Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

564 평점
KR Tech Extension
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522.127 MB
2023년 12월 4일 오전 8시 54분
2024년 5월 22일 오전 7시 26분
변경 사항 31개 ( 보기 )
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KR Tech Extension

Last Updated for May 5, 2024. (KR's 1.1.3 release)
This submod assumes you have all HoI4 Expansions.

For those who wishes to continue their existing playthrough prior to the current update, the ParadoxMod release[mods.paradoxplaza.com] is intentionally kept 1 version back.

An adaptation of Equestria at War and Extended Tech Tree 1960's Tech Tree for Kaiserreich, mostly for my own personal use. As newer Kaiserreich updates now include post-war content, I hope this helps fill up the missing part of the late-game experience up until late-1950s while keeping techs and designers mostly along the "vanilla with all DLCs" level.

Other major GFX/3D model/idea sources, whereas all credits belong to their respective owners:
- The New Order: Last Days of Europe
- Add Technologies
- Ultimate Tech Tree : New Horizon
- United *UMC* v.1.92
- HoI4 Extra [Abandoned]
- Millennium Dawn: A Modern Day Mod
- Cold War Iron Curtain: A World Divided
- #Navy tv gfx-USS (no longer available online)

This mod works with both Kaiserreich or KaiserreduX natively, but please avoid using this alongside other submod that also edits the tech tree unless said otherwise.

This mod includes pictures from several artists, used without explicit permission. If you are the owner of the artwork and wish to have it removed, please send a note to one of the contributors on Steam. I hereby own no assets included in this submod except for some snippets of code.

Translations Patch (use alongside this mod):
- Simplified Chinese Translation/中文简体翻译
- Polish Translation/Polskie Tłumaczenie
- Russian Translation/Русская Локализация

Official Compatibility Patches:
- Support Company Expansion 1.13 for even more support company types.
- RT56 Steel Aluminium Standalone for The Road to 56-style Steel and Aluminium mills.
- Kaiserreich Naval Rework (also work with KX and their Chinese language patches) for those who prefer KR's classic naval tech tree and Naval enthusiasts alike.
- Squadron Air Wings Size to reduce default airwing size to 24 (instead of 100); shouldn't need much micromanaging as air groups are now a thing.
- 取消KR Tech Extension的学说与科技,制造商互斥 to remove mutual doctrine exclusions, if you preferred.
댓글 571
PPsyrius  [작성자] 2024년 6월 2일 오전 7시 45분 
Thx, I've updated the link to new Chinese translation as requested
Shavius 2024년 6월 1일 오후 10시 38분 
Hi, the old Simplified Chinese patch listed here hasn't been uodated for months, we have made a newer refined Chinese translation, please advertise it in your description https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3259426210
PPsyrius  [작성자] 2024년 5월 30일 오후 8시 33분 
For the next patch - mechanically-wise we're probably looking at NSB tank equipment tree being expanded down to 1960 with 3rd-tier turret modules for light tanks & MBTs, alongside new armour, radio, and stabilizer modules.

Medium and Heavy tanks will also get their new turret module to represents their 1950s refit by minor tags.

Also a "Vector Thrust Nozzle" module for 1960 small airframes which trades range for agility for all your 'Jump Jet' needs.

Other changes are still pending, but the Mittelafrikan 'Dune-swagen' armoured cars and decision to increase the attack helicopter company size will definitely be included.
PPsyrius  [작성자] 2024년 5월 30일 오후 8시 23분 
@MarGieLa MaDmAn
I've sent you a Steam friend request, thx 🙏

This is still being worked on, albeit at a slower pace at the moment.

Air Assaults aren't supposed to be the 1:1 replacement of mechanized units, but I'll see what I can do to make them more usable at least.

I already got some basic plans for a possible conversion of the existing helicopter tech tree to be equipment designer-based laid out already (not limited to just attack helis like Millennium Dawn) but this will probably take a long while to implemented...
Vlad203 2024년 5월 30일 오후 7시 47분 
or it could be a separated special force? idk
Vlad203 2024년 5월 30일 오후 7시 46분 
maybe u could add a decision to add like 250-500 attack helicopters to one air assault battalion after researching them because they lack soft attack compared to mechanized idk if that would be balanced or not
Miiaboo 2024년 5월 30일 오후 5시 19분 
Such a great looking mod!! I kinda wish something similar-ish for KR would exist out there that didn't require any DLC. But still, awesome work!
MarGieLa MaDmAn 2024년 5월 29일 오후 11시 03분 
@ppsyyrius i can help write the nation specific tech descriptions if you would want
Shavius 2024년 5월 27일 오후 9시 03분 
I know these two mods are never gonna fit, I only wish the base game module rebalancing part could be merged in here. It would be more likely a balancer patch than a compatibility patch
PPsyrius  [작성자] 2024년 5월 27일 오후 6시 51분 
I need to maintain the main KR Tech Extension itself "mostly vanilla KR" pre-1944 to keep them usable for internal KR team testing, so those module stats will likely remain unchanged unless PDX or KR decided to buff them.

I don't mind making them compatibility patch for this though, just give me a link to that mod's Steam Workshop/Paradoxmod page so that I can use them as a baseline here. 👀