发型相关的修改 尊重原作者增加了依赖,但是本身并不需要使用原MOD,只加载这个MOD即可,感谢大佬们的努力,使用素材如下 莱德的二次元贴图替换 燕鸥小队美化
【T.S.M】山河无恙 日月重光
Created by Lerentine
''如果九州都在沉睡,那么就让我们来做这第一声惊雷'' 背景介绍 重光是奇迹之海创立之初,为了应对外部势力组织的威胁而建造的打击舰,于甲乾33年,在奇迹之海重工建造改造完成。 重光从服役之初就不设立舰长,设立都尉这一职位,重光最高指挥权归都尉所有,仅次于奇迹之海总部。起初服役于红绯雨第一舰队,由于探渊者行动导致红绯雨第一舰队覆灭后,奇迹之海开始了整合运动,原先的九州第三舰队更改为九州第一舰队,残存的重光被划分到九州第一舰队。因其特殊的职能,所以她隶属于九州舰队但又脱离舰队,驻扎在无光海原86区,成为九州第一...
Created by 233-1
——————生于黑暗,带来光明。—————— 简介: 祝融级中型巡洋舰是ELU(Europa Labour Union)在“追溯”行动中发现的众多科技模板之一,其被发现于一处大型哨站遗迹的干船坞中,现已在第233科工所完成维修和适应性改装,并编入附近海域的潜艇编队中,主要执行大型目标的歼击任务。 基本配置: 舰长室*1,会客室*1,武器库*1,接线室*1,反应堆机房*1,种植舱*1,备用电池舱*1,气闸及其准备室*2,货舱*2,医务室*1,火控舱*1,弹药舱*2,工程舱(多功能舱)*1,物资仓库*1,引擎舱...
Barotraumatic Survivator Fixes (DEPRECATED)
Created by mikehagen22
MEANT FOR BAROTRAUMATIC! CAN BE USED FOR SPAWNER PURPOSES. BaroTraumatic: These are my collection of bugfixes and and tweaking for creatures modpacks that I find either broken or have been a...
Created by 法莎莉雅
高难度任务加入站点任务,奖励丰富(主要是我觉得,战斗不够嗨!所以增加战斗获得奖励的任务) 因为大型怪物直接还是会有碰撞,所以一次不能刷太多,不然会互相干扰无法正常进攻,只能控制在2~3只 目前有 黑摩螺克群,女妖,双或三女妖,末日蠕虫,毁灭蠕虫,双末日蠕虫,双毁灭蠕虫 提高了一下任务出现概率和条件,现在第一海域也可以刷出来了 增加了黄金之风任务,一堆黄金锤头鲨 增加了大棘刺群,精英迅猛龙群,大型爬行者,爬行者母皇的任务 增加捕钩兽的任务 增加三个高难巢穴任务(试验) 增加一个洞穴里清理画皮的任务(试验) 增...
Barotraumatic Creature Pack
Created by mikehagen22
Attention! If you have recently updated the mod and experience errors such as unable to join server with the current version and being prompted to download the mod, missing files in console, mod unable to be loaded due to errors and red in mod loader. Then...
Created by Lerentine
精简平衡版请搜索 九州武库 群号:713011672 有问题尽量群里问,因为我很多时候没有办法在steam上回复...
ADV Beacon Stations
Created by PsykokiN
ADV Beacon Stations is a pack of 47* beacon stations for more variety. This mod simply adds new stations in addition to the original ones. You can use it with other mods without problems. You can play it in campaign mode (solo & multi) even if you have alr...
Created by Jade Phoenix
*背景故事/Предыстория/BACKSTORY* ◆某座废弃前哨站船坞中遗弃的潜艇,原型来自百年前古代地球的科幻小说,直到探险队抵达这里发现并改装后焕发新生。 ◆An abandoned submarine in a derelict outpost dockyard, The prototype referred to a science fiction from ancient Earth centuries ago, has been brought to life after an expe...
Created by 老司机hot
这条鱼是专为地狱模式、MOD任务改造而成的终极鱼雷战舰,搭载4发核鱼雷和1枚可回收跟踪导弹,并配有无人机和穿梭艇。船只拥有超高的机动性,密集的火力网,让您面对女妖群、蠕虫群、摩洛克群、鲨鱼群等变态敌人时可以施展出优秀的风筝战术。 船只本体改造于:【T.S.M】山河无恙 日月重光 作者:Brynhild 已获授权 网址:
Created by AURORA
塔纳托斯(改) 战列舰 塔纳托斯在一次巡航任务中大破。因损坏严重,于是直接对其进行了改造翻新,应用了大量新技术。同时,针对旧版本的缺陷,新版本特意改进了储存空间以及舱室布局,大大改善了航行体验。应用了自动反应堆,全舰的供电更加稳定。在舰首安装了额外的装甲以及热熔炮,可以使用传统的撞击战术击沉敌舰。6-10人最佳 水平极速43-下潜极速12 售价14500 规格69X24 载货量127 ...
[EA-HI]CoyoteTango 探戈狼
Created by AKA-蠢脸螈宝
背景故事 “当将军驾驶探戈狼,在S-34区域与恶魔女巫鏖战两小时,并救下那个小女孩时,人类的命运早已改变...它是现役最为古老的猎人,由于时间紧迫,只花了14个月就被研究出来,忽略了动力系统对驾驶员的危害...因此核辐射对驾驶员的身体产生了非常严重的影响...五年啊,整整五年,S-34区域的不败孤狼,却在一次任务中损毁...他妈的,你们根本没想过驾驶员的安危吗!那是核辐射,那他妈是核辐射!每失去一个驾驶员都是我们巨大的损失...渐渐的,猎人被毁的速度远远大于了猎人制造的速度,联盟内部开始分裂,他们放弃了猎人...
Brighter Lights
Created by Matthew05
Makes diving suits, flashlights and scooters brighter by making the light cone wider and somewhat brighter. Modifies these items: - Diving Suit - Combat Diving Suit - Abyss Diving Suit - Respawn Diving Suit - Slipsuit - PUCS - Underwater Scooter - Cargo Sc...
Created by clzjcn
万年风雪号欢迎各位,我们的征途是星辰大海! 更多信息在: 视频介绍: 文章介绍: 若有版本更新会置于文章最后。 ...
Created by Goostave
汉化包简介 由老虎脱粒机汉化组代为维护 EK系列的外挂汉化包,只需要启用你想用的部分EK mod即可,不需要全部启用。 EK Mods for 1.x.x.x作为非官方修复版,由于并未更改物品id,所以此汉化依旧生效。 现已同时支持简中与繁中。 此mod是(老虎脱粒机汉化组整合)潜渊症模组汉化补丁整合包 项目的一部分,绝大部分汉化由@Logic_530大佬完成,现经大佬授权,由老虎脱粒机汉化组增补缺漏后上传,并将代为维护。 Logic_530大佬的原汉化: EK Armory CN Patch EK Uti...
Barotraumatic Xanmonsters2 Fixes (DEPRECATED)
Created by mikehagen22
MEANT FOR BAROTRAUMATIC! CAN BE USED FOR SPAWNER PURPOSES. BaroTraumatic: These are my collection of bugfixes and and tweaking for creatures modpacks that I find either broken or have been a...
ZMEY Class
Created by Kurisu
2024/5/21重置版更新 1、加入高精度超视距火控,远程打击精度超越旧版 2、重新设计双层火控室与军械库 3、取消种植室,加大压载舱,最大下潜提升至24km/h 4、加入自动电磁线圈,提高防御能力 5、部分电路的调整 信息 这是复刻自游戏《无畏战舰》的紫魅级无畏舰 切尔诺伯格号,该游戏已停服 整体性能强于官方潜艇,但不会过度破坏平衡性,增加实用功能与还原外观的同时尽可能减少item数量与装饰部件,对游戏性能影响较小 规格 item:900(裸船) 价格:7700mk 尺寸:51x12 载货:24 速度:...
Black Steel Bloody Swallow
Created by useless man
血燕子不属于任何正式编级的潜艇,她是一艘高度火力特化的改装“金燕子”。 金燕子链接 定制的客户隐瞒了一切信息,只能知晓反复提到过复仇这个词语。 明显我们为了丰厚的酬金和实验目的也没兴趣去了解,但可能在原船的终端上保留了个人日志。 数据库检测不到的潜艇型号:血燕子 警告:您无权查////////////////////////// 基础数据 长:22m 高:...
Barotraumatic Xanmonsters1 Fixes (DEPRECATED)
Created by mikehagen22
MEANT FOR BAROTRAUMATIC! CAN BE USED FOR SPAWNER PURPOSES. BaroTraumatic: These are my collection of bugfixes and and tweaking for creatures modpacks that I find either broken or have been a...
Bots load railgun
Bots will load railgun loader with railgun shell, nuclear shell is excluded...
Created by Nightlock
木卫二ALT科技的首个远洋长续航项目——“宵禁”级匿踪舰。 此为原本专注于实验室设备制造的科技公司首次参与整船的设计定型,项目集合了大量自动化设备,计划搭载先进整合式武器系统,自动电力自动水力系统,远程态势感知及出舱作业时的遥控系统。立项以来由于经验不足,原型机结构一再修改,各个系统的研发测试也状况频发,经历数次大改版后第一代定型标号为宵禁- S,其余皆为废案。 基本数据如下 价格:9064马克(含补给) 流线型外壳尺寸:57x13m 载货量:40箱 推荐船员数:5~7人 物品数:3343(含补给) 类型:...
Detectable Alien Materials 可探测的异星矿物!
Created by Zyleand
这个mod只做了两件微小的工作:让异星矿物能够被矿物探测器探测到,以及让它们在黑暗中发光,使其更容易被玩家发现。可以兼容已有存档 This mod does only two simple things: made alien materials detectable to mineral scanner, and made them glow in the dark so that them can be easily found. Should be save to install/remove on ...
Apo-3A "Dagger"
Created by 江奈
Now support: 简繁中文 English Russian Japanese (Translated by Arkblade) If you like this submarine, please give me a like! This is very important to me, thank you! 大家好,这是我自行设计的第三艘潜艇,Apo-3,绰号“Dagger”,意为“匕首、短剑”。潜艇虽小,但是武德充沛。小巧、灵活...
Beacons Extended
Created by Sneaky Hermit
Welcome to the Beacons Extended mod page! The purpose of this mod is to make beacon missions less repetitive by adding new beacons from various authors in addition to the vanilla beacons. The mod currently consists of 56 beacons The current list of beacons...
Zyleand Shipyard Flagship “Koka”
Created by Zyleand
All Language Supported!(Mostly) Intro This sub is a remastered version of my previous sub “红霞”级攻击核潜艇, Basically, only the name and general shape is the same, all the rest are re-made.
Lua For Barotrauma
Created by Evil Factory
Updated for the v1.5.9.1 Summer Update + Hotfix + Hotfix 2 Discord: Consider supporting the project: This is a Barotrauma modification that adds Lua modd...
Bionic Fish(仿生鱼) N-EX
Created by erya
我做的这么辛苦了,大家记得点个赞啊(哭 Please give it a thumbs up,thank you! 一艘现代化战舰?优化不够,船小来凑!这种秘密船只,往往伴随着复杂的系统。外星人见了都说好! A modern warship? Optimization is not enough, the ship must be small! Such clandestine ships are often accompanied by complex systems. Even the aliens s...
LL-08-Elarrow 欢戚级
Created by 狼狼
初始最高水平速度:29km/h,最高下潜速度:22km/h。欢戚级为小型船员组合潜入深海提供了新的选择。她的火力与机动足够应付绝大多数危险,同时具备不俗的载货力并装备齐全,甚至挤出了小半间舱室用作船员生活舱。该型潜艇适合作为两三位手足朋友冰洋下温暖的家。Type Elarrow make themselves a new choice for a small number of crew members.Their arms and flexibility can handle most situation...
T.S.M MISSIONS-问君此去几时还
Created by Lerentine
T.S.M MISSIONS 奇迹之海任务包 Add English translation, the English translation is AI translation, there is machine translation phenomenon, it is impossible to translate completely according to the original meaning, but most of the text should be fine. This is a l...
Created by devilman
我们是一个位于木卫二无光高原的移动造船平台,以劫持潜艇为生,以拆解潜艇为乐,有人叫我们强盗,有人叫我们分解者,也有人叫我们模仿者,不论如何,这些拆解下来的零件与系统都将帮助我们生存下去。 “飞梭”作为散落船厂据点的货运潜艇,是狭窄的木卫二航道的维护者,维系着各据点的资源补给和部件运输工作。 定位:多人联机 售价:8000 mk 大小:28x15m 载货:88箱 最高水平航速:31km/h 下潜速度:23km/h 加速下潜速度:28km/h 反应堆功率:10000kw 推荐船员:1-4人 推荐经验:均可 船体...
EK Mods for 1.x.x.x
Created by Commisar Jon Fuklaw
Introduction In order to warm up for an upcoming patch cycle for another title, I've decided to take some time to fix issues for the now-deprecated EK mod series. With that in mind, I'm going to keep this short and to the point: Here's a version of the EK ...
Performance Fix
Created by Evil Factory
This mod will work in any vanilla or modded server that you join, regardless the server having the mod on or off What is this This is a very experimental Lua mod, so expect that things may break. This is mod can greatly improve performance, it works by dec...
[Discontinued] EK Utility CN Patch
Created by Logic_530
原模组 EK Utilitiy ...
Created by Kov
A "toolbelt" with 56 slots in which you can put any item, including crates, ammo boxes, diving suits, railgun shells, etc. You can also place them on your hotbar, as well as hold one in each hand. Available at fabricators for 1 organic fiber. It does not r...
Apo-5 "Chainsaw"
Created by 江奈
For everyone having issues with pulse cannon while using Performance Fix - just add memorycomponent to the Client High Priority Items. It might help. Supported languages for now: 简体中文 繁体中文 English Русский Polski (translated by Frosteusz) 日本語(translated by ...
Created by 233-1
温馨提示:如果您在游玩时出现任何生理或心理上的不适,请立刻停止游玩。如果情况严重请及时就医。如果您无法承受意料之外的损失,请不要订阅!请不要订阅!请不要订阅!(为了您好) Tip: If you experience any physical or psychological discomfort while playing, please stop playing immediately. If the condition is serious, please consult a doctor promp...
Humpback Großreinigung
Created by Kookoorooza
Deep modernization of the Humpback, based on idea of preserving the location of all nodes of the original submarine. This is the fourth iteration of my "Humpback", which incorporates 4 years of experience The general list of changes: - Completely redesigne...
Created by AURORA
"我仰头向上,视线穿过厚重的冰层,向璀璨的星空祈求祝福。" 以曾经的太空战舰造型为蓝图而制造的轻型驱逐舰。其内部被装修的干净整洁,船上大量的信息屏让人回想起以前那段傲游太空的岁月。 没人知道工业的那些人为什么要造出这样一个与木卫二的冰洋格格不入的怪物。整洁的内饰与大屏幕是经不起木卫二的考验的,一次次航行后这些东西最终都会变得残破不堪。而这艘船也一直停靠在工业船坞的那个角落里,静静等待着属于她的远航。 或许,她只归属于人们头上那片无垠的星海。 价格:8000马克 规格:57×19m 载货量:38箱 推荐人数:...
[Discontinued] EK Armory CN Patch
Created by Logic_530
原模组 EK Armory ...
Immersive Ammunition Boxes
Created by _]|M|[_
What you're getting: Combinable Boxes: Ammunition Boxes can be combined to quickly refill one of them for use in a loader instead of having to deal with 2 half empty ones. Quality Boxes: Ammo Boxes can now be crafted in higher quality, allowing for more sh...
Created by 老司机hot
#4-102 Sword class battleship 2.04
Created by 阴阳双生
Medium attack ship, mounted with laminated armor, equipped with intelligent overhaul module; The upper and lower decks are equipped with combined fire control, and the bow is equipped with an experimental shaft gun.Energy-efficient reactor with automatic b...
Apo-4A "Saber"
Created by 江奈
Now support: 简繁中文 English Russian Japanese (Translated by Arkblade) Polski (translated by Frosteusz) But the broadcasting system is still in Chinese. Localization will be ignored when the signal is transmitted to the chat box 如果你喜欢这艘潜艇,请给个赞,这对我很重要,谢谢你们! If...
project shipwrecks
Created by rho-915
沉船计划---大型系列沉船模组 在木卫二的冰层之下,每时每刻都有新的潜艇崭新出厂,也无时无刻都有潜艇沉没至底。里面有无数财富宝藏,亦或是小丑教派改装的陷阱船。是能将财富带回到潜艇上,还是与沉船一同沉沦于这片渊洋之中,一切全凭你的智慧,勇气以及一点点运气,祝你好运,寻宝者。 Under Europa's ice, new submarines are being built and sunk all the time. It's filled with treasure troves, or clown cu...
Alicorn2 Stealth Light Cruiser
Created by Zyleand
All Language Supported! If you like it, please give me a thumb up! thank you! Intro This is a sub with extremely high strength (seriously, very seriously), all features are totally vanilla. It’s NOT recommended to use this sub (Alicorn2+) if you want a ful...
Created by Kurisu
2024/7/18更新 1、调整外壳,提高观感 2、储物柜分类 3、修复BUG 简介 格林33是应对日趋危险的深渊探索提供的解决方案 两门超级格林炮拥有更快的启动速度和极高的射速,火力非常强劲 两台超级引擎提供澎湃的动力,水下最大速度超过60km/h(未升级状态) 但是——格林炮和引擎都有着极高的能量消耗! 所以格林33配置了三种能量分配模式: 【默认状态】拥有良好的加速与减速性能,与维持格林炮持续射击两秒的武器能量 【高机动模式】大部分能量分配给引擎,获得强大的机动性,同时格林炮停止充能 【高充能模式】大...
Barotraumatic Monster Pack Test fixes (DEPRECATED)
Created by mikehagen22
MEANT FOR BAROTRAUMATIC! CAN BE USED FOR SPAWNER PURPOSES. BaroTraumatic: These are my collection of bugfixes and and tweaking for creatures modpacks that I find either broken or have been a...
Survivor New Creatures (DEPRECATED)
Created by mikehagen22
MEANT FOR BAROTRAUMATIC! CAN BE USED FOR SPAWNER PURPOSES. BaroTraumatic: These are my collection of creatures I managed to make from edit and by hand. I'm finally starting to learn how to u...
Created by Tool Man
授权声明:我不擅长英语。任何人均可制作并发布该潜艇的任意语言版本,只需在讨论区留言告知我即可。I'm not good at English. Anyone can make and publish any language version of the submarine, just leave a message in the discussion area and let me know.—— BY translation software 当被问及需要打什么MOD的时候,你们可以回答:打个鲛先 瞎编...
Survivor Other Creature fixes (DEPRECATED)
Created by mikehagen22
MEANT FOR BAROTRAUMATIC! CAN BE USED FOR SPAWNER PURPOSES. BaroTraumatic: These are my collection of bugfixes and and tweaking for creatures modpacks. Give massive credit to Denkvi, Senhor, ...
English is below 木卫二联盟人民议堂,一项议案正在热烈讨论中,由于木卫二上的众多潜艇因各种事故沉没(玩家作死致使船只数量下降),以及设备缺少保养,许多船坞老化严重,致使潜艇数量不足以承担木卫二的交通联络, 航行安全不断下降,以及深渊出现的巨兽占领航路,导致航道受阻,木卫二联盟下令将各学院的训练潜艇改造服役, 独眼巨人便是其中之一。虽然决定改造服役,但因为人手不足与资源短缺,船只的改造工作很多其实是由学院的教员和学生们完成的,但由于缺失实际的作战经验, 很多人其实并不知道具体要往上面装什么,学...
Stations from beyond
Created by rundoomer Description Are you tired of the monotonous outpost modules? Or do you just want to add some variety to your adventure? This modification expands the number of modules found at stations. There are more than 100 new variation...
[Discontinued] EK Gunnery CN Patch
Created by Logic_530
原模组 EK Gunnery ...
重要 Important - Support language: Chinese, English 本mod的Github:Raven-233486/Barotrauma-Animated 所有更新日志和早期版本 qq群号:322191319 223590606 Discord: 自由讨论区 兼容补丁 Compatibility Patch 与欧罗巴战争EuropaWar的美术兼容Visual Compatibility Patch 精神创伤Neu...
DA-漩流级 战列巡洋舰 DA-Maelstrom Class Battlecruiser
Created by Zyleand
CN+EN supported! 写在前面 封面舰娘图来源:远行星号吧 因为是坟贴所以没有问作者要授权,感谢作者不杀之恩 建议多人游玩 Recommend to play in multiplayer mode 背景介绍 / Background Story 本船原型来源于“远行星号”恶魔航电mod的同名战舰-“漩流”级战列巡洋舰,是经过了缩小和改装的版本。因为没有人想开一艘竖着的船所以我把它横过来了(捂脸) This ship is created from a ship in Diable Avioni...
[Discontinued] EK Dockyard CN Patch
Created by Logic_530
原模组 EK Dockyard ...
X-WT Kakodis卡柯蒂斯
Created by Fruit milk
简体中文 English 《这是 DA-漩流级 战列巡洋舰 DA-Maelstrom Class Battlecruiser 为基础的二改潜艇》 概述 一艘宇航战舰改装过来的潜艇,船外可见改装后一些机械暴露在外,她用于联盟的运输补给各站点的任务,为了减轻船体重量增加载货量,船上大部分武器被拆除仅保留部分轻武器防御,同时也运输核武器并且能在紧急情况下可以使用的唯一致命手段,拥有强大的反应堆和超速推进器可在短时间内机动回避。 规格 类型:运输型 价格:8500mk 尺寸:65x24 载货:76箱 水平速度:22...
Created by AKA-蠢脸螈宝
背景故事 “如陨星般划过,撕裂大气,坠入渊洋” “血色彗星”由位于新上海的“东亚重工”与香港新南昌的“破碎穹顶”合作研发,为了相应木卫二联盟的号召,“血色彗星”级仅仅用了14个月实际上是三个星期半的时间完成研发到制造,其性能也极为优越,更加适合新船长驾驶,而外观方面参考了“宿怨级” 基础参数 定位:单人/多人 价格:4200 规格:41*13m 载货量:60箱 推荐船员数量:3-6 推荐船员经验:初窥门径 最大水平速度:54KM/H 最大下潜速度:21KM/H 最大上浮速度:18KM/H 武器:4+2标准型...
[Legacy] EK | Armory
Created by Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. This mod is primarily balanced towards campaign; with various supplies purchasable from outposts, fortifications, and research centers; and many items to craft includi...
[15 Design Bureau] Phantom_Walker (LTS)
Created by 15.5T
What would you like to wish for? “どうだろう…”(I don’t know...) Then there will be no more video games, anymore. “願い事はいくつ叶う?”(How many wishes do I get?) As many as you want. The more wishes you make, the more magnificent the video games will become. “はて?”(Reall...
[Legacy] EK | Dockyard
Created by Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. Sub-building pack which introduces a bunch of new structures and functional machines to build submarines or roleplay maps with. Diesel Generator Variants Reactor Varia...
[Legacy] EK | Gunnery
Created by Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. Sub-building pack which introduces new types of armaments and defensive capabilities for the submarine. Ship ammunition & turrets balanced for vanilla Bonethresher, Ch...
[EA-HI] Pioneers 先驱者
Created by AKA-蠢脸螈宝
Backstory "In the 10 years after the victory of the Fae War, although the level of the number of Fae has normalized, but the cold abyssal ocean of Europa is still dangerous and unpredictable, the broken vault that returned to the Alliance received the task...
Barotraumatic Extended Monsters Fixes (DEPRECATED)
Created by mikehagen22
MEANT FOR BAROTRAUMATIC! CAN BE USED FOR SPAWNER PURPOSES. BaroTraumatic: These are my collection of bugfixes and and tweaking for creatures modpacks that I find either broken or have been a...
[Legacy] EK | Utility
Created by Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. This mod is primarily balanced towards campaign; with various supplies purchasable from outposts, mines, and research centers; and many items to craft including place-...
Created by MasonMachineGuns
Mod Summary Finding the game too easy and uneventful? Boring and repetitive vanilla monsters adding no variety or challenge to your life? Using Mods like EK that give you overpowered but fun toys, but there isn't anything to shoot? * THEN THIS MOD IS FOR Y...
Created by 狼狼
初始最高航速:22km/h,最高下潜速度:17km/h。为战斗而生,该级潜艇装载了自动哨戒炮和声纳控制轨道炮。核心舱室受到严格保护,弹药充足。虽然灵活性一般,但獠牙级将以强力碾碎一切阻碍。Born to fight,type Fang are equippied with automatic entry guns and sonar-controlled railguns.The core hulls are well protected and ammunition supply is sufficien...
Wreck Locator
Created by Biff_W
Feature When there's a wreck in 1000m range, you will receive its "SOS" signal on your sonar monitor. This doesn't require starting a new campaign to make an effect. Note Shipwrecks may not be located in the following cases: 1.The shipwreck has no containe...
CRUX 南十字 巡洋舰
Created by AURORA
极光工业“远望”工程的最后一艘战舰。由于建造巡洋舰耗资巨大,此工程在南十字建造完成后便结束了。与之前的战舰相同,南十字上大量使用了显示屏,并且对金属墙壁进行了遮挡。船内沿用了不少前期战舰的技术,并进行了优化。这艘战舰是专为对舰作战与对生物作战设计的,装备有复合炮塔与近防炮。南十字还没有实战经历,但即便缺少作战经验,她仍能用如同暴雨的弹幕淹没掉各种敌人。 规格:82×19m 价格:11000mk 运货量:32箱 推荐人数:6~10人...
Shipwrecks Extended
Created by rav2n
Welcome to the Shipwrecks Extended mod page! This mod adds many new wrecks in addition to vanilla ones to the game. Some of them are more dangerous than others while others are completely harmless and useless. To some of them you can even dock! Happy salva...
Linked collections (1)
Contains 72 items
In 2 collections by Vashiya
72 items
72 items