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Building Collision Fix
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2. Jan. 2024 um 17:10
10. März 2024 um 10:29
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Building Collision Fix

In 1 Kollektion von SCARaw
SCARaw Mods collection
28 Inhalte
This mod fix collision for bughouse, longhouse and Y-House
and have video linked for mod savvy people so you can learn how to do something like that

Important usage notes
Kenshi Require properly builded Navmesh to ensure perfect compatibility with the Collisions (not just mine, all of them)
You can use shortcut Shift + CTRL + F11 to ensure your Envirovement loaded correctly

Alternatively use Engine mesh updater or performance fix and keep reasonable modlist (bellow 150 no big overhauls)
Nobody will download 3GB of junk to test compatibility/load order or whatever broke for your custom list
- i myself use all my mods together in 900 days old save, but this is very vanilla-like modlist (0 races/armors)

Nexus Version:

Things Fixed so far:
Y-house all of it
Bughouse - all of it and all of them everywhere
Floors :)

Things to fix:
ideas? bug reports? feedback?
Stephouse stairs

Important note:
i strongly overestimate time and efforts needed to rework every single collision in the game
and their likelyness to conflict with non-my-mods that i would never use
because i run out of free time and my work PC is too weak to even model, this mod will have to wait...
Beliebte Diskussionen Alle anzeigen (3)
1. Dez. 2024 um 17:27
mod breaks celling building
4. Jan. 2024 um 11:48
Me trying to describe what was wrong in old Collision and what new collision achieved
139 Kommentare
ERKEK2000 10. März um 18:35 
Used to be able to enter a Longhouse in Heng. Now I cant for some reason. No f11, f12 methods work. Disabling the mod immediately works.
h281231100 10. Feb. um 22:22 
With this mod, I can't build on the roof of a y-house in a Mongrel ~_~
TheWok 1. Feb. um 0:20 
The Longhouse is bugged for me at Heng too xdd
-RedCrab- 10. Jan. um 19:15 
I also have a problem with that house in the Black Scratch, part of the house is inaccessible. On the vanilla version.
SCARaw  [Autor] 28. Dez. 2024 um 1:12 
Does the same problem happen without the mod?
ThatGuy 28. Dez. 2024 um 0:45 
btw it seems to be this specific house because someone else on the internet had the problem with this one in black scratch
ThatGuy 28. Dez. 2024 um 0:45 
i bought the Y house in black scratch, and ive seen online that others have also had this problem where theres an invisible wall from the left side of the Y where it blocks it off. Thats also where i built my storage and my tech bench, so all my metiou weapons are there :( ive been away from the house for a while so will have to load back far. can you help?
IBesto 1. Dez. 2024 um 15:33 
im having this issue with L shape. i cant get in or out and it happens randomly
TheBrandonGame 30. Sep. 2024 um 1:32 
Ancient factory collision, has the most awful pathfinding I've seen in this game,

I'm almost certain the reasons it was only buildable through mods is because it was too much of a buggy piece of dogshit to add to vanilla.
GamerBee 20. Sep. 2024 um 19:27 
I would be very happy if you could take a look at it when you are available. For now i can fix it with FCS and Thanks.