Darkest Dungeon®

Darkest Dungeon®

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Items (436)
「亡国公主」薇尔维特 - Class Mod
Created by 洛艸
首先,感谢岩仓玲音,岩姐的代码指导、感谢大牛子的音效协助,以及各群友的测试反馈 本角色为《奥丁领域》角色薇尔维特同人, 美术素材源自b站up硬核糖豆的《奥丁领域:里普特拉希尔》高清纹理包及游戏实机截图 动画:我自己 代码:我自己 音效:大牛子、我自己 第一次自己从零开始制作完整mod,大部分技能及饰品均为还原原作设定,不足之处众多还望海涵 —————— 技能方面 本角色拥有点燃ad和连击机制 火焰伤害由大到小不均等分布 连击技能可叠加连击数,当连击数达到3时进入终结技状态:获得一个回合,并可以使用更为强力的...
「伊妮德 训犬师重置」Enid Houndmaster Rework
Created by Kaze*
The early test version of the English translation is here Special Thank for ᑭᑌᗰᑭKᕮᖇIᑎO https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2529818577 致谢 ------------------------------------------ 特别感谢 瑞秋·克劳狄乌斯 赞助开发此角色 特别感谢所有赞助我和帮我测试技能并反馈bug的朋友们! 开发者名单 -...
「伊莎多拉 十字军重置」Isadora Crusader Rework
Created by Kaze*
This mod Now have Full English Translation, Just no English Description, Have Fun :) Special Thanks to mingmingaruns for English translation. 注意:预览图为早期皮肤测试截图所以可携带多个,该角色获得了一些加强所以现在仅可单独携带(不!最终圣战!) 致谢 ------------------------------------------ 特别感谢 瑞秋·克劳狄乌斯 赞...
阎罗王/The Yama Class Mod
Created by Sterile Water
At present, the mod have English and Chinese version in the game. bug反馈群号:695427981(看到就修,最好带图) 开发者名单(Mod developers) ------------------------------------------ 画师(Painter):天堂克洛迪娜!; 技能设计( Skill Designer):sunshine(主要),Sterile Water; 动画制作(Animator):Sterile Wa...
阿黑颜化的血肉肖像_Ahegao Portrait
Created by Butterf9
🔊❗UI小补丁,排序顺序无所谓;建议排在MOD列表下方位置 +将极暗地牢之后偶尔闪现的英雄血肉肖像改为阿黑颜 +再也不会掉San了 +好消息,NSFW --------------------------------------------- -坏消息,NSFW 所用图源自于互联网,不要问我出处,我也很期待英雄降临() 这不是我的XP,选取这两张图只是综合考虑了互联网对于“阿黑颜Ahegao”的刻板印象 如有侵权请联系我处理,有其他的问题也欢迎留言 另外本着授人以鱼不如授人以渔的原则,我在Mod文件内放了一...
(skin)Spider Nests 2
Created by 十三号侯爵
I really like the art style of anaertailin, so when I found the new monster mod of pigs, I tried to apply his old pig skins on it. The resource used in this skin mod mainly came from spider skins made by anaertailin. Thank anaertailin for his great work an...
「莉薇娅」Livia Class
Created by Deovolente
Languages currently included. Chinese English *If you need to add any language patch, you can package it yourself and upload it on Steam Workshop. You can leave a comment below and I will add its link here I really don't know why higher subscription number...
「冈崎梦美」Okazaki Yumemi Class
Created by Kaze*
English version available 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 主催:Paysage 程序:Kaze*、Paysage 原画:lx 骨骼:狗狗 特效:Kaze* 介绍 ------------------------------------------ 来自东方Project旧作《东方梦时空》的冈崎梦美 “不要温柔的走进那个良夜” 前往此处查看详细预览 https://afdian.net/album/dade8036b5...
「艾丽希斯 苦修重置」Elesis Flagellant Remake
Created by Kaze*
This mod Now have Full English Translation, Just no English Description, Have Fun :) 致谢 ------------------------------------------ 特别感谢 瑞秋·克劳狄乌斯 赞助我与画师ZIMIK开发此角色 特别感谢 玺文 提供英文翻译 特别感谢所有赞助我和帮我测试技能并反馈bug的朋友们! 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 主催...
「凯尔希」Kal'tsit Class
Created by Kaze*
English translate here https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2818396277 Praise Pandora! 5.2更新内容 扎营技能获取饰品的概率从5%上调到15% 致谢 ------------------------------------------ 特别感谢所有赞助我和帮我测试技能并反馈bug的朋友们! 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------...
「芙兰朵露」Flan Class
Created by Kaze*
English translate here https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2817806874 Praise Pandora! 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 主催:瑞秋·克劳狄乌斯 程序:Kaze*、ayaya 原画:anaertailin、lx 骨骼:anaertailin 特效:anaertailin 音效:Kamo Master 文案:古明地觉、爱姐姐的...
「加百列」The Gabriel Class
Created by Kaze*
开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 开发者名单: 主催:Eyegrim(艾格雷姆) 程序:Kaze* 原画:空白幻想 骨骼:w_s_l 特效:w_s_l 介绍 ------------------------------------------ “加百列!为了你,我变成恶魔模样!”——艾格雷姆 对于此刻的她而言,战斗便是唯一的救赎。 自断双翼,是为了能更好地行于大地 守护天使·加百列 但内含要素和成分及其复杂,如果你是艾尔登之王,是常长老,是光之...
「契术师」 Warlock class
Created by Deovolente
Including languages: 中文 English Русский 日本語 ———————————————————— Optional patch: fixes some issues that would cause the game to crash and memory overflow, extends the memory limit to 4G. In addition, the patch can increase the maximum number of trinkets fr...
「贴吧怪癖变态版」The OP Tieba Quirks
Created by gouzeizeigou
//超级变态警告,超级变态警告,强度拉满,平衡党请勿使用,心力衰竭的玩家可以尝试 哈喽,这里是贴吧怪癖的作者 自从贴吧怪癖上线以来,我收到了两类不同的声音,有人觉得贴吧怪癖过强,有人觉得强度还不够,所以通用版的贴吧怪癖我着重考虑了平衡性。 但是我也不会放弃需要强度的玩家,所以今天,贴吧怪癖的变态版他来了! //————变态版特性 变态掉率:滑稽书掉率提高到原来的50倍,享受怪癖像串稀一样掉落的快乐(?),掉落物不再受副本等级限制 变态上限:原来限一的怪癖全部解禁。人手一个。堆叠上限增加 除此之外,变态版的更...
Armor Class Mod
Created by NANO3
Preface 前言 I made a new class mod baced on the monster-Animated Armor in the Moonlit Dungeon mod. 我制作了一个基于月光地牢mod中怪物Animated Armor的新人物mod。非常感谢原mod制作组,原mod链接如下。 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2875467989 The artwork and animation is a...
「刻俄柏」Ceobe Class
Created by Kaze*
Has English Translation 致谢 ------------------------------------------ 特别感谢所有赞助我和帮我测试技能并反馈bug的朋友们! 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 程序:Kaze* 原画:包桑、阿川 骨骼:包桑 介绍 ------------------------------------------ 刻俄柏(Ceobe)是一个后排输出型角色,擅长破甲以及单发高伤害,她也拥有反击...
「帕梅莉&帕梅菈风格破盾重置」Pameli & Pamela Shieldbreaker Rework
Created by Kaze*
This mod Now have Full English Translation, Just no English Description, Have Fun :) Special Thanks to @mingmingaruns for English translation. 注意:预览图为早期皮肤测试截图所以可携带多个,该角色获得了一些加强所以现在仅可单独携带 致谢 ------------------------------------------ 特别感谢 瑞秋·克劳狄乌斯 赞助我与画师w_s...
「异界饰品包」The Farplane Trinkets
Created by yyyyy
what's this? This is a powerful trinkets pack that drops in the same way as very rare trinkets Back story The town recently spread a message, a farplane portal was opened outside the town, some do not belong to this world, full of magic power of the object...
Created by sonk
众所周知,哈姆雷特遭受了老祖花样祸害,他需要我们这些继承者出来给他擦屁股,但奇怪的是,随着继承者越发深入,他们发现此地的怪物开始娘化...... 这是一个fishman_crabby(螃蟹)的娘化mod,在此特别感谢 沉默之舌 的原画,画的针不戳٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶,还有 w_s_l 与 想想这把怎么白给 的技术指导和测试,sonk负责做动作和上传_(:3 ⌒゙)_ 附上同系列类型海湾鱼人娘化皮肤:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id...
「新岁丹楹」New Year's Trinkets Pack
Created by Kaze*
新年的钟声即将响起,爆竹声声打破旧日的烦恼,礼花缤纷迎来新年的吉兆,祝各位新年快乐,幸福美满~! 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 主催:Mhdss 程序:ayaya 原画:lx 说明 ------------------------------------------ 共9件饰品 均为“迎新”稀有度(获得方式同先祖饰品) 前往此处查看详细饰品预览 https://afdian.net/album/913f08e8735a11ecb8ee525...
「红莲 增强版」Red Lotus Enhance
Created by Deovolente
This version should be used in an enhanced difficulty mod environment, if you use the original version, you can switch to this version Red Lotus —————————————————————————— 包含语言 Including languages: English: full translation 中文:完整 Русский My other works htt...
「殷红迷雾 小丑重置」Geburah Jester Rework
Created by Kaze*
The early test version of the English translation is here Special Thank for ᑭᑌᗰᑭKᕮᖇIᑎO https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2545276743 致谢 ------------------------------------------ 特别感谢 瑞秋·克劳狄乌斯 赞助开发此角色 特别感谢所有赞助我和帮我测试技能并反馈bug的朋友们! 开发者名单 -...
Asset Variety Project
Created by Dragonborn
Just a mod containing shared assets used by my other Variety Projects. I did this so I don't have to define and maintain stuff several times. Load Order Should be somewhere near the top of the load order. It's important that this mod is loaded before all m...
「邵」Xiao Class Mod
Created by Kaze*
https://i.imgur.com/zGf07Sm.png Greetings, I'm just a mod creator driven by interest. This mod is just made by personal hobby, and it is not an official content released by RedHook. Since this is a single-player game, not a competitive online-game, every p...
「朝日群岛饰品改进」The Sunward Isles Trinkets improvement
Created by yyyyy
what's this In order to make all trinkets useful, modify the trinkets of The Sunward Isles mod. Compatibility Compatible with all but the modifiers for The Sunward Isles trinkets How to Use When sorting,Before The Sunward Isles mod demonstrate https://i.im...
贞德专属饰品 Need Ruler Class Mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1596685165&searchtext= Equipment Attributes Method Of Obtaining Champion Copy Task Reward Method Of Obtaining Buy from nomad wagon Comment: If there is an error in the t...
Created by EvilMask
To players using other languages This mod is for Chinese users only. It changes the translation of hero names to "looks" more feminine. You can just ignore this mod. 简介 本MOD修改了所有人物名的简体中文翻译(参考原翻译与英文原名),使其“看起来”更像女性的名字。包括大当家和二当家。适少女地牢玩家入手。 注意事项 与所有更改了以下文本id的m...
Created by sonk
这是一个maggot(蛆)的娘化mod,在此特别感谢 沉默之舌 的原画,画的针不戳٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶,sonk负责做动作和上传_(:3 ⌒゙)_ 我们将会推出更多的怪物娘皮肤,大家敬请期待ovo~ 下一期是海湾小提琴(≧▽≦) 合集:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2941045512...
Assault Kunoichi Class
Created by Kamo Master
Attention! This version requires DLC like C.C to work properly, And the DLC must be activated The version don't need DLC here. A ninja girl who is good at fighting in many situations According to the movement direction of the skill used last time, assign t...
「魔王 姬尔」GeleClass
Created by 凌晰曦
English localization done: 推荐下载汉化Mod获得更好体验https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1741850027&searchtext=Mod+%E7%AE%80%E4%BD%93%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87 警告:"该mod包含成人元素" Warning:"This mod contains mature elements" ———————————— 异世界的大门打开了,魔王姬尔的碎片散落到了世界...
(skin) The Eternal
Created by 十三号侯爵
I really like the Eternal mod and the art style of it, so I tried to make a skin for it. I'm sorry for not good at painting, so I have to made skins through splicing images. The resource used in this skin mod mainly came from hellion skin made by JEF. Than...
希望怪癖【Hope Quirks】
Created by sunshine
MOD介绍 Mod添加了新的补给品——希望之烛,使用后获得可随副本探索战斗而升级的怪癖——希望怪癖,怪癖共十一个等级(零到十),伴随着怪癖等级的提升,英雄将获得不断提高的加成。怪癖等级越高,升级所需时间将会增加,从零升级到十,大概需要带英雄下十个中本。(Mod属于好感度怪癖姊妹篇,类似于简化后的好感度怪癖,无额外的台词和效果,仅为数值加成,个人推荐和好感度怪癖任选其一,一起使用当然也是可以的。) 属性介绍 希望:零 无加成 希望:一 +1%抗性 希望:二 +1%基础属性 +1%抗性 希望:三 +1%基础属性...
吉安娜/The Jaina Class Mod
Created by Sterile Water
At present, the mod have English and Chinese version in the game. bug反馈群号:695427981(看到就修,最好带图) 开发者名单(Mod developers) ------------------------------------------ 画师(Painter):天堂克洛迪娜! 技能设计( Skill Designer):狗贼贼狗(主要)、sunshine、Sterile Water 动画制作(Animator):Sterile...
Created by 乌鸦先生
中文 & English Exclusive diseases: Alcohol addiction is divided into three types, corresponding to different conditions, can be changed through drinking. Exclusive drops: similar to antique drops of antiquarian, wine drops with both. Hamlet wine, if drunk by...
「幻术师」The Mesmer Class
Created by Deovolente
Click here to jump to the nerfed version This MOD must be placed above the Lilith class, as shown here https://i.imgur.com/pfawXBq.png https://i.imgur.com/brBjuX0.png 中文 English https://i.imgur.com/noSLiXI.png https://i.imgur.com/q4GWp1Q.gif Class Descript...
Created by EKG
这套字体有什么特点? 1. 补全了原版字体缺字漏字问题,使其更加适配模组环境,现在任何生僻字都可以正常显示了。 (就算kaze大佬最新爱发电职业"旧裔"的古神低语都没有任何压力) https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1814400546064630003/DFF75F2DD2D59DF5DB9E5754433BD9B2C6E6CD4A/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%2300000...
「妖狐巫女」The Kitsune Miko
Created by Kaze*
This mod Now have Full English Translation. Thank you for trying this mod!Have Fun :) Seems there's some issue with Russian translation. Try use the other one on the link below, or use other supported language for now... Special Thanks --------------------...
「谢肉祭游荡Boss」Carnival Bosses
Created by Kaze*
Special Thanks ------------------------------------------ Thank all my friends who have sponsored me or helped me test skills or give me feedbacks! Credits ------------------------------------------ Sponsor: 瑞秋•克劳狄乌斯 Playstyle & Skill Design: 瑞秋•克劳狄乌斯 Prog...
Atalanta Class Mod Rework
Created by Kamo Master
英雄MOD阿塔兰忒重制版 不能与旧版共存,但可继承使用了 旧版阿塔兰忒mod 的存档,建议在城镇内保存后,更换新旧版MOD 在地牢探索中更换可能会出现技能模式的混乱 专属首饰包地址 The Atalante class mod has been remade,Cannot co-exist with the old mod ,but can inherit save files with the old mod It is recommended to replace the old mod with th...
Created by 拜悼
请把本mod置于所有mod列表顶端:在选择存档右面那个小锤子,也就是mod列表里面,鼠标左键长按本mod然后使劲往上拖,拖到顶!(希望我讲的够清楚) 否则会导致mod汉化失效。 为了大家方便做的合集,没有新内容。 ———————————————————————————————————————— ———————————————————————————————————————— 合集中包含: 英雄: 该隐骑士(knight of cain) 稚孽 (The Innocent ) 磨坊主(The Miller) ...
「天满 赏金猎人重置」Tenma Bounty Hunter Rework
Created by Kaze*
生死界限动画已修复 致谢 ------------------------------------------ 特别感谢 瑞秋·克劳狄乌斯 赞助开发此重置技能版本 特别感谢所有赞助我和帮我测试技能并反馈bug的朋友们! 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 主催:瑞秋•克劳狄乌斯 玩法与技能设计:瑞秋•克劳狄乌斯 程序:Kaze* 原画:w_s_l 骨骼动画:GhastRiv 介绍 ---------------------------------...
塞雷娅/The Saria Class Mod
Created by Sterile Water
At present, the mod have English and Chinese version in the game. bug反馈群号:695427981(看到就修,最好带图) 开始游戏前请务必勾选包括马戏团在内的全部dlc,不然会出问题 Before starting the game, please be sure to start all DLCs, including The Butcher's Circus, or there will be problems 开发者名单(Mod de...
「废墟图书馆天启鸟饰品」The apocalypse bird trinkets
Created by gouzeizeigou
本mod为还原废墟图书馆中三鸟书页以及天启鸟书页的饰品mod 内容包涵:饰品:小喙,长臂,巨目 补给:异想体书页:小喙,异想体书页:巨目 已阅丁真,鉴定为:超模饰品 饰品获取:水晶商店 注意事项:天启鸟状态触发时有剑冢鬼叫,小心被吓到(不过图书馆玩家应该习惯了) 小喙书页装备在高鸟书页左边才有大量真伤,不在左边则没大量真伤,如何搭配看个人喜好 欢迎加群:732048214 有中文翻译和English localization √...
浊心斯卡蒂--Skadi the corrupting heart
Created by 慢驼螺
Skadi the corrupting heart The following English introduction is translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) Introduction This is a character mod, but also includes additional content such as monsters, accessories and events, and will be update...
Created by 拜悼
请把本mod置于所有mod列表顶端:在mod列表里面,鼠标左键长按本mod然后使劲往上拖 否则会导致mod汉化失效。 ———————————————————————————————————————— 为了大家整理的更方便点,以后会9个9个汉化mod做一个合集。 而且合集里面的汉化有些小缺陷都被我补好了,单独的汉化是没有的。 ———————————————————————————————————————— 合集中包含(完全汉化): 弓箭手(the bowman) 舞女(the courtesan) 虫巢意志(...
末世鼠疫 简体汉化
Created by ump40
末世鼠疫 个人汉化 ...
「旧裔」The Ancient Ones Class
Created by Kaze*
This mod have full English Translation 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 开发者名单: 程序:Kaze* 原画:核菇 骨骼:GhastRiv 特效:GhastRiv 介绍 ------------------------------------------ 因为技能机制有点复杂 特意写了太长不看版 愿意看详细版的可以去https://afdian.net/album/b932c8a8d80e11ec8c7b...
4 Trinkets+24 slot inventory
Created by 小凯先生
4 Trinkets+24 slot inventory...
Created by 深海怨念子
本mod会影响游戏体验!谨慎订阅 前排提示:mod现已内置补给购买界面拓展,如有其他补给购买拓展mod,请让此mod排序在下方 (作者更新mod内容时会短时间多次更新,用以检测bug,除非更新到稳定版本,前面的多次更新肯定会有bug。目前是否稳定:是) 新加了削弱版,更想要平衡的玩家请移步此处:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2622241052 来都来了,不看看我的其他mod嘛:https://steamcommunity.co...
「特效饰品 丛雨丸」Senren*Banka Trinket
Created by Kaze*
(Sorry,My English is very bad,so this is Machine Translate,True English Introduction coming soon) Introduction ------------------------------------------ A new special effects Trinkets "Murasame Maru" will produce knife light effect and Murasame follow eff...
Describe your mod in 8000 characters or less here!...
「爱国者」The Patriot
Created by Kaze*
The early test version of the English translation is here Special Thank for Exhausted Scottish Fish https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2572874923 刷不出大爹的把所有dlc全打开再试试 致谢 ------------------------------------------ 特别感谢 红狼vii 赞助开发此角色 特别感谢所有...
阎罗王/The Yama Boss Mod
Created by Sterile Water
At present, the mod have English and Chinese version in the game. bug反馈群号:695427981(看到就修,最好带图) 开发者名单(Mod developers) ------------------------------------------ 画师(Painter):天堂克洛迪娜!; 技能设计(Boss Skill Designer):sunshine(主要),Sterile Water; 动画制作(Animator):Steril...
「灾厄」Scourge Class
Created by Deovolente
Including languages: 中文 English ———————————————————————— Scourge is a high stats support type Class core mechanic design ideas are not good enough and are awaiting subsequent redraws and reworks. Therefore, this version does not provide a detailed descript...
Created by sonk
这是一个collector(收藏家)以及三颗头的娘化mod,在此特别感谢 沉默之舌 的原画,画的针不戳٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶,sonk负责做动作和上传_(:3 ⌒゙)_ 我们将会推出更多的怪物娘皮肤,大家敬请期待ovo~ 下一个是蛆虫🥵 合集:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2941045512         ___,,...,,__ /`''/`i   |``~--,...~```     `` * |   i ヽ      ...
「米拉库尔 神秘学者重置」Miracle Occultist Rework
Created by Kaze*
This mod have Full English Translation, Just no English Description, Have Fun :) 致谢 ------------------------------------------ 特别感谢 瑞秋·克劳狄乌斯 赞助开发此重置技能版本 特别感谢所有赞助我和帮我测试技能并反馈bug的朋友们! 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 主催:瑞秋•克劳狄乌斯 玩法与技能设计:瑞秋•克劳狄...
「梅喧」Baiken Class
Created by Kaze*
How to use the last 2 skill: First, A trinkets called "Wulun Book" it's Ancestal Rarity When Use Wulun Book, The Skill Can be used after using "Kabari" Skill 致谢 ------------------------------------------ 特别感谢所有赞助我和帮我测试技能并反馈bug的朋友们! 开发者名单 ------------------...
「妖狐巫女」The Kitsune Miko NSFW Skin
Created by 柚子可乐
****************Warning, NSFW content*********************** !!! Please place this mod on top of the original mod !!! NSFW skin for the Kitsune Miko. - Needs the The Kitsune Miko Class mod - Compatible with Suzuran miko skin. - The walking animation may lo...
antiquarian foxdemon skin
Created by anaertailin
****************Warning, nudity*********************** 使用了新骨骼动画,会和其他皮肤冲突 New skeleton animation is used, which will clash with other skins If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon. patreon.com/anaertailin ...
Created by 闲鱼打散人
基于a大十字军皮肤——罪业骑士制作的独立人物。 包括中度重置英雄技能。 5个新扎营技能。 5个可以分别获得怪癖额特殊(水晶)饰品 借物鸣谢: a大罪业骑士皮肤“喜闻乐见版”,应该是电圈朋友改的(我忘了) 梦兆骑士mod的武器贴图 龙血继承者mod的防具贴图 浪剑mod的一个fx效果 ff14的各种素材 ps:a大创意工坊https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198047713904/myworkshopfiles/ 有更多好作品哦!有能力的可以去a大的爱发电支持一...
Abyssal Horror Miniboss
Created by Seal
The Abyssal Horror Miniboss mod is a roaming miniboss that can appear in champion(lv. 5) Cove quests. First Encounter There's a town event that occurs once the player has 4 lv 5 heroes and is past week 12. This town event triggers a medium length plot ques...
自用汉化 个人风格向“修正”
Created by 恶夜深眠
这个mod是做什么的? 这是一个对各种职业汉化的mod,它对一些无汉化的职业做了或多或少的汉化(能力 精力有限) 以及对有些已有汉化的职业做一些自己喜欢的汉化修改(个人向),或者是更为“专业”的汉化(黑魂限定,使有些汉化内容更贴近原著) 有了更完整的汉化可以取消订阅或把其放在这个mod之上 它包括: 暗影太阳葛温德林 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=971313538&searchtext=acolyte 龙狩者翁斯坦 https...
Apothecary COMplete
Created by Scorpiova
UPDATE: JUNE 26TH -Added CC Trinkets (let me know if they work or not). -Added Crit Buff for COM. This mod adds the class Apothecary to Darkest Dungeon. She can act as a healer and/or a support character in combat. The Apothecary is highly intelligent and ...
Created by sonk
“当海水灌进肺中,她的意识逐渐麻木,在死寂的深渊里,祭司们吟诵渎神的咒语,她再次睁开双目,从此世界一片血红” ———————————————————— 这是一个bloated_corpse(溺尸)的娘化mod,在此特别感谢 沉默之舌 的原画,画的针不戳٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶,sonk负责做动作和上传_(:3 ⌒゙)_ 我们将会推出更多的怪物娘皮肤,大家敬请期待ovo~ 合集:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2941045512 —...
Abathur - New Mini Boss
Created by Arylice
After many attempts on the Darkest Dungeon's workshop, I've finally made my dream come true! This mod adds a new mini boss spawning in the Weald : Abathur, the evolution master from Starcraft 2! *** Support If you want to help me out : Click here to check ...
「星空夜愿 2.5」StarryNight Trinkets Pack
Created by Kaze*
Apologize I'm Kaze, I'm very sorry, first of all, I didn't design this boss, but I wrote the code. Because of Nyx's criticized strength and mechanics, I had a lot of fights with 瑞秋·克劳狄乌斯 before, and I wasn't satisfied with the version I released later. It ...
「玉藻前 牧师重置」Yuzao Former Priest Reset
Created by 吟风仙人
这是一个基于A大免费牧师皮肤玉藻前的各色修改,首先要感谢A大的授权,感谢他创作了如此棒的皮肤。 If you like his works and hope to sponsor A University patreon.patreon.com/anaertailin 如果你喜欢他的作品,并希望资助A大的话 patreon.com/anaertailin 在国内的朋友可以选择afdian.net/@anaertailin ************* 我创作这个mod的初衷,就是想让玉藻也陪伴着各位镇长大人一...
A Jester's Journey
Created by Maester Silvio
WORKS WITH CRIMSON COURT WORKS WITH COLOR OF MADNESS A Jester's Journey is a mod that adds the 200+ lore pages from Pitch Black Dungeon into the game with maximum compatibility. Not only that, but all journal pages can be brought back to the hamlet and sol...
Shishiro Botan Class Mod
Created by Mistrin
https://i.imgur.com/GzxLcBv.jpeg This modification adds the playable character "Shishiro Botan" to your roster. It also includes an additional town event and 4 new trinkets. Look for new opportunities to combine character abilities, as well as try to find ...
「殷红迷雾」The Red Mist
Created by Kaze*
You can put your mouse on the move button, slowly move it towards the right direction, then you will find the "PASS TURN" button. It is invisible, but you can still click it and pass your current turn. If your inventory has something occupying the position...
「樱舞散华」SakuraMai Trinkets Pack
Created by Kaze*
This mod is currently only available in Chinese 封面图来自互联网 侵删 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 主催:Kaze* 程序:Kaze*、ayaya 美术:九九九九归一、OLD ASS、長門ちゃん、段竹 特效:長門ちゃん、Kaze* 介绍 ------------------------------------------ 共包含37件新饰品,其中1件饰品为特效饰品,类似丛雨丸,当你携带“神秘...
Abysssinker Class Mod
Created by ZIMIK
“没有痛苦,长眠吧。” ————————————————————————————————————————————————— 支持语言(Language) 简体中文 English Russian (By @CHuSkH) ————————————————————————————————————————————————— https://i.imgur.com/Nwpgrze.png ————————————————————————————————————————————————— 背景介绍(Backstor...
「a大火枪重置」Musketeer Remake
Created by Kaze*
致谢 ------------------------------------------ 特别感谢 瑞秋·克劳狄乌斯 赞助开发此重置技能版本 特别感谢所有赞助我和帮我测试技能并反馈bug的朋友们! 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 主催:瑞秋•克劳狄乌斯 玩法与技能设计:瑞秋•克劳狄乌斯 程序:Kaze*、Abyss Watcher 原画:anaertailin 骨骼动画:anaertailin、長門ちゃん 介绍 --------------...
Created by 闲鱼打散人
根据Z大“天灾”瘟疫医生皮肤制作的独立英雄。 轻度魔改技能,两个专属首饰。 原皮肤地址https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3012711092&searchtext=%E5%A4%A9%E7%81%BE 更多好东西请见白纸妈的工坊https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198104936608 感谢喵 ...
Abundant Loot
Mod Description Hello! This mod increases the amount of loot you gain effectively by double for players who want a quicker campaign. -All Gold Gains are doubled -All Heirloom Gains are doubled -All Gem Gains are doubled -Greater Chance to find better trink...
Created by sonk
这是一个madman(疯子)的娘化mod,在此特别感谢 沉默之舌 的原画,画的针不戳٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶,sonk负责做动作和上传(*´︶`*)╯ 我们将会推出更多的怪物娘皮肤,大家敬请期待~ 剧透一下,下一期是爬爬娘哦,白白的🥰大大的🥵prprpr 合集:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2941045512...
好感度怪癖【Love Token】
Created by sunshine
MOD介绍 本mod新增“信物”类别掉落物(战斗结算或奇物互动均可获得),赠予英雄“信物”将提升英雄对您的好感度(由怪癖体现),伴随好感度的增加,英雄将获得额外的属性加成。 100%好感度后赠送史诗信物或传说信物,将特化好感度怪癖,并赋予人物不同的性格和能力,施展特殊能力时会说出对应的台词(部分台词可能需要配合美少女皮肤食用,不然...)。 信物介绍 稀有信物——花:赠予英雄提升10%好感度(最高100%),综合掉率10%。 史诗信物——剑:赠予英雄提升30%好感度,在英雄满好感度时赠予将特化好感度怪癖为“...
Apothecary Class Anime Style Skin & Sch localization
Created by Kamo Master
!!!!注意有裸露内容!!!! !!!!! Warning! Naked content.Warning!!! ScorpiovaEden大佬制作的药剂师mod的魔物娘皮肤一套及汉化翻译 需要先订阅或安装药剂师职业mod本体~ 以下二选一,区别在于需不需要DLC A skin for ScorpiovaEden‘s Apothecary Class mod. You need to subscribe to the Apothecary Class mod first(Just have to pick o...
Created by 闲鱼打散人
基于单挑王大佬的破盾者哪吒皮肤制作的独立角色 原作:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2835243525&searchtext=%E5%93%AA%E5%90%92 请大家支持我也支持他!...
大史莱姆美化monster girl ectoplasm large
Created by Samui
这次mod鸽了很久才做出来,更换了原版的大史莱姆,为了防止举报,我将上传sfw版本,如果需要nsfw可以前往我的爱发电下载。 最近时间很紧张,质量略低,十分抱歉,同时感谢⑨幻对我的大力支持 Replacement of the SFW art for Giant Slimes, this time the time was short and the quality wasn't very good, this time I did open up the NSFW version on Patreon a...
Created by sonk
这是一个gargoyle(石像鬼)的娘化mod,在此特别感谢 沉默之舌 的原画,画的针不戳٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶,sonk负责做动作和上传_(:3 ⌒゙)_ 我们将会推出更多的怪物娘皮肤,大家敬请期待ovo~ 合集:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2941045512...
「风佑之狐」The Fuujin Kitsune
Created by Kaze*
IMPORTANT ------------------------------------------ It is recommended to have this mod with The Kitsune Miko and place this mod on top of he Kitsune Miko to activate collaborationcontent Developer List ------------------------------------------ coding:Kaz...
Created by 闲鱼打散人
基于a大的“地狱女祭司”修女皮独立出的class。 首次尝试双模式编写,重度重做技能组,自身有附带act效果的专属疾病和仅能因为该疾病获取的两个比较强的红癖。 PS:没有新的专属美德/折磨,没有新的首饰 借物鸣谢:黑魔class的一个fx ff14游戏音效(录屏保存) 杰洛特和圣殿骑士代码学习等 ps:a大创意工坊https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198047713904/myworkshopfiles/ 有更多好作品哦!有能力的可以去a大的爱发电支持一下!...
Apothecary Class Vanilla
Created by Scorpiova
Adds the Apothecary to DD. This is the vanilla game version for no dlc users. This mod adds the class Apothecary to Darkest Dungeon. She can act as a healer and/or a support character in combat. The Apothecary is highly intelligent and resourceful. She spe...
齐天大圣/The Monkey King Class Mod
Created by Sterile Water
重大更新!!!2023年4月20日,齐天大圣猴哥已迎来全方位重做! 重大更新!!!2023年4月20日,齐天大圣猴哥已迎来全方位重做! 重大更新!!!2023年4月20日,齐天大圣猴哥已迎来全方位重做! 具体改动可以看这个视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1RL411e7Sm/?spm_id_from=444.41.list.card_archive.click&vd_source=3a5be1cf36c670c699dc202225bf4761 (视频比较无聊,基本是...
Created by 乌鸦先生
人物介绍 ———————————————— 血祭猎人是一个23号位置的输出角色,对体型大或者对数量多的怪物有着特别的优势,她可以拥有反击和反隐的技能。 同时她有着8件不同稀有度的饰品。 弹药系统:武器是双管猎枪,有两颗子弹,不同攻击消耗不同数量的子弹,然后需要换弹才能继续使用枪械相关的技能。 连击机制:技能后面带有【连击】的词条是本回合不结束的意思,可以多动。 Blood Sacrifice Hunter is an output character in position 23, with a speci...
「WO 弩手重置」WO Arbalest Remake
Created by Kaze*
致谢 ------------------------------------------ 特别感谢 瑞秋·克劳狄乌斯 赞助开发此重置技能版本 特别感谢所有赞助我和帮我测试技能并反馈bug的朋友们! 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 主催:瑞秋•克劳狄乌斯 玩法与技能设计:瑞秋•克劳狄乌斯 程序:Kaze* 原画:aneartailin 介绍 ------------------------------------------ 这是官方角色“弩...
Abigail Class Mod
Created by ashcarrier
warning!!! nude content included!!! warning!!! nude content included!!! warning!!! nude content included!!! Hello guys, I am a new modder and this is my first mod this is Abigail from Metal Slug Attack... I know the one from fgo is more famous, sry this is...
Created by Ego
这个mod增加了马车升级时增加的英雄名册上限,为打了很多职业mod的选手准备,但又不至于在前期就开放几乎用不完的营房位置而丧失对英雄选择性招募的决策。而在等级升级到最高时,营房数量将提升到129。 此外,增加了熟手招募的等级上限,当你把熟手招募升级到最高级之后马车将会刷出等级5、拥有更多正面怪癖和更少负面怪癖的英雄,方便刷英雄特质。 最后这个mod还修改了饰品商店,增加了每周商品数量的同时提高了高稀有度饰品出现的机会,并将出售隐藏饰品。 其实原本是自用的不过封面都画了不发出来说不过去() This mod ...
生死簿/The Obituary Class Mod
Created by Sterile Water
At present, the mod have English and Chinese version in the game. bug反馈群号:695427981(看到就修,最好带图) 开发者名单(Mod developers) ------------------------------------------ 画师(Painter):天堂克洛迪娜! 技能设计( Skill Designer):sunshine(主要)、Sterile Water 动画制作(Animator):Sterile Wate...
antiquarian foxdemon SFW skin
Created by stratus
A大的作品恶魔狐狸的SFW版,因为这个皮肤真的太戳我xp了,但原版用着又怕社死,所以自作主张画了SFW版 只是稍微做了点修改,非常感谢A大同意我将这个SFW版上传到创意工坊!上传过程中给A大添了不少麻烦,真是抱歉了!(つд⊂) 附A大的作品原址:https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198047713904/myworkshopfiles/ 以及A大的赞助网站: patreon.com/anaertailin afdian.net/@anaertailin ...
Created by sonk
“海难夺走了这位音乐家的性命,而她不甘自己的才华就这样被埋没,因此借助伟大之力的馈赠,她向听众展示能让阿撒托斯都迷醉的音乐” ———————————————————— 这是一个pirate(怨鬼小提琴)的娘化mod,在此特别感谢 沉默之舌 的原画,画的针不戳٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶,sonk负责做动作和上传_(:3 ⌒゙)_ 我们将会推出更多的怪物娘皮肤,大家敬请期待ovo~ 下一期是溺尸(≧▽≦) 合集:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?...
「艾格雷姆之忆」Eyegrim's Memory Trinkets Pack
Created by Kaze*
This mod is currently only available in Chinese 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 主催:Eyegrim(艾格雷姆) 程序:ayaya 美术:lx 介绍 ------------------------------------------ 共包含11件新饰品,其中6件饰品使用了星夜的贴图,但重做了效果,可以与星夜的共存 前往此处查看详细饰品预览 https://afdian.net/album/cd...
「缪」The Rabbit Protocol
Created by Kaze*
The early test version of the English translation is here Special Thank for ᑭᑌᗰᑭKᕮᖇIᑎO https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2519382016 致谢 ------------------------------------------ 特别感谢Aprotinin赞助我开发此角色 其次,感谢所有赞助我和帮我测试技能并反馈bug的朋友们! 开发者名单 ...
20/6/23 修复了汉化方面的毛病 所有词条已经完整汉化 自用,整合了:7怪癖mod;240怪癖mod;血色庭院额外怪癖mod;已经修改所有我认为有用的怪癖(部分负面怪癖也很有用)现在每个英雄可以拥有7个正面怪癖+7个负面怪癖。有用怪癖和无用怪癖的出现比例为:15:1,改这个很累要一个个查,算法也有点蛋疼,给对游戏看法跟我一样的朋友用。后期可能会更新我订阅的所有mod的怪癖修改(我自己已经用上了只是懒得整合- -)。 使用了Florence "Bunsena" Burner 大佬的mod:https://...
(skin) The Itinerant Cook
Created by 十三号侯爵
I really like the Eternal mod and the art style of it, so I tried to make a skin for it. I'm sorry for not good at painting, so I have to made skins through splicing images. The resource used in this skin mod mainly came from Tifa skin made by JEF. Thank j...
Created by sonk
“他说会与你平分那些骇人的遗产,他还说过要与你分享禁忌的知识,但他仅仅付出花言巧语,在你分神的那一刻刺出匕首,从此世间的奥秘与你无缘...可命运无常,在这座被诅咒的庄园里,你再次“活 ”了过来,重新阔步于那名狡诈骗子的家中,慢慢的接管曾经失去的一切。” 开发者名单 ———————————————————— 原画:沉默之舌 骨骼:sonk 介绍 ———————————————————— 这是一个死灵法师的娘化mod。 如果出现bug,欢迎反馈,如果对风格有任何意见,请自行修改文件内容达到自己的预期。 合集:h...
拔刀剑 Slash Blade
Created by 苏小琪
I am no longer capable of translating this mod. If you would like to take over the translation work, please contact me. Pre-mod description: This mod is complete Slash Blade mod, don't run it with other Slash Blade mods. This mod provides exclusive trinket...
好感度饰品【Love Trinkets】
Created by sunshine
This mod has English description, if you want to know more about this mod, please read down 该mod添加了6件饰品,好感之花,审判之剑,钢铁之盾,魅惑之杖,复苏之书和死亡之骨,贴图同我的好感度怪癖mod。 获取方式:好感之花和死亡之骨在水晶商店购买,其余同原版先祖饰品获取方式。 可能有人看不到图片,所以我用语言描述下各个饰品的效果: 审判之剑 +10精准 +10暴击如果敌方生命值高于50% +25%伤害如果敌方生命值...
Created by sonk
这是一个shambler(跛行者)以及小爬的娘化mod,在此特别感谢 沉默之舌 的原画,画的针不戳٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶,sonk负责做动作和上传_(:3 ⌒゙)_ 不得不吐槽下就是地牢这滤镜很奇怪,为了找到合适紫色背景的爬爬颜色,只能把原画颜色修的非常燥,纯度和饱和度有点高 我们将会推出更多的怪物娘皮肤,大家敬请期待ovo~ 合集:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2941045512 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵 爬爬娘,我好喜欢你啊 为了你😨😨...
「脑叶公司饰品 NO.1」Lobotomy Corporation Trinkets Pack NO.1
Created by Kaze*
Announcement ------------------------------------------ Sponsor:Aprotinin Code:Kaze* Art:OLD ASS Introduction ------------------------------------------ Ten trinkets from "Lobotomy Corporation". In the production process, game materials are used. This mod ...
Created by foxical
請把本MOD放到所有的大型汉化的最上方,避免覆盖 可选择安装以下mod,不必全部安装。 以下人物mod选择性安装 本汉化介绍 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 【MOD人物篇】 王之刃基亚兰 完全汉化(对话部分完全汉化) 王之盾(魂二王大锤) 少许对话未...
Created by Kaze*
The early test version of the English translation is here Special Thank for ᑭᑌᗰᑭKᕮᖇIᑎO https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2539275240 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 主催:Fonsion 程序:Kaze* 原画:anaertailin 特效:Kaze* 文案:Fonsion...
Created by sonk
“凡人向深渊借取力量,而深渊也回应了这些凡人,他们有的为了一己私利,也有的为了虚无的目标,但最终,他们都将回归到那不可名状之中。” 开发者名单 ———————————————————— 原画:沉默之舌 骨骼:sonk 介绍 ———————————————————— 这是一个cultist邪教徒二人组的娘化mod。 如果出现bug,欢迎反馈,如果对风格有任何意见,请自行修改文件内容达到自己的预期。 关于 ———————————————————— 合集:https://steamproxy.net/sh...
Banner Bearer (Class Variety Project)
Created by Dragonborn
Requires Asset Variety Project "The beat of the drums, trumpets going in unison, shouts of the commander and hardy men preparing for one last battle. The Bannermen march on the Darkest Dungeon to put an end to this abomination for once and for all." Welcom...
Better Trinkets
Created by Oks
https://i.imgur.com/BbALsKY.png Feature: Remove all negative effects on every trinket in the game, include all DLC trinkets. This will make the game a little easier. Other Mods: https://i.imgur.com/YWxrnfv.png https://i.imgur.com/FVTVpUL.png https://i.imgu...
Bloodstained Decadence
Created by Hestrir
!Extra versions are found on: - this mod's Nexus page ( nexusmods dot com/darkestdungeon/mods/1242/ ) - my patreon .--*^FoR FrEe^*-- ( patreon dot com/Hestrir ) Welcome one, welcome all! The luxurious replacer made all the way from inside the horny jail is...
Butcher Outlaw skin
Created by anaertailin
******warning*************warning*********warning********* There is naked content Happy International Worker's Day, workers 劳动节快乐,劳动者们 这是根据我未发布的魔物娘mod改造的适应Butcher class mod(https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=1100230439)的皮肤 This is accordin...
Cult of Depravit(教徒美化)
Created by 十三号侯爵
Well,I can not draw at all,this mod are made by others picture Thanks for Hair and skin(literal meaning) from:special mod modder:yakou 。I’ve got permission Body:modder:JEF /jefuty(eveningheart)。I’ve got permission Face:《Last Origin》 translate:首席汉化师 爱德华(爱德华...
Banshee Boss Missions
Created by Marvin Seo
This mod is an extension to the Banshee Miniboss Mod, which can be found here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1655294502 This mod adds unique missions to the Weald that allow you to immediately fight the Banshee. The mission will be...
Better Boss Rewards - COLOR OF MADNESS
Created by Anonymous_Koala
Like better boss rewards, but for CoM. FIRST COM QUEST: rare, uncommon, common SECOND COM QUEST: Comet rarity, very rare, rare Check out my monster collection here! https://imgur.com/xvvd74u.png...
Better Boss Rewards - CRIMSON COURT
Created by Anonymous_Koala
Like better boss rewards, but for Crimson Court. ALL CC QUESTS: 3 CC trinkets This mod is incompatible with Virulent Overhaul and Courtyard+, though the latter has a compatiblity patch. Check out my monster collection here! https://imgur.com/xvvd74u.png...
Better Boss Rewards - BASE GAME
Created by Anonymous_Koala
This mod makes all of the boss quests in the game(including the first Ruins quest and Darkest Dungeon quests) drop 3 trinkets as mission loot instead of just 1. These 3 are of different rarities. BOSS QUESTS AND DARKEST DUNGEON QUESTS: very rare, rare, unc...
Better Nomad Wagon (CC)
Created by o'night
Improves Nomad Wagon by increasing amount of trinkets and chances of rare trinkets appearance. Version WITHOUT Crimson Court trinkets Version with Sunward Isles and CC trinkets Detailed info: Better Nomad Wagon Number of Trinkets: 3 trinkets 6 trinkets 9 t...
Better Sets
Created by arfunzals
IMPORTANT: This mod will likely be incompatible with any other mods that alter the Crimson Court Trinkets and Set Trinkets. Note: This mod was "balanced" with 3 other mods in mind: Three Trinkets by Oks, Better Trinkets by Oks, and the Heroes Unchained ser...
Black Cat 简/正體中文
Created by KTkt
黑猫职业的 简体/正體 中文汉化。 ====== Powered by chatGPT. 使用chatGPT翻译xml文件的提示词模板 See the prompt here: https://chat.openai.com/share/02e3d68f-9340-4948-b706-9a25334f7c09 在GPT翻译之后,我会通过校对来修正不合理的部分,so it's not straight out of machine translation. ====== 正體中文為直接轉換,或許不符合用語習慣...
Black cat new class
Created by RoGNeZ
LOOKING FOR AN ARTIST FOR JOINT PROJECTS Hello) I worked on this character for a month and a half, I was interested in making some kind of tank with mechanics useful to the team, do not judge strictly I am not a pro player or artist, but I tried to make th...
Blazing Lord Class
Created by snorlaxxo
"Despite the strange, menacing aura surrounding her, the new traveling visitor explains she means no harm and swears her loyalty to you, her only wish is the conquest of these cursed lands. While her words seem sincere, you can clearly sense she's hiding s...
Blood Hunter Highwayman Skin
Created by ZIMIK
说明 1.This mod modifies the Highwayman's anim. To ensure this mod works, please sort this mod above the otherHighwayman's skin mod 2.This mod does not have R18,safe for work. 感兴趣欢迎前往查看后续卫星,非常感谢~ 我的爱发电:@ZIMIK https://afdian.net/@ZIMIK] My Patreon :@ZIMIK htt...
BR Duchess patch黑圣物公爵夫人补丁汉化mod
Created by 奈何米线
这是补丁的汉化 一个非官方的适当补丁,让公爵夫人在黑色圣物箱中工作,她充分利用了所有新机制。 这个补丁提供了什么? 纪念品(以前是深红色的宫廷小饰品)现在是违禁品 - 可以在小饰品商店购买,现在可以从违禁品特有的怪癖中受益。他们不再有无望的随机机会从战斗中掉下来!还有一些小饰品的新艺术品。 所有公爵夫人专用的小饰品套装都允许她扮演多个截然不同的战斗角色,具体取决于她的隶属关系!你可以让她的坦克伤害、坦克压力、治疗团队、用强大的反击来碾压敌人的队伍,与野地人交换大量伤害,或者每天整天暴击! 她的基础属性接近可...
Boosted Recruits
Created by Maester Silvio
WORKS WITH CRIMSON COURT WORKS WITH COLOR OF MADNESS Enjoy having rebalanced Experienced Recruits so that they show up far more frequently, as well as having the ability to receive level 4 and 5 heroes with the new levels of building upgrades!...
Created by 异度旅人
Since the strength of CC sets in the original game is not worthy of the difficulty of collecting, I dared to redo all CC trinkets Contains new effects, and everyone's exclusive abilities - Of course, these trinkets are not not unbalanced! While the effect ...
Created by CaptainSnafu
Just chinese translation for some mods: 只是一些自己翻译的简体中文汉化。 右边那堆必要mod只是方便你们订阅各个想要的原mod,不用全部订阅。 本mod要在启动游戏时将其排到最前顺序(所有汉化mod都是) 饰品mod: '70 NEW TRINKETS!' Mod Clair's Collection of Curiosities Bits Pieces:A Monster Trinket Mod The Advent of the Ghost 怪物mod: Abys...
Bogatyr Class Mod
Created by Seal
Copyright 2020 S-Purple. This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named S-Purple/Slightly Started Seal, I do not allow edits and redistribution of my work. The Bogatyr is tank with focus on stunning, debuffing, and h...
Butcher Class Mod
Created by GhostSeeker
Introduction Hey everyone! This is my fourth class mod i've been working on for past month. Butcher is frontline Damage dealer that can quickly finish of enemies one after another. He has some features my other classes don't, because i wanted to make him m...
CapS中文汉化2 chinese texts
Created by CaptainSnafu
Just some chinese translation texts for mods. 自己用的一些中文汉化和修补。要排到最上面去。 ========================================== 1. Dimensional Havoc 只弄了不到20%,但修复一些蓝字和频闪 2. The Mambo Hero Class mod 补充翻译了一些蓝字部分 3. Homunculus / Class mod 1.7 补充翻译了一些蓝字部分 4. More Quirks Mod 全是...
Community Dialogue Project
Created by Bit.jester
Ever get just a little tired of seeing the heroes say the same lines over and over? This mod adds nearly sixteen thousand hero lines to the game, but it will always be a work in progress. If you want to contribute your own lines to the mod, go to: https://...
Clair's Collection of Curiosities
Created by Sabelette
I have decided to leave my mods up but will not be taking any further questions or comments about them. Please allow me to move on with my life and do not add me as a friend or otherwise contact me if I do not know you. --- This mod makes slight balance ch...
cat magician
Created by kittyintheblack
The things I have done, the things I have seen. Never were they meant for others eyes. Yet: as I pillage the dead, steal magic from the veins of the accursed, and set fire to the doomed, one does sit by and watch. A lonely cat, admiring in delight the bloo...
Cleric Errant
Created by Badger
Introduction ------------------------------------------ The Cleric Errant is a durable frontliner who is adept at healing and buffing his allies. Passive Effect ------------------------------------------ The Cleric Errant heals all allies for 10% max HP wh...
Crusader Myrtle/テンニンカ Skin MOD
【明日方舟/アークナイツ/Arknights】桃金娘/テンニンカ/Myrtle Skin 誰がっ!戦場でっ!旗を武器にするんだよっ! 5番目にスキンを追加するタイプなので、スキン変更系とは干渉し、表示がおかしくなります。 初めて作ったスキンの賞味期限があと2ヶ月(DD2の発売が5月に決定したため)です。対戦ありがとうございました。...
Courtyard Plus
Created by Moon/Void Slime
~~~Welcome to the courtyard, we have fun and games~~~ Courtyard Plus is designed to be an expansion onto of the regular Crimson Court DLC. It's main focus is to add onto the DLC, while trying to keep the base feel and flow of the DLC there. All feedback is...
Crimson Court with no Crimson Curse
Created by Moon/Void Slime
This mod lowers the chance for the enemies to spread the crimson curse to zero. You can still progress through the courtyard like normal. If you would like to support me in development for mods for Darkest dungeon, please consider leaving a tip here paypal...
Crusader Profaned Knight SFW skin
Created by stratus
1055008100 1970/01/01 08:00:00 A大的作品罪业骑士的SFW加强版,A大太会了,谁不喜欢又帅又涩的堕骑士呢?(。✪ω✪。) 虽然A大本来就给这个皮肤画了SFW拆分,但是A大的SFW版还是有点……社死啊,所以也稍微做了点修改,形象2是轻微和谐,给雷老大把胖次补齐了,省的看起来像没穿一样(>ω<) 另外因为上次恶魔狐狸的评论下面有朋友反映说遮的太少了还是不安全,所以形象1专门画了更强的和谐版,补齐了裙子和胸部,这样应该就安全了吧(゜д゜) 非常感谢A大同意我将这个SFW版上传到创意工...
Crystalline ~Champion~ + 'Doomsday' replacer
Created by Hestrir
Replaces all champion level Color of Madness monsters with monster girls AND replaces Doomsday and Doomtrained dog from the Doomsday mod. Like my work? Support me on patreon at https://www.patreon.com/Hestrir Get the amazing Doomsday mod at https://steamco...
Daughters of the Fours Pack
Created by Seta Nagato
Daughters of the Fours Localization files: English(?) Daughters of the Fours is a pack of 4 unique and complex classes designed with the purpose of giving a refreshing feel with their playstyle. Their learning curve and leveling is hard capped so be carefu...
Created by Blaink
DLC完整汉化已经完成,有任何问题留言。 关于“糠秕”,引用dnqbob的原话: 收获简单来说就是,杀死这些体内有晶体的生物获得星晶 这也是,“只有通过辛勤的劳动,才能把麦粒和糠秕分开来”麦粒,就是星晶 糠秕,就是被寄生的劳苦大众,水晶怪甚至星彩神 只要能获得星晶,就用尽一切手段 20210917 V1.61-V1.65 修复翻译错误 20200823 V1.60 因为官方更新问题,修复空白词条。其他词条有空白的请留言。 20200811 V1.59 修复某个词条 伤害增加 改为 受到的伤害增加 20200...
Districts String Fix
Created by o'night
Fixes missing string for districts when you have too many heroes (more than 8) assigned to one. ...
DD MOD Schinese Localization Reborn Ver0.26.0
Created by ETO灬XL
PS:在Reborn版本尚未超过1.0之前 不少原本包含文本的为了兼容官汉或者各种各样的原因会暂时下架,讨论中详细不一定能及时更新,所以可能会出现详细中包含,但实际并没有汉化的情况,尽请谅解。 目前的工作重点是在于把曾经有过的MOD相关补全 包括但不限于 MOD新添加文本的汉化/MOD官汉新增加但尚未翻译的文本/需要大修或者推倒重来的文本 写了一个汉化MOD且上传相关的教程 有兴趣自行汉化的人可以去看看 DD MOD 汉化教程 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...
Curio Hints New Update(Include CC)V1.5 互动提示
Created by Blaink
Curio Hints New Update (Include CC) This mod can help novice understand the interactive props needed for interactive scenes more better. I'm going to reset all the pictures so that the interactive cue more clearer. This mod Include the results of Curio Hin...
Dredge bunny girl skin
I really like dredge and bunny girl so made it original mod is here : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2865308693 color A : helmet lights on color B : helmet lights off color C : ear off helmet lights on color D : ear off helmet light...
EC Dungeon backgrounds
Created by eclipsezr
Adds new rooms to increase variations in each region of the game 16 new rooms for the following Crypt: 7 Cove: 2 Warrens:2 Weald: 5 FAQ Compatible with other map mods? Yes, this is standalone How you make these? Here's quick tutorial video i made, it's eas...
Earth_Enchanter Beta
Created by 爱德华
This mod will add you a Earth Enchanter which is called "Celestial Stone Lonir" In Catyieun,earth magic are named Catyieum. This kind of magic usually used to stop landslide,earthquake and volcano eruption. Lonir was born in "Rorin"(Lava Basin),her family ...
Drowner Class Mod BETA
Created by anaertailin
If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon. https://www.patreon.com/anaertailin and alipay anaertailin@163.com 如果你喜欢我的作品,并希望资助我的话,这是我的微信和支付宝:anaertailin@163.com 以及https://www.patreon.com/anaertailin 在国内的朋友可以...
Duchess Class Mod
Created by Miraclebutt
All rights reserved. The contents of all materials available on this page are copyrighted by S-Purple unless otherwise indicated. All rights are reserved by S-Purple, and content may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or transferred in...
dragon's Duelist
Created by dragon
“Inadequacy gives birth to aspiration- and desperate longing.” Role: The Duelist is a high dodge low hp frontliner. She specializes in movement skills, debuffs, and consistent damage- and has riposte and guard to back her up. She is weak to dots and her re...
Elden Ring Trinkets
Created by soulsknight
本MOD加入了艾尔登法环中的一些护符、武器、道具作为饰品;加入了一些道具作为商店补给;加入了一些祷告作为怪癖 1、增加了10件饰品,稀有度为先祖,仅为跛行者掉落 2、增加了10件饰品,稀有度为先祖 3、增加了15件饰品,稀有度为非常稀有 4、增加了18件饰品,稀有度为稀有 5、增加了6件饰品,稀有度为优良 6、增加了20件饰品,稀有度为普通 7、增加了9个商店补给 8、增加了6个怪癖,不能通过完成副本获得,只能通过佩戴饰品击杀怪物或被攻击时获得 特别注意:请注意一些带有“永久反击”饰品的描述,不要给没有反击...
Hero Level Skin Redone
Created by CoLoHK
Rearranged and redesigne the hero level backround skins for a better level overview. A simple but nice quality of life mod. Thanks to Iris Heart with Altered Rarity who gave me the idea for the hero levels. Update 1.2 Adjust the color of the glowing circle...
Farmstead Plus
Created by Moon/Void Slime
~~~The Colors, so beautiful~~~ Farmstead Plus is designed to be an overhaul of the Color of madness DLC. It's main focus is to add onto the DLC, while trying to keep the base feel and flow of the DLC there. All feedback is welcomed. To access the content o...
Enid Houndmaster Skin
Created by Deovolente
https://i.imgur.com/GFmRrat.gif Skin only. This skin changed the spine model, so it is not compatible with other Houndmaster skins Staff list ------------------------------------------ Project leader:@瑞秋•克劳狄乌斯 Art:@ZIMIK @*Kaze Animation:@Deovolente About ...
Elden Ring Melina Town speaker skin
公告人皮肤 艾尔登法环 梅琳娜(又是心血来潮做的NPC换皮实验,你可以在订阅后在电脑文件夹中通过更换文件名字的方法自行更换为没有燃烧版本的梅琳娜) Advertiser's skin Alden fahuan Melina (another NPC skin change experiment on a whim. You can change it to a non burning version of Melina by changing the file name in the computer fo...
Fate 饰品
Equipment Preview Saber Archer Lancer Berserker Caster Mash Kyrielight ...
Faster Scouting
Created by Rin
Should speed up the annoyingly slow scouting reveal animations....
Even Faster Walking
Created by o'night
Increases walking speed by ~75% Also makes controls 50% more responsive If this one is too fast check out this mod: +25% walking speed...
fishman mod
Created by w_s_l
Created by 闲鱼打散人
根据a大火枪手皮肤-g41重置为独立英雄——g41 中~重度魔改技能组,拥有独特疾病、独特美德 通过水晶专属饰品获得怪癖——格里芬指挥中心,可以赋予队友以新怪癖(玩法解释,g41本身没有标记能力,但是在受击后有几率赋予全体敌人标记,也可以携带打标工具人帮忙上标) 借物鸣谢: 突击手class的武器装备贴图 突击手重置(45姐皮)的一个fx p站画师Zeppelin的一张城镇插图 ff14、少女前线技能贴图等 ps:a大创意工坊https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561...
Forlorn Class Mod
Created by sasiji
Introduction https://i.imgur.com/nvG9nVf.png "Hello all! This will be my first class mod to finally reach is completion. The Forlorn - a Castlevania inspired hero, meant to be a heavy bleeding/flexible hero. Below will be a breakdown of his skills. Artwork...
Fully Lit Darkness
Created by Maester Silvio
WORKS WITH CRIMSON COURT WORKS WITH COLOR OF MADNESS Many players love experiencing the challenge and excitement of full darkness, but the monochromatic tinting of the dungeons can be tiresome at times for both normal players and streamers/content creators...
Koala's Creature Collection
Created by Anonymous_Koala
V.1.4 "You answered the letter... Now like me, you are a part of this place." After 2 years of development, Koala's Creature Collection is finally out! It contains 17 new monsters(among them a challenging new miniboss!), new trinkets, new diseases, new qui...
Created by yilin
三件小鹿专属饰品,稀有等同于先祖级,只能通过冠军本取得 新增动画特效 characters or less here!...
judicator Highleg skin
I really like judgicator and highleg so made it original mod is here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2640294598&searchtext=judicator...
Flagellant Lissandra skin SFW
Created by anaertailin
在勾选界面放在最靠上位置 非原创角色,是来自《雷索纳斯》的丽桑德拉 put it on the top of the mod check screen Unoriginal character,She's Lissandra from《resonance》 If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon.patreon.com/anaertailin 如果你喜欢我的作品,并...
BR Duchess patch - The Flameseeker Crew
Created by Soggy pizza
An unofficial proper patch for Duchess to work in Black Reliquary with her utilizing the new mechanics. What this patch offers? -- Mementos (formerly crimson court trinkets) are now contraband - thay can be bought in trinket store and now benefit from cont...
GHS npc R18 Part 1
Created by anaertailin
Just three NPCs If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon. patreon.com/anaertailin 如果你喜欢我的作品,并希望资助我的话 patreon.com/anaertailin 在国内的朋友可以选择afdian.net/@anaertailin...
Created by Gas-long
描述 此合集支持MOD为本体文本是.loc格式的老MOD。本来打算把之前的.loc2的合集一起改成.loc,但是担心因loc优先级较高,而出现其他问题,故单独出一个合集。 ↓↓↓这是之前的合集可以同时订阅使用,支持的MOD请点击链接跳转查看 ↓↓↓ GAS-LONG的汉化合集1 本合集支持的MOD(自行订阅) 角色类: Tactician - Class Mod战术家 The Pony彩虹小马(有一个平衡补丁,需要的请前往单独汉化MOD里必选项中订阅) Dark Messiah Class黑暗弥赛亚 Sur...
Fire Keeper 守火女
Created by CaptainSnafu
The design of this class is based on the Fire Keeper in ======================================================================= Skills: Fire Keeper devotes herself to serving the Ashen one. The rank will not affect her, but she doesn't have the ability to ...
Created by Gas-long
描述 我的汉化几乎都是完整汉化,但对话依然含有部分机翻,个别不完整的会在下方说明,不在此合集中的我的其他汉化作品也会在最下方写出,也可以进入我的工坊作品内单独订阅,请阅读下方汉化列表和说明,此合集并没有包含我的全部汉化作品。 本合集支持的MOD(自行订阅) 角色类: The Mender修缮者 The Iron Buddha铁浮屠(90%汉化) The Boatswain Class Mod水手长 The Bluesman Class Mod蓝调歌手 The Beekeeper Class Mod养蜂人 O...
GHS npc R18 Part 2
Created by anaertailin
ust three NPCs If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon. patreon.com/anaertailin 如果你喜欢我的作品,并希望资助我的话 patreon.com/anaertailin 在国内的朋友可以选择afdian.net/@anaertailin...
Goblin Huntress - Class Mod ver.β
Created by rampart1028
"We're the hunter. Be my prey?" Introduction This mod is a new class mod that Parody the Girls Frontline. I'm not familiar with game balance, so this mod may be out of balance. ------------------------------------------------------- Features As a vanguard,...
GHS npc R18 Part 3
Created by anaertailin
If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon. patreon.com/anaertailin 如果你喜欢我的作品,并希望资助我的话 patreon.com/anaertailin 在国内的朋友可以选择afdian.net/@anaertailin...
LW- campfire add details
Created by JEF
This mod adds several background characters to the back of the bonfire screen in the game They have different identities (mercenary, guide, slave ......) corresponding to various clothes You can choose and replace them yourself! How to use. First subscribe...
Grey hawk Class
Created by Kamo Master
New class the rigid warrior Grey hawk ~Crush the dungeon with her inch by inch This mod includes 7 new trinkets ~ one of which summons Grey hawk 's Grand Banner Bearer ~ to strengthen Grey hawk or other team members' combat power Art: anaertailin Code: me ...
Googly Eyes Miko
Created by Woona
Raymoo Hakurey now has eyeballs (Includes Original palette and Non-Highlight version) Features- Not the class itself Shouldn't cause any skin conflicts ( https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2514647919 )...
GoblinHuntress Schinese Localization
Created by lzzd_
作为少女前线和暗黑地牢的双厨,看到spas的mod的时候很高兴。不过这个mod没有汉化,于是我自己学习做了一个 在原mod的评论下面我看到作者说如果有做翻译的自己传一个单独的mod就行了,所以没有特地去找原作者说一下,不过还是在这里感谢下作者rampart1028 ...
Grave robber Arina skin SFW
Created by anaertailin
在勾选界面放在最靠上位置 非原创角色,是来自《雷索纳斯》的亚莉奈 put it on the top of the mod check screen Unoriginal character,She's Arina from《resonance》 If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon.patreon.com/anaertailin 如果你喜欢我的作品,并希望资助我...
Harlot (Class Mod)
Created by dem22
V1.7 https://i.imgur.com/QAaqOv8.jpg *MAR 2021 5th Dress! *Languages French, English, ChineseS, KoreanA, Russian, Spanish The Harlot is attractive, seductive, cunning, and personable. She trades her skills, body, and companionship for gold and is proud to ...
Googly Eyes Maid
Created by Woona
Surprise, I did it again May add her other color palettes, who knows Never would've guessed this needs the Maid, huh. Shouldn't cause any skin conflicts ( https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2207614474 )...
Guqin Class Mod
Created by I play gwent
Introduces the glass cannon & support class, Guqin. https://i.imgur.com/KhBGGCw.png Class Introduction The Guqin is a trained musical performer wielding a hybrid weapon that is part crossbow and part guqin, an ancient musical instrument of which the class ...
Grove tender Class Mod
Created by Nodappjung
Grove Tender Class Mod 꽃밭지기는 중요한 임무를 수행 중인 어린아이입니다. 살아생전에는 사악한 권세가의 딸이었으며, 아비의 업보로 인해 파멸했었습니다. 지금은 저승에서 꽃밭을 돌보는 수많은 시동들 중 하나입니다. 정원사의 명령을 받고 아직도 세상에 남아있는 사악한 씨앗을 회수하기 위해 가장 어둡고 비틀린 심연까지 오게 되었습니다. 사랑스러운 어린아이의 모습에서 쉽게 상상할 수 없겠지만... 꽃밭지기의 마음은 날카롭고 거친 구석이 있습니다...
Googly Eyes Magician
Created by Woona
ms.steal yo stuff lookin for stuff to steal Sadly, this does not include the stuff to steal or the class itself. Please put this above the Magician in the mod load order ( https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2931377798 )...
Guts the Black Swordman - Class Mod
Created by Hinak
THE BLACK SWORDMAN CLASS MOD Support Color of Madness: Yes. Support Crimson Court: Yes. Mod Version: 1.9 Language: English, Russian, French, Chinese. RECOMMENDATION Skull Knight skin by NumbBears: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1298...
LW- skeleton sign sexy skin 侧边栏
Created by JEF
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Content Description. This is the replacement of the skull under the left and right of the interface Comes with some optional versions, you can refer to the following instr...
Here Be Monsters: The New Shadow
Created by Shay
"Do you remember my last missive? I wrote of unimaginable horrors and towering monstrosities. It would seem that despite the blood you've shed and the terrors you've extirpated, the land is hell-bent on churning forth the foulest of foes. A new shadow fall...
Hepvier class mod
Created by 爱德华
This mod will add Hepvier-Nygat in your game,she is the second princess of Nygat-Kaper Empire,she's the most powerful Combat Enchanter ,she doesn't like Sharpshooter or Earth Enchanter,she is a mean BXXXX ,she will slain her enemy,sometime also her partner...
Hunters Treasure Comet Trinkets
Created by Kaze*
This mod have Full English Translation, Just no introduction picture in English, Have Fun :) Thanks for @ShallowIris @LAmumu providing Korean Translation Thanks for @mysticl hat providing Russian Translation Announcement -----------------------------------...
Highwayman Midnight Hunter skin
Created by anaertailin
****************Warning, nudity*********************** 使用了新骨骼动画,会和其他皮肤冲突 New skeleton animation is used, which will clash with other skins If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon. patreon.com/anaertailin ...
Increased Quest Rewards
Tired of only surviving but not thriving? Want a little boost to help you out? Here you go! This mod increases the amount of quest rewards you get from each quest! It also helps to reduce the grind for people who want a quicker experience. Want to join a C...
Here Be Monsters: Full Release
Created by Shay
"In coming to these cursed lands, you are no longer in the realm of the familiar. Ghouls and fiends of every conceivable form skulk and chitter in every shadow, ensnaring the bravest of men and breaking them over their knees into wailing madmen. Our troops...
Here Be Monsters: Koala's Creature Collection Compatibility Patch
Created by Shay
Description ------------------------------------------ Here Be Monsters is a series of mods that will add new enemies to Darkest Dungeon. This optional addon adds interactions between it and Koala's Creature Collection, merging the two into a seamless mod ...
Jedi Knight Rebalanced
Created by Dentedhelm
I really enjoy the art and playstyle of ScorpiovaEden's Jedi Knight mod, but found him somewhat overpowered. This mod rebalances the Jedi Knight to make him feel more like a vanilla hero by tuning his stats and skills. Hopefully this will help more people ...
Knight of Cain Class Mod
Created by rampart1028
----During confirmation work---- File updates will come in frequently, sorry. The content of the skill may change significantly in the future. ----12.20.2021----Replenish Bullets now marks Self. Introduction This mod is a new class mod that Parody the "Blo...
Kaltsit NSFW Version(凯尔希 NSFW 皮肤)
Created by VenusAprodite
请放在凯尔希mod之上,对皮肤贴图简单的进行了修改。 封面借用了大大的封面(因为懒得改了 = =) TIP:我不确定是不是所有图片方向是对的,有问题可以留言我...
Inventory Unlimited Stacks
Created by Supak
COMPATIBLE WITH "CRIMSON COURT" Update to patch 21142 Implemented the item of the Shieldbreaker "Aegis Scale" and full refund on sold provisions reverted to the default (by topics that I do not get to see if it works or not and not to make the game so easy...
Jef's MOD Hero Collection
Created by JEF
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Content Description. This is a collection of the following 5 mods! https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1167139968 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles...
Legendary Trinkets
Sorry my English is not good, all the sentences are translated by Google. This is a set of accessories for some classes, the properties have been tested for balance, it can better play the characteristics of the class. These items are available in English ...
Koala's Creature Collection - Journals
Created by Anonymous_Koala
Koala's Creature Collection has journal pages. If you uninstall it, because of how Red Hook coded Journal Pages, this will cause a problem with your savefile if you collected one of those journals. In case you uninstall KCC or just want some extra L O R E ...
Lilith class
Created by Deovolente
Including languages: English: full translation 中文:完整 한국어 번역이 완료되었습니다 Español: completo русский язык 日本語翻訳 My other works https://i.imgur.com/ewVkJru.pngRed Lotus https://i.imgur.com/rmeFQWi.pngEnid Houndmaster Skin https://i.imgur.com/FfTkMpD.pngShambler C...
Lewd Bust and portrait
Created by Dry catt
Changes two heirlooms to more lewd version, the bust to a ... bust and the portrait to a butt Art by me...
Leper Conductor skin
Created by anaertailin
在勾选界面放在最靠上位置 非原创角色,是来自《雷索纳斯》的玩家扮演角色 自制战斗服 put it on the top of the mod check screen Secondary creation character,She's Player role from《resonance》 If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon.patreon.com/anaer...
Lamia Quirks Mod
Created by Marvin Seo
This mod is an extension to the Lamia Class Mod, which can be found here: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1130829365 This mod adds two new Quirks related to the Lamia that function similarly to the Quirks from Color of Madness that re...
Level Restrictions Removal
Created by Maester Silvio
WORKS WITH CRIMSON COURT WORKS WITH COLOR OF MADNESS The restrictions imposed on high-level heroes is an oft debated topic. Some desire that it be removed, and that's precisely what this mod does! Feel free to send any hero anywhere you choose!...
Lucia Trinkets
露西亚专属饰品 需要前置lucia class mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2149017929 饰品属性 获取方式 5级地图任务奖励 战斗结束搜尸体小概率获取...
LW- abbey&graveyard add details 教堂和墓地微美化
Created by JEF
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Content Description. A small beautification mod! I slightly added some flower beds to the church and cemetery. Green plants, tiny flowers, and lights either alone or place...
lucia class mod
Created by Kamo Master
专用首饰包 \ Trinkets pack:: 露西亚的意识体小伙伴们,被仿制后以星晶首饰的形态出现在这个世界上 Lucia's companion,the minds.After being imitated, they appears in the form of CoM trinkets in this world https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2149018540 --- 英雄MOD露西亚·黎明 露西亚·黎明拥有数个连击...
Marvin Seo's Lamia Class Mod
Created by Marvin Seo
Currently localized for Brazilian(Portuguese), Chinese(Simplified), Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Korean, Polish, Russian, and Spanish Want to play with the Lamia as soon as possible? Download the Immediate Town Event Mod below! https://i.imgur....
LW- courtyard Landscaping 花园
Created by JEF
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Content Description. Beautified the gates and doors to the courtyard, adding statues Beautified the original statues and a large scene with statues and added a new statue ...
Lucia Class trinkets pack
Created by Kamo Master
露西亚的意识体小伙伴们,被仿制后以星晶首饰的形态出现在这个世界上 Lucia's companions,the minds.After being imitated, they appears in the form of CoM trinkets in this world 黎明酱专用首饰,已增加至六件,全部为水晶农场首饰,都会给黎明酱的游玩机制带来较大影响。 Lucia special trinkets, has been increased to six, all CoM trinkets.It wi...
LW- Cute Slime Girl 0.91 史莱姆
Created by JEF
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Content Description. Changed the game's original small ectoplasm into a girl-like Slime. About the design of this monster. My conception is that a Slime accidentally devou...
Lumberjack Miniboss
Created by Seal
The Lumberjack Miniboss mod is a roaming miniboss that can appear in champion(lv. 5) Weald quests. First Encounter There's a town event that occurs once the player has 4 lv 5 heroes and is past week 12. This town event triggers a medium length plot quest i...
LW- crypts Landscaping 2 遗迹美化2
Created by JEF
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Content Description. Two new statues have been added to the background of the relics that And made the ruins at the end of the room a little more artistic The statues and ...
LW- Town Event beautify part 1-3 城镇事件1-3
Created by JEF
Hello! This mod has spruced up some of DD's town events! It beautifies 41 town events and makes some of the characters a little cuter! Some of the characters are styled after FGO and previous mods I've made (optional)! It is a collection of content from th...
LW- crypts Landscaping 1 遗迹美化1
Created by JEF
This is a little background replacement mod! The original somewhat rigid dark background changed to the moonlight hills and cities It doesn't necessarily match the backstory, but it feels a little more fantastical and beautiful! How to use: Subscribe, or d...
LW- side decor replace 2 侧边栏替换2
Created by JEF
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Content Description. Replace the sidebar with the fate series Altria, there are two types of Saber and Lancer Comes with replacement version and PSD file The specific path...
Madman Class Conversion
Created by PresidentialAI
THIS MOD IS A WORK IN PROGRESS, IT IS BY NO MEANS PERFECT "Once a madman is now a desperate man by any means necessary, even if it means becoming allies with his past foes." A debuff/status effect class. Physical moves Shove and Headbutt are for pushing aw...
More Darkness Rewards
Created by yyyyy
what's this As the brightness is dimmer, the loot reward is greatly increased, and monster attributes are also increased Compatibility In addition to modifying brightness related mod, can be compatible How to Use When sorting, Try to get to the top of the ...
Mafe Patch for Quest Generation Issues
Created by Mafe
LOAD ABOVE ALL!!!!!!! This patch will fix the issue of Quests dont appearing when you play with many mods. Just load this patch above all, otherwise probably wont work....
Martyr - Class Mod
Created by ActionJack
Martyr - Class Mod ==================================== “Let me suffer for your sins, so you can be pure and wholesome, while I bleed and rot. Let me suffer for your sins.” Martyr vows to endure the pain and suffering to comfort all others. His body, torn ...
Marvin Seo Mods: Shared Assets
Created by Marvin Seo
Introduction Welcome! If you don't know me, I'm Marvin Seo. I've helped balance Darkest Dungeon for Color of Madness' release and strive to create high quality mods that feel as if they belong in the base game. What does this Mod do? This mod is a collecti...
Magician Class mod
Created by Alpha
Contents - 1 hero class - 7 trinkets - 1 summon monster Hero Info 아군을 지원하거나 적을 약화시키는데 특화된 공격적인 서포터 클래스입니다. "기절" 과 관련되어 특화되어 있습니다. An offensive supporter class specialized in supporting allies or weakening enemies. - CRT BUFF 1. self: debuff chance +15% (ne...
Moonlit Dungeon - Ruins Enemy Pack
Created by Sabelette
I have decided to leave my mods up but will not be taking any further questions or comments about them. Please allow me to move on with my life and do not add me as a friend or otherwise contact me if I do not know you. ___ This is the first content releas...
man_at_arms conner skin
Created by anaertailin
她使用了全动画的技能,你可以用这个模组制作其他mod She uses full animation skills,Anyone can use this module to make other mods ************************ 在勾选界面放在最靠上位置 非原创角色,是来自《雷索纳斯》的康娜 put it on the top of the mod check screen Unoriginal character,She's conner from《resonance》 If ...
man_at_arms conner nude skin
Created by anaertailin
她使用了全动画的技能,你可以用这个模组制作其他mod She uses full animation skills,Anyone can use this module to make other mods ************************ 在勾选界面放在最靠上位置 非原创角色,是来自《雷索纳斯》的康娜 put it on the top of the mod check screen Unoriginal character,She's conner from《resonance》 If ...
Martyr Class Mod
Created by snorlaxxo
"The immortal are fated to suffer for eternity. For her, however, this is a lifetime of bliss. Lash out at enemies and yourself, and rejoice in the twofold deliverance of pain." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GAMEPLAY Martyr is a sturdy frontliner who can damage a...
Miniboss: King Baldwin
Created by Chogex
What is this? This is a simple mod which adds a miniboss encounter versus King Baldwin and his right hand men. The fight is tough, but straightforward and does not require the party to be built around defeating it. Expect the fight to be about as difficult...
Minstrel Class trinkets pack
Created by anaertailin
Marvin Seo's Falconer Class Mod
Created by Marvin Seo
Currently localized for Brazilian(Portuguese), Chinese(Simplified), English, French, Korean, Polish, Russian, and Spanish Want to play with the Falconer as soon as possible? Download the Immediate Town Event Mod below! https://i.imgur.com/1lSBcwm.png If yo...
Created by Blaink
Mod translate for chinese.(Thrall) 完整汉化,感谢所有协助过的人。 有无聊时间多的,愿意义务汉化的可以联系我协助汉化。 好处是没有的,也就在右边作者那里加你个名字。手动滑稽。 注意!!!mod必须移动到顶部!!! 需要汉化文本见贴吧: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5391616913 协助汉化人员名单,表示感谢: 病名は愛だった 尽管秀,我赢算我输 haoyufe1...
Modded Classes Color of Madness Act-Outs
Created by Marvin Seo
This mod is not an official Red Hook Studios product or product modification, and Red Hook Studios Inc. is not responsible in any way for changes or damages that may result from using the mod. Furthermore, “Darkest Dungeon” and the Darkest Dungeon logo are...
Marvin Seo's Thrall Class Mod
Created by Marvin Seo
Currently localized for Brazilian(Portuguese), Chinese(Simplified), Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Korean, Polish, Russian, and Spanish Want to play with the Thrall as soon as possible? Download the Immediate Town Event Mod below! https://imgur.c...
monster girl brigand part1
Created by anaertailin
!!!!注意有裸露内容!!!!修改了3个野怪强盗,patreon中有独特内容 !!!!! Warning! Naked content.Warning!!! Unique content on patreon,Turn three brigands into succubus. If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon. https://www.patreon.com...
Mod 简体中文化
Created by 小凯先生
暗黑地牢是个好游戏,创意工坊上的mod也为游戏增加了更多的乐趣! 本人接触汉化不久,尝试着翻译了一些个人喜欢的mod,翻译质量如果有bug或者不合理的地方,希望大家在评论区指出,我会尽力完善。 本mod的汉化过程借鉴了创意工坊里其他大神的的汉化成果,在此表示感谢,如果侵犯了各位的著作权,请通知我,我会删去此mod。 以下支援汉化的mod部分原作者已经停更,不建议全部安装,避免出现bug。 01、腥红庭院加强 Courtyard+ (Beta) 02、无限宝石 The Infinity Stones 03、小...
Mimic Miniboss
Created by Chogex
The Mimic mod adds an heirloom chest curio that spawns a new miniboss fight, in a similar vein to TheAmazingGregor's Mimics! mod. Overview The 4 core regions have a ~13% chance to contain a mimic heirloom chest curio instead of a regular treasure curio. In...
Minstrel Class mod
Created by anaertailin
暴躁老姐登场 饰品(trinkets)https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2122578706 感谢小狼(ad_kege)帮忙写代码,完成了一大堆奇怪的想法 死弟母好友已经满了,有需要请通过下面方式联系 Steam friends are full, please contact us by the following way If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to su...
monster girl spider
Created by anaertailin
***********************warning********************************** There is nudity just two spider girl If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon. https://www.patreon.com/anaertailin and alipay anaertailin@16...
Mini skirt Magician Skins
Sorry for using a translator I really like magician and miniskirt(and connected sleeves!) so made it original mod is here : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2384801499 This mod contains not only spirits and anims, but also equipments,...
Marvin Seo's Seraph Class Mod
Created by Marvin Seo
Currently localized for Brazilian(Portuguese), Chinese(Simplified), Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Korean, Polish, Russian, and Spanish Want to play with the Seraph as soon as possible? Download the Immediate Town Event Mod below! https://imgur.c...
Modded Class: The Axolotl
Created by Paco da Pea
"She stands out amongst the crowd, with her bright pink hood and all. It makes me wonder if she came from a world that is not our own, and given recent events... it isn't exactly outside the realm of possibility." - A Curious Resident The Axolotl is a clas...
monster girl Warrens part1
Created by anaertailin
!!!!注意有裸露内容!!!!修改了猪人四人组,怪物娘化持续制作中,patreon中有独特内容 !!!!! Warning! Naked content.Warning!!! Modified the swines Quadruple. In the continuous production of monster girl, patreon has unique content. I forgot to mention that the first design originated from 健康クロス...
monster girl Warrens part2
Created by anaertailin
!!!!注意有裸露内容!!!!修改了剩下的猪人和食腐者,怪物娘化持续制作中,patreon中有独特内容 !!!!! Warning! Naked content.Warning!!! If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon. https://www.patreon.com/anaertailin and alipay anaertailin@163.com 如果你喜...
monster girl Rabid Dog魔物娘美化野狗
Created by Samui
R18预警!! 第一次做MOD,感谢星魂作者孜孜不倦的教导我,我会在评论区选取下一个美化的怪物,如果有什么好的建议请留下你的评论 成为爱发电上的魔物娘投喂者,你将获得不同于创意工坊的作品与个人定制内容:https://afdian.net/@Samui This is my first time doing a MOD, thanks to the star soul writers for their tireless teaching, I will choose the next beautified...
monster girl unclean_giant
Created by Samui
感谢selldavid的支持,这次上传的正确的版本请放心使用 本mod拥有白色皮肤版本,可以在我的个人主页下载,为了避免举报,R18版本可以在我的爱发电上下载 我的爱发电:https://afdian.net/@Samui patreon:https://www.patreon.com/Samui1145...
Onnabushi Class
Created by Poljanan
UPDATE (7/7/2018): I have made an overhauled version of this class found here : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1433533871 I will no longer be updating this version, but you are free to keep the files if you wish to keep playing with...
MosterGirl-Fishman-shaman ver1.0
Created by Perianist
这里是面包机 什么?面包机是谁?好问题,我也想知道那个当初夸下海口然后一年半没有动静的人是谁。 因为考研失利不得不将我的经历花在了找工作上,所幸最后终于是告一段落了。 鱼人萨满的替换mod,把鱼人萨满换成了人鱼萨满。 许久没碰我几乎是重新学起,所以如果有什么bug谅解一下,顺带告诉我一声。 ===================================================================== Hi, here is Perianist. What? Who is Peri...
Monsters Girl-fishman
Created by Perianist
这里是新人mod作者面包机 这个mod替换了鱼人剑圣,将其变成了人鱼剑圣。 还在适应DD的画风中 有生之年可能把海窟F4全部做完 如果你喜欢我的mod的话,那就喜欢吧,该咕还是要咕的。 第一次做DD的mod,如果出现bug请留言让我修复 Hello,I'm perianist,a green hand. This mod will replace fishman_harpoon I'm getting used to DD's painting style I may finish all fishman ...
More dungeon background variations all in one- Reworked
Created by Kahvipannu
Adds additional backround art for the corridors of Cove, Warrens, Weald, and Ruins. Adds 55 new backround "pieces" to the game. Bumping the variation from the base games total of 35, to total of 90, does not overwrite vanilla-assets. So Safe to install/un-...
More Collector Trinkets
Created by RedFlagDiver
!/Regrettably, I must announce I will no longer be working on this mod and all the variations. It was a really fun experience but I no longer have any interest in modding. If anyone wants to take over they are quite welcome to do so, with credit. Thank you...
Mtg Trinket Pack
Created by 黄俊浩
Add 10 MTG Trinket Rarity is equivalent to very rare During the test, the effect may be modified at any time Available in Chinese and English, all non-Chinese versions display English...
Musketeer replacement skin
Created by anaertailin
**********warning*************** It will disable other skin. Different colors in production. 会替换原版动作文件,其他火枪mod也会失效。异色版本制作中. ***************************************************************** 死弟母好友已经满了,有需要请通过下面方式联系 Steam friends are full, please contact us b...
Muscarine Tusk SkinMod
Created by moon
4/20, Fixed an issue where tusk_guild_header was not visible in detail. 4/21, Due to the problem of steam_workshop_upload, the file was not uploaded normally, so it was uploaded again after modification. 4/21, steam_workshop_upload의 문제로 파일이 정상적으로 업로드가 되지 않...
Myconidae plus
Created by Hestrir
x--->> ADDITIONAL VERSION INSTRUCTIONS <<---x-------------------------------------------- 1) download the extra version of your choice here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/42638353 or here: https://www.nexusmods.com/darkestdungeon/mods/1093 2) extract its a...
Mysterious Heroine X
Created by Arumaru
Adds Mysterious Heroine X to your roster, playable on either front ranks or back ranks by switching modes. schinese translation thanks to Gas-Long. Animated skills and camping sprites. NP Charge: Use Arts attack to charge her Noble Phantasm and release it ...
Created by Mhnlo
DIE DIE!! --------------- OVERALL DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------ This is Nerub, a Ruin only mini boss you can find in the sewers. You access the sewers in any level of difficulty and fight some rats, but Neru...
New hero class:A Elf liquor pedlar come from afar
Created by CA6DB20000000
A Elf liquor pedlar come from afar: Mod has finished. >>>>She's 100 year old or more,not child.and the "milk" in which her said is means "cure" . >>>>I won't update any new.Just fix some bug.(if it can be fix).And I won't limit the source. you also can rel...
New Trinkets
Created by 灭世滑水
最新版本号:0.61 如果没有自动更新,可以尝试重新订阅。 Statement : My English is very poor, and the following content is translated by machine. This mod aims to add some small surprises to the mid and late stages of the bright and extremely dark (Blood Moon may not have enough tim...
No Butcher's Circus Icon
Created by Morsk
Remove the Butcher's Circus icon from the bottom-left corner of the Hamlet. Technical: The Butcher's Circus icon is technically a "building" like the Sanitarium, that unlocks after a few days. I've changed it to require 999 days and a level-10 dungeon, so ...
New Class - Lupine
Created by Alpha
영웅 이름: 인랑 (Lupine) 영웅 정보 -전열 제압능력이 강력한 메인딜러입니다, 전투를 진행하면서 자신을 강화하는 특성을 가져, 장기전에서 강력한 성능을 가집니다. - 능력을 이용하여 아무리 강력한 적이라도, 짧은 시간 내에 단신으로 무력화가 가능합니다. 그 전에 준비시간을 가진다면요. - CRT BUFF CRT +7% (VS bleed) (3rds) - District : outsiders bonfire -팁: 와 은 명중률이 매우 낮습니다. -T...
No Negative Quirk On Quest Success
Created by BIZ
Works w/ CC & CoM Characters no longer aquire negative quirks when they SUCCESSFULLY complete a quest. They can still start with negative quirks, get them from interacting with curios, from stress relief activities, and from abandoning a quest. This does n...
No Week Limit Worries
Created by gWorldz
I use this mod to alleviate Stygian/Bloodmoon week limit worries and decided to go ahead and upload it even though there are other mods already available that do the same thing but with much higher limits. In my personal experience 999 weeks is more than e...
Nyanners Jester Skin Replacer
Created by Marvin Seo
This mod is not an official Red Hook Studios product or product modification, and Red Hook Studios Inc. is not responsible in any way for changes or damages that may result from using the mod. Furthermore, “Darkest Dungeon” and the Darkest Dungeon logo are...
No Eldritch Face
Created by zxcqwe
Spoiler This mod stop changing Eldritch's Face in Town NPC and Remove Eldritch UI image (after clear mission from 'darkest dungeon') Latest patch - Update for 'Color of madness' (still worked without any DLC) Check this my other mods Town Wars : New Dungeo...
Omen Seeker Chinese Localization
Omen Seeker Chinese Localization...
Occultist Skins Mod
Created by ZIMIK
说明 1.This mod modifies the Occultist's anim. To ensure this mod works, please sort this mod above the other Occultist's skin mod 2.This mod does not have R18,safe for work. 感兴趣欢迎前往查看后续卫星,非常感谢~ 我的爱发电:@ZIMIK https://afdian.net/@ZIMIK] My Patreon :@ZIMIK http...
Omen Seeker Class Mod
Created by S-Purple
"All rights reserved. The contents of all materials available on this page are copyrighted by S-Purple unless otherwise indicated. All rights are reserved by S-Purple and content may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or transferred in...
Pet Cemetery (Dungeon Mod)
Created by dem22
v1.3.9 *New Sacred Armaments *Languages: English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Russian https://i.imgur.com/VLL9xc1.png Something Wicked Stirs ... Just outside the hamlet, unholy creatures stir in the local Pet Cemetery. This burial ground is home to m...
Overlapping 3×9 Inventory
Created by liurui39660
This mod is a fork of Expanded Inventory - Cheat Version, but some changes are made so it looks and works better. Major differences are - Less horizontal space between items, allowing one more column. - Larger vertical offset, thus item icons are mostly vi...
Pets 2 (Trinket + Monster Mod)
Created by dem22
Phase 2.9.3 https://i.imgur.com/zzwuEO2.jpg *2021: New French! *Recent: Banner Bearer, Banished Hunter, Oceanborn, Eternal, Librarian, Rescuer, Paracausalist *Live: Pet Store Patch Pets in the Hamlet! You can now bring a Pet adventuring! Pets help manage t...
PIGLET - New Class Mod [Perfect Replication]
Created by Arylice
Version Version : COMPLETE! + Exactly the stats and skills as the original entity. + Playable. The Piglet is now a playable character! This mod adds a new hero class! They will spawn rarely in the stagecoach! You may also get them through events that appea...
piglet skin mod
Created by anaertailin
If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon. https://www.patreon.com/anaertailin and alipay anaertailin@163.com 如果你喜欢我的作品,并希望资助我的话,这是我的微信和支付宝:anaertailin@163.com 以及https://www.patreon.com/anaertailin 在国内的朋友可以...
Pornographic target pictures [Unlimited version] [MrCookieS Mod]
Created by Ms.CookieS
更新了猩红诅咒的涩涩! 我的b站空间 https://space.bilibili.com/43947340?spm_id_from=333.1007.0.0 ———————————————————————————— Updated Scarlet Curse My bilibilibili space https://space.bilibili.com/43947340?spm_id_from=333.1007.0.0...
Plain Doll 人偶
Created by CaptainSnafu
This class is based on the Plain Doll in Bloodborne. Support chinese and english language. =============================== Skills : 1. Blood Vial Limit 5~7 Decent Hp healing Heal more hp when self is bleeding 2. Hunter's Dream Limit 3 Hp regenerate to self...
Plague Doctor Skins Mod
Created by ZIMIK
说明 1.This mod modifies the Plague Doctor's anim. To ensure this mod works, please sort this mod above the other Plague Doctor's skin mod 2.This mod does not have R18,safe for work. 感兴趣欢迎前往查看后续卫星,非常感谢~ 我的爱发电:@ZIMIK https://afdian.net/@ZIMIK] My Patreon :@ZI...
Project Malaxophobia: ruins enemy pack
Created by Hestrir
Adds four new female monsters to the ruins. This mod is a part of a planned larger series. Bonetaker: will appear alongside skeletons. Will attempt to steal bones from skeletons in front of her, and will attack the party if he's the one at the front. If a ...
Quest Map of Vermintide Mod and Sunward Isles
Created by yyyyy
what's this Fusing Vermintide Mod and Sunward Isles's Quest Map Compatibility Except to modify the Quest Map picture, all compatible How to Use When sorting, Try to get to the top of the order...
Quest Map Collection of New Dungeons
Created by 十三号侯爵
*This mod contains ONLY the background image of global quest map, NOT the contents of the new areas. The new areas shown in preview images are made by some famous mods on Steam Workshop which are listed below. Load Order: since this mod only contains map i...
Skull Knight 骷髅骑士
Created by CaptainSnafu
The designs of this class are based on the comic 《BERSERK》 or 《Branded Warrior》 Rest in peace, Kentarou Miura. Skull Knight was once the greatest lord of the mainland, until his whole empire was sacrificed for the befalling of a new god. He steped on the N...
Rapturous Cultist Class
Created by timatimothey
'Rapturous Cultist Class' is not an official Red Hook Studios product or product modification, and Red Hook Studios Inc. is not responsible in any way for changes or damages that may result from using the mod. Furthermore, “Darkest Dungeon” and the Darkest...
reaver new skin
Created by anaertailin
Happy International Worker's Day, workers 劳动节快乐,劳动者们 这是根据我未发布的魔物娘mod改造的适应reaver class mod的皮肤 This is according to my unpublished monster girl mod.Apply to reaver class mod(https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=948931447) You need to put it on...
Sword Bearer
Created by Maytar
"A poor soul... a mere puppet whose name has been forgotten, bearing a monster for the rest of his life." https://static.wixstatic.com/media/8becb2_4d534c9e697d4f70aab5a8c4ffcbaeec~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_600,h_1085,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/PlancheBD_DD_NIVE...
Reaver Class Mod
Created by GhostSeeker
Color of Madness Now fully supports Color of Madness! Introduction Hey everyone! This is my third class mod i've been working on for past 3 weeks. Reaver is backline damager who can also support his team with buffs. My point was to create something with fe...
Reduced Crimson Curse Chance
Created by [...]
Reduces the chance of your heroes being infected by the Crimson Curse. - Chance of getting infected by a weak monster dropped from 31% to 10% - Chance of getting infected by a strong monster dropped from 45% to 25% - Chance of getting infected by a boss dr...
Red Skadi new art
Created by anaertailin
重置了斯卡蒂的美术和动画, 模型美术来自env(afdian.net/a/env233) 动画和角色大图由anaertailin制作 图标由stratus制作 Reset red skadi art and animation, sprite Art from env (https://www.patreon.com/user?u=18206241) The animations and Character drawings are made by anaertailin The icon is made ...
Ruler Class Mod
Created by maximize
这是“Ruler”新职业MOD,原型来自Fate中的Ruler贞德。现在支持英文和简体中文语言。自带首个英雄登场事件。 美术资源使用了 @anaertailin 的十字军贞德皮肤,目前已升级至2.0版本外观,并优化了技能设计使战斗更为流畅。 This is "Ruler" new class mod, from Fate. Now support English and S.Chinese. Included first hero Event. The art source of this mod used...
Roaming Cultists
Created by Chogex
NOTE:This mod requires you to run the game within the beta branch and the launch option "-disable_monster_preloading". Using this launch option may cause the game to stutter for a second whenever a battle is about to begin, but completely prevents ctds and...
Sarasa Gothic Font
Created by 双葉
English This is mod replace the simplified chinese font to a open source font - Sarasa Gothic in game. And add the lacking popup character of offical and other 3rd fonts such as diseases cured, hungry, crimson curse and buff of shieldbreaker. Replacement: ...
Sawtooth 血锯汉化mod
Created by 奈何米线
传闻 “我记得那只老“海狗”第一次来我们小镇的时候……是当老主人还在世的时候。她现在看起来有点不一样了。更漂亮了! 哈哈…我想老主人确实笑到了最后,就像他经常做的那样…但她那双眼睛,背后的残忍?…一点也没变。”一个干瘪的公民 随着一艘沉船的残骸被冲上岸,血锯带着一笔账来了。虽然有人悬赏要她的人头,但她的合作意愿和对你祖先的明显仇恨 足以给她一个机会。交易很简单:她将为哈姆雷特的利益服务,以换取取消她的赏金。 所有的流血对她来说都是额外的奖励。 血锯是一个具有流血和标记协同作用的近战猛兽,专注于让通常不会流血...
Seraph thights queen skin
Sorry for using a translator I really like seraph and tights so made it original mod is here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1221097087 It's a skin I made to study, so there are a some of awkward motions. I looked at the original mo...
Singleplayer Butcher's Circus
Created by Kryh Un
Features: Challenge - New repeatable activity in your hamlet: Butcher's Circus battles against AI Heroes - All 16 base game heroes available in "Gladiator" variant - they use skills ported from multiplayer Circus Rewards - All 103 Ringmaster trinkets can b...
Created by 乌鸦先生
中文 & English Skill FEATURES: INTERESTING ARTEFACT CHARGING Settings, ATTACKS can be SUBtracted from ENEMY action TURNS, no matter what enemy can be ON poisoned ARTEfact LIBERATION Exclusive diseases: Alcohol addiction is divided into three types, correspon...
The Bloodclot
Created by Uncanny Gemstar
"The Feast Shortly Begins. The Bloodclot is a highly variable and self sufficient hero. From the front, he savages enemies at close range. He pierces shell, bone, and armor alike with vampiric fangs that ravage those weakened by blight and bleed. He rips a...
skadi class mod
“A hunter walking slowly from the tide” The main creative ideas of this mod it is From mobile games character skadi in 《Arknights》,part of the character design refers to 《Bloodborne》. in our train of thought and skills already installed in mod,deep-sea hun...
Skadi Extra Trinket
Created by ayaya
为斯卡蒂额外追加6件专属、1件通用饰品 2022/04/20.更新内容 海歌之杖属性、描述调整 2022/02/03.更新内容 在这祝大家春节快乐 蒂蒂的模组更新了这也跟着更新饰品: 潮湿的剑袋(爬爬先祖) 2022/01/09.更新内容 冬季更新2件冬泳饰品: 沙滩帽(水晶商店) 虎鲸抱枕(收藏家&密门) 2021/12/16.更新内容 为阿戈尔饰品追加共鸣效果 使用潮汐之剑攻击有小概率获得怪癖“浅海轻唱” 怪癖“浅海轻唱”会为阿戈尔饰品追加额外的效果 稀有度掉落相关 月光大剑(星空怪) 潮湿的剑袋(爬爬...
Seraph thights queen skin Anime Version
Created by ①②③
Its an anime version of another skin for seraph. The origin author didnt reply me . If it is an infringement I will remove this mod v0.1 add a vanilla version at 4th slot v0.2 add red version...
Singleplayer Butcher's Circus(屠夫竞技场 屠夫马戏团)新版 简中汉化
Created by Gas-long
注意 汉化已完全更新,可正常游玩,无蓝字。现有的汉化如有任何错误,请及时留言反馈,我会及时更改。 由于原MOD进行了一次大型更新,新增了许多内容,并且作者也上传了旧版本MOD,今后我的汉化会已(屠夫马戏团)和(屠夫竞技场)还有图标来区分新旧版本,如果仍想使用老版本的(屠夫马戏团)游玩。 请订阅作者独立出来的Singleplayer Butcher's Circus: LITE 并订阅对应的汉化Singleplayer Butcher's Circus: LITE(屠夫马戏团)简中汉化 副本重叠解决办法 由于...
Sorrow Healer,her real name is Riono,she was born in Aen-Corakt,a lsland which was hiden in the middle of the ocean,her tribe was been ruined by Colonizer and Slave owner She is a well-trained unofficial doctor,because of this, she became the Slave owner's...
skeleton monster girl
Created by w_s_l
This mod is not suitable for all ages, please subscribe it according to your demand. Because of the report a few days ago, some part of the latest version of this mod will be cut. Nevertheless, the version without any cut will be added in 'steamapps/worksh...
Skadi Riding the waves skin
Created by stratus
这次制作的是A大的作品斯卡蒂独立职业的泳装皮肤!作为骨灰级蒂厨,当初我入坑暗黑地牢就是因为地牢里有蒂蒂!(✪▽✪) 所以一直非常感谢A大,让蒂蒂有机会在地牢里大杀四方,为了表达我对蒂蒂的厨力,这次也是特意花了不少功夫画了蒂蒂的泳装皮肤,身着泳装的蒂蒂更多了几分假日的清爽和悠闲呢,太可爱了,不愧是蒂蒂!(*´∀`)不过由于泳装皮肤覆盖了蒂蒂的黑眼形象,所以可能会对部分订阅者产生不便,在此表示歉意(≧ω≦) 另外非常感谢kaze大佬帮我制作了泳装蒂蒂的封面,并在上传过程中帮了大忙!同时也非常感谢A大同意我将这个...
Spider Nests 2 (Monster Mod)
Created by dem22
Phase 2.4 https://i.imgur.com/CqG8FW6.jpg Update *Languages English, Russian, Korean(A), Chinese(S), Italian, French (partial) *TIP: If using Inventory Expansion, all Spider mods should go ABOVE Inventory Mods to correct missing images! *Optional Picaroon ...
Stacking Gem Icons
Created by Moon/Void Slime
An aesthetic change that makes gems icons change with stacks like gold. Thank you to O'nightmare for helping me figure out what I needed to do to get the icons to change. Lucci cleaned up the onxy gems. If you would like to support me in development for mo...
Sunward Expansion: The Night Parade
Created by Seal
_____________________________________________ IMPORTANT PLEASE SEE _______________________________________________ This mod has to be loaded above base SI and have high priority in the load order. It has the potential to break your save if it is not. https...
Storm Enchanter Cauntha Class
Created by 爱德华
Storm Enchanter-Cauntha, Catyieun - Eaz-Caresher(East-Canira-people) - Fiden - Amoniaza-Fer-Winiein(Storm Enchanter) Cauntha is the former admiral of the Hirntes Empire ,at least, she was, since the uprising,she lost her job , and the “Alliance Of The Eaz-...
Swordmaiden Pearl Class
Created by 爱德华
Swordmaiden Pearl is miller's stepdaughter,she is the survivor of the comet crash,she found a sword with a soul inside. The Sword is a ancient Heroine called Virenn,now,Pearl own the sword,and will be cursed forever. Credit: Code:Myself Spine:Anonymous Pic...
Sunward Isles Oni & Kappa Redesign
Created by Blauw vliegtuig
While I have an insane amount of respect for the people who made the Sunward Isles, I don't like how they treated the Oni. So I redesigned him, and with the latest update, have given the Kappa some extra love as well! Von Hauser was so friendly as to do th...
Sven, The Rogue Knight - Class Mod - Reuploaded
Created by certi
Reuploading for preservation in anticipation of future takedown of the original mod, in accordance to and as per this message from Clair de Lune, the original uploader, with all credits maintained. This mod was co-authored with her by Machinata, so you pro...
The Ancestor 先祖
Created by CaptainSnafu
The ancestor is a master of necromancy, alchemy and occult. With the experience of failures in crypts and warrens, he got breakthroughs in further experiments. Before he faded into the nihility, he cloned himself and his ex-coworkers, then infused the copi...
TF2 Engineer
Created by Toby-Io
https://i.imgur.com/thEG2fA.png https://i.imgur.com/EPE1zjK.png The Engineer is a soft-spoken, amiable Texan from Bee Cave, Texas, USA with an interest in all mechanical things. He specializes in constructing and maintaining buildings that provide support ...
The Arcane Scholar Class Mod
Created by Snoop Duck
Now with a Japanese translation: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3212472916 A practitioner of powerful magics has come to investigate the Ancient Magics that surround the Estate and the Darkest Dungeon. Her arcane abilities are as po...
Task force class mod
Created by Kamo Master
Source of material: Arknights https://ak.hypergryph.com/index A combat team of two can start defending or healing by changing formations, and with some trinkets, even more reinforcements can be recruited Incidentally ~ they infiltrated Hamlet in order to c...
The Arcane Scholar 简/正體中文
Created by KTkt
玛露希尔职业的 简体/正體 中文汉化。 ====== Powered by chatGPT. 使用chatGPT翻译xml文件的提示词模板 See the prompt here: https://chat.openai.com/share/02e3d68f-9340-4948-b706-9a25334f7c09 在GPT翻译之后,我会通过校对来修正不合理的部分,so it's not straight out of machine translation. ====== 正體中文為直接轉換,或許不符合用語...
Team 3 Lu--Class mod Mecha Jeanne--Monster girl leader--Slime girl
Created by Kamo Master
!!!!注意有裸露内容!!!! !!!!! Warning! Naked content.Warning!!! ---THANKS--- 首先感谢@anaertailin大佬,此mod使用了大量anaertailin大佬的素材。 第一个英雄机械贞德亚鹿忒莉娅(Altria)皮肤使用anaertailin大佬的十字军珍妮和珍妮改变皮肤2.0改造 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1625545019 使用了大量如anaertailin...
The Ghoublin Enemy汉化文本
Created by 乌鸦先生
一个汉化补丁,已获得作者同意 本体mod涩情警告! 刚刚好看见这个mod,下载发现文本也不大,就用我那贫瘠的英语能力顺手做了汉化 故事背景: 一群邪恶的死灵法师做实验,搞出一个类似与食尸鬼和史莱姆的混合物,称为食尸魅(词根有Ghou食尸鬼之意),这群食尸魅以生物质为食,学者们出现某些变故,导致供给的生物质日益减少,因此食尸魅发生暴动,此前食尸魅因为实验已经发生变异,顺利地屠杀所有的学者后逃脱了。 ps:这个生物群体出现,一次就是两个,会出现在任意地图,死亡会掉落极具价值的多面体晶石,它的技能会可能导致你患上...
The Arch Wizard - Megumin
Created by HipsAhoy
"Darkness blacker than black and darker than dark, I beseech thee, combine with my deep crimson. The time of awakening cometh. Justice, fallen upon the infallible boundary, appear now as an intangible distortions! Dance, dance, dance! I desire for my torre...
The Banshee by Marvin Seo and Clair de Lune
Created by Marvin Seo
Currently Localized for Brazilian(Portuguese), Chinese(Simplified), Czech, English, French, Italian, Korean, Polish, Russian, and Spanish Want to fight the Banshee as soon as possible? Download the Banshee Boss Missions mod below! https://i.imgur.com/QHhTj...
The Fairy - New Class Mod
Created by Arylice
A fragile fairy with powerful potentials! Currently, this mod adds a new hero class with 8 different colors and custom animations! This independant mod requires no DLC and includes an event which gives you your first fairy! This new class mod appears very ...
TF2 Engineer 汉化
因Tf2 Engineer mod才會接觸到這個遊戲,玩的時候工程師Mod還沒有漢化,所以我修改了這個mod的本地化文件,然後我出了這個本地化文件mod。 放心,是简体中文。 一部分台詞是机翻(已尽量修好机翻错误),一部分找wiki的engineer台词,因为懒打字...这个mod总好过没有。 ________________________________________________ Just Localize(sChinese) for TF2 Engineer Mod, TF2 Engineer ...
The Beastkin 简/正體中文
Created by KTkt
伊津津美职业的 简体/正體 中文汉化。 ====== Powered by chatGPT. 使用chatGPT翻译xml文件的提示词模板 See the prompt here: https://chat.openai.com/share/02e3d68f-9340-4948-b706-9a25334f7c09 在GPT翻译之后,我会通过校对来修正不合理的部分,so it's not straight out of machine translation. ====== 正體中文為直接轉換,或許不符合用語...
The Beastkin Class Mod **Re-Upload**
Created by Snoop Duck
A curse-stricken catgirl that likes to do things her own way, she has traveled to the estate in order to find a way to dispel her curse. Making the best of her condition and utilizing her ninja training, she is able to execute a dazzling array of acrobatic...
The Arch Wizard - Megumin 大魔法师惠惠 简中汉化
Created by 喷泉之下
Describe your mod in 8000 characters or less here!...
The Beekeeper Class Mod
Created by Hybris
The Beekeeper is a supporter who provides healing honey to his teammates and sends his swarm of angry bees against foes, as well as dishing out marks and debuffs. Skills: Blinding Smoke: Shuffle, ACC debuff Medicinal Honey: HP heal, cures debuffs. Recreati...
the cleric errant燃烛牧师汉化mod
Created by 拜悼
好久没人做,自己最近事也很多,做了一半就忘了。催的人有点多就肝出来了。 折磨——不理性 作者疯了,胡说八道写了一堆。实在不知道怎么写,就把波若波罗蜜多心经写进去了。然后自己也发疯写了挺多怪东西。 名字原意是游侠牧师,我觉得燃烛牧师更符合形象。神职漫游者就当是是敌方牧师吧 之前版本有闪字情况是作者莫名其妙整了两个schinese的文件,因此会闪烁。 角色介绍:奶盾,能抗能辅,奶量惊人。 如果有意愿和我们一起讨论汉化的话,QQ群:1016992762。里面也有我整理的dd贴图(详细的分类了。)大家把这里当成游戏...
The Celestial
Created by Mrlgrgl | danaw167
At her core, The Celestial is a hybrid Tank/Disruptor. Her heaven-forged body grants immense passive damage absorption, and she can draw attention to herself with ease. On the offense she unleashes devastating attacks with her divine sword and stones, sund...
The Innocent Class Mod
Created by Eittienne
"What are we, once even the children are lost?" Overview ---------------------------- The Innocent is a charming young noble, born to a house of distant relation to your own. Though she was once lauded a prodigy amongst the social courts, a strange... simp...
The Bluesman Class Mod
Created by EbonyBetty
A Deal with the Devil... ------------------------------------------ If you liked The Bluesman, please try out my other mod(s)! The Mambo, The Harlot, The Steel-Driver https://i.imgur.com/KVDs6td.png https://i.imgur.com/3oWryVu.png https://i.imgur.com/RNd7s...
The Celt Class Mod
Created by DapperJack
https://i.imgur.com/5EWL0o8.png " The world has forgotten the old ways... forgotten the old gods. I have not, for I am their vessel, and through my blade, they enact their vengeance." https://i.imgur.com/1xP3hhm.png The Celt is a warrior from a long-forgot...
The Crow
Created by Spyboy
New Class Mod, the Crow, for Darkest Dungeon ================================================ This mod brings you the crow as a new playable class in Darkest Dungeon. The Crow is a backline DPS and also a powerful blighter. With his large skillset, he'll b...
The Courtesan: Full Class Conversion By Roderick
Created by Roderick
Introduction: The runner-up in the voting, the Courtesan at last has arrived at the Hamlet! This backline support specializes in keeping her allies alive and debuffing foes whilst in human form. But when one needs damage rather than healing, she can transf...
The Divinity Anime Style Skin
Created by Cathelia Samicora
Eyeful. Using skin slot: Z Usable by any version of "The Divinity" on Steam workshop ( Vanilla / Remastered / Enhanced). Load Order: Since it's just a skin, either above or below the Divinity class mod should be ok. Credits: The Divinity Anime Style Skin i...
The Dredge (Black Reliquary Teaser)
Created by Seal
Disclaimer: The Dredge was designed around several features in Black Reliquary. This variant allows for her to be used in Vanilla DD, but there are several changes that were necessary to make to her design in order for her to function properly, some of whi...
The Duchess Mod Schinese Localization
Created by 玛雅神棍
女伯爵汉化mod ========== 项目地址: https://github.com/BaoHaoYu/darkest_dungeon_mod_localization_schinese 汉化额外贡献者:nbb ...
The Divinity(辉耀之神)简中汉化
Created by 纯良嘉心糖
这次带来的依旧是那位大佬的新人物汉化mod,这次这个人物真的是让我大开眼界,就是强度上我觉得可能有点不太平衡(太强了).....先放出原mod链接https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1845068884 废话不多说,使用方法:订阅之后得到文件夹,把这个文件里的所有文件覆盖到原人物mod中,即复制到X:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\262060\1845068884\localization这个地址...
The Eternal
Created by Von Hauser
Other Heroes https://i.imgur.com/e6RkYnO.png https://i.imgur.com/yjiDyfG.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/5dbqOMp.png "Death is but a doorway to new life. Flesh withers only life is eternal." https://i.imgur.com/AEznLXP.png Features Custom Animations & Sounds 10 cla...
the Entrenched 战壕士兵汉化mod
Created by 拜悼
补完了 有问题进QQ群问:1016992762 合作的话个人QQ:1103936362...
The Divinity Class Mod
Created by Seta Nagato
The Divinity “When God left us... We created a new one.” The Divinity, a godlike being created by "The Church" in order to face the darkest times. A forbiden sin ignored, the creation of a "new one" to provide a new hopes... new sterghments born in form of...
The Forsaken 遗骸简中汉化
Created by 喷泉之下
The Entrenched Class Mod
Created by Cerebralcloud92
“Few are able to stand before the horrors of man, fewer still are invigorated by them.” https://i.imgur.com/pPbwAyt.png -------------------------------------------------- https://i.imgur.com/onQEa63.png RETREATING FLARE The Entrenched has a unique movement...
The Fiend Reborn
Created by Mind Breaker
This isn't my mod, once again, the original version can be found here: https://www.nexusmods.com/darkestdungeon/mods/40 You do NOT need the original mod to use this version! However, since it hasn't been updated in a long time and is fairly incomplete (no ...
The heroes in the position 5 Pharmacist
Created by Kamo Master
!!!Warning!!! The in-game summoning system used in this mod is prone to crashing the game due to the large number of images read instantly Highly recommended with the startup command: -disable_monster_pre_loading (Disable monster data pre-reading command) ...
The Offering - CC Trinkets
Created by Muscarine
The Offering - Trinket Set - For Crimson Court +++ http://i.imgur.com/MTRHURf.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/TTWGIEL.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/AEJGu3V.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/4SokHR5.png 1.Description 2.Known Issues 3.Credits and Permissions 4.Changelog -----------------...
The Exanimate Class Mod
Created by McSkellington
The Exanimate is an icon of suffering, writ in flesh. Having transcended his mortality he is able to rebound from even the most grievous of wounds. With a myriad of healing abilities he will endure whatever punishments the estate may throw at him and his a...
The Hollow - CC Trinkets
Created by Muscarine
The Hollow - Trinket Set - For Crimson Court +++ http://i.imgur.com/MTRHURf.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/TTWGIEL.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/AEJGu3V.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/4SokHR5.png 1.Description 2.Known Issues 3.Credits and Permissions 4.Changelog ----------------- 1...
The Forsaken - Revived
Created by TheAwkwardHeady
"Every cause needs a champion. A hero to rally the common men. The Forsaken was that champion. Once a proud warrior of the light, this once holy crusader has been afflicted. Forced to spend the rest of eternity within a rotting corpse, it roams the land it...
The Home for Lost Monsters
Created by Moon/Void Slime
What is the Home? Void's Home for Lost monsters is a community project to bring to life monsters who had work put in onto them, but then eventually abandoned. Our current workers in the Home are Shay (Sounds), NBB (Animations fixes, new animations), Comrad...
The Ghoublin Enemy Mod
Created by Sahlo Qah
WARNING This mod is very NSFW. No part of this mod should be considered safe for streams, showing to your friends, or general human consumption. With that out of the way, let me introduce you to the Ghoublin! Lore "On the bright side, the experiment succee...
The Privateer
Created by Von Hauser
Other Heroes https://i.imgur.com/e6RkYnO.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/lINYiWn.png https://i.imgur.com/5dbqOMp.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/SwaFeE4.png "Let's see what today's contract is." Features Custom Animations & Sounds 11 class Trinkets (CC, CoM, and Sunward)] L...
The Inquisitor
Created by Spyboy
New Class Mod, the Inquisitor, for Darkest Dungeon ================================================ This mod brings you the inquisitor as a new playable class in Darkest Dungeon. The Inquisitor is made for one thing : Weaken. While not the best tank out th...
The Keeper Class Mod
Created by Shay
"The human mind, fragile, like a robin's egg..." Introduction ------------------------------------------ DISCLAIMER: This mod is not directly connected to the already existing Condena hero mod, apart from using the same skin with permission from both Seta ...
The Incandescent Whisperer
Created by Miraclebutt
"All rights reserved. The contents of all materials available on this page are copyrighted by S-Purple unless otherwise indicated. All rights are reserved by S-Purple and content may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or transferred in...
The Itinerant Cook
Created by Mhnlo
The Itinerant Cook is a support class, based on healing and gathering food. Make use of her old recipes and her cooking experience, stack more food into her giant backpack and gather various ingredients on the corpses of your dead enemies. Bon Appétit ! To...
The Hood - CC Trinkets
Created by Muscarine
The Hood - Trinket Set - For Crimson Court +++ 1.Description 2.Known Issues 3.Credits and Permissions 4.Changelog ----------------- 1.Description ----------------- Crimson Court Trinket Set for The Hood. Requires... The Hood. And... Crimson Court. --------...
The Hood - Lewd and Nude Skin
Created by JomoKiN
Edited skins for Muscarine's The Hood class mod to make her even lewder and nuder. Uses hood_B, hood_C, and hood_D by default for the skins. This mod can also be found on Nexus Mods under the name: "The Profligates - Lewder and Nuder Skins", by user: "Jomo...
the Scavenger 粪海狂蛆
Created by CaptainSnafu
Background Story: The Scavenger, Writhing Wyrm of the FeceSea Deep in the warren is a sea of feces, made up of countless piles of rotting corpses and excrement. The FeceSea is always rough with roaring waves, as huge worms swim and churn in it. Some of the...
The Land Dweller
Created by snorlaxxo
https://i.imgur.com/j0ZxcOH.jpeg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GAMEPLAY Land Dweller is a slow, durable hero that focuses on debilitating foes and thinning down their numbers with DoT attacks. Combat Skills: Slimed Strike https://i.imgur.com/biaZxpa.png XXOO OOXX...
The Judicator (Black Reliquary Teaser)
Created by Seal
Disclaimer: The Judicator was designed around several features in Black Reliquary. This variant allows for her to be used in Vanilla DD, but there are several changes that were necessary to make to her design in order for her to function properly, some of ...
The Krakenslayer
Created by sasiji
“Blood in the Water! Salt in the Wound!” Overview ------------------------------------------ A seasoned whaler and a survivor of a ship sinking, the Krakenslayer is a dedicated tank and boss killer, proving once and for all that monstrous size has no intri...
The Magus Class Mod
Created by Psyberry
"Beacons in the darkness, stars in the emptiness of the void." Introduction: Hailing from a faraway City, the Magus has a strong connection to the planet. She can hear its whispers and tap into the dormant energy it provides. Though she has a kind heart, h...
The Tusk - Lewd and Nude Skin
Created by JomoKiN
Edited skin for Muscarine's The Tusk class mod to make her even lewder and nuder. Uses tusk_B by default for the skin. This mod can also be found on Nexus Mods under the name: "The Profligates - Lewder and Nuder Skins", by user: "JomoKiN" It includes all s...
The Mambo Hero Class mod
Created by EbonyBetty
The Voodoo That You Do... ------------------------------------------ If you liked The Mambo, please try out my other mod(s)! The Steel-Driver, The Harlot, The Arsonist https://i.imgur.com/RNd7s9H.png https://i.imgur.com/3oWryVu.png, https://i.imgur.com/cHO...
The Magician by The Necromancer - New Class Mod
Created by The Necromancer
Girls love stealing.... Girls love taking things! The Magician is here to blast her way into the hamlet and add everything not nailed down to her vast collection! That includes the souls of the damned! The Magician is a ramp-based damage dealer, that gets ...
The Mender
Created by A Guy Named Guy
For Users: If you'd like to use older versions of The Mender before certain rebalances, you can pick one up by going to the mod nexus page here: https://www.nexusmods.com/darkestdungeon/mods/1060?tab=files The 1.5 version file was in the state before the r...
The Marcus Brothers
Created by Seal
The Marcus Brothers Miniboss mod is a roaming group of elite enemies that can appear in champion(lv. 5) Ruins quests. First Encounter There's a town event that occurs once the player has 4 lv 5 heroes and is past week 12. This town event triggers a medium ...
The Maid By The Necromancer
Created by The Necromancer
Girls are stressing out.... The Maid, a Touhou inspired class, is an aggressive dancer who manipulates the action economy to land devastating AoEs and critical hits. She brings with her a fast, resource based play style and tricky mechanics Summary The Mai...
The Mountain - Updated Version
Created by Grim_Reaper
The Mountain This is an updated version of an old mod called 'The Mountain' made by Oks, with his permission I am taking over/updating Warning: Do NOT use this mod and the original Mountain mod together, this is an updated version with many conflicting fil...
The Man o War Reforged
Created by Cryptix
Lore ------------------------------------------ The Man o' War is a fallen noble from the tragic nation of Ostvengr turned mercenary. Down on his luck, he wields a set of power armor outdated by Ostvengr standards, but still incedibly advanced to the rest ...
The nun暴力修女 个人汉化
Created by aes2337701
这是作为新手的俺的第一个个人汉化mod!耶! 感谢俺列表的大佬在我初次进行汉化的时候进行的无私帮助和经验传授,没有他的帮助和指导俺或许真的搞不成汉化,在这里俺表示万分的感谢! 不过总体而言在某些方面或许我汉化的不是很全面,不过貌似也不影响正常的游玩体验就是了【挠头】 当前存在的问题,基础的一技能名字部分依旧是蓝色字代码,这个俺搞了好久,然而还是无法解决这个问题,额,大家要订阅的话还请将就一下吧otz 第一个技能的名字叫做【神圣之怒】 这个mod俺个人游玩下来觉得挺有趣的,这是一个精通体术且脾气暴躁的修女,她...
The Meister Class Mod
Created by Bean
https://imgur.com/4fCcf9N.jpg Introduction "A marvel of technology!" A weak boy at a glance, Meister is a master technician from the east. He was once a beloved retainer of the Emperor, but mysterious crews took everything from him. From the arcane relic o...
The Paradox Class Mod
Created by Wolfboi
===== Intro ===== "Strange Aeons pass and even Lady Death may Love again. Fate abhors an Endless Paradox..." The Paradox is perhaps nothing more than a conundrum. It clings to lives past and memories long lost. This undead creature has died many times... O...
The Noir Class Mod
“Noir ภายใต้ใบหน้าที่สยดสยองของเธอการต่อสู้คือที่สุด.” https://i.imgur.com/zVjEEa8.png The original is available here. ----------------------------------Skins------------------------------- https://i.imgur.com/Bc2kpvh.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/DhmkMoH.png htt...
The Phlebotomist (Spider's Court Teaser)
Created by Von Hauser
https://i.imgur.com/AqZTdbt.png “A stern-faced woman wearing heavily-modified garments that hint at a former profession in medicine and scholarly research. A panoply of tubes, glass vials, and esoteric equipment is woven into her protective leather coat. I...
The Miko By The Necromancer
Created by The Necromancer
Girls are stressing out.... The Miko, as you'll come to find, is primarily a forward support class. Using prayer and the tools of a seasoned Youkai hunter to restore the faith of the party and undermine the opposition. Stunning, healing and debuffing, all ...
The Nun
Created by Mafe
The Nun, cast out from a draconian cloister of warrior-nuns, has wandered to the Hamlet to offer her strength in vanquishing evil from the Estate. With a stoic face and burning conviction, she throws herself into the fray and rains righteous fury on anyone...
The Privateer 汉化
Created by MarDolphin
The Privateer的简单汉化,台词还未完全汉化,作者似乎用了很多的俚语和故意的错误拼写还有奇妙的双关来塑造一个粗鲁海员的形象,扎营会说一些有趣的诗。 这角色背景是个有私掠许可证开私掠船的前海军军官。但和这种官方海盗相比,更像是专门打海盗和各种怪物的海上赏金猎人。(以后就叫这角色好运姐算了) 角色机制比较有趣,可以通过打标给自己所有人上一个收集赏金的效果,杀死一个敌人就会失去这个效果并且获得可以卖钱的战利品。有高暴击的平砍和响应标记就破甲的平射,一个响应标记加暴击的打123aoe,类似二当家抵近炮击但...
The Pony
Created by Dragoneye
The Pony While at a glance she seems to be nothing more than a simple farm animal, you'll quickly discover that this small creature holds many surprises. Her ability to focus all forms of mysterious energies quickly lead people to believe she may be not qu...
the Sorceress 女术士
Created by CaptainSnafu
Background: To establish a mystical connection with magic, the Sorceress spent decades to gain insight into the laws of nature and the mysteries of the human mind. She is able to control the magical elements around her as she wishes. By inverting the conne...
The Raiju: A Sunward Addon
Created by Seal
All rights reserved. The contents of all materials available on this page are copyrighted by S-Purple unless otherwise indicated. All rights are reserved by S-Purple, and content may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or transferred in...
The Rugal Class Mod
Created by 爱德华
编程:首席汉化师爱德华 画师:anaertailin 头像背景:十三号侯爵 老板:Berserk Rugal(暗天狼) 人物名称:指挥官卢卡尔(Rugal) 上传协助:爱德华 唯有力量才是真理 说明:在这无尽的次元中,唯有战争是永恒不变。Rugal并不是一个合格的领袖,在他眼中只有忠诚的奴仆值得他的关注,但人们信赖与依靠他。从黑色诺亚到休伯利安,从战争堡垒到超级要塞,从神圣泰拉到亚顿之矛。为了生存,所有人只能在这场永无止尽的杀戮旋涡中,不断前行。 介绍:卢卡尔只相信力量和他的女仆长。(和平和你?笑话!我不会...
The Sunward Isles (New Dungeon)
Created by Seal
The Sunward Isles is a new dungeon that's modeled after Japanese history and culture. Fight new Yokai type enemies, explore the depths of the archipelago, and put an end to some of the ancient horrors of the Isles. =========================================...
The Revelations Knight
Created by ZIMIK
“The lights went out,and they came again。” https://s2.loli.net/2023/03/24/GkpmsCXPUHzD3Lo.png When Revelation Knight first join your team , Click this to get the Dream Cycle. https://s2.loli.net/2023/03/24/ud8DZAMfltYSXqF.png “The Nightmare descend on the ...
the tenshi 比那名居天子汉化mod
Created by 拜悼
台词已经补完 从第一次发表到现在已经将近有一年的时间了。(拖更的原因详见 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3014889659 )天的汉化过程更多的是揣测以天子这种很有特色的性格会以什么语气说出台词,再如何靠文字传达给大伙。台词文本量不多,但更多时间是在查wiki和问朋友(因为对东方及其衍生作品的认识还是很片面)。内容应该不会有太大出入。如果有错译望大伙指出。 参考: THBwiki 几个外网的东方project维基百科 猪鼻车...
the sword bearer缚魂魔刃 个人汉化2.0
Created by aes2337701
这是作为新手的俺的第二个个人汉化mod!耶! 这次俺汉化的mod是the sword bearer缚魂魔刃【名是俺自己起的233 上手玩了玩觉得做得真的很不错,但是为什么这么冷门呢....然后原mod也没有简中,导致在简中环境下运行会出现一行行的蓝色代码,于是俺就自己动手花了一个下午左右搞定了汉化【大概是全部? 同样的,俺在原mod评论区也征求到了许可,可以在原mod的评论区找到哦 顺便人物的背景故事也很有意思,一个倒霉老哥拿着圣剑砍死爬爬之后惨遭爬爬寄生,将剑和自己的手强制融合了——差不多失去了一只手【我...
The Tryndamere/蛮族之王 mod
Created by gouzeizeigou
前言 “我是你最可怕的噩梦!”——蛮族之王,苍蝇蛮() 地牢再添一员lol猛将,蛮子来到地牢展开他的无尽狩猎.... —————— 工作人员:gouzeizeigou:代码/音效/设计/翻译 麻风王的盛邀:美术/监督 特别感谢:岩姐 代码指导 中文和fully English localization English description is down in bottom ————— 角色细节 定位:前排输出,能抗能打 特色:高额暴击,较低下限,无敌自保,攻击获得专属“怒气”机制 技能:重击 自身站 1...
The Shrapnel - CC Trinkets
Created by Muscarine
The Shrapnel - Trinket Set - For Crimson Court +++ 1.Description 2.Known Issues 3.Credits and Permissions 4.Changelog ----------------- 1.Description ----------------- Crimson Court Trinket Set for The Shrapnel. Requires... The Shrapnel. And... Crimson Cou...
The Stars Class Mod
Created by Kaze*
The StarMoonNight Sponsor Trinkets have been moved to the accessory pack "Kaze*的星夜饰品包" English Version Will be proofread and launched in nearly a week Link: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2424241079 Announcement --------------------...
The Tusk - CC Trinkets
Created by Muscarine
The Tusk - Trinket Set - For Crimson Court +++ http://i.imgur.com/MTRHURf.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/TTWGIEL.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/AEJGu3V.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/4SokHR5.png 1.Description 2.Known Issues 3.Credits and Permissions 4.Changelog ----------------- 1.D...
The Succubus
Created by CarnifeX
"I can see your flesh clamoring for my embrace. Be patient I will offer you relief ..." https://i.imgur.com/t9Q4Ued.png High Res Comic Mod Features Custom Animations and Sounds New draining oriented gameplay mechanics Crimson Court and CoM Trinkets Include...
x2 Combat Speed
Created by o'night
Increases game speed during battles, also affects animations. This mod works differently than most similar mods - instead of manually changing all files it simply enables speedhack in battles. This makes it much more stable and compatible with everything. ...
Wyrd Pariah Class
Created by Poljanan
The Wyrd Pariah "There, at the very edge of that lonely copse, did I bear witness to a most alarming and abhorrent sight. Clad in scarlet was a frail-looking waif; no older than twenty. She danced around what seemed to be cairn pillars, erected facing the ...
The Twilight Knight
Created by Balgin Stondraeg
No stranger to crossovers the Twilight Knight has been seen in numerous other franchises. Hell Dorado, Wrath of Kings, Myth & Super Dungeon Explore to name a few. Well now she's brought her crazy sentient blade into the world of Kingdom Death to slaughter ...
The Vampire
Created by Spyboy
New Class Mod, the Vampire, for Darkest Dungeon ================================================ This mod brings you the haemophiliac vampire as a new playable class in Darkest Dungeon. Suck the blood of your ennemies and heal your team members by sharing ...
The Vixen Class Mod
Created by Sahlo Qah
WARNING This mod is very NSFW. From the skill icons, to the dialogue, to the sprites, to the audio, no part of this mod should be considered safe for streams, showing to your friends, or general human consumption. With that out of the way, let me introduce...
The Vessel
Created by Cerebralcloud92
“No Cost Too Great...” An enigmatic wanderer, their sword cracked to its core and their cloak muddied by wear and tear. How such a being found its way to the Estate, none could really say. Some spread rumors of a far off kingdom, left in desolate ruins aft...
The Scarecrow (Class Mod)
Created by La Chassé
Ever wanted to play as one of the Scarecrows from the Farmstead? ... Probably not, honestly. Here's a mod for it anyway. This mod DOES NOT require any DLC, not even Color of Madness. The Scarecrow is a support class / damage dealer, one of the enemies from...
Tifa Lockhart - Class Mod
Created by Muscarine
This Mod is SFW +++ https://i.imgur.com/ltZsZWU.png 1.Description 2.Known Issues 3.Credits and Permissions 4.Changelog ----------------- 1.Description ----------------- Fan's favorite best girl Tifa somehow found her way into your hamlet ~ She is designed ...
Tomb Prospector -Class Mod-
Created by rampart1028
----During confirmation work---- File updates will come in frequently, I'm sorry. I have doubts about the fun of this mod, so major changes may be made. Please use after understanding. Introduction This mod is a new class mod that Parody the "BloodBorne" T...
The Warlord
Created by Cerebralcloud92
“In the proper position, even the distant moon will shift the tide.” https://i.imgur.com/PYNteck.png The Warlord is a hardened commander at home in any position on the battlefield, moving easily between front and rear of the group. Her great mass and might...
The Warden Class Mod
Created by Doc Quail
---- MANUAL INSTALLATION (FIXES ALL BUGS) ---- 1. Navigate to your workshop folder here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\262060\906316834 2. Copy the effects, heroes, localization, raid, and upgrades folders. 3. Navigate to your Dar...
The Warlord 个人汉化
Created by 楪祈
Tifa Lockhart - CC Trinkets
Created by Muscarine
Tifa Lockhart - Trinket Set - For Crimson Court +++ 1.Description 2.Known Issues 3.Credits and Permissions 4.Changelog ----------------- 1.Description ----------------- Crimson Court Trinket Set for Tifa Lockhart by muscarine. Requires... Tifa Lockhart. An...
Town Event: The Axolotl
Created by Paco da Pea
Adds a basic immediate recruitment town event to allow you to recruit the Axolotl class a tad bit sooner (hopefully). Requires my Axolotl class add-on, and to probably have it put below it in the mod loading order!...
twilight knight Unique animation
Created by anaertailin
. Replaced the original Twilight Knight animation file, so you can't see the original art. No other color matching, if you are interested, you can use any art software to try color matching....
Unique Items : Mega Trinkets Pack
Created by zxcqwe
Unique Items : Mega Trinkets Pack This mod add 209 Very Rare Trinkets(!!) This Unique trinkes have many special options but trying to keep balance. Only purpose is 'variety of experiences' and 'collection' (Don't warry about Difficulty) Welcome feedback, r...
Tomb Prospector Chinese localization
Created by 鳴戈
Tomb Prospector Simplified Chinese Translation This is only the Chinese translation of the mod. You still need to subscribe to the original mod. 血源风新职业探墓者简体中文翻译,职业灵感应该来自于热衷探索圣杯地牢的玩家群体Tomb Prospector,标志形象就是一套墓地勘探者加圣剑。 这只是该模组的中文翻译,你仍然需要安装本体并将此补丁排序至本体上方。...
UI Enhancement
Created by Maester Silvio
WORKS WITH CRIMSON COURT WORKS WITH COLOR OF MADNESS The tooltips for Darkest Dungeon contain a variety of errors and ambiguity. One of the most-loved QoL features from Lighter Dungeon and Pitch Black Dungeon is now available as a standalone mod. These UI ...
Veibae Bounty Hunter Skin Replacer
Created by Marvin Seo
This mod is not an official Red Hook Studios product or product modification, and Red Hook Studios Inc. is not responsible in any way for changes or damages that may result from using the mod. Furthermore, “Darkest Dungeon” and the Darkest Dungeon logo are...
Trinket Overhaul Project - T.O.P.
Created by JavitoVk
30/6/2018 -Updated to be CoM compatible. Fixed old stats! Mod version: 4.0 Latest working build: 23941 Hello everyone, This mod takes 75 backer trinkets and redesign them completely. Now compatible with Crimson Court and Colour of Madness!!! This includes:...
Valeera Sanguinar new class mod
Created by RoGNeZ
Этот мод не разрешен для публикации в Steam, кроме как под именем учетной записи Steam RoGNeZ, я не разрешаю редактировать мою работу. Салли Вайтмейн оригинальная игра. Sally Whitemane original game. https://i.imgur.com/oYOe1WA.png https://i.imgur.com/XJpX...
Town Events Rebalance
Created by Maester Silvio
Though town events are a relatively new addition, many have expressed their disdain for certain events and their cooldowns, chances, and/or trigger requirements. This mod adjusts many of those events, most notably making the Town Invasion event have a lowe...
Vermintide Mod
Created by LEGO_Johnase
https://imgur.com/tTCK7QC.gif Introduction Not so far from the hamlet A mine there be, not to be known yet. No sights to be seen, you bet. But kids, they sing, in mocking minuet. "Rats! Rats! Horrible rats!" "Rats! Rats! in the streets!" "Rats in the house...
Vamp - New Class Mod
Created by ActionJack
Vamp - Class Mod ==================================== “The red wine is best when drink warm~” Come join, for the banquet of the red wines are just starting! In crimson pool we will dance. We drink to our fill and good health. The eternal unquenchable blood...
Warlock class NSFW skin 【契术师】NSFW 皮肤
Created by mangoice
only skin ,not class 只有皮肤,没有本体 If infringing, contact for deletion 如有侵权,联系删除 Warlock class(角色本体):https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2869512638...
Vestal Hell Priestess Replace skin
Created by anaertailin
********************************************* Replaced skeleton animation, which will clash with other skins of Vestal 替换了骨骼动画,会和其他修女皮肤冲突, 正在尝试非冲突方式 If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon. patreon.com/an...
Vestal Annatar skin
Created by anaertailin
Don't ask why there is such a big gap between noumenon and original painting,and why do I call her Annatar. Anyway, the tool woman has skin. 不要问别的,工具人有皮肤就行了。还有,告诉别的皮肤作者,把修女脸和领子擦掉,在兜帽上画头。 If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in mon...
w_s_l Courtyard Localization
Created by Knave of Chalices
This is intended to add more...fitting names for the monsters and attacks reskined by w_s_l's crimson court monster girl mod (obviously that mod is required for this mod to work). I was incredibly hesitant about making this mod public, for what I believe t...
Whitemane new mod class
Created by RoGNeZ
This mod is not allowed to be published on Steam, except under the Steam account name RoGNeZ, I do not allow editing and distributing my work. Valeera Sanguinar original game. https://i.imgur.com/DbJQZe2.png https://i.imgur.com/XJpXoQy.png Sally Whitemane ...
Zodiac Sign:十二生肖
Created by 七封
这是一套以十二生肖为主题的饰品,各个生肖以符文形式存在, 同时设计了十二件各有寓意的装备,通过和生肖的交融结合成十二套各有特色的套装。 例如: 猪符和九齿钉耙的“倒打一耙”,极具反击特色; 龙符和青龙偃月刀“连斩”,神挡杀神; 再有虎符统御,天狗噬光,牛头马面驱魔斩鬼等等。 最后,猴符和金箍棒的套装属性,不是特意卖萌,是致敬我最喜欢的西游小说《大泼猴》,作者甲鱼不是龟。 这本书记不清看哭了多少次,他是我心中永远的猴子,还有这部电视剧我也期待了N年…… 套装属性天道无极,效果就是伤害上限+100%,就是突破极...
NTW-20 for musketeer
Created by Destroyer MK.V
ntw-20 for musketeer Using new animation file which means NOT compatible with other Musketeer mod! Character from Girls'Frontline - the Denel NTW-20 AMR, replace Musketeer's skin. leave your comment if your like(or not...).This helps me a lot! ovo 用少前里的NTW...
DD MOD Schinese Fix
Created by ETO灬XL
注意: 本MOD是结合DD MOD Schinese Localization Reborn一起用的,请在订阅以后将其放在DD MOD Schinese Localization Reborn的上方。 假如你订阅了多个本地化MOD且出现文本闪烁的情况时 请尝试将此MOD放在所有本地化MOD的最上方 有一定概率能解决问题 MOD用处: 1.解决一系列的文本闪烁问题 2.缓解作者排查问题的难度,加强作者效率。 3.给作者保留宝贵的头发。【雾】 4.让作者心态保持冷静。【雾】 ...
whisperain skin for Martyr
Created by Kamo Master
You need to subscribe to Martyr - Class Mod and sort this skin mod on top of the Martyr - Class Mod If you like our work and want to support me,this is my patreon....
Repeatable Quests
Created by Maester Silvio
Upon completion of a plot quest, this mod will allow you to repeat those quests as much as desired!...
Better Boss Rewards - SUNWARD ISLES
Created by Anonymous_Koala
Like better boss rewards, but for the Sunward Isles mod. Load this above Sunward Isles! ALL PLOT QUESTS: 3 Sunward trinkets. UMIBOZU: 2 Sunward trinkets, since originally his quest offers none. Check out my monster collection here! https://imgur.com/xvvd74...
[Rebirth] Inquisitor 圣裁官
Created by CaptainSnafu
This class was published in 2017. That was my first DD mod and quite popular in the old days, but because of ID problem, he is not compatible with an another great mod . Now i solve this problem and give him a rebirth by remaking some of his abilities and ...
The Sawtooth Class Mod
Created by Sahlo Qah
Welcome to the Sawtooth! Some important information you should know before subscribing to this mod: - This mod has suggestive themes, but there is no actual NSFW content by default. Lore "I remember when that sea pup first visited our little town... back w...
Porkin's Monster Skin : 3. Siren (Less mutated)
Created by Drawing Porkin
Hi. I'm twitch streamer PORKIN(kih0817) My stream : South korea time 19:00 ~ ?? ---------------------------------------- Isn it fun? this is umm. commission too! please keep behold (??) ---------------------------------------- Twitch STREAM twitch.tv/kih08...