Scrap Mechanic

Scrap Mechanic

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Items (853)
bunkier plaga
Created by Ollam
siemka plaga! Przyspawaj bunkier! bunkier posiada: -drzwi -bunkier -łóżko -dom -ziemie -trawe -system przeciw plax plaxowi (właczony domyślnie) MIŁEJ ZABAWY!!!...
Bunkier Plaga
Created by Giorgio Ulani
Bunkier wykonany przez: Komina i Metheno INFORMACJA DLA TESTERA:Podwójne drzwi czasem się bugują i poprostu trzeba usunąć z nich pasek cementu...
Bunkier PLAGA
Created by Dżondro
Hej mam 12 lat i budowałem ten bunkier z kolegą bunkier ma 6 pokoi sypialnia, łazienka, magazyn, kuchnia, elektrownia i pokój do otwierania drzwi mam nadzieje że sie wam spodoba w większości bunkier jest zbudowany z metalu 2 tylko drzwi są zbudowane z giga...
Created by twoja stara
Stworzone we współpracy z Dukaty po wciśnieciu zielonych guzików otworzy sie wejscie Elo benc Pozdro Zelów Kwn & Dukaty...
Bunkier Plaga
Created by ♿Mankelek♿
Twórca: Mankelek Warstwy: DUŻO Wanny: Jedna...
bunkier PLAGA
Created by ••
Twórca G4M3R ONE (Adrian) najlepiej przyspawać do ziemi za pomocą podstawek domontowanych pod bunkrem UWAGA UWAGA UWAGA UWAGA jeżeli czcesz się pozbyć dowodów oraz pojazdów nacisnij przycisk na 1 piętrze (1 piętro) to garaż na pojazdy + kontroler bramy (2 ...
Bunkier Plaga
Created by maciekjur
ten bunkier jest zy typu lagujancych zalecam przyspawać do podłogi. napewno ci roświetli droge. pozdro dla yt i dla plagi....
Bunkier Plaga
Created by ReDoX
By ReDoX Cześć Plaga mam nadzieje że tobie się spodoba ten bunkier :) Czekam na twoją ocene. Pozdrawiam. Zapraszam na mój kanał YT: ReDoX Gra
Bunkier Plaga
Created by Kaienooo
Wykonane dla Plaga. Bunkier z częścią podziemną, nie laguje, można przyspawać do ziemi, choć nie ma takiej potrzeby, działająca winda (przepraszam za słaby mechanizm). Zawiera 2 działka, 1 winda, 5 baraków, 1 kuchnia, 1 lodówka, 1 magazyn amunicji, 1 siłow...
bunker plaga
Created by $BOOMbell$
bunker naśladuje 60sekunds plaga pozdrów proszę 7A z bydgoszczy...
Created by Fire Keeper
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Dom Plaga.
Created by DJDiscoPlayGames
Autor:DJDiscoPlayGames Dom dla plagi Dom niedokończony...
bunkier plaga
Created by SOBBOTA
prawie niezniszczalny stalowy bunkier z potrójnymi drzwiami uwaga jeżeli nieprzyspawasz bunkra zgodnie z instrukcją to może mocno lagować lub wpaść pod mape -MOD 1The Modpack 2The Modpack Legacy Support -instrukcja stawianiabumkru 1postaw bunkier na podnoś...
bunkier plaga
Created by Kpr. Wiaderny
kreator: T.C polski lekarz plagi Witaj Plaga/graczu. Jest to nie zniszczalny bunkier. Posiada: -Wejście stworzone przez wujka Henia -Korytarz -Magazyn -Zbrojownie -Więzienie -jadalnię -sypialnię -kibelek Myślę że się bunkier sopodoba. Cześć! ...
bunkier plaga
Created by karl180
bunkier ,,NUKE 1" jest zrobiony z jedynie zniszczalnych bloków. robiony ok. 5 godz. ale opłacało się. N I E Z A P O M N I J M A R K E R A!!!...
PLAGA bunkier
Created by Takzwany
Jest to bunkier z metalu robiony w 2019 roku, więc nie było wtedy takich super ultra duper kolców niezniszczalnych. Posiada on: -2 wejścia -łazienkę -reaktor -kino -jadalnię -sypialnię -guzik bezpieczeństwa...
Avalor Plaga
Created by RadzioGadzio
Uwaga!!! Przeczytaj cały opis. Pojazd może lagować po zdjęciu z podnośnika i przy lądowaniu Gdy postamisz klocek w środku pojazdu ów pojazd może przestać lagować. Aby cały statek działał należy uruchomić reaktor znajdujący się w maszynowni naciskając niebi...
bunkier plaga$
Created by Kpr. Wiaderny
kreator: T.C polski lekarz plagi. Twórca drzwi: Wujek Heniek. Siema Plaga/graczu! Jest to mój drugi bunkier z serii "Drewniane drzwi". Tym razem nie wzorowałem się na falloucie,tylko jest to zwykły pod ziemny bunkier. W bunkrze jest: -Wejście -Winda -Gener...
bunkier plaga
Created by To_szi
Jest to bunkier dla plagi Bunkier zawieja 5 pomieszczeń: sypialnia,łazienka,reaktor,magazyn i kuchnie bunkier był budowany tydzień PS.może lagować więc lepiej przyspawać...
bunkier plaga
Created by KrystianTrzy
Budował KrystianTrzy przy wejściu masz fotel co włancza system anty rakietowy muszisz kliknąć 1 2 3 4 i system anty rakietowy jest włonczony i przyspawaj go na gravity możesz latać pot shift...
bunkier plaga
Created by polskipiesek54
Bunkier posiada 2 systemy antyrakietowe czerwony i niebieski (chodzi o kolory 2 guzików).Nie używaj 2 naraz.Bunkier zawiera pare antywybuchowych bloków (ONE CHRONIĄ SYSTEMY DRZWI).Mam nadzieje że ci się spodoba....
bunkier plaga
Created by Viaj
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
bunkier plaga
Created by kasiulaaaa<3
twóra: pro_koxu30 SIEMA PLAGA!!! zbydudowałem dla Ciebie bunkier!!! jak jest możliwość przetestuj z BLX-em pozdrawiam!!!...
bunkier plaga
Created by KotletToNieOwoc
Ten projekt nie posiada opisu....
hydra plaga
Created by Stonetomato
witaj plaga to jest moja ulepszona wersja myśliwca sterowanie 1-tryb hover 2-tryb samolotu (nie radze dawać obydwu naraz) 3-kabina 4-ręczne zamykanie/otwarcie podwozia 5-lot w górę(w trybie hover) 6,7-rakiety jego uzbrojenie to 2 rakiety o średniej mocy na...
Bunkier Plaga
Created by Exorcist
Siema Plaga bunkier został stworzony z myślą o Bladim i chowanym. Ps.Szukajcie przycisków Bunkier zawiera: Pokój ciecia , Miejsca do chowania dla bladiego - trzeba znaleść przyciski Windę na przycisk do znalezienia i do przytrzymania przez 4 s sypialnie ,s...
Bunkier Plaga
Created by ⸸᠌ Trevsoo ⸸
Siema Plaga Bunkier jest wytrzymały posiada system awaryjny więcej nie będę spojlerował. Testy bunkra 1: wytrzymuje rakiety 2:wytrzymuje bomby 3:nie laguje PS: Zapraszam na kanał KantFik gdzie być może nagram moją mini chodowle węży powodzenia w testowaniu...
Plaga Bunkier
Created by FarreyYT
creator:farrey2 (FarreyYT) Bunkier typu KLOC Z METALU. Posiada system anty rakietowy. Żeby system anty rakietowy zadziałał kliknij czerwony guzik za szkłem. Przyspawaj do ziemi!...
Bunkier Plaga
Created by KarexXx
Bunkier Plaga Bunkier zawiera dość grube ściany, drzwi i dach. Wytrzymuje 8 dużych butli w jednym miejscu. Wyposażony w bramę ognia umieszczoną w górnej części budynku nad drzwiami. Drzwi wejściowe wyposażone w hasło. Bunkier składa się z 9 pokoi: 1. hol 2...
Bunkier plaga
Created by Faciek_
Bunkier dla plagi. Może wyglądać na duży ale w środku jest mały bo zależało mi na tym żeby dobrze chronił. P.S. Sorry za bramę bo przy otwieraniu otwieraniu się trochę zacinają. Pozdrowisz?...
plaga bónkier
Created by M.K.
Created by RADZIU
bunkier posiada system antyrakietowy po postawieniu bunkra wariuje prysznic nalezy wlaczyc go guzikiem a nastepnie wylaczyc i dziala. nie masz psychy go doszczętnie rozwalic pozdro 600...
Plaga bónkier
Created by feris
Witam, zbudowalem bunkrosa takiego o. Posiada system antyrakietowy ktory sie wlacza duzym przyciskiem w pomieszczeniu technicznym. KOD DO GLOWNYCH DRZWI TO 7564. Wpisujesz kod i klikasz Enter. Jesli system nie dziala uzyj world cleanera i wyjdz i wejdz na ...
Bunkier plaga
Created by Flin
1. Przyspawać do ziemi bo potskakuje. 2. Ma system anty rakietowy. 3. Posiada: kuchnie, spirzarnie, łazienke, sypialnie, pokuj dowodzenia, reaktor nuklearny i wskocznie dla motoru....
bunkier plaga
Created by genital_grinder
czerwony przycisk- system przeciw rakietowy pozdrawiam...
Bunkier Plaga
Created by Aphordi
Siema bunkier budowałem sam około 1,5 jest w nim sypialnia kuchnia pokój dowodzenia , łazienka . Życzę miłego rozwalania . Mody: Buttons And Switches Pack Mini's Mod Interactive Parts Mod by Lord Pain Car Interior Parts by Lord Pain Fenowork's Custom Parts...
Created by Trippy Boyyy
bunkier Plaga
Created by Zorrox
Toporny bunkier z ręczną obroną. jedno z działek czasami wariuje xD...
Plaga Kaseta
Created by crystal_x
Rakieta kasetowa V1. Wciśnij różowy guzik....
PLAGA bunkier E74 PLAGA
Created by 🅼olicki_
Siema mam na imię Olivier i mam 15 lat. Bunkier Posiada 5 pokoji w tym jeden ukryty 1 pokój : sypialnia Plagi oraz przejście do tajemniczego pokoju 2 pokój : magazyn z całą elektroniką bunkra 3 pokój : kibelek dla personelu bunkra 4 pokój : kuchnia połączo...
Plaga Rakieta R6
Created by MrBubles
Cześć Plaga to znowu ja zbudowałem teraz rakiete namierzaną w zasadzie to 6 rakiet mówiłeś że szkoda że moja poprzednia rakieta nie była ramierzana a wiec proszę bardzo.:) ...
plaga rakieta 35
Created by mikiland
hej plaga to rakieta dla ciebia ma 17 rakiet w sobie wszystkie są namierzane i nie wykorzystują moda na działka(inteligiętia). przycisk jest na środkowej rakiecie. możesz postawić tracker i rakiety będą się na niego kierować. Postarcie rakiety odpadnie prz...
41w1 rakieta plaga
Created by Galareteg
to tak naprawde 41 rakiet które są połączone ze sobą :P jak chceż żebym robił więcej rakiet powiedz :D nie wiem co jeszcze napisać...
Rakieta Plaga
Created by Mineko
rakieta plaga v4
Created by 12345678setek
witaj plaga raketa bardzo skuteczna jeśli nie trafia w cel polecam sie przesunąć lub zmienić czas...
Rakieta Plaga V2
Created by MrBubles
Cześć To znowu ja oto moja troche nie opracowana rakieta ale lepsza nisz Rakieta Plaga V1 Miłego Testowania :)...
Mini Rakieta PLAGA
Created by 老八
Ergoo Prosta rakieta wersja mini. Niech Cię nie zwiedzie jej wielkość, ma dużą moc. Aby rozbroić rakietę (usunąć siebie z namierzania) kliknij na czarny blok....
rakieta plaga 12
Created by mikiland
hej plga jstorakirta dlaciebie. rakirta samonaprwadzana nieużywa moda do działek.rakieta ma około 500 ładnków wybóchowych...
rakieta plaga iii
Created by Bartulo ツ
Ten projekt nie posiada opisu....
Rakieta Plaga V3
Created by MrBubles
Cześć plaga to Mój Były nieudany projekt teraz go dokończyłem i dodałem kilka rzeczy XD Wysłałem już 3 rakiety z tą 4...
Created by lubie barszcz
AI Turret Drone
Created by kAN
Visit for more epic builds! AI following turret drone using the intelligentia mod! Make sure to add yourself to the AI & Range sensor exceptions by clicking "E" on them on the back of the turret....
Anti Air Missile
Created by CoreyJake10
Missile test launcher logic test. Feel free to use this in any of your own creations (with credit) I advise you not to spam the button, or to shoot while moving as suspention glitches act weirdly in that situation....
Bunkier Plaga
Created by Sudden Darkness
Bunker by Dawid! to Plaga Youtube. Made in Poland!...
Rakieta Plaga
Created by MrBubles
Creator:MrBublesPL Cześć Plaga! To mój pierwszy projekt jak chcesz więcej to powiedz:) Instrukcja: Postaw nad bunkrem i kliknij przycisk:)...
Plaga Czołg pneumatyczny Plaga ( Udes )
Created by Nonqus
>----<=>----< Udes - Opis >----<=>----< Pojazd unowocześniony, PRYMITYWNIE wzorowany na historycznym szwedzkim pojeździe "udes" Zaczerpnięte zostało z niego mechanika celowania - Celowanie pneumatyczne Tzn. manewrowanie całym pojazdem przy czym dział...
Created by Derpy Donut
Medium Tank 8 Przygotowuje już kolejne pojazdy militarne do testowania przez ciebie, ale jak na razie przesyłam ci jeden z moich najlepszych pojazdów, czołg średni MT 8. Modernizacja czołgu MT 7 Uzbrojenie: -działo gładkolufowe 120 mm -współosiowy karabin ...
Bunkier Plaga v7.1
Created by Szerwa
Siemano BUNKIER POSIADA SYSTEM ANTYRAKIETOWY URACHAMIANY ZA POMOCĄ DŹWIGNI OBOK SKRZYNKI Z PRĄDEM NA PARTERZE. (nietestowane xD) Obok skrzyni z prądem jest również przycisk który otwiera drzwi do sterowania działkiem. Bunkier jest wybudowany w dużej skale ...
winda plaga
Chciałeś żebym ogarną to prosze nie wypadniesz a dodałem 4 nowe silniki ...
bunkier plaga 3.0
Created by Mk1ng
Ten projekt nie posiada opisu....
czolg PLAGA
Siema plax, zrobilem dla ciebie czolg do niszczenia bunkrow, UMIE PŁYWAĆ: -sterowanie: wsad - jazda 1 - kamera celowania (zoom) 2 - kamera kierowcy 3 - strzal mysz - obrot dzialem -lista modow do pobrania:
rakieta plaga 2.9
Created by GeorgeUnderKnee
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Minecraft Bunkier plaga
Created by nie Jezykowsky
Polecam przyczepić do ziemi po się zapada. Na moim kanale: FisoioreQ Jest Filmik z budowania pszyszypszony oczywiście bo budowanie tego zajeło mi: ok. 2godz więc mam nadzieje że się spodoba Bunkier ma system anty rakietowy i alarm to mój 1 bunkier więc w n...
C4 plaga (nuclearne)
Created by Takzwany
C4 nuclearny z głowicą nuclearną w środy. Idealna do zniszczenia budowli kolegi. :P...
rakieta plaga 1.0.0
Created by ⸸᠌ Trevsoo ⸸
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Created by Mikikor
BUDOWAŁEM Z KOLEGĄ OSKAREM budowaliśmy to około 7 miesięcy z przerwą 3 miesięczną. Jest 10 znajdziek np. znajdźki to nietypowe sytuacie. Są tam: 1. lotnisko 2. bank 3. elektrownia 4. baza z Gta5 5. bloki 6. biedra 7. wierzowiec 8. osiedla 9. plaża 10. dwa ...
samolot PLAGA
Created by Kasztanik
CREATOR: Pro_fesor Oto nowy somolot dla Ciebie i Bladiego. Spróbujcie uciec przed moimi rakietami 10.5 N Miłej zabawy :) Mods The Modpack The Modpack Polygons The Modpack Polygons Glass Wings Bombs. A Lot Of Bombs. Inlelligentia Mod WASD converter Light We...
wyrzutnik plaga
Created by Stonetomato
cześć plaga oto przedstawiam automatyczny wyżutnik rakiet wystarczy kliknąć przyciski a w ciągu kilkunastu sekund zostaniesz obrzucony rakietami przed urzyciem skonsultuj sie z lekażem bądź farmacętą ponieważ niewłaściwe stosowanie może zagrażać twojemu ży...
plaga uber dzialo
Created by rwetes
creator: eksio lajv instrukcja obsługi: kliknij na urządzenie namierzające usiądź na siedzeniu które znajduje się na jednym z silników przyciski: 1-włączenie namierzania 2-włączenie lasera namierzającego 3-strzał ...
Rakieta Plaga R6
Created by MrBubles
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Bunkier Plaga + gift
Created by Captain Jack BOMBA
Cześć Plaga Zbudowałem bunkier do testów. Bunkier budowany ok. 7 godzin + niespodzianka następne 5. Bunkier nie posiada ŻADNYCH bloków niezniszczalnych (również wanien). Działanie (Ważne!): Bunkier stawiać na grawiti modulatorze i szybbko spawać do ziemi. ...
Nuke 1.4 RC Plaga
Created by LDev_IX
Ta Nuke Została Specjalnie Stworzona Dla Plagi Na Odcinek :) Aby Rakiety Cię Nie Namierzały Musisz Nacisnąć Wszystkie Magnesy Uważaj Aby Przy Wyłączaniu Magnesów Przez Przypadek Nie Wyłączyć Routera 1-Odczepienie I start Rakiety 2-Włączenie namieżania grac...
C4 plaga
Created by Takzwany
Plagusie oto C4. Żeby Ci to działało musisz włączyć niektóre mody a najlepiej wszystkie xD bo nie wiem jaki są tu mody. Zapraszam też do przetestowania Nuclearnego C4. Miłej zabawy! :D...
Bunkier PLAGA
Created by Gofer
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
rakieta plaga
Created by nie Jezykowsky
Ogułem tak jak w poprzednim projekcie na kanale mam filmik z budowania nic więcej nie musze dodawać chyba więc to na tyle czas pracy to około 30m...
Created by Pojazd Asenizacyjny
AutoNaprowadzanaBombaNapalmowa numer seryjny 42 NIE ZALECANE DLA SŁABSZYCH KOMPUTERÓW Aby aktytwować należy załączyć guzik Bomba będzie lecieć 8 sekund po czym nawróci się i uderzy w namierzony cel wybuchając i podpalając wszytsko wokół...
Nuke Plaga
Rakieta Nuklearna stworzona dla PLAGA Zielony przycisk otwiera rakietę Czerwony przycisk wystrzeliwuje rakietę Trzeba ustawić Tracker i Magnet (niebieskie klocki po stronie niebieskiego światła) aby namierzał udawacz gracza ("winda" do pomocy :3) miłego za...
bunkier plaga
Created by Ffafi Tutel
creator: paruwowyxd...
nuke platforma plaga
Created by Littleperci
nuke ...
czołg plaga
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Wyrzutnia Rakiet Plaga
Created by ŻYA
Cześć PLAGA Jest to Wyrzutnia rakiet nie namierzna z trzema rakietami. W celowniku prawy trójkąt to mniejwięcej obszar, gdzie poleci rakieta. Myślę, że więcej nie muszę mówić. Młego testowania!...
Created by IGXE
CREATOR NATKiNGPL9e Bunkier dla PLagi z działem i systemem anty rakietowym . Żeby go włączycz wybij szybę i włącz przycisk . Po 1 strzale poczekaj ok. 10 sekund na przeładownaie klikając w przycisk strzału czyli przycisk nr 5 . Polecam Moje inne bunkry któ...
Bunkier PLAGA
Created by 老八
Nekson Przy wejściu są 2 przyciski, biały uruchamia moduł antygriawitacyjny, który chwilowo zapobiegnie zapadnięcie się konstrukcji pod mapę, włączony pozwoli na przyspawanie. 2 przycisk uruchamia drzwi. Dość spory bunkier, ze sporym wyposażniem. We wnętrz...
stateczek plaga
Created by Stonetomato
plaga pamiętasz może "cząg"? był to mój 1 pojazd dla ciebie teraz mam dla ciebie malutki stateczek sterowanie 0-jest banalnie proste 1-silniki 2-lot w górę 3,4-rakiety 5,6-kabiny ps- nie radze lądować zbyt gwałtownie gdy nie wystrzeliłeś wszystkich rakiet ...
Szybowiec plaga (nie) kret
Created by Adi
Szybowiec własnej konstrukcji sterowanie: WASD 1 silniki włączasz na chwilę by osiągnąć wysokość i min 200km/h potem wyłączasz 2 hamulce aerodynamiczne pomagające w lądowaniu szybowiec może długo utrzymać się w powietrzu bez włączonych silników pozdro YT x...
Created by Jeff
Creator: AdyUPL ------------------------------------------------------ WASD - Move Turret: 1 - Left 2 - Up 3 - Down 4 - Right 5 - Fire 6 - Main door ( Switch on the left site) 7 - Back door ( Switch on the rght site) ---------------------------------------...
Rakieta Plaga.
Created by Omen52
mody to 1wings 2inteligentia mod...
rakieta 10.4N plaga
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
rokieta plaga
Created by Stonetomato
cześć Plaga oto moja pierwsza rakieta myśłe że jest całkiem niezła mimo że nie ma zbyt wielkiej mocy jest ona pokryta kamuflażem "black nie chce mi sie" obsługa jest prosta jak słońce czasem sie sama wysadzi ale nie przejmuj sie tym :)...
Bunkier Plaga
Created by DukateN
Stworzone we współpracy z Kwn po wciśnieciu zielonych guzików otworzy ie wejscie Elo benc Pozdro Zelów Kwn & Dukaty....
Created by 🅼olicki_
Siema mam na imię Olivier i mam 15 lat. Bunkier Posiada 5 pokoji w tym jeden ukryty 1 pokój : sypialnia Plagi oraz przejście do tajemniczego pokoju 2 pokój : magazyn z całą elektroniką bunkra 3 pokój : kibelek dla personelu bunkra 4 pokój : kuchnia połączo...
rakieta plaga ulepszona
Created by Adigiusz
Ten projekt nie posiada opisu....
Czolg Plaga 2
Created by KondiX
Drugi czołg ode mnie skala 1:1 (jeśli wysokość postaci wynosi 1,4m) Siedzenie jest w jednym z włazów na wieży. Uwaga Czołg powoduje straszne lagi 1-podnoszenie działa 2-obniżenie działa 3-obrót wieży w lewo 4-obrót wieży w prawo 5-strzał z dział 6-otwarcie...
Bunkier Plaga
Created by danny223
Bunkier posiada : - Alarm - Toalety - laboratorium - kuchnie - System Antyrakietowy 2x centrum sterowania (pod schodami żeby było widać jak działa) - systemy obrony przeciwlotniczej sterowany kamerą - system obrony bramy wyłącznik pod schodami na monitorze...
Budynek/Bunkier Plaga
Created by Lechu
Witam, jest to mój drugi bunkier dla ciebie, mam nadzieję, że ci się spodoba. Bunkier zawiera system antyrakietowy....
bunkier PLAGA
Created by スープ
oto bunkier nie zniszczalny nie zniszczysz go w całości bo nie masz szans. drzwi się blokują czasami jak chcesz zamknąć drzwi bunkru to musisz zboku wcisnąć guzik POWODZENIA :)))))))))))))) mody: New Legend Mod...
UH-1D huey Transport helicopter plaga
Created by Kamasz
controls 1-engine 2-up 3-down 4-door 5-lights have fun...
10.4 Plaga na player imitator DZIAŁA 100% NO SCAM
Created by Cristiano Ronaldo
Hej Plaga wysyłam ci przerobionom Ragiete na imitator ludzika. Powinna działać tak jak należy no i ten wiesz jak z niej korzystać to no A i jak chcesz zmienić żeby namierzała ciebie to wystarczy kliknoci ten niebieski klocek ze strzałką pod butlą z gazem ...
Created by Mikikor
stworzył Mikikor P czytaj do końca! to mój pierwszy bunkier posiada fabułe "wolno niszczysić papier toaletowy i ksiąrzki" mam kanał na yt nazywa śę Mikikor P . obeżyj go w środku bunkier pośada 1 maszynownie 2 zbrojownie 3 złotą toalete 4 kuchnie 5 pokuj g...
Created by PERPUL
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
10.4 po wylewie PLAGA
Created by Kasztanik
Ten projekt nie posiada opisu....
ulepszona nuke plaga
Created by NuGgEt
Cześć to muj pierwszt projekt. zbudowałem rakiete bazowaną na ,,NUKE'' Plagi. Wygląda indetycznie ale siłę ma dużo, dużo większą....
Wyrzutnia PLAGA
Created by Gagar
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Bunkier Plaga
Created by Borealis
Witam! Przedstawiam Państwu nasz nowy produkt: Borealies Technologies Multi Situation Bunker(BTMSB).Spisze się on w każdej sytuacji. NP. >Bombardowanie z rakiet samonaprodzanych >Ostrzelanie przez działa altyreryjskie >I trzeci punkt żeby wyglądało lepiej ...
Created by ••
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
bot plaga
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Paveł i Plaga
Created by Stonetomato
maszyna do rozwałki powietrznej nie usuwać czerwonych klocków oprucz na napise Plaga Plaga PaveL yT...
Bunkier Plaga
Created by Jakub3k
Autor: Jakub3k Bunkier dla Plagi Bunkier zawiera: -pokoje mieszkalnie - zielone drzwi -magazyn - fioletowe drzwi -generator - czerwone drzwi -pokój kontroli drzwi wejścia - jasno-niebiekie drzwi...
Created by cocaine
STWORZYŁ: Hagwbu Jest to rakieta z głowicami nuklearnymi. (NA PODSTAWIE 10.4!!!) TUTORIAL (przeczytaj): 1: włącz wszystkie przełączniki na głowicach (rakieta musi być na podnośniku bo inaczej zeświruje) 2:włącz rakiete. 3: uciekaj lub rozstaw 4 sztuczne lu...
rakieta plaga 3.0
Created by Mk1ng
twórca:mking17785 To moja pierwsza rzecz, którą dla ciebie buduję. Rakieta jest bardzo mocna. Silniki odpalają się po 4 sek. więc masz czas na ucieczke. Magnes jest na górze rakiety. Mam nadzieję, że ci się spodoba. ...
Platforma Rakiet Kasetowych Plaga
Created by toastmlg
Jeśli poprzednia rakieta się spodobała, (mam nadzieje że tak.) zbudowałem tobie platformę aby łatwiej było tobie jej używać w dużych ilościach. (Nie polecam stawiać 2 blisko siebie a szczegulnie więcej niż 2 mówie serio)...
helikopter plaga
Created by RadzioGadzio
Creator: RadzioGadzio Cześć Plaga Zbudowałem dla cb helikopter ( fajny helikopter ) Sterowanie: 1 włączenie śmigła 2 góra 3 dół 4 kontrola lotu ( po właczeniu 4 mozna nią sterowac w środku helikoptera ) 5 działo 6 rakieta namierzalna 7 rakieta namierzalna ...
Created by Pojazd Asenizacyjny
DO PLAGI Moja poprzednia rakieta to niewypał totalny, ostatecznie to wina modyfikacji od bomb a nie moja, tutaj użyłem twoich ładunków które przyczepiłeś do mojej niedziałającej bomby. OBSŁUGA Znajdz i kliknij czerwony guzik na scianie INFORMACJE Od moment...
Szybka Rakieta PLAGA
Created by Nap_Makień
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
rakieta plaga nuke
Created by MEDISPIS
creator: plaga/MEDISPIS twoja 10.4 nie dzialala juz dobrze wiec postanowilem ja ulepszylem...
bunkier plaga
Created by bonioman
Ten projekt nie posiada opisu....
bunkier plaga
Created by Krasnolud
Twórca: goku Cześć plaga! Prezentuje tobie największy i praktycznie niezniszczalny bunkier. Bunkier lekko się buguje i wpada pod ziemie. Daj mu spokojnie wpaść pod ziemie i przy espieniu go spowrotem nad ziemią przez gre złap spawarką i przyspawaj byle gdz...
Bunkier Plaga
Created by Szuminex
Bunkier w kształcie klocka (co widać) jest dobrze opancerzony. Posiada nóżki, ponieważ się zapadał pod ziemię...
plaga nuke
Created by Kampl
#FFFFFFpotrzebne mody: Wings, The modpack, Inteligentia mod, epic bombs...
100 rakiet PLAGA
Created by Daki1305
Radze to przyspawac do ziemi Klikasz 2 guziki (tam gdzie rakieta wystaje) i uciekasz, rakiety zaprojektowalem, by byly dosyc celne. Jedna z nich wystrzeliwuje sie co 1 sekunde, i leci do gory przez okolo 15s. Idealny zestaw do testowania bunkrow, schronow,...
Bunkier na wyspie plaga
Created by #FixTf2 #SaveTf2
Około tydzień roboty, jest to podziemny bunkier na opuszczonej wyspie. Użyte zostało około 125 tyśęcy klocków ziemi xD . co do wytrzymałości jest upośledzony, lecz nieskoromnie powiem że jst bardzo ładny. Czasami go telepie nie znam powodu podejrzewam że t...
karton karton plaga
Created by dilivio
Ten projekt nie posiada opisu....
bunker PLAGA
Created by lil bobel
TWÓRcA: lil bobel FAJNO JEST wspoł twórcy: Pływająca Ryba i Gruba Ryba w pokoju z komputerem jest sterowania otwierana guzikiem na dole tam gdzie są bronie jest wyłącznik produ jeśli go użyjesz nie będą działać światła na gurze jest działo ściany mają 16 k...
Created by MAŁPISZON
Radzę w miarę możliwości przyspawać do ziemi xD (fps zjadacz) LUKSUSOWY BUNKIER W GÓRZE czas pracy mniej więcej od 7 do 12 dni by Dev...
Bunkier Plaga
Created by ZiKo
cześć Plaga! Zrobiłem bunker do testów składa się on z: - łazienki - kuchni - jadalni - salonu - magazynu - 2 sypialni 8 i 4 osobowych Bunkier jest paarterowy, nie ma w nim zbyt wiele modów. Pozdrawiam! ...
Bunkier PLAGA
Siema, dokladnie, to jest bunkier, lub jak kto woli "bonkier": -pomieszczenia: hol magazyn z generatorem 2 pomieszczenia uzytkowe (jeden to pokoj dowodzenia rakietami) lazienka sypialnia bateria z rakietami kuchnia command center -dodatkowe info: system an...
Bunkier Plaga
Created by Lechu
Bunkier zawiera system antyrakietowy. Ps: Gdy flara poleci za wysoko rakieta wróci....
rakieta plaga 10.3 +
Created by K4N0N
Autor : Kanon To moja druga rakieta jest lepiej skrętna i celniejsza.(Oglądałem Odc.PLAGA) Dodałem do niej magnez i zmieniłem skrzydła. Leci w cel od góry. :) Mam nadzieję że będzie super! UWAGA!!!_Lekko buja się na boki! ---------Instrukcja--------- 1.Kli...
Plaga 2w1
Created by ReDoX
Jest to stacja kosmiczna i statek. Żeby mieć dwa pojazdy trzeba odczepić żółto-czarny klocek pośrodku w górnym statku. By ReDoX Gra na YouTube....
Samolot PLAGA
Created by 老八
Ergoo Pierwotnie samolot uploadowany był w wersji angielskiej dla całej społeczności Scrap Mechanic, dlatego screeny są w j. angielskim. Myśliwiec oparty na F-22 Raptor, łatwy w sterowaniu, zwrotny i niszczycielski. Ma 6 rakiet samonaprowadzających i dział...
Bunkier Plaga
Created by MaciejkaG
Ten projekt nie posiada opisu....
bunkier plaga !
Created by genital_grinder
biały przycisk - otwieranie/zamykanie bramy czerwony przycisk - system przeciwrakietowy...
Bunkier PLAGA
Created by Jabkocz
Stworzone przez: Jabkocz Bunkier bardzo odporny, prawie niezniszczalny. Instrukcja obsługi: 1.Zasubskrybuj kanał Plaga'i 2.Zasubskrybuj kanał Jabkocz'a (czyli mój) 3.Przyspawaj do ziemi 4.Wejdź do środka 5.Zasymuluj atak rakietowy i plax plax'a Pozdrawiam ...
rakieta plaga [usprawniona]
Created by Dominum_vestri
Bunkier w lesie Plaga
Created by #FixTf2 #SaveTf2
eeee... tak jestem ten od wybuchającego kreta, ale to jest legitne zaufaj bardzo się napracowałem posiada jedno "ukryte mjejsce" Łużko:1 Działa:1 Las:1... xD MINIfarme:1 "INNNOACYJNĄ" winde (przytrzymaj przycisk) Piętra:2 Miłego rozwalania :D życzy Mino WE...
bunkier Plaga
Created by DracoFidei
!CZYTAJ OPIS! The Modpack Intelligentia Mod The Modpack Polygons Buttons And Switches Pack 1. Przypuszczam że nie masz komputeraz z Nasa, dlatego radze ci przyspawać ten bunkier do ziemi, najlepiej używając triku z brakiem grawitajci. Gdy ja go spawałem mi...
10.4steryd PLAGA
Created by rumcajs799
PLAGA chciałeś mocniejszą wersję 10.4 i oto jest. Jako ze rakieta rozdziela się na 5 osobnych części, musisz kliknąć w tracker i 4 magnesy aby cię nie namierzała. Nie ma bunkra który może się z nią mierzyć :P EDIT: Zmiana kolorystyki+ rakieta aktywuje się ...
Bunkier Plaga
Created by 『MICHOTO』
Niezniszczalny Bunkier dla PLAGI by Michoto :D Bunkier został zaprojektowany za pomocą najnowszych technologii i bez wanien. Jest w 99,0000000000001% niezniszczalny XD...
Bunkier PLAGA !
Created by KulkaPL
Opis: posiada WC alarm Wanne (jako łószko) i troche nuke....
Bunkier Plaga
Created by Papa Tronik
Wejście górą Zawiera: -lobby -sypialnia -kuchnia/stołówka -łazienka -magazyn - Żeby dostać się na górę trzeba wejść po kiblach. Twórcy: -Papa Trocki(Główny wykonawca) -Smolarzp(pomocnik) Robiliśmy go 7h :) P.S.: Nie niszcz zręba pliska :)...
Bunkier-Góra v.3 Plaga
Created by Sweet Dreams
(CZYTAJ WSZYSTKO) Bunkier wybudowany w górze. Mały, lecz znajduje się tam wszystko co potrzebne do przetrwania oraz do obrony. Bunkier zawiera: Główną salę Windę Reaktor 6 stanowisk z Karabinkami 10 Sypialń Stołówkę Spiżarnię Toaletę Pokój dowódcy Zalecam ...
rakieta 10.4 plaga
Created by emateiues
Ta rakieta została stworzona w moim wykonaniu dla Plagi....
czarna dziura plaga
Created by RadzioGadzio
Creator: RadzioGadzio Czesc Plaga Zbudowalem dla cb czarna dziure z dzialkiem. Sterowanie: Dzialko przyspawaj do podlogi tak jak czarna dziure ale troche dalej od dzialka. uruchom czarna dziure i idz do dzialka nacisni 1 a potem 2 i to wszystko ( czekaj na...
Motion Mod [LEGACY]
Created by Mini
This mod is the current working build of the mod. All the changes and bugfixes will be first done in the Motion Mod Test Release and then when confirmed working, moved here. Link to the test release:
The Modpack BETA
Created by Durf Scrap Mechanic Mods: The Modpack BETA This is the Modpack BETA and contains FUN and EXPERIMENTAL parts. Water block! Sports Balls! And more! Test the latest innovations in modding technology! Parts f...
11.4steryd PLAGA
Created by rumcajs799
Jako ze poprzednia wersja ci sie spodobala, postanowiłem zrobić taką z jeszcze większym walnięciem :P Trochę niewygodna jeśli chodzi o yłączenie namierzania (tracker i magnesy są na górze), ale za to posiada duuzo więcej materiałów wybuchowych. Działa na t...
rakieta 10.4N plaga mocnejsza
Created by Kampl
potrzebne mody: Wings, The modpack, Inteligentia mod, epic bombs...
nuke plaga
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
rakieta plaga
Created by 『MICHOTO』
Без названия34441
Created by Pika_Vika
У этого чертежа нет описания...
Created by Chizzy
Transformers 4 Bumblebee
Created by 3W_away
枪械模组 Firearms MOD
Created by 老锅
【如何使用】 HOW TO USE 此mod必须手动安装! This mod must be installed manually. 复制Mod的Data文件夹到游戏根目录并替换游戏的Data文件夹 Copy the Data folder of Mod to game root and replace the Data folder of Game 可以在Steam \ steamapps \ workshop \ content \ 387990 \ 2111579870 中找到此Mod的Data文件夹...
战地一 雷诺FT-17轻型坦克 battlefield 1
Created by KKKKKKKMAC202
1 主炮视角 2 同轴机枪 3 观察窗 4 舱门 5 烟幕 鼠标左键 主炮开火 按住鼠标右键 视角瞄准...
"Wrong Island" train by Redstonista
Created by Redstonista
Steam Train "Wrong Island" made by Redstonista built in 2 weeks expanded over a month and a half, this train was built from a single low quality photo/meme; walshaerts valve gear system based on the original of the "Union Pacific Big Boy" with a touch of t...
У этого чертежа нет описания...
#FFFFFFGITAL 75mm canon de campagne C fonctionel
Created by Valian
Ce plan n'a pas de description...
*Update 1.* Added Rocket Launcher. *Update 2.* Added multiple more weapons. Special thanks to my friend Doge. This mod has been discontinued and will no longer be updated until further notice, I ain't responsible for any little bugs creatd by this mod, use...
(Survival) Efficient Engines
Created by British89
Fuel consumption of Electric & Gas Engine reduced by a factor of 3 Increased possible upgrades of Electric & Gas Engine from 5 to 7 Increased gears of Electric & Gas Engine from 13 to 18 Fully upgraded engines will have much more power with the increased g...
0-6-0 Tall Purple
Created by AtOmIc
Fictional 0-6-0 tank engine that's purple. Controls: 1- Accelerate 2- Decelerate/Reverse 3- Stop 4- Lights 5- Whistle AtOmIc's Train Modpack collection is needed:
1 click Dev-Mode (Finally!)
Created by #FF00FF 21Suspect
INSTALLATION: SUBSCRIBE TO THIS, THEN RESTART THE GAME AND CLICK ON PLAY AND CUSTOM GAME ON THE TOP RIGHT: THEN CREATE A WORLD WITH "1 click dev-mode" ENABLED AND JOIN Developer mode with commands in Survival, without having to change any game files . + fr...
100 glowbug spawner
Created by kazpy74
spawns 100 glowbugs when you load creation...
A Boat for cats (Kontenerowiec działa)
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
A minigun
Created by Roboterminator11
It's a minigun, what more do i need to say...
a working gun
Created by ByJB
needs to be loaded by putting a thruster with a button to activate...
a plane
Created by slovakian ice pop
most intruiging...
5u SiCr Mountains 1
Created by KingNathantheIII
This medium tile uses 5u track, representative of Cape Gauge (3ft 6in) and Meter Gauge (1000mm). The track goes through an overgrown gorge, winding around cliff faces and into a tunnel. Above the 5u track, there is an old 3.5u (30in/762mm) that ducks under...
Accurized Survival Potato Guns
Created by RaderBad
These MODDED potato guns are all Over Powered. It helps keep your character alive. This mod must be installed manually! This mod can be found in: Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\387990\2174738064\Scripts copy/replace to: SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Scra...
Created by Jagi
FIXED VERSION: DISCLAIMER: To use the mod, you will have to go back to 0.3.5, since the latest update changed how collisions work and the gears dont work anymore. To do ...
Created by Google61
0.2.3-0.3.5 ONLY! USE Mechanical Parts INSTEAD Basic gears, made by Acceless (YouTube) Port to 0.2.3 and Steam Workshop by Google61 Use small gear and big gear blueprints...
Additional Pipes by Lord Pain
Created by Lord Pain
Update 05.08.2018 Let me know if you need more! :) Don't forget to hit the 'Like' button if u enjoy it!!! Have fun!!! :) Made by Lord Pain YouTube:
Adjustable Spudguns
Created by Vajdani
NORMAL VERSION This mod adds a spudgun that you can adjust in various ways. Just interact with the gun and begin tuning it however you'd like! You can also create templates out of the guns! Just press U on the gun you want to make a template of, press E on...
Advanced Castle
Created by Stealthy
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Advanced suspension & advanced turning (Vanilla)
Created by kociks
1. Off road mode 2. Super thruster boost...
Advanced Time Changer
Created by Disority
This mod allows you to use multiple different parts to control the time of day in creative. ======How to use====== Place one of the parts and interact with them to use them, these parts include: -Night Switch; A switch to change between midnight and mid-da...
Created by _VAZ2107_
АероЗАЗ Летающий Запорожец968! Ускорители - кнопка 1, летать/ездить WASD Кнопка 2 - достать шасси...
Aged Blocks
Created by mineslime
Work in progress! Blocks and Parts: - Aged stone floorblock - Aged metal floorblock - Rusty metalblock ~ made by ThePiGuy24 Gaming - Aged switch - Aged wire 1x1 - Aged wire 1x1 outer corner-curve - Aged wire 1x1 inner corner-curve - Aged wire 1x1 90° curve...
Aircraft Carrier - X.tile
Created by DragonMechTwo
1st floor - huge dock for ships, hovercrafts and even small to medium size submarines 2nd floor - 2 short take off runways; medium hangar 3rd floor - 2 long runways for landing; large hangar 4th floor - 7 landing pads for VTOL aircrafts; small hangar 5th f...
Created by #FF00FF 21Suspect
Majestic Aircraft Carrier: The Floating Fortress of the Skies One Sentence Description: Embark on naval supremacy with the Majestic Aircraft Carrier, a colossal floating fortress equipped to dominate both the open seas and the boundless skies, offering an ...
Created by Dol_S.
Air Plane MK 1
Created by Mackedonken
#FFFFFFCreator: Mackedonken this is my first functioning plane it only uses one mod it is the wings mod. It is kinda hard to control but i think it looks good i used the Scrapman pattern. If you could give me feedback that would be great. i hope Scrapman s...
Created by [D-D]Jack Burton
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Altrak D78 - Full Package
Created by The Red Builder
Creator: The Red Builder This Package contains: 5 German Army Trucks (From Left to right) - Empty - Fifth Wheel (Same as My Iveco Stralis) - Flatbed - Covered Flatbed - Van Body (Empty Inside) Details: -Engine cover opens -Completly Realistical BV8 Engine ...
Animated Water waves mod [ Realistic Water Mod ]
Created by ikey07
THIS IS DEMO! Realistic Animated Water Mod This mod include 4 animated wave blocks 15x15 One of them have 1x1x1 collision for custom usage. You will also need to make timer and logic gate set to turn it on/off every 1.2 seconds:
anti tank gun
Created by JittleyuteOne1
this creation requires the modpack, modpack polygons, and the more spudguns mod....
Created by Boy
It's an arena....
Armoured 3
Created by jgodden
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Armoured 4
Created by jgodden
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
AT-AT (All Terrain Armoured Transport) Imperial walker from Star Wars (No Mods)
Created by DrMuskOx
The mighty All Terrain Armoured Transport aka AT-AT! Overpower the rebels with rotating guns, large troop compartments and stomping feet. Drivers seat (1&2) : Switch 1: Rotate chair to face forward. Button 2: Turn head Button 3: Turn head other way Switch ...
Auto turret
Created by Tjark
This is a fast and exact turret...
Automatic Working Gun
Created by Jxnus
Mods- New Legend Mod, The Modpack 1- Start Weld Before Using This is The Same As My Other Gun But It Is Automatic...
Auto Turret
Created by Lxa
Diese Turret feuert auf einen wenn man aufhört zu laufen. Mit dem Schater an der front schaltet man die Turret an. Durch auf den Block mit den Pfeil(Hinter der Spud Gun) kann man sich Whitelisten und wird nicht anvisisert. Die Turret schießt bis auf 100 bl...
autopilot doubledeckker
Created by Sorz
Body Creator: DrMuskOx AI Creator: Sorz 9 before route recording 4- start/stop recording 8 - add stop point 7 after stop recording ----------------------------------- 5 - acrivate turning (off while recording) 6 - start ride ...
Autopilot Truck by Sorz
Created by Sorz
Creator: Sorz Keys 1,2 - nothing 3 - record route 4 - ai steering on/off 5 - auto acceleration 6 - clear done path points 7 - clear memory The truck makes a smooth stop if there is an obstruction in front. УПРАВЛЕНИЕ 1,2 - ничего 3 - запись пути 4 - ии упр...
B-17 Bomber
Created by Big Guy
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Bacteria Mod
Created by MrCrackx02
This mod adds four types of "bacteria" to the game. Each type has a unique behavior - for example, where one type simply eats away at a creation, another one sets it on fire! Note: Use physics 1 for better performance Bacteria Types Type 1 - Green Bacteria...
Bagieta Pack
Created by Adaś Montażysta
Jest polskie tłumaczenie! Parts: Wheel 3x1 Wedge 3x1 Wedge 2x1 Bot eye Minecraft TNT SCP door SCP button (Switch) SCP button (Button) Door handle World cleander from another addon Locker Lever Closed toilet Raft Dice Boot wheel Papaj wheel Adolf Ducker Tec...
Created by DAG_KILLER_05
(RU) Описание (EU) descriptionz (EU)You need to download 2 mods. (RU)Тебе нужно 2 мода 1 New Legend mod (creative) link : 2 The Modpack (by Durf) link : https://steamcomm...
Created by LifelessLizard
This is my bank in scrap mechanic! This bank has: Alarm Lockdown Code to the cash room Lobby Staff area You will get shocked when turning on the alarm! Even i did when i was testing! Please rate from 1-10 in the comments! But the best thin is that i didnt ...
Created by ComicRacer14692
This is a bank. Place it in your town, or have a fun game of cops and robbers with your pals. Here is some information: Walk thru the sliding doors, and you will enter the lobby. This is where you can really decorate and express yourself (if you wish). The...
Created by Dymon0X
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Created by bah
YAY A BASE Includes: security alarm plenty of decoration uh i think thats it... Enjoy! WAIT I forgot to say NO MODS are needed!...
Bath Bus [NO MODS]
Created by BRERG
Bus with pseudo-pneumatic suspension and many baths !!! NO MODS !!! If you liked it, then I'm glad :3...
Created by 3GX
crée par 3gx une base operationel avec cuisine chambre toilètte douche table pour manger et ecran de survèience ...
battle ship
Created by Dol_S.
this boat doesn't hover but drives. 1 2 is pitch total guns on this boat is 70 guns the main battery can aim but when you turn the boat the main battery will turn because it is heavy . the driver seat is in the third floor. you can try landing on the helip...
Be 6 (no mods, mini)
Created by TheCrusader
Ten projekt nie posiada opisu....
Bedroom&living Room Furniture Mod
Created by Kridershot
Furniture for your bedroom/living room. This mod add 17 items: -Bed -Large bed -Sofa -Armchair -chair -Drawer -Wardrobe -Endtable -Coffee Table -Small plant -Big plant -Plant -Bookshelf -Books -Painting -TV -Wall TV All parts paintable. Other Mods Link on ...
Beetle no mod
Created by 3W_away
Created by nopenever42069
Controls: 1 Engine 2 Landing gear 3 Machineguns 4 Cockpit 5 Yaw lest 6 Yaw right 7 Bombs...
Biofuel Mod
Created by apparentlyErik
Are you tired of collecting gasoline and having a gigantic amount of seeds or vegtables? Then this mod is perfect for you! UPDATE 0.2.3: added 9 new crafting recipes for biofuel NEW PARTS: Biofuel (crafted from seeds or vegtables) Biofuel Engine (fully upg...
big fishing ship
Created by Midir
a big ship for fishing with your friends looking for tuna.Is a ship that actually floats on water with jets and also is pretty detailed with lost of parts but also there is a crane for fishing and other interactable parts....For the rest ''push buttons and...
Better Lift
Created by unknown81311
allows you to place the lift ANYWHERE infinite reach (not length!) cant use a creation with keybinds: force build button: go down reload button: go up
black metal radio
Created by the elpoyo du 108
radio playlist - gorgoroth-Drommer om Dod - marduk-The Blond Beast - funeralmist-metamorphosis - satanicwarmaster-The Vampiric Tyrant - judasiscariot-from hateful visions - Ljå-Til Satan - Hungry Wölf-Satanic Halberd instalation go to: Steam\steamapps\work...
Created by georgepopsy
Created by ikey07
TITLE: BMW M3 GTR PARTS INCLUDED: BMW M3 GTR Body with Most Wanted paintjob BMW M3 GTR Body with paintable body BMW Wheel style 1x1 Gas Engine block Invisible cube block Invisible sport suspension THIS IS REAL MOD, YOU GET ACTUAL CAR BODY IN THE GAME. My Y...
blahaj i guess
Created by StormPilot
Boar ATV
Created by x deon
1 to raise/lower suspension...
u gotta break the bubble blocks and put them at the same space for the mines to work...
Created by Original_5inner
"Does excatly what it says on the tin" W, A, S & D to control....
Created by Gloigord
Lower the engine to turn it on. 1. Strafe left 2. Strafe right...
Created by Amy
Works only with version 0.3.0 or later. MODS NEEDED. All modifications are listed in the box to the right side. CONTROLS: - W: Forward thrust - S: Reverse thrust - A: Left turn - D: Right turn - 1: Navigation light - 2: Headlight - 3: Ambient light - 4: Ho...
Created by Glad2be1000
Made By Glad2be1000 This boat uses the Modpack, Doors mod, Polygons, glass polygons, invisable things mod, and the Surface mod. To get on the boat, get on the toilet, and press 1. After the toilet comes to a stop, press E, then your on the boat. To call th...
Created by Skëzixx
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Boat Race.tile
Created by ScrapMan
Created by darthtanq
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Bobcat S360
Created by Jaka
Bobcat S360 <><><><> NO MODS <><><><> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> The bobcat (Lynx rufus), also known as the red lynx, is a medium-sized cat native to North America from southern Canada, most of the contiguous United States to Oaxa...
Created by Mazpow
This blueprint doesn't have a description....
Gunner controls 1 - Ball Turret rotate left 2 - Ball turret rotate right 3 - Ball turret guns up 4 - Ball turret guns down 5 - Top turret rotate left 6 - Top turret rotate right 7 - Top turret guns up 8 - Top turret guns down 9 - Fire Guns* Co-Pilot Contro...
Bomber Plane
Created by odzz
This is a plane that works in vanilla and that can drop 10 bombs. Controls: W - Pitch down S - Pitch up A - Roll left D - Roll right 1 - Turn on the thrusters 2 - Turn on the reverse thrusters 3 - Drop 2 bombs (needs 4 to be active) 4 - Open/close the bomb...
Bomber Plane
Created by Moonbo
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Bomber Plane
Created by ricom561
Made By: adrianmed561 Hope you enjoy! :D...
Bombs Mod
Created by Gnulla ⛟
Famous bombs from history for you to play with! Like, share & subscribe! If you have any feedback, complaints or suggestions, please do leave them in the comments! As of now this mod includes: -Little Boy Nuke -Fat Man Nuke -Torpedo -Tiny Bomb -Small Bomb ...
Bombs. A Lot Of Bombs.
Created by TheMineTrooper
HELLO FELLOW MECHANICS Sadly I haven't had the time to play Scrap Mechanic in over two years, and I have less and less time to work on this mod and my many other projects. So sadly, this mod is DISCONTINUED. If anyone is interested in working on it more or...
Bourrasque with working gun [NO MODS]
Created by poe_kb
The BAT.-CHÂTILLON BOURRASQUE is a French light tank from World of Tanks. It has a 2 round down firing gun. Controls: 1 – fire main gun 2 – aim left 3 – aim right 4 – aim up 5 – aim down ONLY TESTED ON ADVANCED PHYSICS ...
Created by SpinosaurusSnake
Front Seat: 1 - Forward 2 - Right 3 - Left 4 - Back 5 - Shoot Gun W - Gun Down A - Turret Left S - Gun Up D - Turret Right The BT-42 was a Finnish assault gun that was used during the Continuation War as part of the Second World War. It was constructed fro...
British Mark V Remastered ww1 mk1 (Gray)
Created by jdickson
This tank is for the WWI Reenactment; feel free to use it anytime you want, but make sure to give me credit The British Mark V tank was an upgraded version of the Mark IV tank. The tank was improved in several aspects over the Mark IV, chiefly the new stee...
Created by Killa
Finnish modification of the Soviet tank BT-7. Version with mods i.e. can shoot. No mods version in my workshop. Controls: 1/2 - gun elevation angles 3/4 - gun traverse angles 5 - shot 6 - driver's hatch The BT-42 was a Finnish assault gun, constructed duri...
Created by OZZA
Creator: OZZA V 2.1 The BT-7 was the last of the BT series of Soviet cavalry tanks that were produced in large numbers between 1935 and 1940. It was lightly armoured, but reasonably well-armed for the time, and had much better mobility than other contempor...
Created by -FR13NDS-
У этого чертежа нет описания...
Created by Влад
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Created by BigKarp
Ten projekt nie posiada opisu....
Building Parts
Created by ikey07
Building Parts Mod Update 07.11.2021: Added 5 Rope pieces Added 5 Steel Chain pieces Updated textures on few doors Added Standing Lantern to make light posts This mod include: 13 Doors which works as switch Invisible Bearing Brick,Concrete,Wood,Metal, TIle...
AMV 312
Created by Toadbrooster
This is the AMV 312, it is fitted with a fast and reliable engine called the AMV G7X (Inline 6). I hope you enjoy this stylish oldtimer as much as I do! Presented to you by AMV....
Created by Norton
This is just a bulldozer. Controls: 1- Lift blade up 2- Tilt blade up 3- Horn 4- Radio...
Created by Nonogt
Subscribe for more ! Bulldozer (no mod) Nonogt Industry 1.Use rear 2.Use front 3.Light 4.Horn 5.Radio Creator: Nonogt © 2017 Nonogt This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named Nonog...
Created by sáñtä
things that i do like good with spud cannons as it does only explode if it hitts a object at high speeds. Not if you hit it with a hammer or shoot it with a spud gun. holy shit! this is my first ever mod! did not think it was gonna "blow up" XD please like...
Created by lesh3q
budowane z/ builded with: zmijowiec55 SPAWAĆ DO ZIEMI Z WYŁĄCZONĄ GRAWITACJĄ!!! WELD TO GROUND WITHOUT GRAVITY!!! zawiera opis angielski i poski has english and polish description angielski/english: i'm not best in engish bc I'm polish, so don't roast me p...
Created by Cpt. Colins
==================== Its WW1 Bunker Have x2 7mm mg and x1 45mm gun =================== Это Дзот* первой мировой Имеет 2 7мм пулемёта и 1 45мм пушку Дзот-Долговремянная Закреплённая Огневая Точка ====================...
Buoyancy Mod: Water, Helium, Hot Air, and more!
Created by CasperClarke
** THIS IS THE NEW VERSION OF THIS MOD!! ** Old creations will now show up with “Mods Missing” in the Lift’s menu in-game. To use older creations, use the “Buoyancy Mod - Legacy” mod located here:
Created by Volvo 240gl
This is a yellow bus based on regional and city buses which are operated in the scania municipality. Driver Seat Controls: Switch one = Left turning lights. Switch two = Right turning lights. Switch three = Opens and closes the doors (The doors are open by...
Created by Wheel Hub
This the modified version of the bus that ciriuxlt {LINK REMOVED} built. What I modified is this: -door with piston instead of a bearing systeme door -driver seat at the left instead at the right -rear lights -interior lights...
Created by 新年大稽
This blueprint doesn't have a description....
Created by 3LST3R
Dieser Entwurf verfügt über keine Beschreibung...
Created by BIGFurcia
Bus with wagon. Keys: Number 1: Open the motor place. Number 2: Open de passenger door. W,A,S,D: move the bus. Like and rate if you enjoy it, Thanks!...
Created by apparentlyErik
This version of the bus parts mod is discontinued and won't be receiving any new updates. The continuation of the mod will be uploaded by another person in the future. (Link to it will be here) Update #1: made existing Seats have a paintable frame and adde...
Bus Mercedes Benz tourisme
Ce plan n'a pas de description...
Buttons And Switches Pack
Created by isli
This mod adds 8 new buttons and switches when loading/creating worlds it might take a while for the mods list to load, just wait until your mods appear in the list....
By The Lake With Water
Created by Lord Pain
Updated version with survival water :)...
C4 Block Mod
Created by CocoaCoCi
This Mod adds: - 2 Marble Blocks - 4 Stone Blocks - 5 Wood Blocks - Ice block - Sand Block - A Carpet Block - The channel background Block Future Plans: - A Lamp-Block - A CoCi Block - A CoCi Wheel If you want to USE this MOD in one of your VIDEOS you HAVE...
C130 FPS Skydiving
Created by Moonbo
Jump into battle by skydiving and landing on the ground with a parachute!...
Call of Time / Rager's Tools
Created by Rager This mod add new tools to the game. It addition for survival/custom games. Works in creative game too. ProxyItems Now tools have a properly item visual...
Camera Controls
Created by TechnologicNick
This mod adds a Gyro Sensor that compares the direction of the Gyro Sensor to the direction of the camera of the player. Connect it to electric engines to create a turret that you can control using your camera. You can also connect it to a logic gate to do...
Camera Module
Created by wingcomstriker405
This mod adds a camera to the game that can be used to take images to analyse them :) Note: Place the camera with the round end of the AND symbol facing upwards SMPL API getCameras parameters: description: returns all cameras connected to the computer setR...
Camper + trailer VW T1 [No Mods]
Created by David Baguetta
1960 VW T1 Camper with interiors and awning combined with a rather small trailer in the same look -------------- NO MODS -------------- My Youtube channel Join me on discord here You can connect the trailer with my Suzuki Jimny This is the same camper van ...
cannon station
Created by Scratch
Cannons Pack
Created by Questionable Mark
This mods contains 21 awesome cannons with shooting animations and custom projectiles. This mod contains: - Tank cannon - Flak cannon - Naval cannon - 2nd tank cannon - M1 Abrams cannon - Schwerer Gustav cannon (mortar) - Aircraft cannon - 2nd naval cannon...
Cannons Pack Ricochets and Penetrations
Created by хохлы
Car Interior Parts by Lord Pain
Created by Lord Pain
Update: 23.09.2018 Check out my YT channel so you don't miss future updates: French description by Krohm Koala: Don't forget to hit the 'Like' button if u e...
Created by Bahoi 50 de bani
This mod has car logos. I don't use this for profit or something. This mod is only for fun! More updates in future! Logos: -Audi -BMW -Mercedes-Benz -Citroen -Dacia (new one) -Ferrari -Fiat -Honda -Lamborghini -Porche -Nissan -Opel -Peugeot -Renault -Scani...
Created by Uncut Penis
Este Plano no tiene una descripción...
Cannons and More [MODELS]
Created by Hampter
Tank Cannons and etc. Fairly crude but works. Going to keep updating. Just models now, removed scripts at request of the author. Mainly just for me and my friends now, but I guess if you want to sub to them, go ahead. Items: - Tank Cannon - Autocannon - Co...
Cardboard Castle
Created by mekagirlvanilla
Has a functional door. Welding to the ground is not necessary....
Cargo plane
Created by Bende
Edit: We have built a second version of this plane which you can find in the collection called "Some planes and some other stuff" or you can probably find it under the name Cargo plane V2 A big plane with a very small amount of lag and a big cargo bay. (St...
Cargo Plane
Created by Superawesome4141
Made by Superawesome4141 Find the controls yourself! :P...
Cardboard House
Created by Enchilada
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
cargo plane
Created by Ammemo
cerator Ammeamo A.K.A AmosAugust you will figgre out the controls while messing with it. have fun PS 3 closes the back...
Cargo Plane
Created by kAN
Visit for more epic builds! Massive Cargo Plane! Relatively lag inducing. Controls: 1 - Activate Lift Thrust (needs 6 as well) 2 - Roll Left 3 - Roll Right 4 - Pitch Up 5 - Pitch Down 6 - Activate Forward Thrust + Lift Thrust 7 - Land...
Created by Shadow
This Castle Was Built Block By Block. I Tried To Make The Castle as Symmetrical As I Could. Spawning In The Castle Will Cause Lag, But It Gets Alot Better If You Can Weld It To The Ground. Have Fun.....
Created by SrDaMagia
A Big Castle with Keep (Fully Furnished)...
Centurion System (Working Computer)
Created by Alex_Hitman
It's time for a revolution in SM technology! The Centurion System User Manual READ BEFORE USE! A completely vanilla working computer. This thing has a 144p screen, a disk drive and the AH 100 Controlpad. You can navigate the menu, open the Info app and ope...
char B1
Created by Feggersøn
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Created by Haybot
У этого чертежа нет описания...
Created by Tom.g
Dieser Entwurf verfügt über keine Beschreibung...
Created by Dan4ik
У этого чертежа нет описания...
city parking.tile
Created by Mandrix
this is part of a modular city. use it in combination with other tiles from the same set to make the city you want there's only one lane here. the other has to be made with another tile from the set. this one has to be placed on a straight street....
City War
Created by Stamsite
This is a city made for a explosive war between friends. There is a core in the bank vault that when destroyed will give a loud signal. There is also three points in the city that when destroyed will also give a loud signal when all three is destroyed, the...
City with Traintracks by sehr_witziq.tile
Created by sunny
City with Traintracks by sehr_witziq -> WIP Discord: Invisible Assets? -> LordPainAssets Display Bug Fix -> https://steamcommunity....
Claas Arion front loader [No Mods]
Created by David Baguetta
Click here to see this creation in my video on youtube. Click here to see this creation in Moonbo's latest top of the shop video! 2010 CLAAS ARION 400 compact tractor -------------- NO MODS -------------- Enough of farming by hand in survival? Get the Claa...
Claas Arion tractor [No Mods]
Created by David Baguetta
Click here to see this creation in my speedbuild video on youtube. Click here to see this creation in Moonbo's latest top of the shop video! 2010 CLAAS ARION 400 compact tractor -------------- NO MODS -------------- Enough of farming by hand in survival? G...
Clickable Cockpit
Created by Victor ARGOVAL
This Mod allows you to click on switches while beeing seated. Leave a comment if you like this mod! This mod does not work very well to activate the buttons... If you want to use it with a button, make sure you hooked up the...
Created by SUPMAH2007
this is a fully mechanical (accept the way i power it with an engine) pendulum clock that can tell time accurately in hours, minutes and seconds. How to use: flick one of the switches in the front or back of the clock to start it. it is possible sometimes ...
Collision destruction Physics
Created by Donyti_Qramixy
The development is frozen right now, but it will be continued in the future! To make the mod work you need to place the activator block somewhere in the world This mod is computationally expensive. This means that this mod can and will at some point lag yo...
Computer Stuff (Discontinued)
Created by CrimsnShadow
Lets improve your office with a PC Towers, Multiple Monitors, Desk, Chairs, RGB Accessories, Microphone, DSLR Camera, and More! Enjoy!...
Corner Blocks Mod
Created by Paxon57
This mod adds two blocks that should be in vanilla game! -Corner -Inverted Corner...
Craftable Component Kit (Survival)
Created by Eitch
This mod only contains instructions to add a craftable Component Kit to your CraftBot. It doesn't do anything per se because modding Survival isn't supported yet. Recipe Component Kit = Circuit board (Time: 30s) Instructions 1. Go to the folder your game i...
Created by loyt
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Created by rigidchips_nero
This blueprint doesn't have a description....
Crazy Wheel Pack
Created by AD
Four new hot wheels for your ride! OBS! to be able to use any Workshop mods you need to be on the Scrap mechanic TEST branch! How to set up the test branch : Also the mod selection screen when loading/creating worlds might ta...
Creative Terrain Overhaul
Created by Questionable Mark
A fully functional copy of Creative Game, but with better terrain generation and bigger world to explore. Available Commands /clear - Removes all the loaded bodies in the world. /spawn - Teleports your character to spawn position. /tp - Teleports your char...
Creative Mode in Survival World
Created by Aviation Simmer
Creative Mode in Survival World...
CreativeSurvival (All Acces) OUTDATED!!!!
Created by SgtMarkoes
THIS MOD IS OUTDATED!! DO NOT SUBSCRIBE!!! --- There will be and updated version soon, or a complete new one. But since I'm very busy lately, I can;t tell you when that is. Sorry for the inconvenience this brings creative into survival. Just install the mo...
Crocodile Ce 6-8 II-classic train
Created by Felipé
needs all Durf's mods (the modpack etc.) FOLLOW FOR ABANDONED VERSION!...
CS-90 Gunboat
Created by Mr.Binks The CS-90 Gunboat -------------: Features:------------- - The CS-90 is outfitted with a rapid fire ship to ship cannon, shooting 25mm rounds. - The ship is also outfitted with a slightly modified version of the Shepherd's gy...
CTC - Stormrunner R Muscle Car
Created by kemofe
CERTICERA MOTORS ---- Certicera Motors Stormrunner R Muscle pack released by Kemofe ---- NO MODS ---- Certicera Motor's muscle car case StormRunner R pack is here. The base model is Dodge Challanger remaked in Scrap Mechanic by Kemofe. Grab some speed. ---...
Customizable Wheels Mod
Created by Blasted_Off
You wont need to worry that the wheels size doesnt look cool because you can chose what rim on what tire you can have. The rims are paintable. First paste a tire and then the rim. Note : Some of the tire hitboxes are a bit off because of how the game works...
custom handheld tools modpack
Created by Brent Batch
Custom HANDHELD tools This mod provides a part that allows you to load CUSTOM HANDHELD TOOLS! Custom tools currently included in this version: * ExplosionGun (also allows for rocketjumping ;) * Flamethrower (fire not compatible with modpack weapons or modp...
Dacia 1310
Created by Bearfred
This mod doesn't have a description...
d-day model no mod
Created by Sans666
its a d-day model (sorry for the glitchy cannons at the bunkers)...
dakar car
Created by Pauglin
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Day Night Cycle
Created by wingcomstriker405
This mod allows you to get the survival day and night cycle in creative. How to use the mod: 1) place the block on the ground 2) connect a number input Input Values: The value can be any number. Only the fractional part will have an effect (mod). e.g. 0.5 ...
Created by Mightyeagle
this is the Yo-class destroyer of the Huseli Navy. It uses the same mods as the revenge battleship....
Destructible Parts and Blocks
Created by sKITzo
Here are the SM blocks and parts etc for you to also build with then destroy... mwah hahahaha! Yes you can now shoot out wheels of your friends vehicles too and so much more.... yipeee ! Change in the damage required to destroy all items should follow at a...
detective car
Created by australiandoggo00
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Detonator Mod
Created by #00ff80tward0wsky
This Mod add detonator block (explode only from logic signal) damage like big canister...
Created by ☆LoneWS☆
dingus, aka maxwell, the cat Source Also my first mod, I have some things to fix the second mod:
Created by Juan Ito
An Amazing and detailed dirt track to make epic races! We see lot of tiles, if you think this one is a good one, don't forget to rate it! Thanks a lot!!! About 5 hours to get this result and it's never ended! Btw the tool is little bit hard to take in hand...
Created by Secawesome
Hello, This is my dock for medium to large ships. It was designed and built with the intent of making it easier to build and deploy ships and boats into the water. This is why it includes a large crane and flat building area. It also features a small garag...
Drift Trike Desna
Created by _VAZ2107_
Трицикл из велосипеда Десна 2500 может как ездить нормально, так и пятаки крутить...
Drum kit
Created by GoldenSpace
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
dTD Train- & Vehicle parts ( no updates )
Created by danjo02
v 0.5 ( early aplha please build carefully some objctes maybe chnged and possibly currupt your world later ) - 3 BL Loco/Traincarwheel - 5 BL Loco/Traincarwheel - 5 BL Loco Wheel - 7 BL Loco/Traincarwheel - 9 BL Loco Wheel with Small Ballast - 9 BL Loco Wh...
Duck Character - Updated
Created by ikey07
Duck Character This mod adds Duck character to the game, they spawn near Wocs or in creative with capsules UPDATE: Duck character has been updated to 0.6.5 version FEATURES: Can be places as capsule in creative mode They spawn around Wocs and try to stay c...
E 100
Created by bruhhh
У этого чертежа нет описания...
Dummy With Gore
Created by Liam
GORE WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Eclipse Towers
Created by Doge Lorde
Overview The iconic Eclipse apartment tower from the popular video game Grand Theft Auto 5! (online edition). Features a fully detailed interior* including lobby, garage, and apartment #40! This was a build worked on for many hours, by me and my good frien...
Eddie Stobart Truck Cab (part #1 of the Eddie Stobart creation) (No mods)
Created by DrMuskOx
Presenting the made as realistic as possible... Eddie Stobart Cab! Drivers seat: Switch 1: Door Switch 2: Lights Switch 3: Fifth wheel Switch 4: Horn Passengers seat: Switch 1: Door Switch 2: Radio Switches behind the cab: Two are connected to the seats (R...
Created by Noiro1
Enclosed Sea.tile
Created by TeaComShark
Nothing to see here folks, just an extra large tile filled with water and like, 8 different environments. Nothing more nothing less folks. So, yeah....
electric chair
Created by dubiousdexterity
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Entrance Doors Pack [ Deprecated ]
Created by ikey07
EMTU minibus [NO MODS]
Created by Planetx12
Hello everyone, we are here again with another creation. Our creation today is the company minibus called EMTU(Empresa Metropolitana de Transportes Urbanos de São Paulo), a famous company responsible for most urban fleets in the state of São Paulo. The ref...
Created by TechnologicNick
This mod adds an electromagnet. When powered, it attracts other powered electromagnets. It's strength increases exponentially when the distance to the other electromagnet decreases. If you have problems with magnets shooting in all directions, try to add m...
European Castle
Created by Glorified Shed
A fairly large castle with working counter-weight drawbridge, 2 working portculases, battlements, keep and maticulations surrounded by a moat. It is based of medievil European stone Castles. It also is fully decorated on the inside....
Exhaust Tubes
Created by PinkChicken
A few open tube parts to make up for the lack of them in the vanilla game. Made with exhausts in mind, but use at wish. Have fun! Things to do: try to figure a way to make the connectors reversible try to figure why the pieces have a slight color variation...
Explosive Canisters Mod
Created by TheFattestCat
This mod doesn't have a description...
Explotion Tanks Mod
Created by TheFattestCat
This mod doesn't have a description...
Extra Blocks
Created by Vernox
THIS MOD IS CURRENTLY ABANDONED, CHECK THE FAQ BELOW FOR MORE DETAILS This is my first modification I made :) This mod adds (at this moment) 6 new blocks: - Plastic block - Aluminum block - Steel block - Shiny Steel Block - Carbon Fiber Block - Matte Block...
Exhaust Pipes (Metallic)
Created by PinkChicken
A variation of my old mod, as requested. I also decided to add a few more parts. Thanks to LordPain for the idea to include mufflers, as well as modeling both the car and bike ones. Have fun :) The old mod will receive the some of the new parts as well in ...
Extreme Mod fixed
Created by Isler
Have fun and break stuff with the extremely powerful parts. Made the engines work again. Disclaimer I didn't make this mod all credit goes to yocto. WARNING not compatible with the original!...
Created by american skinwalker
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Fant Mod - Creative Features (FileMod)
Created by 00Fant
FANT MOD 27.1 game version 0.6.6 ! IMPORTENT ! This is a File mod that MUST be installed, activating via the Mod Button will mess things up. Also Never have this and the Fant Mod 2 at the same time Installed! ! IMPORTENT ! if you want to play survival and ...
Fant Mod 2 Custom Gamemode
Created by 00Fant
FANT MOD 2 CUSTOM GAMEMODE v 44.0 game version 0.6.6 -No File edit needed -Vanilla Core Files -Auto Updates -Mod Mixing with Block&Part Mods works -Custom Recipe loading included -100% Multiplayer Functionality Know Issue: With Unnormal Screen Ratios the M...
Fants Logic Stuff
Created by 00Fant
This Mod add Parts from my Main Mod ( Fant Mod ) as Seperated Mod usable in Creative. -Gyro 1x1 ( To Spin your Creation around ) -Gyro 2x2 ( To Spin your Creation around ) -Gyro 3x3 ( To Spin your Creation around ) -Angle Sensor ( To Detect if the Creation...
Fants Mountable Weapons
Created by 00Fant
This Mod Adds 4 Different Mountable Weapons from my Fant Mod as a Seperated Mod. -Banananator ( Gatling ) -Banananator Ammo Box -Cannon ( Tank Cannon ) -Cannon Ammo Box -Glowgun ( Sniper ) -Glowgun Ammo Box -Shotgun Have Fun and Enjoy. MORE INFOS Youtube C...
Farmbot Head (No mods)
Created by IV-sniper
Just a farmbot's head...
Fants Propulsion Stuff
Created by 00Fant
This Mod add Parts from my Main Mod ( Fant Mod ) as Seperated Mod usable in Creative. -Gearbox -3 sizes of Ballwheels -6 sizes of Waterwheels ( paddle ) -Different Wheels and Offrad Wheels -Chemical Lift Engine ( like a Hot air ballon ) 2 sizes -3 sizes of...
Fawx's Garments 4.8
Created by Fawx
Check out this updated version! Adds a host of new garments that are unlocked from garment boxes which drop from Haybots and Totebots! Big big thanks to TechnologicNick for finding out how t...
Ferrari F355 [ Real ]
Created by ikey07
Real Drivable Ferrari F355 Mod Mod Includes: Ferrari F355 Body 1x1 Petrol Engine Ferrari Style wheels Link to fully assambled car:
Ffestiniog Double Fairlie
Created by Dude Neon
All the mods are in the required items list. If I some how missed a mod and you find it please comment it and I will fix this issue....
Fighter Jet
Created by MarioanaTV
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Find The Button- Challenge Pack
Created by ☆LoneWS☆
Find the button is a fun and classic mini game that is simple, but really challenging! Challenge contents; 1. Find The Button Level 1 -House and Garden 2. Find The Button Level 2 -Restrooms 3. Find The Button Level 3 -Fallout Shelter 4. Find The Button Lev...
fishing boat
Created by Néo71
Ce plan n'a pas de description...
Five Nights at Scrapboys
Created by Renared 688
An original FNAF "fan game" in ScrapMechanic! Survive until 6AM for 5 nights while possessed animatronics try to kill you! ! Important ! If you win before 6:00:000 it means you died and need to reset (unless you're tired of the night u're on ig) >> How to ...
Fixed Sniper Spudgun
Created by Vajdani
We have fixed the Sniper Spudgun mod! Thanks to Questionable Mark's Modded Craftbot Recipes, the gun is obtainable at the Trader in survival! Features: Faster Potato projectile More damage Slower reload time Zoomig in/out while scoped in with Q/R Credits: ...
Flashing Lights
Created by StolleJay | Daniel
This Mod brings a bit more Light variety into the Game. Mod-Version: v0.5 Changelog v0.5.1: - Fixed Broken Lighting and Glowing Changelog v0.5: - Add Neon Plates (Rectangle & Triangle) Changelog v0.4: - Add Lightbar Speaker with Bass, Drum, Synth and Blip ...
Flooded Canyon
Created by Phimic
The canyon tile, but filled with water....
Flyable Survival Spaceship
Created by ikey07
This is fixed up Survival spaceship, which you can actually fly. 1. Turn on main thrusters 2. Go forward slowly 3. Turn on take-off thrusters 4. Thruster to level rear left corner 5. Thruster to level front left corner 6. Thruster to level front right corn...
FNAF 1 Freddy Fazbear VANILLA MK6
Created by GMYTREAL
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Created by Zachem?
INFORMATION ► Actual mod version: 3.8.0 ► Mod doesn't work on older versions of the game! ADDONS ► CAR PARTS ADDON ► LETTERS PACK UPDATE HISTORY ► 3.8.0 - New addon with letters and numbers; - Added letters blocks (English alphabet + number + .?!-) in blac...
Created by SL12 Luke
food carrier
Created by Scrubzu
Hi wasd to drive. no more buttons...
Food Trailer
Created by SirBaII
Just a regular food trailer. If you want to attach it to a trailer you can remove the nut under the hitch part & weld it, the vehicle that will be hauling the trailer should be on a lift & raised for it to be able to attach. When the trailer is attached yo...
Food Truck
Created by MarcoMDude
Food Truck - Lights - Fold up doors - 2 seats - rear door - inside lights - two motors Marco McGill 2020...
food truck
Created by Matsiboy
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
food truck
Created by The_Real_Jesus
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Food truck
Created by Luquai
Creator:X_Mann Ein kleiner food-truck welcher ein paar funktionen hat, welche man selber herraus finden kann :) Ich erlaube Youtubern das Objekt vorzu stellen aber ich möchte mit meinem namen genannt werden und das der link in der beschreibung ist. Viel sp...
Created by Acrain7
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Created by Tricky
This forklift does everything a real forklift does and its very heavy. 1. lift down 2. lift up 3. tilt backwards 4. tilt forwards 5. make fork wider 6. make fork smaller 7. reset height to 0 8. turn on lights Have fun!!! (dont forget to rate :D)...
Created by Schmeichelhorn
A forklift... :D Functions: 1 - raise fork 2 - lower fork 3 - raise lifting device 4 - tilt lifting device 5 - lights 6 - horn Pallets for this forklift you'll find in QuackerJack's workshop . Please do not upload a copy of this forklift in the workshop!...
Forest Mud Run.tile
Created by Moonbo
A peaceful forest with mud runner track! Features 5 mud pits, a wooden bridge and parking lot. A few hidden details as well! ...
FUCK machine
Created by Smavix ツ
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Free Crafting For Survival
Created by H7
Btw I think something was changed with how crafting was handled in-game, the mod may work or it might not. You can still try it but your mileage may vary, This mod will make everything in the Craftbot, Dressbot, Cookbot, Mechanic Workshop and the little Cr...
Fun and Gun Pack
Created by sKITzo
Fun with Guns To Include Guns and Gun Parts and other fun stuff to be used :) Parts will also enable your gun builds to fire spuds (and Bullets, Rocket...
Funky Guns Pack
Created by Questionable Mark
This mod will contain the most unusual guns. Our Discord Server Currently the mod has only three guns, but you can share your ideas in the comments and if they are interesting and original (please do not suggest real weapons or weapons from other games) we...
Furniture (Functional, but discontinued)
Created by TechnicJelle
This mod adds a bunch of furniture! I have gotten bored of this game, so I won't be updating this mod anymore. Maybe later, when the game has gotten more features I'll resume work on this mod. Look in the update notes for recent updates! Features: -Furnitu...
Created by Blasted_Off
This is working version of the (new car mod) Its is paintable, the character and the attach points are where they are suppose to be. It is a seat that you can attach stuff to or just stack it. I think its pretty cool looking. You can use it to make some cl...
Created by Bishop
creator: Yandex...
Gear 3D (Retexture)
Created by Jagi
Small gear for ACL.Gears Retexture mod...
Gas Station
Created by TechWinter
Made By {TechWinter} this is a GasStation called FoodNGAS...
Gear 5D (Retexture)
Created by Jagi
Big gear for ACL.Gears Retexture mod...
Ghost Pepper KLF
Created by Mighty Navy
This mod doesn't have a description...
Ghost Blocks
Created by Wire0n
Français: Un simple mod qui rajoute des blocs transparents. English: A simple mod that add some glassy blocks....
ghostbuster car
Created by Maxwell
This blueprint doesn't have a description....
Created by c8
Ghost-Busters Car. Creator: Outlist...
giant guitar
Created by Legofreak
Uses The Modpack and Modpack Polygons (Durf)...
giant working spud gun
Created by Olluri_2812
press the button to fire. button is located in the red trigger...
giant working spudling gun
Created by Olluri_2812
press button in the red fire switch to start shooting...
Gipsy Avenger
Created by AJMbear
1.turn on the reactor things in the middle the pulse gun thing MODS The Modpack polygons The Modpack Lord pain sporty wheels MJM`s SciFi mod...
Girya (Alpha)
Created by h20
Girya هو مجرد تعديل تم إنشاؤه لأغراض الترفيه ، والذي لا يحاول الإساءة إلى شخص ما أو حث شخص ما على اتخاذ أي إجراء. كل المصادفات مع العالم الحقيقي هي عرضية. -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- وصف جميع...
Glitch Welded 60 spud gun with logic gate
Created by CosmicCube
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Glitch Welder (Old version. No longer updated)
Created by MJM
UPDATE: I'm not currently modding. Maybe after the next major game update I'll be inspired to start again. This mod is no longer updated. I might create an updated version as a handheld tool someday when/if I feel like spending the time on it. -Place the g...
Glow Gun
Created by FutureMapper
GMC - 6000 (no mods)
Created by xulioPro
Это САША (Старый Американский Школьный Автобус) - это моя самая первая работа....
Gold Mine tile with train track and short zip-line (Please read the description)
Created by BeeBuuu
Abandoned old gold mine, large tile. In addition to the mine I created a mine cart and a zip-line, that you can find in my workshop or you can create your owns. I used Lord Pain and sKITzo mods to build the tile. ****Please use sKITzoAssets Display Bug Fix...
Created by doodlerocks9
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
GPS & Map Mod [ Broken, Deprecated ]
Created by TheGuy920
broken, go away, might fix later (Survival + Creative) Are you tired of getting lost in your world? Do you wish you had an easy to use and craft GPS? Introducing the GPS & Map Mod Install instructions: (Automatic Install / U...
Created by SimonSI
GPS Drone
Created by Juli
by: Juli / Julianiolo This is a GPS Drone with Autopilot and manual control. It also features an RC Remote. It's also eqipped with a speedometer and a radar Remote: I strongly recommend read...
Grand castle
Created by Lunatic
Ce plan n'a pas de description...
Grocery store
Created by gamesforlife36
It s a grocery store with a parking lot and a garden!...
Guitar Hero Board v1
Created by Durf
Creator: Durf MODS: MJM mod required. Mimic the appearance of Guitar Hero with this board! Version 1 1 = green 2 = red 7 = star power 8 = yellow 9 = blue 0 = orange (3, 4, 5, 6 = not used) All buttons have a 7 second delay on them. Watch t...
Guitar Hero Mod (needed for my guitar hero game)
Created by Stella
Required for my Guitar Hero in game!...
Gypsi Danger
Created by Neyvalf
Hello, here you have Gipsy danger from pacific rim the protagonisme Jeager fromthe movie this is a walking robot biped...
Half-Block Mega Pack
Created by Percival
This mod doesn't have a description...
Haybot Pitchfork
Created by Fawx
Replaces the Sledgehammer model with a Haybot's pitchfork. Installation: Go to the mod folder which is at: SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\387990\2152574344. Then follow the following steps that are also written in a readme file: Step 1) Navigate t...
Created by julian.wassmann
Airbus Helicopters H135 w- pitch down s- pitch up a- yaw left d- yaw right 1- roll left 2- roll right 3- up 4- down 5- thrust 6- door...
Helicopter Vanilla
Created by zfowler03
Press 4 and 3 Before anything else. (1= Fly Up) (2=Fly Down)...
helicopter helicopter
Created by sherlock homeless
У этого чертежа нет описания...
Created by 00Fant
HJCP-11 Very Compact "Hover jet Plane Copter" Thing NR 11. Pitch, Roll = w,a,s,d 1, 2 = Yaw ( Turn left right ) 3 = Full Thrust 4 = Fly Mode Change 5 = Thruster Main Power On / Off...
Created by 00Fant
HJCP-3 Very Compact "Hover jet Plane Copter" Thing NR 3. Pitch, Roll = w,a,s,d 1, 2 = Yaw ( Turn left right ) 3 = Full Thrust 4 = Thruster Main Power On / Off...
HMMWV TOW Missile Carrier
Created by Flanres
HM's Armoured Polygons
Created by Holesmak
Adds different armoured polygons to the game so you can make your tanks look decent while remaining durable Join my discord server! Yes I know thered draggable wedges coming soon its not the same If you need that exact polygon...
Hot Rod (no mod)
Created by Nonogt
Subscribe for more ! Hot rod (no mod) Pilote: 1.Light 2.Horn 3.Left Door 4.Open Roof 5.Radio Occupant: 1.Right Door 2.Radio Creator: Nonogt © 2017 Nonogt This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Ste...
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Created by HuntaBadday
Weld to ground if your computer is not powerfull enough....
Created by MrDeps
У этого чертежа нет описания...
Created by Baotian-Lover
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Hotwheels Car Body Pack
This mod is still a WIP. If you come across any bugs with the mod please leave a comment and ill respond as soon as I can. The car bodys are a 1x1x1 block so you can hide seats and such in it. There are only 5 car body types in the mod at the moment: Twin ...
Created by Haybot
Build by Haybot All Mods Have Fun!...
House (NoMods)
Created by DZ1K1
No mods Big luxury 1 storey house...
House Mechanic
Created by Artuf
EU Move into a new house built almost entirely from Blueprint, feel at home. Equip, blow up, mess around in the garden, do whatever you want! RU Переeдьте в в новый дом, построенный почти полностью из Blueprint, Почувствуйте себя как дома. Обустраивайте, в...
House with elevator v2
Created by target78
Updated version . -Added little garage + small car. (remove the red wood block to detach the car) -Changed the elevator control (not perfect ,but working) and removed the second elevator. -Added switches for doors (2 way) After place ,then need to weld to ...
ile V6.tile
Created by ☣R0CH3☣
Bonjour je vous présente mon ile entièrement faite pare Roche2408 . Si vous vouler savoire comment j'ai fait pour l'eau demander moi dans les commentaire .N'hesitez pas à mettre un like si vous l'aimez sa fait toujours plaisir ;)...
Intelligentia Mod
Created by YT_BlueFlame
DEPRECATION WARNING! I am not working on this mod anymore. Any blocks in the mod as of right now are AS IS. If that means they are broken, they will remain broken. IMPORTANT: I am currently working on a new mode called Mechanics Extended Interactables (or ...
Insanely Large Bridge
Created by Littlearmo
Must Weld...
Interactive Parts Mod by Lord Pain
Created by Lord Pain
Update 14.06.2020 Survival Update! Subscribe to my YT channel so you don't miss future updates! There is more to come!!! I will update this mod!!! Special thx to MJM for helping me make the seats!!! Don't forget to hit the ...
Iveco Crossway 12.10m
Ce plan n'a pas de description...
It shoots everything
Created by Slick
This blueprint doesn't have a description....
Jor02's Terrain Assets
Created by Jor02 This mod adds new Terrain Assets to Scrap Mechanic This mod adds: 2 PTO billboards (based on this build made by Gibbs) More assets coming in the future...
K.K.D Kart Wheel 3 x 1
Created by Paradox Studios
3x1 Racing Kart Wheel Created By: Killa Kustom Designs aka " Paradox Studios "...
Kirche / church
Created by MrCrowtheKing
gebaut: Mr. Crow Diese Kirche ist eine eigen Kreation. Vom Eingang aus rechts und links sind Gebetstische mit Kerzen. Lichtschalter sind am Eingang (für Kronleuchter und Wandbeleuchtung). Die vollfunktions fähige Orgel, hatt manchmal den Bug, dass die Töne...
Kiwi's Food Van
Created by DaKiwi69
A van fit for serving food to the public! Features: a freezer packed with food, a 6 burner stove, a fridge with drinks and a folding overhang for shade. (will require gregos mod for the letter board on the side and for the windows) Enjoy!!...
Koala Farmer truck (tomoco) nomods
Created by LadyGrilka
No mods, no glitch welding, enjoy this small farmer truck...
Created by Hunor125
Kv-2 Historical vehicle No mods required WASD - Movement 1,2 - Turret rotation 3,4 - Gun elevatio 5 - Fire 6 - Machine gun -not laggy (100-80fps while moving) -real scale -Non-DF -has 4 rounds -use "wires short" and small canister (watch out how you place ...
Created by Niko221
L2A1 Main Battle Tank Weapons: 1x 120mm cannon Rheinmetall Rh-120 2x 7.62mm machine guns Rheinmetall MG3 Crew min. 2 people, max 4 ...
LaCoPla Wye and Car Barn
Created by KingNathantheIII
The tracks of this wye junction and the engine shed within it are loosely based on the Ex. Visalia Electric car barn in Exeter, California. Since the discontinuation of the struggling interurban railroad by Southern Pacific, the property has been used by t...
Laptop Mod
Created by FireFox
Adds a paintable Latop to the game....
Lake tile
Created by dushaman
Extra large tile! The main feature of this tile is the lake and its adjacent territories, which contain a snow-covered mountain, a place for building a house with a view of the lake, a launching platform, a forest hut and a cute bridge across the river at ...
Large castle break castle
made from 2 of STAMSITEs war castles with doors and even 2 jail cells based off of the castle break castle used in the video made by spycakes Sub to him by da way :D...
Laser Tools
Created by Vajdani
This mod adds 4 new items which use lasers to unleash total annihilation! All of these items use Plasma Batteries as a power source, which can be crafted in the craftbot. Thanks to Questionable Mark's Modded Craftbot Recipes, they're also craftable in surv...
Laser Guitar
Created by Durf
Working electric guitar Walk through the laser strings to play notes Press the switch to change distortion There is a seat at the bottom of the strings Buttons on the seat to play from seat...
Legofreak's Part Mod
Created by Legofreak
lots of random parts included so far: (38 total) (new) numbered buttons (new) secret duck switch Diagonal I-Beams I-Beam Angle Bolted Connection Deep I-Beams Large D-20,D-12, and D-6 Various pipe/block adaptors and cones Piston Suspension and inverted type...
LEI Ultimate
Created by Laddan
Creator: Laddan NO MODS LEI - Laddan Engineering & Industries The goal was to create the best offroader in Scrap Mechanic, sure it may not be the best but it is up there, it has Solid Axle Coil suspension which provides excellent rock crawling capabilities...
Leopard 1A5 With shell ejecting V2 [MOD]
Created by _Lunai
Mod needs: Cannons Pack Reloading: Detach the red cardboard, and weld blue cardboard to white bearing in the cannon. This tank for 3 peoples Second version of tank with reduce lag for low pc's....
Leopard 1A5 With shell ejecting [MOD]
Created by _Lunai
Mod needs: Cannons Pack Reloading: Detach the red cardboard, and weld blue cardboard to white bearing in the cannon. This tank for 3 peoples...
Hello Neighbor
Created by ꧁Mr.Login4ik꧂
Big Update! - Added a neighbor who, if he catches you, the challenge will be started again. - Added components to better understand the purpose of the challenge (obtain 3 buttons) - +10 Fps (Removed 4 objects that do not affect the passage process) - Restr...
Level 5 Minigunner from TDS Roblox
Created by AnimalFiber8268
Ten projekt nie posiada opisu....
Created by Code BlΔck
A driveable lift with extandable supports and five different height settings. Button one engages the supports, button seven enables/disables the lights....
Linus Additional Fant Mod Recipes
Created by #D402DA Lemme Smash
This mod aims to bring back defunct/depricated and other vanilla/fant mod item recipes to the fant mod CG and add some items that cant normally be recycled/crafted as of today this addon adds... ...back the recipe for the old non-modular tank tracks with t...
London Tower Bridge
Created by Haybot
У этого чертежа нет описания...
LordPainAssets Display Bug Fix
Created by sKITzo
THIS IS PURELY FOR THOSE HAVING ASSET ISSUES IF experience some parts in editor not showing in game, place this tile out the way and that should bypass the game bug. (if lucky lol) Credit goes to Moonbo for this temp fix, it worked for him with the dome fr...
Created by Brent Batch
Currently has: EXPLOSIONS ARE TURNED OFF ATM AS THE DEVS TEMPORARELY REMOVED THE EXPLODE FUNCTIONS! =>> REPLACED BY POTATOES ON IMPACT! -continuus LAZER: fires giant powerfull lazerbeam, to be improved soon using raycasting -blaster lazer: star wars blaste...
L_O_W Rider
Created by #Vladislav
Not very long description, you can read it) !-front left wheel 2-front right wheel __________________________________________ 3-Music klaxon (GTA 4 Theme), you can change the melody           | by holding the button at different times‌‌‍‍                  ...
M22 Locust
Created by SpinosaurusSnake
Front Seat: 1 - Forward 2 - Right 3 - Left 4 - Back 5 - Shoot Main Gun 6 - Shoot Machine Gun W - Guns Down A - Turret Left S - Guns Up D - Turret Right The M22 Locust was an American light tank designed to be transported by a Douglas C-54 Skymaster transpo...
M22 Locust Tank [No Mods]
Created by President Kimball
M22 Locust Tank: Controls: Driver: 1 Machine gun 2: Lamps Gunner: 1-2 Turret turn 3-4 Gun up/down 5 Machine gun (Turret) 6 Main gun History: The M22 Locust, officially Light Tank (Airborne), M22, was an American-designed airborne light tank which was produ...
M3 Stuart
Created by [412] Sortex
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
M4 Sherman
Created by Natrack1
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
M4 Sherman
Created by Bendy Game
The M4 Sherman with an 11 power gun. The gun can be stick in spots, place a block and delete the block to unjam the gun. Controls 1 - Turret Left 2 - Gun Elevate 3 - Gun Depress 4 - Turret Right 5 - Cannon Fire 6 - Hatch (not required to reload, just crouc...
M4 Sherman
Created by Grits
hello everyone this is my 3rd shared creation that has all the mods that you will need to get the creation also this creation is sponsered by 80lTR3V_M1N3l08 because I opened his creation and his creation helped me figure out how to do the back of the tank...
M4 Sherman
Created by OZZA
Creator: OZZA The M4 Sherman, officially Medium Tank, M4, was the most numerous battle tank used by the United States and some of the other Western Allies in World War II. The M4 Sherman proved to be reliable, relatively cheap to produce and available in g...
M4 Sherman
Created by MASADA
M4 Sherman medium tank
Created by Derpy Donut
American WW2 medium tank M4A1 Sherman Realistic scale Multicrew Working cannon First-person-view compatible Credit to OZZA for outer hull...
M461 "Boar" Tank Hunt
Created by sgt.Magnetide
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Developed by IMPERIAL DYNAMICS - DEFENCE CORP. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Advanced Tank destroyer. Armament: 120mm...
M4A2 Sherman
Created by [412] Sortex
The M4 Sherman, officially Medium Tank, M4, was the most widely used medium tank by the United States and Western Allies in World War II. The M4 Sherman proved to be reliable, relatively cheap to produce, and available in great numbers. It was also the bas...
Mack carrier trailer [No Mods]
Created by David Baguetta
2005 Mack CHN613 with car trailer -------------- NO MODS -------------- My Youtube channel Join me on discord here Hey guys, this is my final version of the Mack truck. I put a lot of effort and time into building this one. It has got tons of hardcore blue...
Mack semi truck [No Mods]
Created by David Baguetta
2005 Mack CHN613 with semi trailer -------------- NO MODS -------------- My Youtube channel Join me on discord here Hey guys, this is my final version of the Mack truck. I put a lot of effort and time into building this one. It has got tons of hardcore blu...
Manned Turret Pack
Created by Vajdani
Introducing... the Manned Turrets! These player controlled turrets are capable of many things: Taking down bots with potatoes/AA rounds/Ratshot Watering soil plots Lighting up an area Rapidly disassembling anything with Explosive Rounds/Guided Missiles/Air...
Created by KarambaTVZ
For 2 players (Driver, Comander) (NO MODS)...
Created by Ninjasinthemist
The Panzer VIII Maus is a super heavy tank used by Germany in late WWII. This model only has the main cannon, I might add the second one later. Requires Cannons Pack, MJM Mod, More Metal Blocks, New Legend Mod, The Modpack Continuation Left Click - Fire (1...
mecanic station
Created by ToRB
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Maybach Zeppelin
Created by Laddan
Creator:Laddan NO MODS A request by The Evil Sith: Have fun:D...
Mechanic's Armory Mod- Public Release 1.2
Created by DragoJess
Mechanic's armory is a mod that lays the foundation for obtaining modded spudguns in a survival world. NOTE: This mod is free for anyone else to build upon, and is essentially a code library. It includes all the things you need to make a dynamic, lore cent...
Micro Church
Created by garbuckle3000
Micro Church by garbuckle3000 Designed for Camodo's Micropolis This little church contains many details including: Stained glass windows Plenty of pews Altar/stage Candles The switch on the right will open the door and allow you to enter Mods: Modpack Modp...
Medieval Castle
Created by gamesforlife36
Mods: -poligon modpack -besiege modpack -buttons and switches mod This building is equiped with: -secret tunnel(bot so secret now that you know) -cannons -crossbows -bombs -spiral staircase -4 levels -5 towers -lowering door -catwalk -catwalk bridge(opens ...
Military Base
Created by Harmony
A military base I spent a good 3 hours on nonstop, and honestly, it turned out better than expected. Everything in this except one thing is self explanatory. In the solid metal building, there is a power core, if it gets destroyed, it will trigger all of t...
military base
Created by Afpriuh
a military base for the down town series ...
military base (NO MODS)
Created by Killa
Small military base. looks like an outpost. has 1 JLTV armored car, Oshkosh LVSR truck, MH-6M Little Bird helicopter. !!! WELD TO THE FLOOR !!!...
Created by mcyin
mini gipsy
Created by NELTROX
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Created by Xuricat
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Created by Renard
full auto the timers show it's overheated...
MINIBUS (MODS) Singl doors
Created by Xuricat
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Created by Lorkio
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Created by Apricity
A button controlled missile. To add yourself to the exception list, press 'E' on the top logic gate....
MJM Mod (Discontinued. New mod in description)
Created by MJM
UPDATE: I'm not currently modding. Maybe after the next major game update I'll be inspired to start again. My new mod is "Seats and Tech Mod" This is my old mod. Some parts were from before survival was added, or were experiments, or no longer fit in with ...
Created by alfie8010
press the white player magnet and use the connect tool to find the switch and press it and let it heat seek after your friends or foes with ai...
Mod Request
Created by Zorange
You can request anything you want but dont be sad if it is impossible Included Blocks : 56x56 Gost Wall Small Engine Wheel Big Engine Wheel big Bomb Very big Bomb Very Very big Bomb Very Very Very big Bomb Very Very Very Very big Bomb Very Very Very Very V...
Model City (Big)
Created by Mr. TomCat
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Modpacks Traduction Française
Created by Krohm Koala
Traduction française des modpacks de Durf, Lord Pain et bien d'autres à venir ! N'hésitez pas à demander l'ajout de Modpacks, je ferais mon possible (dans la limite du raisonnable) pour ajouter le maximum possible. Si vous avez une suggestion de modificati...
Modern Metal Fort
Created by llamboladd
Creator: llamboladd Futuristic Fortress to protect you from the evil robots! Just weld this creation to a block on the ground and you're good to go! Living room features a great view outside, a kickin' drumset, and a comforta...
Created by return null
This mod adds tank shell А также присоединяйтесь все, кто ищет с кем поиграть, на наш сервер в дискорде Мы часто играем большой командой и всегда рады новым механикам!
Modified Buttons and Switches
Created by BackspaceRGB
This mod includes 7 interactable parts: - Large switch - Small switch - Lightswitch - Holdable switch - Toggleable button - Small Button - On-Off Switch...
Modular Tank Track
Created by 00Fant
MODULAR TANK TRACK This Mod adds to the Basic Creative the Modular Tank Track parts from the Fant Mod as Standalone. Current Content: -Modular Tank Track -Modular 90 Degree Tank Track -Modular 45 Degree Straight -Modular 45 Degree Left -Modular 45 Degree R...
Monster Truck (With Mods)
Created by Moo
This is my first ever creation that I have posted. Switch 1 = Driver Door Switch 2 = Roof Door (So your not stuck when exiting) Switch 3 = Engine Area Door Switch 4 = Headlights Switch 5 = Under Glow...
Moonbo survival helicopter
Created by Oszo
Built by Moonbo. ..::Oszo::.....
More Spud Guns
Created by Oszo
This mod adds more spud guns. Spuds guns list: - Explosive Spudgun - Tank Spudgun - Gun - Negative Impulse Spudgun - Impulse Spudgun - Powerful Impulse Spudgun - Fast explosive SpudGun - Spud minigun - Explosive Spud minigun - Powerful explosive Spudgun - ...
More Panels Mod
Created by mr. Beano
Like the name states, this mod adds more surface panels. 104 of them. It's probably unnecessary, but hopefully you'll find a use for them. These panels can be used in conjuction with the surface panels in the Modpack Polygons, Lord Pain's Plates, and any o...
More mountable guns[Not manual install]
Created by Will_Turn
Guns/cannons list: - Tape Gun - Glowstick Gun - Water cannon - Pesticide cannon - And more coming soon... Крупнейший русскоязычный сервер по ScrapMechanic (RUS) ...
Motorcycle Engine (No Longer Supported)
Created by Bricklemore
(Comments have lead me to believe this doesn't work anymore, use at own risk) Just a simple Gas engine, shaped to look like a Motorcycle engine. Radiator can be painted any colour. Made this model on my stream, feel free to check it out!
Mountable Tape Guns
Created by Programmer Alex
Tape Gun - Shoots tape that does 55 damage Red Tape Gun - Shoots tape that explodes Random Gun - Shoots random fruits and projectiles (textures and meshs are from survival) This project is no longer supported....
Created by SovietGoose
Welcome to another mountain tile from SovietGoose! Click here for a compatible Tile! You need these mods: Train Assets by Sehr_Witziq City Assets by Sehr_Witziq The tiles that connect to the main line are made by others. Unfortunatly, they do not work as f...
My AutoCrane
Creator Ebanulsa Кнопка 6 поднять стрелу крана Кнопки 7 и 8 вращение стрелы крана влево и вправо кнопка 9 зжатие захвата кнопка 10 (0) выдвигаются опоры ggggggg kry...
My Summer Car House V2.0
Created by #3A5F0B
#ffffffThis is a small "re-work" of my previous version: I have improoved some bits of the house, used some of the new blocks that have been added. Description: This house is a replica from ...
New Legend Mod (Creative)
Created by 妖妖
CURRENT VERSION New Legend Mod 3.2.3 ABOUT LEGEND MOD Welcome mechanics to subscribe the Legend Mod which is made by a player team from China called Legend Team. Legend Mod is a comprehensive Mod which can meet most of normal building. This mod contains Ma...
New Car Mod
Created by Blasted_Off
It is a functional seat whit a futuristic car model. The textures are all messed up and some other stuff isnt really working. And i barely made it to even render the actual model. If someone knows how to fix it i will be very thankful. If you want you can ...
Niko - Polish Railroad Crossings
Created by Niko
The modification adds parts that allow you to create Polish crossing devices in Scrap Mechanic! It contains over 200 ready-to-use items. Among them you can find various barriers, signals and signs. ===================================================== Niko...
Nissan Skyline GTR R33 (No Mods)
Created by Шлёпа
Один из лучших спорткаров теперь здесь! 6 цилиндров, полный привод, МКПП, черный салон. Привезена с Японии. Наслаждайтесь! Ваш Вано! Авторское право принадлежит Ивану Сергеевичу. Продукт может быть опубликован в Steam исключительно через аккаунт с именем В...
No Mods Hoonicorn V2 Drift Mustang
Created by PoisonPal
Vanilla Hoonicorn V2 1: Lights This creation and its components are not intended or authorized for reposing/ re-uploading of any kind. This still applies even with modifications or additions to the original creation. Tags:Ca...
NO MODS Player scale M22 locust
Created by Aroxsch
--NO MODS-- M22 locust tank you can enter the seat at the back gun isnt that relieble but it works 1 left 2 right 3 fire its a 1 round small canister gun...
Non Interactive Parts Mod by Lord Pain
Created by Lord Pain
Update 14.06.2020 Survival Update! Check out my YouTube channel for instruction on the parts: There is more to come!!! I will update this mod!!! French description by Krohm Koala:
Nordic Rustic House!
Created by TechWinter
Made by TechWinter and Nicpus Here you have a cozy rustic house/cabin!...
NPC Control
Created by MrCrackx02
Take control of any NPC with this mod! Simply interact with the NPC to attach to its controls and you get full control over its movement, attacks, weapons, etc.! Works on Totebots, Haybots, Tapebots, Red Tapebots, Farmbots, Wocs and Glow Worms. Also works ...
Nuke mod
Created by X606
A mod that adds a nuke!...
Off road Volvo
Created by Bjørnin
Based on old Volvo models. Controls: WASD...
Oil pumping station.tile
Created by filval387
A pump system that collects oil from the nearby lake Includes: -all harvestables -water -a ramp -trees and rocks...
Old Big Wheel Restored
Created by Toddolius
The old wheel which has been replaced with a newer variant. The old wheel can still be seen in the menu on the pre-made vehicle. This mod supports all languages in Scrap Mechanic. The name of this part is "Old Big Wheel" and uses the official model used be...
Old House.tile
Created by TZLchik
OP Tools
Created by Questionable Mark
This mod contains some useful tools for an admin. Currently this mod has - Admin Tool (allows the admin to destroy/paint/explode stuff by just aiming on the object with a spudgun) - Player Kicker - World Cleaner - Free Camera Tool - Permission Manager This...
Operation Byzantine (no mods)
Created by Gvacken
I made very big thing pls explore. There are 26 ducks hidden throughout the vehicle. Can you find them? Tags: steampunk, dieselpunk, car, land vehicle, one-wheeler, duckhunt, landship, tank, hangar, tv, logic,...
Created by Jaka
Just an big house <><><><><><><><><><> NO MODS FULL VANILLA <><><><><><><><><><> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> First of all i want to say thank you everybody who worked with me on this house!!!!! This house is the place where you wan...
Our Soviet Anthem Radio Mod
Created by jsasasaaaaa
This mod needs to be installed manually. INSTALLATION:- Goto you Steam Library , Right Click on Scrap Mechanic->Manage->Browse Local Files Then navigate 2 folders back to " steamapps " click on workshop->content->387990 and the most recent folder is the mo...
OUR Soviet Blocks Mod
Created by jsasasaaaaa
Communit Blocks , that's about it....
Pagani Huayra BC
Created by 皓祥诗歌人8
Panther A and Panther G
Created by kaanotta
Panther A is less laggy...
Paint Brush and Canvas
Created by Vajdani
This mod adds a Paint Brush and a Canvas! Use 6 different shapes, 40 colours, hundreds of sizes and rotations to express yourself! Saving the canvas on the lift will save the painting on it! Spawning a painting back in might cause a bit of lag, so beware o...
Panzer IV J
Created by cosmo
this panzer IV version was the most common used by germans. it might not look 100% accurate, but i like it. all these tanks use the cannon pack mod so make shure you have that. enjoy the tanks!...
Parking lot
Created by Horizon25
All the boys possessed in their childhood a similar scale model of this parking lot. Today, a model among so many others is available in scrap mechanic !! Take advantage of it to park your cars or organize a race before the next inauguration of the promote...
party bus
Created by jano
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
PAZ-3205 V8 [WOM]
Created by Yushiri
Creator: Dancho-Pancho (WOM - WithOutMods) ENG: IMPORTANT!!! Use the first person view. Watch the dashboard, do not press W all the way down when starting. The gears are highlighted on the right (orange reverse, white neutral, red forward). When the engine...
Peel P50 with Trailer
Created by Wolfy
----------- NO MODS ----------- Made with the help of Benneh! Controls: Place your fingers on 123 as you place them on AWD. ^^ 1. Left 2. Forward 3. Right 4. Lights 5-6. Turning signals If you like my work, please check my workshop for more awesome creatio...
Performance Car Cabrio
Created by ikey07
BMW Inspired sports car ------------------------------------------------------------------ Change Log: Increased mass after realizing it's too light as whole car is single object mass should be equal to blocks count as if it was made from many parts. -----...
piston engine 2jz
Created by matvejb308
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Created by Fan Girl
This blueprint doesn't have a description....
Created by Tri
There's a screenshot of this on my profile! Tag: Plane...
Plates by Lord Pain
Created by Lord Pain
Update 20.08.2018 Collection of plates. French description by Krohm Koala: Don't forget to hit the 'Like' button if u enjoy it!!! Have fun!!! :) Made by Lord Pain YouTube: https://www.y...
Player Name Tag Hider
Created by Ben Bingo
Player Name Tag Hider Very simple, this tool hides player nametag's, but keeps your chrosshair and hotbar on screen, this can be useful for stuff like tank battles, hide and seek/manhunt etc. Any bugs, feel free to let me know in the comments A like and a ...
Player Teleporter
Created by Ben Bingo
Player Teleporter Very simple, this tool allows you to teleport around the map just by looking at where you want to go. Any bugs, feel free to let me know in the comments A like and a favourite would also be greatly appreciated👍 Hope you enjoy!...
Portal Gun [Game Mode]
Created by MelOnE🍉
Now you're thinking with portals! © NO Copyright I my make mods for the community to enjoy! Therefore feel free to copy anything from this mod. No credit necessary, but always appreciated! ...
Programmable Processor
Created by wingcomstriker405
This mod allows you to write your own programs for a small computer in scrap mechanic :) Creating automated behaviors is super easy to do and it is super compact. Note: At the moment the piston controller only works with modded pistons (hope the devs will ...
Present (info in desc)
Created by Leocaspar0051
This is a "One use" present, to reset it, use the lift and place the present again where you want....
Project Fisher Boat (no mods)
Created by Mc_Cheezie
This is a boat Inspired by one I made with my friend. And it has artillery weapons on the roof. ...
proximity bomb
Created by Chocolate_milk_69
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Pump Action Nerf Gun
Created by Mr. Person
First, open the internal magazine with the red switch, delete the concrete blocks, the internal magazine can hold 4 rounds if you can manage to get them in. Next, close the internal magazine and flip the green switch to activate the 'springs' inside the ma...
PVA - Player Visual Attachments
Created by 00Fant
Customize Your Character! This Mod adds a Tool that Allows you to Attach all Block and Parts to your Player. The Parts and Blocks are JUST VISUAL. EASY OUTFIT SHARE ALL Outfits are Saved in: ...\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\387990\2954491805\Scripts\Ou...
R-143 Ystad Missile boat
Created by Mr.Binks
The R-143 Ystad Missile Boat is the first vessel with ship to ship torpedos. This makes the Ystad our first of many fully armed attack vessels. ---------------: Features :-------------- -The Ystad is outfitted with 4 of the ...
race track
Created by Soegas
Need to be welded on the ground or leave it on the lift...
Racing Jeep (No mods)
Created by sanchals
This creation was made by Sanchals Time : 10 hours Please, leave a like ! Enjoy !...
Raft Mechanic [CUSTOM GAME]
Created by MelOnE🍉
WARNING: Having file mods installed while playing with this custom game could cause issues! One of the most well known ones is unbreakable crates that occur while having Fant mod installed. This Mod Adds Features From Axolot Games' Other Title, Raft! Play ...
Rail 200m (overgrown) (2)
Created by CombattSniper26
Railway Tracks
Created by Schmeichelhorn
This pack contains parts for building railway tracks including a small curve available as a blueprint in the Steam Workshop....
Remote Control
Created by Monstic
Control your car or whatever you want! 1. Connect Remote Control to the driver seat. 2. Connect FPV Camera to engine and bearings. 3. Paint Camera and Remote Control with same color. TIPS: - Paint it black to control of the seat view, others colors will us...
Renai Circulation Radio
Created by Divinus
This mod changes the default radio music to Renai Circulation. It's important. Se no Demo sonnan ja dame Mou sonnan ja hora Kokoro wa shinka suru yo Motto motto Scrap Mechanic Workshop ID: 387990 Mod ID: 2410001428...
Reusable Bot Spawners! (beta) (still in development)
Created by ChronoLord
You can use these spawners more than once! Currently only works in the test beta!...
Created by Lite Babs
Creator BabsGaming This is totaly Vannila NO MODS!!!!...
Revolver ammo
Created by Maxonator7
DE:Munition für meinen Revolver E:ammo for my Revolver How to use 1.weld the cardboard on the caution block 2.delete the cardboard by Maxonator7...
<<NO MODS>> Functional revolver. 1 - Fire 2 - Rotate Inspired by Reticle glock <<Working on better version of revolver>>...
Created by MrJakuzi
This blueprint doesn't have a description....
Created by Mr.CanardRose
Rocky Mountain
Created by S43
Created by Ferry
THIS IS NOT JUST A CAMERA! This is a rendering engine, which uses Path Tracing to render images. It's CPU intensive. That means the better CPU you have the faster image will render. TO RENDER IMAGES YOU MUST DISABLE SAFE MODE IN COMPUTERS MOD! To disable s...
sand trench.tile
Created by Novum33
SAR Helicopter-ZANE
Created by 典狱长ZANE
The front of the helicopter are imitate frome Stormworks Don't let the rotating propeller touch anything Seats and bed can be folded pilot(right) WASD+LMB/RMB:Attitude cont...
SComputers [Fork]
Created by BananaPen
this fork of ScriptableComputer fork creation was approved by the authors of the mod for the mod to work correctly, there SHOULD BE NO "ScriptableComputer" and/or "SCI" in the world this mod DOES NOT VIOLATE anyone's licenses, the author of the original do...
Scrap Army costume GER
Created by Lagerhaus 23
This mod replace Crash Mechanic Costume to Scrap Army costume GER. id=2422708005 How to Install Open Scrap Army costume GER.rar, Copy the Data folder inside the Install folder to the Scrap Mechanic folder. The file replacement dialog will be displayed. Cli...
Scrap Army costume RU
Created by Lagerhaus 23
This mod replace Crash Mechanic Costume to Scrap Army costume RU. id=2422706879 How to Install Open Scrap Army costume RU.rar, Copy the Data folder inside the Install folder to the Scrap Mechanic folder. The file replacement dialog will be displayed. Click...
Scrap Center 3
Created by VOLTZ3
Scrap Mecanics car
Created by tyni co
This is the car from the Loading and Home Screen Controls: W:fordwards S:Backwards A:Left D:right Button 1: Activates Truster ps:it is not the exsakt same but i tried so Have Fun :D ...
Scrap Mechanic Arena
Created by withercrafter89
Durf Modpack And Modpack Beta Required ...
Scraprim Whiterun Location XL.tile
Created by RenderSilent
Created in Survival version can be used in public test if you play in that version. recently updated my plans. still more things to place. This is a massive project. it works perfectly, and i'm still working on the castle and shop's....
Scrap Mechanic Effects
Created by ikey07
SCRAP MECHANIC EFFECTS MOD This mod adds almost all effects from SM game into 11 blocks. Update: 08.12.2020 Added feature which remembers last picked effect, and applies to newly placed. Added Snow Effect ( Other effects block, last one ) Added Torch Flame...
Scraptopia City Airport
Created by sKITzo
WIP This is the 2nd City tile i've been working on. Will continue to finish it once a few game bugs are fixed. Enjoy If parts do not appear, i have upl...
Seats and Tech Mod (Survival)
Created by MJM2
UPDATE: I'm not currently modding. Maybe after the next major game update I'll be inspired to start again. Custom seats and other assorted parts to inspire new builds! This is essentially MJM Scifi Mod V2. To craft in survival you must play a custom game t...
Sd.kfz.10/4 fuer 2cm flak 30
Created by Jacob Mario
Created by Jacobmario01 All of my stuff is completely vanilla so you don't have to download any mods! The Selbstfahrlafette (Sd. Kfz. 10/4) für 2cm Flak 30 was developed as light self propelled anti aircraft gun. Production started in 1939. The rifle mount...
Created by -FR13NDS-
Self-changeable wheels mod MOD INSTRUCTIONS: CHANGE WHEELS MODULE: black button - update the list of available wheels white counter / logic - page change counter / logic of any color - changing ...
Sensor Magazine
Created by Rytoox
just weld the green block, to the green block of the MP12 and shoot!!!...
sgt's tow missile
Created by Leandro
this missile was uploaded to anwser the request of my friend, sgtshorty01 credits for him for making this missile/rocket requires bombs mod and MJM sci fi mod...
Sharp Stuff Mod
Created by YT_BlueFlame
This mod adds sawblades to scrap mechanic, more saws comming soon!...
Shotgun and Gatling in Creative [USELESS]
Created by Artyomka
This mod came out right after the survival update, in which the developers added the guns, but not into the creative mode. This was the solution, so try to use your brains and look at the release date. Yours faithfully, your ball's buster This mod adds sho...
Silvia Nissan DRIFT [NO MODS]
Created by VELIANT
Автомобиль Nissan Silvia шестого поколения с кузовом S15 выпускался с 1995 по 2000 годы. Это было последнее поколение, поставляемое на американский рынок. 7 поколение, 1999–2002. Строил в прямом эфире на канале VELIANT -------------------------------------...
SICRIT Tank Mk 3 [no mods]
Created by poe_kb
The SICRIT Mk 3 is a fully fictional modern light weight tank with a four round down firing gun. Controls: WASD - Tank steering/drive 0 – Machine gun 1 – Main gun 2 – Aim left 3 – Aim right 4 – Aim up 5 – Aim down 6 – Aiming sight 7 – Tilt hull 8 – Elevate...
Simple Cannon
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
sKITzoAssets Display Bug FIx.
Created by sKITzo
THIS IS PURELY FOR THOSE HAVING ASSET ISSUES IF experience some parts in editor not showing in game, place this tile out the way and that should bypass the game bug. (if lucky lol) Credit goes to Moonbo for this temp fix, it worked for him with the dome fr...
SM Official Items Assets
Created by Keneda
#FFFFFFAssets from InGame item Contain a large ammount of assets imported form InGame item for extend your creativity in the tile builder. PS: They are all paintable and with collision....
Small Plane
Created by The_Real_Jesus
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Small Tank Gun 120mm
Created by _Lunai
NO MODS Reloading: Weld the blue cardboard to the white bearing....
Created by StolleJay | Daniel
Read the description careful! This Mod package adds some interactive parts from the original game as small and slim versions which needs less space but works like the original ones. If you are new to this: Then you do not need to pay attention to anything ...
Small Tank Gun With Shell Ejection 120mm [NO MODS]
Created by _Lunai
Reload: Weld the blue cardboard to the white bearing....
Created by Keneda
This is a display bug fix for SM Official Items Assets thats you can find here : How to use : use it if you encounter a prblem seeing the assets in the world , have to be placed in a corner ...
Smoke Screen Discharger
Created by Victor ARGOVAL
This mod add a configurable Smoke Screen Discharger that you can easily configure via its GUI. Leave a comment if you like this creation! Many thanks: to Durf for his modding tutorials. to Brent Batch for his GUI. to Ecnop f...
Smokey and the Bandit Truck
Created by mechbott75
Created by Mechbott75. No Mods. Based on Bo "Bandit" Danvilles' Kenworth W900A truck and trailer from the film "Smokey and the Bandit" I have tried to get the size and details as close to the real truck and trailer...although the trailer is about 2 meters ...
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Created by Vinox
Reload by welding ammo onto the bearing...
Created by SmellyBoy
its a gun but it does'nt shoot ...
sniper rifle
Created by Rask the Viking
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Sniper spudgun
Created by rivet
In collab with Fawx! Credits: Fawx: Model & Texture me: Script & References TheGuy920: Script Updated Version Here ...
Created by V_Wiberg
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
SNIPER shell ejecting
Created by The Minescrapper
a gun featuring shell ejecting! how to use: 1. spawn this gun 2. press the switch on the trigger 3. break the red blocks on the magazine 4. press the switch again to close the bolt 5. press the button 6. then press the switch again 7. wait for it to eject ...
Space Mod
Created by Dart Frog
Space Mod is finally out! This huge mod made by Dart Frog, Izapertron and Shinevision might sometimes get updated! If you don't know how to build something, just watch mod overview! If you have ANY suggestion: tell us either in DM, here on basically anywhe...
Soviet Flag
Created by chad kroeger
(insert russian dialect here)...
Spaceship Parts
Created by ikey07
Spaceship Parts Mod THIS MOD INCLUDE: - All of the Spaceship parts from Survival mode - Fixed up Survival spaceship model and cockpit as driver seat - Level 5 Thruster which doesn't require fuel, if used in Survival mode Pre-built flyable spaceship: https://...
Created by -FR13NDS-
RACING PARTS MOD BY FR13NDS Logs: Hello, this is my new mod with over 1000 parts, it replaced my old mod (MOTHERUSSIA), but don 't worry all the buildings should work the same way. FIXED AND UPDATED MOD WITH NEW PARTS https://...
Spaceship Seat
Created by Fawx
Adds a new driver seat that resembles the cockpit from the survival crashed ship How to access this in survival: (This will work in creative by default) 1) Access SteamLibrarysteamappscommonScrap MechanicSurvivalCraftingRecipes 2) Open craftbot.json i...
Spectator / Surveillance Cam / Free Cam Mod
Created by ShrooToo
This mod allows you to use a free cam, surveillance cameras, or spectator cam for things such as video making, a game spectator, etc. ======How To Use====== -Place the Spectator Activator and press E on it to use it -Use the controls that are posted in the...
SPG Russian Bias "Rockstorm"
Created by Sveklo
ENG: RUSSIAN BIAS, POWER OF MOTHER RUSSIA - ROCKSTORM!!! - Camera control - AA machine gun on roof - Working caterpillar - Powerful weapon - Well armor RUS: РУССКИЙ ЗВЕРЬ, МОЩЬ РОССИИ МАТУШКИ - КАМНЕПАД!!! - Управление камерой - Зенитный пулемет - Рабочие ...
Spike Cannon
Created by _Duno
By: Duno...
Spud Gun Tools
Created by finnchillah
This mod makes the spud gun the most overpowered item in Scrap Mechanic. This mod is partially inspired by the OP Tools mod, created by Questionable Mark. How to use: Place a "Spud Gun Tools Activator." As a shortcut, you can find this part by searching "s...
Spudling Gun
Created by ScrapMan
A gatling spud gun with an insane rate of fire and power! Point it at any loose object and watch it fly!...
Square Bars by Lord Pain
Created by Lord Pain
Update: 27.10.2017 Don't forget to hit the 'Like' button if u enjoy it!!! Have fun!!! :) Made by Lord Pain YouTube:
Created by Linn
Created by XarocTV
Ein simpler kompakter Stabilisator für alle möglichen Fluggeräte oder Motorräder geeignet! Größe 3x1...
Created by Gamecrafter_2020
Creator: Gamecrafter_2020...
Created by ScooterMeNooder
i have seen no other stage with a working drumset and 2 guitars...
steering wheel
Created by Blunty
Contains several kind of car steering wheel of the kind race, normal, rally etc......
Created by Steve's Makerspace
A simple store with vanilla parts. Made this for my GPS car cityscape....
Created by Butek74
Creator: Butek74 Hello there, this is one of my very first city items, which can be used for community citys (only with my premission!). This Creation could be showcased, when im agree with it. So, back to the store: As you can see, its an old fashion, ame...
Strv 103
Created by Bro_Valera_Pro
Создатель: Bro_Valera_Pro 1.Открыть / Закрыть люк 2.Стрелять 3.Опускать / Поднимать задние колёса 4.Опускать / Поднимать передние колёса 5.Ковш 6.Свет 7.Открыть/закрыть контрелеры -------------------------------------------------------------- Creator: Bro_...
Stunt track pack
Created by [FeT]DreggTheDawg
Race track terrain assets for all of you fine folks. Happy racing and may the best driver win! Mod includes - Straight piece with curved sides - Turn piece with curved sides - (BIG) loop - Tunnel - Straight piece with road bumps Enjoy!...
Created by Midir
a giant submarine that goes on water or better underwater. it has 2 torpedos 2 aircraft gun a living room and a command room. fast and silence it can destroy a ship and in case of emergency an auto-destruction. the top seat and the right seat in the comman...
Super Airyacht (No Mods, Flying home with helipad)
Created by Yukari
WASD Control 1. thrust on 2. climb 3. decend 4. light Similar control for the small flyer, but use '4' for backwards It takes a lot of effort to build, so drop a like in steam if you like it :)...
Super Small Tank Gun 120mm With Shell Ejection [NO MODS]
Created by _Lunai
Reloading: Weld the blue cardboard to the white bearing....
Super tank tank!!
Created by 土狗一条
supermarine spitfire mk5
Created by #^1 un♠
1 engine 2 machineguns 3 yaw left 4 yaw right wasd steering...
Surveillance Tools
Created by wingcomstriker405
This mod is an early version for base safety and surveillance :) current parts: - camera - camera observer - seat camera - seat camera observer - remote camera - remote camera controller Tutorial for the remote camera blocks: H...
Survival Bots
Created by wingcomstriker405
This mod adds a bot spawner to creative and adds a custom bot :) How to install the mod? Here you can find a simple video showing everything you need to know. How to use the mod? Here is a simple video and here is the setup used in the video. Colors The co...
Survival Encampment.tile
Created by RenderSilent
this map is for the previous versions of scrap mechanic it can be used in any version you want. ...
STAMSITEs War Castle
Created by Stamsite
This is a castle made for war between friends, there is a core in the castle that when destroyed will alert the whole castle. You can set your own rules but we have our own recommended rules that we have tried and thought was fun. Recommended rules: - Weld...
Survival Parts
Created by FutureMapper
This mod doesn't have a description...
Survival Parts
Created by HomelikeBrick42
This mod doesn't have a description...
Survival Parts in Creative - Read description before downloading
Created by The Red Builder
Got featured in video by Moonbo! check it out here: Creators: Axolot Games, The Red Builder Includes: Most Survival parts for Creative Incompatible file mods: Fant mod - compatible version:
Survival With Mods
Created by Atlasim
This mod is just survival but because custom games can have mods you can add mods to this game FAQ : Q : It dosent work with fant mod A : File mods still need to be installed the old way and since fant mod is a file mod it needs to be installed the old way...
Survival Workshop Modified!
Created by AT&T_Is_Horrible
THIS PROJECT IS OUTDATED AND WILL NOT BE RECEIVING UPDATES BEYOND THIS PINT the survival workshop, but as a creative tile, with some added features i thought would be useful! any changes you think would be nice, let me know in the comments! **changes** -fi...
Swedish Flag
Created by CadillacLimo
You should weld it. Creator: CadillacLimo Now, enjoy the swedish national anthem! Du gamla du fria du fjällhöga nord. Du tysta du glädjerika sköna. Jag hälsar dig vänaste land uppå jord. Din sol din himmel dina ängder gröna. Din sol din himmel dina ängder ...
Created by Comrade_Nova
Creator : Comrade_Nova Please subscribe and check my workshop if you like my works! © 2018 Comrade_Nova このアイテムはComrade_Nova以外の名の下にSteam 上に投稿することは承認されて...
T-34 Tank (No Mods)
Created by TrekkerGek
It's the legendary T-34! Uses no mods! Controls: 1 = Gun Up 2 = Gun Down 3 = Turret Left 4 = Turret Right 5 = Fire 6 = Spotlight 7 = Close the hatch Made and uploaded by TrekkerGek, Do not reupload!...
T-28 Heavy Tank
Created by Drepface
USE ON PHYSICS 6 Load the cannon with "wires short" placed on the bearing and a small explosive canister Uses Scrapman controls...
T-35 1:1 scale
Created by majewski_krzysiek
author: kmajewski Controls: WASD - drive (~30km/h) mouse - aim turrets (press 1 to activate secondary turrets aiming and ability to shoot ) LMB - fire main gun (5,2s rld) RMB - fire secondary cannons (3,8s rld) Space - fire machine guns 2 - laser sights fo...
Take Flight
Created by sKITzo
No longer suffer with adding thrusters which can sometimes ruin the look of your aircraft, you can also save on space and weight with these little beauties :D Currently includes Jumbo Jet style passenger windows with built in switch for attaching to seats ...
Created by woodyskill
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Created by Nonogt
Subscribe for more ! Creator: Nonogt © 2017 Nonogt This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named Nonogt ...
Created by bcvew
This is a tank with a working minigun...
Tank Gun 120mm with shell ejection [NO MODS]
Created by _Lunai
Reloading: Weld the blue cardboard to the white bearing....
tank track
Created by cameron
goes on tank treds...
Tank Sherman M4
Created by Ryde412
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Tank Track Wheels (deprecated)
Created by MJM
This is an old mod from before scripted parts existed. There are better alternatives now so I'm making this unlisted. Demo vehicle: The wheels look 2x wide but only have collision 1x wide, an...
Created by Masin
It's just a tank nothing special about it...
Terrain Assets by Lord Pain
Created by Lord Pain
Update 24.04.2018 NEW: Square Logs; Moonbo's Orbit, Camodo's Burger, ScrapMan's Cogwheel :) !!! Check out my YT channel so you don't miss future updates! ;) Categories: -Train Tracks -Roller Coaster (including Monorail) -...
Terrain Assets by sKITzo
Created by sKITzo
Testing Dummy
Created by !PRKLT
It's a dummy you can made a robot of this or smth. glhf...
The Boar
Created by Wabigoon
Based off a 1990's-200's Dodge Ram, This Dodge been converted into a Hot Rod, with a Twisty Front-End Mods: Durf Modpacks, Exhaust, Tremendous Wheels...
The Bus
Created by distracted...
requires new legend mod...
Tank Transformer [No Mods]
Created by David Baguetta
1942 Sd.Kfz. 123 "Luchs" Transformer edition -------------- NO MODS -------------- Click here to see this creation in Moonbo's latest top of the shop video! One person controlled tank with button steering. Fool your friends by showing off your new tank fro...
the danger bus
Created by Cool Gamer
a bus for anyone looking for a moble base workshop blueprints: bus made by pattsun energy minigun made by poineko monsterbot made by brent batch...
The Great Wheel Pack
Created by ikey07
The Great Wheel Pack Change Log: Increased mass for all wheels for bettter traction Wheels in this pack: - Rally wheel - Spoke wheel - Performance car wheel 1 - Performance car wheel 2 - Truck Front wheel - Truck Rear wheel - Wheel RS - Big Wheel RS 2.0 Ch...
The last Tiger (desert storm)
Created by Gio_27
Questo progetto non ha una descrizione....
The Machine Guns Pack
Created by DriVer
================================================================= Discord Server: SM-DLM: ================================================================= This m...
The Mechanics Sledgehammer! [NO MOD]
Created by Robb
A Hammer for the big End of the year! A mechanic cannot be without his hammer. It makes the mechanic invincible in everything he wants to make. Can we together make this sledgehammer remembered for time and eternity? This sledgehammer is big and it's possi...
The Modpack
Created by Durf Scrap Mechanic Mods: The Modpack 0.5.1 This is the main Modpack and contains many of the most common parts. Now updated to work in 0.5.1 creative mode! The team will be moving onto other mods ...
The Modpack Legacy Support
Created by Durf
Official ModPack: This is the Modpack Legacy Support. It contains parts that are old, discontinued, or ones that already have a duplicate part. This is made so that you can load your old blueprints - DO NOT BUILD NEW CREATIONS WITH THESE PARTS - look for t...
The Modpack Polygons
Created by Durf
Official ModPack: This is the Modpack Polygons. It contains wedges, curves, transitions, surface panels, and wing parts. Other parts will be available in other categories. Like the mods? Don't forget to leave a thumbs up! ;) This mod is a collaboration of ...
Spline Camera
Created by Illumina♥
A tool that allows you to make dynamic cutscenes and export them as json. HOW TO USE: Hold left click to reset placed nodes Right click to switch to playback mode Press 'Q' to place a node Press 'R' to save deployed nodes to $CONTENT_DATA/SavedCinematics/c...
The Modpack Polygons Cardboard
Created by Durf
Official ModPack: This is the Modpack Polygons Cardboard! It contains everything from the Modpack Polygons, but is destructible! CONVERT your old blueprints here: Any blueprint made with origina...
The Modpack Polygons Glass
Created by Durf
Official ModPack: This is the Modpack Polygons: Glass edition. It contains everything from "The Modpack Polygons", but now in Glass! Like the mods? Show us your support: thumbs up + favorite! ;) This mod is a collaboration of the Modding Team: Durf: http://...
The Modpack Polygons UltraLight
Created by Durf
Official ModPack: This is the Modpack Polygons: Ultra-Lightweight edition. It contains everything from "The Modpack Polygons", but now Ultra Lightweight! Like the mods? Show us your support: thumbs up + favorite! ;) This mod is a collaboration of the Moddi...
The Modpack Weapons
Created by Brent Batch
The Modpack WEAPONS This is the Modpack WEAPONS and contains EXPLOSIVE and EXPERIMENTAL weapons. Flamethrower! Grenadelauncher! And more! Explode stuff and play warfare with the latest in weapon technology! Parts from this mod currently include weapons you...
Created by Master Shake
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
the one!!!.tile
Created by Rogueone
The Registration Plates Mod
Created by sKITzo
Welcome to The Official EU Registration Plates Mod Now you can finish you vehicles look with a nice realistic Private registration plate. Also Includes New Country Badges. Stick where you want :)
The Safe-Safe
Created by Gui Hertzog
A big Safe. Made by Guillaume Hertzog. Not the better security, but the walls are very resistent. I had extra stuff, switch and logic fonction if you want to improve it....
The Trenches
Created by sKITzo
It's War Boys & Girls ! Hope you enjoy having an old style battlefield, wanting to rollplay, take screenshots, drive through, or any other use. Should look cool with Tanks, Jeeps or any other Military style vehicles including playing with Moobo's Army men....
The smoothest car
Created by Stamsite
A car that is pretty fast and very smooth to drive. Smooth car(jazz) will be deployed....
Thin Pipes Mod by Lord Pain
Created by Lord Pain
Collection of thin pipes. Let my know if you want me to add more pipes! Don't forget to hit the 'Like' button if u enjoy it!!! Have fun!!! :) Made by Lord Pain YouTube:
Tiger Tank
Created by mechbott75
The Iconic German Tank of WW2, the Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger Ausf. E. * This may require a powerful PC to use * Version 2 coming soon(25/6) My Scrap Mechanic version features :- * Tank steering from the 20 wheel drive system (wheels rotate in opposite dire...
Created by Fe_Rwann
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Top gear boat pickup V3
Created by Zdenek
also known as the Toybota (Toyota + boat) is an amphibious vehicle build by Jeremy Clarkson. driver seat 1-Boat mode 2-closes hatch 3-lights 4-opens hood Boat seat (Boat mode must be activated) 1-turn on motor 2-turn right 3-turn left hope you like it :) t...
Torbjorn’s turret from Overwatch [NO MODS, CARDBOARD EDITION, WORKING]
Created by Pan Marcel
Make dreams about destroying everything around with quiet music come true! Socials: -My YT: (not scrap mechanic content) -My steam: (give +rep p...
TOW missile launcher
Created by Sheev Palpatine
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Tow truck
Created by Lynx 麺
cool Swedish tow truck!!! (the switch for the door is behind the tire) 1.driver's door 2.warning lights 3.control panel for the flatbed next: have fun!!!!! :D...
Created by Razvii
MJM stopped modding apparently and I just wanted the tracks from his mod, this is literally just that, the tracks and engine. Differences:The engine has a speed cap, you can no longer go to infinity and beyond. may work on this more, may not, im not a modd...
Created by korbykob
place this around the world or block or lift then place the tracker drone from the required items list then follow the instrutions from the description of the tracker drone then you are good to go...
Train Wheel Pack
Created by Percival
This mod doesn't have a description...
Created by michalblackflag
1 door 2 lights 3 thusters 4 spare wheels 5 horn 6 headlights s...
trenche virage.tile
Created by Co3
Trenche straight.tile
Created by Co3
Created by Xalam
Trenches: Landship (Green)
Created by Dotcom650
Based on the Landship from the roblox game: Trenches Totaly didn't use the medium tank model and put some larger tracks and stronger armor on (do not activate follow cam or strict follow cam)...
Trenches: Landship (Grey)
Created by Dotcom650
Based on the Landship from the roblox game: Trenches Totaly didn't use the medium tank model and put some larger tracks and stronger armor on (do not activate follow cam or strict follow cam)...
Tropical Flora
Created by Ashker NMS
24 originals exotics trees and plants Don't forget to give me feedback (and vote !)...
Created by Geberal X
Perfect drivability/handling and supports a trailer. (see my other blueprints) NO MODS...
Created by Nonogt
Subscribe for more ! Truck (no mod) 1.Left door 2.Right door 3.Engine cover 4.Light 5.Left turn signal 6.Right turn signal 7.Lock loader 8.Horn Creator: Nonogt © 2017 Nonogt This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, ...
Created by meme
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Created by adikosta
No mods...
Created by Graverocker
This blueprint doesn't have a description....
Tsar Tank
Created by ScrapMan
Drive it from the top turret. Get in by pointing under the spudguns from the back ramp....
Created by yurkiy3
У этого чертежа нет описания...
Created by !PRKLT
This is a bomber plane in gta 5:) I hope u enjoy it!...
Underwater Airlock for Moonbos collection
Created by Earlchaos
I've made this Underwater Airlock for Moonbos Underwater Collection. It needs 00FANTs mod and The Modpack to make logic a bit easier. How-To: Weld the sliding door part to an underwater base as described by Moonbo. The sliding door is connecting to the bas...
Underwater Base
Created by Moonbo
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Underwater Base Light A
Created by Moonbo
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Underwater Furniture A
Created by Moonbo
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Underwater Generator
Created by Moonbo
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Underwater Junction
Created by Moonbo
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Underwater Hatch
Created by Moonbo
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Underwater Junction Rise
Created by Moonbo
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Underwater Junction Rise Observatory
Created by Moonbo
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Underwater Junction Windows
Created by Moonbo
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Underwater Ladder A
Created by Moonbo
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Underwater Moon Pool
Created by Moonbo
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Underwater Tunnel Corner
Created by Moonbo
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Underwater Tunnel
Created by Moonbo
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Underwater Ladder B
Created by Moonbo
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Underwater Tunnel Sliding Door
Created by Moonbo
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Underwater Tunnel Y
Created by Moonbo
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
undewater city
Created by PweeDos
Universal PVP [ANY* Gamemode]
Created by MelOnE🍉
Enables PVP in ANY* Gamemode! *Compatible with 90% of gamemodes. How to Use Simply add the mod to any of your games. Then play the game and you should see a message in chat informing you that the mod is working. Features Healthbar Adds a healthbar to creat...
Unlocked Destruction
Created by Programmer Alex
This mod adds some items designed for causing destruction! Visit the custom game for even more destruction Also here is some other mods to try with unlocked destruction to make it even more fun!! Sharp Stuff Mod:
Up! house - Baluka
Created by balukapublic
Hey! This is my new creation based on the Up! movie. If you like it please give a thumbs up! Special thanks to balinbajnok and DavidBaguetta for your help. We used David's furniture inside the house....
V8 Engines
Created by Blasted_Off
FIXED And works after survival update. This mod contains 5 V8 engines and a blower for decorations. They are fully functional engines, some of them are more powerful than the others. You can use them to create classical or beastly looking cars. They are pa...
Vanilla Electric Truck 8x8
Created by Kein Anderer
This is my first build since survival released and my first try on a truck with the new pieces. Comes with 8WD, 2 seats, a bed, 4 wheel steering and a big sunroof. Also has all sorts of lights, including blinkers and more listed below. Controls: Driver 1 -...
vanHool EX16
mods: Public Transport Parts 7 Segment Display Additional Pipes by Lord Pain Aged Blocks Benefactor Content (High-Qiality Wheels) Bench Parts Buoyancy Mod: Water, Helium, Hot Air, and more! Bedroom&living Room Furniture Mod 255 Block's TEAM BLOCK'S Tremend...
Vanilla Panther G
Created by jdickson
The Panther tank, officially Panzerkampfwagen V Panther with ordnance inventory designation: Sd.Kfz. 171, is a German medium tank of World War II. It was used on the Eastern and Western Fronts from mid-1943 to the end of the war in May 1945. The Panther wa...
Vanilla T-34/76 Model 1943
Created by jdickson
The T-34 is a Soviet medium tank introduced in 1940. Its 76.2 mm (3 in) tank gun was more powerful than its contemporaries while its 60 degree sloped armour provided good protection against anti-tank weapons. The Christie suspension was inherited from the ...
Vannila Working TV!
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Vanilla Willys Jeep Model
Created by DustyRed762
Just a model for now, I may make it functional later. You can delete the hood to see the engine....
Vegetation Mod
Created by ikey07
Vegetation ModPack This mod include: Many Trees and Bushes from Scrap Mechanic game 2 New Palms 1 Paintable Rock YOUTUBE: Leaves and Trunks are paintable with in-game Paint Tool....
vending machine
Created by Shack de Shnaek
working vending machine select your drink and press the black button...
У этого чертежа нет описания...
Vought F4U Corsair
Created by Qrani
The Corsair was a fighter-bomber aircraft that was used from 1942-1953, and used by the Navy and Marine Corps. No mods were used to make this plane, but it does use some glitch welding. While some Corsairs were equipped with torpedos or bombs, this one has...
Volvo ECR50 [NO MODS]
Created by Sjöstedt
Volvo ECR50 Compact Excavator by Sjöstedt, 2022 Was the EW160E too big for your needs? Then take this, the smallest and most compact Volvo excavator made to date! At 5 tons, it handles small tasks effortlessly, such as yard work. Put your shovel to the sid...
Warehouse Forklift
Created by Moonbo
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Warehouse Module Pack
Created by Moonbo
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Warehouse Pallet Set
Created by Moonbo
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Warehouse Truck and Pallets (No Mods)
Created by Moonbo
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Warehouse Truck Full Banana
Created by Moonbo
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
WarFare Mod
Created by LightSkinChe
IMPORTANT: I used edited scripts from t̶h̶e̶ ̶c̶a̶n̶n̶o̶n̶ ̶m̶o̶d̶ ̶b̶y̶ ̶D̶r̶ ̶F̶r̶e̶e̶m̶e̶n̶ Brent Batch (he made it for the modpack) for the guns I DO NOT TAKE CREDIT FOR CREATING THE SCRIPTS, I EDITED THEM This mod was created to support base wars, or ...
Water Cannon [NOT FIXED]
Created by RoueSoify
This mod includes the Water Gun THIS MOD IS A MANUAL INSTALLATION MOD 1) Go to C:/x86/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/387990/2124937980 2) Copy all the folders except for the Cache folder. 2.5) Do not Copy the Description.json and the Preview.png 3) Go to...
Wheels by Karasu
Created by Karasu
Added new content, modified some old models. 添加了一些东西,修改了旧的模型,有需要的类型可以留言,有时间会做...
Willys Jeep
Created by DustyRed762
Millitary style Willys jeep with front and rear leaf springs. The steering had to be limited so it would not hit the suspension and send the car rolling away, so the steering suffers a little bit. CC BY-SA...
WASD Converter
Created by TechnologicNick
This mod adds 4 logic gates that are powered when one of the WASD keys gets pressed. Connect them to a driver's seat. Now updated to 0.4 with backwards compatability to 0.3 Update 1: It actually works now. I forgot to add the output... Update 2: The WASD C...
Created by DasEtwas
Modular Wings! This mod is now in passive maintenance. Create issues or pull requests if you want to help contributing updates. Refer to the GitHub repository at for licensing and contributing. Your planes are terrible at gliding? Use the Drag Reducer Bloc...
Wood Pipes
Created by ikey07
Wood Pipes Mod This mod adds small and big wood pipes to the game, they use original wood textures Features: Vanilla wood texture All pipes uses the same rotation set as vanilla pipes Include full set of small pipes and extra Include full set of big pipes ...
Wooden Block Mod [deprecated]
Created by Kridershot
Many people complain, that mod has some bugs/glitches because of Survival update. I don't have time to fix it, so I recommend unsub. Wooden block mod Hey mechanics, this mod add new wooden blocks in your game! this mode have 9 different wooden blocks: Wood...
work car
Created by FiJiK
Work and Show
Created by sephdragon
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Working Computer
Created by Minerop
A compact actually working Computer with Screen...
Working Computer ~2~
Created by wrogrsin
Creator: Wrog This is a WIP. This also uses MODS which are: material MOD buttons and switches mod the modpack polygons Switch on front of mainframe: Turns computer on. Left block switch on front of mainframe: Opens door to inside mainframe. Right block swi...
Working Gun
Created by Rytoox
by Rytoox and Stoodjarguard6577 Press the Trigger to fire Please Download the Magazine too! PS dont forget to reload!!!! Magazine needed! Please rate if you Like it!...
Working Gun
Created by MiniChris
Delete the bar holding the bullet, then press the switch on the bullet and it will go flying...
working PC
Created by vladius2002
У этого чертежа нет описания...
Working King Tiger
Created by The Sand Boxer
Created By: The Sand Boxer Driver: 1 - Left Track 2 - Right Track 3- Hatch 4 - Lights 5 - Extend Barrel 6 - Main Gun 7 - Machine Gun WASD - Turret Controls...
Working Piano
Created by Justin
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Working Tardis
Created by ethord
1 to lean foward, 2 to lean back, W to fly up, A and D to rotate. Practice makes perfect. video if you dont understand F1I...
working revolver
Created by Maxonator7
De: Ein doppel läufiger funktionierender Revolver E: a working dobble barrel revolver How to fire: the switch on the side of the gun 2.delete the block on the ammo 3.activate the switch on the reloader (by the ammo) 4.deactivate the switch on the r...
World of Mods
Created by Dart Frog
This is mod full of random stuff! Most stuff I create will be in here! Have fun! For how to build working clock, in case you have problem to build it, check video presentation 1.0! Thank you Dr. Fail for making it working! 1.0: Nature Blocks Mod is moved H...
World of tanks V1.1.tile
Created by Lake
Added bushes to Deadlands and some hills have been flattend a little bit...
WW2 AgaliX's mod
Created by AgaliX
Этот мод добавляет один советский и один немецкий танковые прицелы времён Второй Мировой войны, а также 5 советских и 2 немецких плаката пропаганды. Также добавлены 3 советских надписи на танки и невидимая броня. Увидеть прицелы в действии вы можете на моё...
WW1 British Trenches + No Man's Land
Created by YourLastBreadStick
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
WW2 Styled Spudgun Remodel (0.5.1)
Created by Holesmak
THIS MOD CAN AND WILL BREAK SOMETHING IN 0.6.0 (TEST BRANCH) UPDATE. USE ON YOUR RISK The mod replaces original spudguns models with custom WWII styled ones and adds a custom shooting sounds. It does not change any scripts so you can join your friends with...
X's Detail Mod
Created by Xesau
X's Detail Mod adds around 300 parts to your game! These parts are especially useful to detail your creations or build things at micro-scale. (No, you are not the first one to notice that some parts in this mod look very much like parts in the Modpack Poly...
X's Train Mod
Created by Xesau
Xesau's Train Mod! Parts: - Rails (straight, 'curve', incline, points; different lengths) - Sleepers (wooden, concrete) and clamps to connect rails to the sleepers - Wheels (spoked, not spoked, sizes 3u, 5u, 7u and 9u) + rims - Driving and coupling rods, a...
Yakovlev Yak-24
Created by Qrani
No mods, but uses glitch welding. Controls: W: Pitch Down S: Pitch Up A: Roll Left D: Roll Right 1: Turn Left 2: Pitch Rotor Blades (Increase Lift) 3: Turn Right 4: Start Engine...
Yacht [No Mods]
Created by David Baguetta
Luxury Yacht with interiors and garage with a detachable jetski -------------- NO MODS -------------- If you enjoy these ships you should definitely check out the Fatterman Yacht by Kemo 🎥 Youtube 💬 Discord Hey guys, this is my final version of this ship. ...
Yo-class ##21
Created by Mightyeagle
This is the Gainko Yako last of the Yo-class destroyer even though it is much bigger than her sister ships it is still counted as a Yo-class. same mods as Yo-class. (NOTES Gainko Yako is from a conlang that I made. do not try and translate it. Gainko Yako ...
Z6S1-152M2 "Molodets" - SPG
Created by KulaleNuMiO
【Z6S1-152M2 "Molodets" - SPG】 This weapon is a fictional weapon. It has no relation to any real person, work, organization, etc. Also, it does not contain political intentions or other various ideas. Description Z6S1-152M2 "Molodets" is a fictional self-pr...
Created by bala66
This is a pretty easy to fly creation. It's really stable. It uses the "Modpack" and "WASD Converter" mods and no glitches. Controls: -W-forward -S-backward -A-turn left -D-turn right -1-go up -2-go down -3-fill up with helium (hover) First press 3 and you...
Created by Haybot
Zeppelin Erbaut von Waldemar Binder Funktionen: 1. Hoch 2. Vorne 3. Links 4. Rechts Erneutes Hochladen ist nicht erlaubt...
Created by P4tr!k
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
Zeppelin light
Created by Atomic
Creator:gosam Veränderungen von: mir Ein großer Zepelin mit zwei Motoren hat eine Reling um wärend des fluges auch raus gehen zu können. Der Zeppelin v3 hat diesmal nur eine Gondel und kein Bi-Plane. WICHTIG! 1. den grünen Schalter drücken (Pilotensitz) 2....
[FLX] Tremendous Wheels
Created by Flixo
The FLX Tremendous Wheels pack; A set of 6 diffrent sized wheels: Small 5x2 Medium 7x4 Large 9x4, Large 9x8 (Double Width) Huge 11x4 Huge 11x8 (Double Width) Perfect for building a monster truck, tractor or other large machinery. Don't forgett to hit the t...
[Karasu] Merian Oilfield Flatbed Truck
Created by |XG| Lune
A rather large, heavy duty off-highway oilfield truck. Features solid axle suspension and a big flatbed, with a visible cosmetic engine. ~Controls~ 1 & 2 - Unassigned 3 - Lights 4 - Bed Floodlight 5 - Horn Note: To exit the cabin, crawl out the passenger w...
[KORITH]/[FC] Power Armor "Legionnaire"
Created by The Evil Sith / Power Armor "Legionnaire" is a collaborative product of Korith mega-corporation and a small company with a good reputation called Founders Corps. Several years after this collaboration Founders Corps went bankrupt and event...
[OSITHUS] Compact Base "Explorer-1"
Created by The Evil Sith "Explorer-1" is a compact base, created specially for frontiers, various scientists, explorers, researches and those, who just want to relax and enjoy the wild nature of their homeworld. It can be used on various planets with...
[OUTDATED] PVP in Scrap Mechanic! - PVP Mod
Created by MelOnE🍉
This mod makes PVP in Scrap Mechanic possible! Who will you fight for? Features Weapons deal PVP damage No name tags Death messages in chat Use your creativity to kill your friends! Dr Pixel's PVP mod opens the game up to a whole new range of possibilities...
[OUTDATED] Rain Mod for Survival!
Created by MelOnE🍉
This mod adds rain to your Survival Worlds! Features Rain! (thx, captain ovious) More Rain! (oh really) Rain Dance! Improve your survival experience with rain! Enjoy the rain ambience, water your crops, or just appreciate all the pain that went into this m...
Created by ysysteve
Provides vertical lift more than three times the lift tool. Use this to help building tall creations that are tough to reach. EASY TWO-STEP ASSEMBLY: 1.REMOVE all four RED barrier blocks in contact with the upper platform The platform will drop down after ...
[Sticky Wheels!] Dat Pixel Pack (DPP Mod)
Created by MelOnE🍉
This Mod includes a variety of parts I've made. Currently we have: Gearbox Battery Generator DPP Bearing Sticky Wheel Sunshake Engine Sunshake © NO Copyright* I my make mods for the community to enjoy! Therefore feel free to copy anything* from this mod. N...
[Vanilla] Merian Dove G5 Sport Sedan
Created by |XG| Lune
Remaster of my old Dove sedan, no mods used. AWD compact sport sedan with questionably useful trunk and 4 seats. Controls: 1 & 2 - Blinkers 3 - Lights 4 - High Beam Lights 5 - Horn 6 - Hood 7 - Trunk...
[Working] Arcade Machine with playable Game
Created by MelOnE🍉
This is a working arcade machine with a simple game I made in Scrap Mechanic. For a version with a much better paint job by Inhuman Gaming, go here: A version for potato PCs can be found her...
Created by 【TeaGe】白给
|UEG|99A治安坦克 1.开关舱门 2.加大发动机功率 3.减小发动机功率 4.炮手瞄准镜 5.操控机枪 6.机枪开火 |UEG|99A security tank 1. Open and close the hatch 2. Increase engine power 3. Reduce engine power 4. Gunner's sight 5. Control the machine gun 6. Machine gun firing ...
Velocimeter / Speedometer
Created by Monstic
A velocimeter or a speedometer is a gauge that measures and displays the instantaneous speed. PS: Download Modscrap modpack to get this item in survival game. Found bug? Let me know....
Created by pepe
Siema Plaga! zbudowalem ci dosc maly bunkiere, ale jest za to dosc wytrszymaly (chyba (nie testowalem)) w srodku masz potrzebne rzeczy: -kręcąca się kaczka to tyle bunkier nie ma drzwi bo nie umiem ta to tyle (uzyj jakis slabych rzeczy zeby bylo ze dobry b...
Bunkier Plaga
Created by Cathe
Ten projekt nie posiada opisu....
bunkier plaga
BY ALEKS pozdro yt bunkier posiada 1 łazienke 2działko przed dzwiami 3sypialnie 4pokuj dodatkowy 5kwiaciarnia 6wyjscie na dach masz opis bo ostatnio się skarżyłeś ,że niema ps widzowie lubią jak zarabiasz$ ...
Created by Bezoki
By używać czołgu trzeba włączyć free camera. Właz znajduje sie za wieżą. 1 - Obrót wieży 2 - Kamera działo 1x 3 - Kamera działo 10x 4 - Kamera z wieży 5 - Dym 6 - Moc silnika +10% 7 - Moc silnika -10% 8 - Właz LPM - Strzał z głównego działa RPM - Strzał z ...
czołg plaga v1.0
Created by Adusieq
Autor: Adrian Opis: Zaawansowane sterowanie na WSAD sterujesz wszystkim zmieniasz czym sterować na 1, 2 lub 3 Sterowanie: 1 - Jazda W S A D 2 - Auto działko + ster WSAD 3 - Działo duże + WSAD 4 - Duże działo Ognia 5 - Blokada Działa 6 - Oświetlenie W - prz...
czołg plaga+
Created by Kapitan Rozwałka
miejsce do siedzenia na dziale 1 sterowanie kamera prawy myszy- działo lewy myszy- rakiety ...
czołg PLAGA1
Created by Bezoki
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
czolg plaga
Created by a-stepien
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
czolg plaga
Created by Kamasz
wejscie na wiezyczce milego testowania ...
Czolg Plaga
Created by Morpediusz
Cześć Plaga!!! Tak często nażekasz na opis to ja dodałem go do swojej pracy. Czołg jest dwu osobowy (nie chciałem robić jedno osobowego i na przyciski bo jest to jak dla mnie niewygodne rozwiąznie) i skręca przednimi i tylnymi kołami. Posiada działko z 2 l...
Czolg Plaga
Created by 566 Mikos
Twórca: Mikołaj Siema Plag ! Jest to czolg na bazie franucskiego pojazdu kołowego Panhard EBR 75 wykonany w całości z tektury Przycisk 1: Podnoszenie/opuszczanie środkowych osi Przycisk 2: Ostrzał Siedzenie i celownik są na górze wieży (celownik podąża za ...
Ten projekt nie posiada opisu....
Czolg Plaga
Created by RadzioGadzio
To mój kolejny projekt dla plagi. Pierwszy projekt to bunkier z systemem antyrakietowym teraz mam taki czołg. Mody: The modpack, inteligentia mod i canon mod Kierowca 1 przycisk – wejście do miejsc siedzących 2 - światła 3 – światła wewnętrzne 4 - transfor...
Czolg plaga
Created by nequ
Siemka! Jest to moja kolejna budowla dla plagi, a mianowicie czołg. Budujac go, wzorowalem sie projektem czolgu III zeszy o nazwie Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte. Mam nadzieje, ze ci sie spodoba. INSTRUKCJA: Aby wejsc do czolgu nalezy sie udac na tyl i wejsc po...
czolg plaga
Created by Bułka
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
czolg plaga 1.4
Created by Y
autor Wisniow32 1- strzał 2/3 - ruch góra dół 4 - laser czas budowy ok. 2 godz P.S. skręca się całym pojazdem...
Czolg Plaga 202
Created by Stelment0
Autor: Stel mint Czas Pracy Około 4 Godziny Budowane od zera Na Podstawie Działka Plagi Działko Działa Puki co posiada Tylko tryb Ręczny (Tryb Automatyczny Jest W fazie Testów) Sterowanie "W'A'S'D" 1 - Aktywuje Działka 2 - Wysunięcie Dużego Działa 3 - Strz...
heli PLAGA
Created by Wonsz
mody -cannons pack -a lot of gangsta party mod -MJM Mod -The modpack polygones -inteligentia mod -new legend mod -buttons and switches pack -the modpack continuation -bulding parts STEROWANIE 1,2(lub LPM/PPM) zwiekszenie/zmniejszenie mocy smgla 3 rakiety 4...
dom plaga
Created by BabciaIrenka
This blueprint doesn't have a description...
PLAGA bunkier Site-909 PLAGA
Created by ⸸᠌ Trevsoo ⸸
To znowu ja, igor, budowa bunkra zajęła mi 5 godzin. Bómkier bardzo wytrzymały. Powodzenia w niszczeniu :) Budowa skończona: 14.06.2022 Igor aka Trevsoo ...
plaga dla plaga
Created by *{U+2063}
w jednej becze jest 100 beczek jak naniej staniesz to cie wybije bardzo daleko a i jak zlecisz to będziesz sie odbijał jak na trampolinie. :) tylko sie nie ruszaj podczas lotu :) bo nie bedziesz na trampolinie): ...
Created by FLISTER
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platforma 15 rakiet
Created by Kasztanik
CREATOR: Pro_fesor 10.5 N x15 lista modów jest w projekcie jednej rakiety- 10.5 N...
Created by Kordulo
platforma plaga
Created by MEDISPIS
creator: MEDIPIS plaga zbudowalem dla ciebie platworme plkatworma potrafi byc nie stabilna wiec odpalaj ja na podnosniku te glowice to nie nuke...
platforma plaga
Created by karl180
Instrukcja: 1. wklikać się w każdą rakiete. 2. kliknąć duży przycisk. 3. pokoleji kilkać przyciski umieszczone pomiędzy silnikiem a ładunkiem wybuchowym. mam nadzieje że znajdzie sie na odcinku...
platforma rakiet 10
Created by Super Urwis
potzebne modyfikacje: -wings -inteligentia mod -the modpack...
Samolot Plaga
Opis: Jest to samolot uzbrojony w rakiety typu powietrze-powietrze (z bunkrami te rakiety sobie radzą tylko jak je wypuścisz jak bombe). Nie to nie jest 1 do jednego z mojej pierwszej rakiety zmieniłem tu troche budowe i zmniejszyłem moc silników i technik...
Samolot Plaga Prezent
Created by Stelment0
Autor: Stel Mint >Uwaga info < ! > Do Wszystkich Pojazdów Wsiada Się Klikając w Niebieski Bloczek 1- Sterowanie Steruje się Automatycznie należy tylko Wyłączyć namierzanie Polecam Wsiąść i polecieć xd 2-Sterowanie Jest to mini maszyna Sterowanie W,S,A,D 1=...