Warhammer 40,000: Darktide

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide

92 ratings
[1.4.x] Zealot Talents & Mechanics
By kuli
This guide explains all of Zealot's talents and related mechanics.
Base Stats
Zealot has the following base stats which can be modified by respective talents. Some of these base stats interact with the respective toughness, stamina, dodge, sprint, and handling templates of currently equipped weapons.

Health (alive)
Health (downed)
Crit chance

Toughness on Melee Kill
5% of max toughness

Coherency Toughness
Coherency toughness regeneration is active only when there are no enemies occupying slots around the player unit (DT's slot system is similar to VT2's). Coherency toughness regeneration is disabled while the player is downed, and while the player is in fire patches from Bomber grenades and Flamers' flamethrowers, and in toxic gas.

The coherency regen delay (i.e. the time until coherency regeneration kicks in after its conditions have been met) is currently bugged: It varies depending on the length of the death animation of the last enemy occupying a slot and hence appears to also be unaffected by the toughness_regen_delay_multiplier provided by Toughness Regeneration Speed curios.

Coherency Radius
Base Coherency Toughness Regen Delay
Base Coherency Toughness Regen
(allies: 0) 0 toughness per second
(allies: 1) 3.75 toughness per second
(allies: 2) 5.625 toughness per second
(allies: 3) 7.5 toughness per second
Coherency Toughness Regen Grace
Time after Leaving


Stamina Regen Delay
Stamina Regen Speed
1.5 stamina per second

Minimum Direction Input Requirement
Minimum travel distance needed before a dodge can be performed
Dodge Distance
How far the dodge can move the character
Dodge Cooldown
Time until next dodge can be performed
Dodge Cooldown after Jump
Time until next dodge can be performed if interrupted by a jump
Dodge Count Reset Time
Time to reset the effective dodge count
Melee Dodge Linger Time
Grace window after finishing a dodge in which the character is still considered as is_dodging against a melee attack
Dodge Stop Threshold
Maximum dodge time after dodging into an obstacle
Toughness Damage Taken Modifier (Dodging)
Modifies toughness damage taken while dodging; below 1 means taking less damage, above 1 means taking more damage BUT due to the complexity of the calculation, neither does 0 translate into taking no damage at all nor does 2 translate into taking double damage. For an in-depth explanation, refer to this write-up (still up to date despite some values having changed).

Base Movement Speed
Movement Speed when Jumping
Climbing Speed
Crouching Speed
Sprinting Speed
Sprint Multiplier when out of Stamina
Toughness Damage Taken Modifier (Sprinting)
Modifies toughness damage taken while sprinting; below 1 means taking less damage, above 1 means taking more damage BUT due to the complexity of the calculation, neither does 0 translate into taking no damage at all nor does 2 translate into taking double damage. For an in-depth explanation, refer to this write-up (still up to date despite some values having changed).
Speed Requirement to Slide
Minimum movement speed required to perform a slide
Toughness Damage Taken Modifier (Sliding)
Modifies toughness damage taken while sliding; below 1 means taking less damage, above 1 means taking more damage BUT due to the complexity of the calculation, neither does 0 translate into taking no damage at all nor does 2 translate into taking double damage. For an in-depth explanation, refer to this write-up (still up to date despite some values having changed).
Talent Nodes (Part I)
+20% Damage to Ranged Backstab Attacks.

stat buff: flanking_damage

Increases damage by 20% when flanking. 'Flanking' refers to ranged attacks executed from within a specific angle behind an enemy's back. It is the ranged equivalent to backstabbing (see Backstabber). Stacks additively with the Raking Fire weapon blessing and other related damage buffs.

Anoint in Blood
Up to +25% Base Ranged Damage, reduced the further you are from the target.

stat buff: damage_near

Increases any damage by 25% against enemies within an 12.5m radius while the ranged weapon is equipped; stacks additively with other damage buffs. Beyond 12.5m, the damage buff decreases linearly until it loses its effect at 30m:

to Target

Also increases the damage of Blades of Faith, Stunstorm Grenade, and Immolation Grenade as well as DoTs like burn and bleed applied by Zealot as long as Zealot stays within 30m to the enemy and has the ranged weapon equipped.

Note that ranged weapons interact differently with this talent depending on their individual effective damage ranges: For example, the Infantry Lasgun MG 1a has inverted falloff; it deals mininum damage within 7m to an enemy, then ramps up to max damage at 15m and beyond. With the talent equipped, the damage falloff within 7m is effectively negated, its max damage at 15m is increased, and the talent's regular falloff effect is active until 30m.

+20% Damage on Melee Backstab Hits.

stat buff: backstab_damage

Increases damage by 20% when backstabbing. 'Backstabbing' refers to melee attacks executed from within a specific angle behind an enemy's back. It is the melee equivalent to flanking (see Ambuscade). Stacks additively with other related damage buffs.

Bleed for the Emperor
Damage that would take your Health to the next Wound is reduced by 40%.

stat buff: health_segment_damage_taken_multiplier

Procs only on health damage. Only reduces the health damage part of the attack that would break the next wound (does not provide damage reduction against the toughness damage part of that attack). Stacks multiplicatively with other damage reduction buffs.

Blood Redemption
The Toughness you regain on Melee Kills is increased by +50%.

stat buff: toughness_melee_replenish

Increases Zealot's base 5% of maximum toughness gained on melee kill by 50% to 7.5% of maximum toughness gained on melee kill.

Dance of Death
-75% Spread and -50% Recoil for 3s on successful Dodge.

stat buffs:

Reduces the spread and recoil of ranged weapons. Procs on successfully dodging enemy melee or ranged attacks (except Gunners, Reapers, Snipers), and disabler attacks (Pox Hound jump, Trapper net, Mutant grab). 'Successful dodge' means dodging an enemy attack that is locked on the player with an accordingly timed dodge or sliding action.

The Ghost, Hit & Run and Stripped Down weapon blessings can proc this talent (only against ranged attacks).

+20% Melee Damage for 5s when Stamina is depleted.

stat buff: melee_damage

Procs when stamina reaches 0 either by sprinting, pushing or blocking enemy melee attacks. If triggered by sprinting, the start of the buff effect is delayed until the sprinting action stops. Can be refreshed during active duration.

+5% Damage on your next Melee Attack for each Enemy Hit. Stacks 5 times.

stat buff: melee_damage

Increases the melee damage of your next melee attack by 5% for each enemy hit by your previous melee attack. Can only apply every other hit since it does not trigger while already active. Gets 1 stack per enemy hit. Damaging melee special actions of ranged weapons consume stacks (i.e. bashes with Bolter, Braced Autogun, Headhunter Autogun, Stub Revolver).
Talent Nodes (Part II)
+50% Weakspot & Critical Hit damage for 3s on successful Dodge.

stat buffs:

Increases weakspot and critical hit damage of both melee and ranged attacks. Procs on successfully dodging enemy melee or ranged attacks (except Gunners, Reapers, Snipers), and disabler attacks (Pox Hound jump, Trapper net, Mutant grab). 'Successful dodge' means dodging an enemy attack that is locked on the player with an accordingly timed dodge or sliding action.

The Ghost, Hit & Run and Stripped Down weapon blessings can proc this talent (only against ranged attacks).

Enduring Faith
+50% Toughness Damage Reduction on Critical Hit for 4s.

stat buff: toughness_damage_taken_multiplier

Grants 50% toughness damage reduction on either melee or ranged critical hit for 4 seconds. Can be refreshed during active duration. Stacks multiplicatively with other damage reduction buffs.

Technically, damaging melee special actions of ranged weapons (i.e. bashes with Bolter, Braced Autogun, Headhunter Autogun, Stub Revolver) can also proc the talent when they crit but their base crit chance is quite low at 5%.

Enemies Within, Enemies Without
Replenish 2.5% Toughness per second while within 5 metres of at least 3 Enemies.

function: recover_percentage_toughness

Replenishes 2.5% of maximum toughness per second if at least 3 enemies are within a 5m radius around Zealot. Proximity check ignores map geometry. Is inactive while being disabled by Pox Hound, Trapper, Mutant, Daemonhost, Chaos Spawn, or Beast of Nurgle. Does not interact with coherency toughness regeneration.

Faith's Fortitude
+2 Wounds.

stat buff: extra_max_amount_of_wounds

Adds two additional health segments. Stacks additively with extra wounds from curios. Interacts nicely with Bleed for the Emperor or the Martyrdom keystone.

Faithful Frenzy
+10% Melee Attack Speed.

stat buff: melee_attack_speed

Increases melee weapon attack animation speed by 10%. Stacks additively with related buffs from Fury of the Faithful, Inexorable Judgement, Maniac, The Emperor's Bullet, and Celerity Stimm.

Fortitude in Fellowship
+25% Coherency Toughness Regeneration.

stat buff: toughness_coherency_regen_rate_modifier

Increases Zealot's base amount of coherency toughness regenerated while in coherency by an additional 25%, to 5.625 / 7.5 / 9.375 toughness (per 1 / 2 / 3 allies) per second. Stacks multiplicatively with Toughness Regeneration Speed from curios, Psyker's and Veteran's small talent nodes Inspiring Presence, and Ogryn's aura Stay Close!.

The talent is currently bugged in the player's favor: Due to how the toughness coherency regen rate modifier is applied during calculation, this talent enables coherency toughness regeneration for Zealot with 25% effectiveness (similarly to the Loner aura) granting 1.875 toughness per second without allies in coherency.

Good Balance
A successful Dodge grants +25% Damage Reduction for 2.5s.

stat buff: damage_taken_multiplier

Reduces both toughness and health damage taken. Stacks multiplicatively with other damage reduction buffs. Procs on successfully dodging enemy melee or ranged attacks (except Gunners, Reapers, Snipers), and disabler attacks (Pox Hound jump, Trapper net, Mutant grab). 'Successful dodge' means dodging an enemy attack that is locked on the player with an accordingly timed dodge or sliding action.

The Ghost, Hit & Run and Stripped Down weapon blessings can proc this talent (only against ranged attacks).

Grievous Wounds
+50% Stagger on Melee Weakspot Hits.

stat buff: melee_weakspot_impact_modifier

Increases stagger strength on weakspot hits with melee attacks; also applies to melee special actions of ranged weapons (i.e. bashes with Bolter, Braced Autogun, Headhunter Autogun, Stub Revolver). Stacks additively with related buffs from Hammer of Faith, Punishment or The Emperor's Bullet.

Hammer of Faith
+30% Impact strength.

stat buff: impact_modifier

Increases stagger strength for both melee and ranged attacks. Stacks additively with related buffs from Grievous Wounds, Punishment or The Emperor's Bullet.
Talent Nodes (Part III)
Holy Revenant
When Until Death ends, you regain Health based on the Damage you dealt during Until Death, to a maximum of 25% Max Health. Melee Damage dealt heals for 3 times that amount.

Leeches 0.7% of damage dealt during the 5 second window of Until Death. Leech effect for melee damage is tripled (2.1%). Leech effect caps at 25% of maximum health.

Melee Attacks that Hit at least 3 Enemies grant +5% Impact Strength for 5s. Stacks 5 times. At max Stacks gain Uninterruptible.

stat buff: impact_modifier

buff keywords:

Melee attacks that hit at least 3 enemies increase stagger strength by 5%. Stacks additively with related buffs from Grievous Wounds, Hammer of Faith, and The Emperor's Bullet.

At max stacks, grants immunity to stuns from both melee and ranged attacks (slowdown effects still apply), and makes Zealot's interact actions (e.g. reviving or object interactions) uninterruptible so that they cannot be canceled as part of hit reactions when taking health damage.

Purge the Unclean
+20% Increased Damage against Infested & Unyielding Enemies.

stat buffs:

Increases all damage against Infested and Unyielding enemies by 20%, stacks additively with same damage buffs from weapon perks and related damage buffs from talents.

Restoring Faith
On taking Damage, heal 25% of that Damage. Occurs over 5s.

Procs only on health damage (also while in downed state). Taking damage while already regenerating health, restores the correct amount of health. Also restores health from damage taken during Until Death as long as Zealot has more than 1 HP during its active duration (e.g. from a medical crate).

Sainted Gunslinger
+3% Reload Speed on Melee Kill. Stacks 10 times.

stat buff: reload_speed

Increases reload animation speed by 3% per stack. Stacks last until consumed upon reloading or loading special ammo (Combat Shotguns). Stacks additively with related buffs from weapon perks and blessings, and Celerity Stimm.

This also increases the speed of the loading special action of Combat Shotguns.

Melee Critical Hits apply Bleed, causing Damage over time.

Melee Hits on Bleeding Enemies grant +10% Critical Chance for 3s. Stacks 3 times.

stat buff: melee_critical_strike_chance

Damaging melee critical hits apply 2 stacks of bleed. Can't apply bleed through shields. Melee hits against bleeding enemies grant 10% melee critical strike chance per stack for 3 seconds; stacks additively with other sources of crit chance.

Technically, damaging melee special actions from ranged weapons (i.e. bashes with Bolter, Braced Autogun, Headhunter Autogun, Stub Revolver) can also apply bleed when they crit but their base crit chance is quite low at 5%.

Second Wind
Replenish 15% Toughness on a Successful Dodge.

function: recover_percentage_toughness

Replenishes 15% of maximum toughness per successful dodge, has a 0.5s internal cooldown. Procs on successfully dodging enemy melee or ranged attacks (except Gunners, Reapers, Snipers), and disabler attacks (Pox Hound jump, Trapper net, Mutant grab). 'Successful dodge' means dodging an enemy attack that is locked on the player with an accordingly timed dodge or sliding action.

The Ghost, Hit & Run and Stripped Down weapon blessings can proc this talent (only against ranged attacks).

Shield of Contempt
When you or an Ally in Coherency takes damage, they gain +60% Damage Reduction for 4s. Triggers every 10s.

stat buff: damage_taken_multiplier

Reduces both toughness and health damage taken. Procs only on taking health damage (also while in downed state); always procs for Zealot if conditions are met; has no range limit when proc'ed by allies or bots (coherency is not required). The talent can apply its damage reduction buff only once per proc. It has one global cooldown that is shared between all players (and bots). So if the talent has been proc'ed either by Zealot or by an ally, it grants its damage reduction buff only to the player who triggered it before it goes on cooldown for 10s. The cooldown starts immediately during the buff's 4s duration. Stacks multiplicatively with other damage reduction buffs; does not have a HUD icon but plays a screen effect during its active duration.

If there are multiple Zealots who all run Shield of Contempt, the talent works as follows: The first Zealot to take health damage 'claims' the damage reduction buff. It lasts for 4s, during which it stacks multiplicatively with other Zealots' Shield of Contempt buffs, up to 97.44% damage reduction with four Zealots (1-0.4⁴=0.9744), only if the other Zealots also proc their talents while the buff duration of the first one is still active. Since the damage reduction buff can only be 'claimed' once per proc, it does not benefit the remaining Zealots who proc'ed their talents while the first Zealot still had the damage reduction buff.

Sustained Assault
+4% Melee Damage for 5s on Hitting an Enemy with a Melee Attack. Stacks 5 times.

stat buff: melee_damage

Gets 1 stack for each enemy hit. Damaging melee special actions from ranged weapons also generate stacks (i.e. bashes with Bolter, Braced Autogun, Headhunter Autogun, Stub Revolver). Can be refreshed during active duration.
Talent Nodes (Part IV)
Swift Certainty
Increases Sprint speed by +10%. In addition, always counts as Dodging while Sprinting, even if Stamina is depleted.

stat buff: sprint_movement_speed

buff keyword: sprint_dodge_in_overtime

Increases sprinting speed by 10%. This sprint speed buff stacks multiplicatively with movement speed buffs from Shroudfield and Thy Wrath be Swift.

Also allows to stay in is_sprint_dodging state when stamina is depleted. Usually, when dodging a shooting enemy by sprinting around them in an angle (it's a 70 degree angle in front of you, and the firing enemy has to be outside of it but not fully behind you), the enemy will ultimately start hitting you as soon as stamina reaches 0. The talent preserves your sprint dodging capability regardless whether you have stamina or not.

Sprint dodging does not fulfill the on_successful_dodge proc condition of Dance of Death, Duellist, Good Balance, Inebriate's Poise, and Second Wind.

The Emperor's Bullet
Gives your Melee Attacks +30% Impact strength & +10% Attack speed for 5s after emptying your Ranged Weapon.

stat buffs:

When ammo in clip reaches 0, increases melee stagger strength by 30% and melee weapon attack animation speed by 10% for 5 seconds. The attack speed buff stacks additively with related buffs from Faithful Frenzy, Fury of the Faithful, Inexorable Judgement, Maniac, and Celerity Stimm; the stagger buff stacks additively with related buffs from Grievous Wounds, Hammer of Faith, and Punishment.

The Master's Retribution
Knock back the Attacker on taking a Melee Hit. 10s Cooldown.

When taking a damaging melee hit, releases a push knocking back the attacker (if possible). The push has a range of 2.75m and a very tight effective push angle. Always pushes back the direct attacker (if possible); pushes back additional targets (if possible) when they're inside the effective push angle. Push has limited power level, cannot push Ragers, Crushers, Maulers (overheads), and Monstrosities. Bulwark shield bash, despite not dealing any damage, procs the talent. Does not proc while disabled or downed.

The Voice of Terra
Replenish 2.5% Toughness on Ranged Kill.

function: recover_percentage_toughness

Replenishes 2.5% of maximum toughness on ranged kill. Does proc on throwing knife kills (Blades of Faith).

Thy Wrath be Swift
Enemy Melee Attacks cannot Stun you. On taking Damage, gain +15% Movement Speed for 2s.

buff keywords:

stat buff:

Grants immunity to stuns and slowdowns from both melee and ranged attacks; also lets Zealot move through fire patches without hindrance. The movement speed buff procs only on health damage taken; stacks additively with related buffs from Shroudfield and weapon blessings like Rev it Up. Stacks multiplicatively with the sprint speed buff from Swift Certainty.

-20% Sprint Stamina cost.

stat buff: sprinting_cost_multiplier

Reduces stamina drain while sprinting by 20%. Stacks multiplicatively with Sprint Efficiency perks from curios, ranged and melee weapons, and Celerity Stimm.

Until Death
Fatal Damage instead grants you Invulnerability for 5s. Occurs every 120s.

buff keyword: resist_death

Every 120s, prevents incoming damage from lowering Zealot's current health below 1 HP, grants invulnerability for 5 seconds instead. 'Invulnerability' means that Zealot's health can't fall below 1. Zealot can still lose any health above 1 while invulnerable (e.g. taking hits when being healed by medical crate). Does not prevent death from instakills like when thrown out of bounds into a map killbox.

Vicious Offering
Replenish 7.5% Toughness on Heavy Attack Kill.

function: recover_percentage_toughness

When killing an enemy with a heavy melee attack, replenishes 7.5% of maximum toughness additionally to Zealot's base 5% of maximum toughness gained on melee kill.

For example, with 120 max toughness, Zealot would replenish 120x(0.05+0.075)=15 toughness per heavy melee kill.
Small Nodes
Toughness Boost
+15 Toughness.

stat buff: toughness

Adds 15 toughness to Zealot's base maximum toughness of 70 thereby increasing Zealot's max toughness. Stacks additively with other small toughness nodes.

Current max toughness is multiplied by the toughness percentage buffs from curios. For example, at 85 max toughness (Zealot's base 70 and one +15 toughness node) with one +16% toughness curio with a +5% toughness perk, Zealot's max toughness of 85 is increased by 85x(0.16+0.05)=17.85 to 102.85 toughness (HUD rounds up).

Maximum toughness is the base value that is used in toughness recovered calculations of most talents.

Availability on tree: 5
Toughness Damage Reduction
+5% Toughness Damage Reduction.

stat buff: toughness_damage_taken_modifier

Grants 5% toughness damage reduction. Stacks additively with I Shall Not Fall and other small toughness damage reduction nodes; their sum stacks multiplicatively with other damage reduction buffs.

Availability on tree: 4
Melee Damage Boost
+5% Melee Damage.

stat buff: melee_damage

Increases melee damage by 5%. Stacks additively with other small melee damage nodes and other related damage buffs.

Availability on tree: 2
Movement Speed Boost
+5% Movement Speed.

stat buff: movement_speed

Grants 5% movement speed. Stacks additively with other small movement speed nodes and movement speed buffs from Shroudfield, Thy Wrath be Swift, and weapon blessings like Rev it Up; stacks multiplicatively with sprinting speed buff from Swift Certainty.

Availability on tree: 2
Health Boost
+10% Health.

stat buff: max_health_modifier

Increases Zealot's maximum health by 10%; also applies to health while downed. Stacks additively with health buffs from curios. For example, one +21% health curio with a +5% health perk and this 10% health node increase Zealot's max health of 200 by 200x(0.21+0.05+0.1)=72 to 272 health.

Availability on tree: 1
Stamina Boost
+1 Stamina.

stat buff: stamina_modifier

Adds 1 stamina to Zealot's base stamina of 3 thereby increasing Zealot's max stamina to 4. Stacks additively with stamina values from curios, weapon perks, and weapon stamina profiles.

Availability on tree: 1
Suppression Boost
+25% Suppression Dealt.

stat buff: suppression_dealt

Increases suppression dealt to enemies by 25%. Stacks additively with suppression buff from weapon blessing Powderburn.

Availability on tree: 1
Blitz Nodes
Stunstorm Grenade / Stun Grenade
Throw a grenade that stuns all Enemies within its blast radius.

Throws a shock grenade that explodes. The explosion itself does not deal damage or stagger but applies a staggering electrocution effect to all enemies within its range.

Starting version: (Stun Grenade)
• Fuse time: 1.5s
• Max throwing speed: 30 (aimed, quick throw), 8 (underhand)
• Deals very low direct impact damage
• Explosion radius: 8m
• Suppression radius (explosion): 15m
• Electrocution: lasts 8s; stacks once; deals low damage across the board; deals damage and stagger every 0.55s; staggers all enemies in range except Mutants, monstrosities and Scab Captain/Twins; ignores Bulwark shields; can be refreshed during active duration

Augmented version: (Stunstorm Grenade)

stat buff: explosion_radius_modifier_shock

• Same properties as the starting version
• Explosion radius is increased by 50% to 12m

Immolation Grenade
Throw a grenade that leaves a layer of flaming liquid, Burning and Staggering enemies, and barring their path. Most effective against Unarmoured Enemies.

Throws a grenade that explodes leaving a fire patch that deals burning damage over time to all enemies within range. The fire patch spreads until it reaches its maximum expansion.

• Fuse time: 1.7s
• Max throwing speed: 30 (aimed, quick throw), 8 (underhand)
• Deals very low direct impact damage
• Initial explosion deals low damage with a fixed power level and does not stagger
• Radius of initial explosion: 1m
• Suppression radius (explosion): 10m
• Fire patch: covers 150 units adjusting its spread depending on map geometry; lasts 15s; incentivizes enemies to path around it
• Burn (inside fire patch): stacks once; ticks every 0.875s; does not stagger; deals varying damage per tick per armor type (very high damage against Unyielding; high damage against Unarmoured, Infested, Maniac; very low damage against Carapace); ignores Bulwark shield and Scab Captain/Twins void shields
• Burn (leaving fire patch): enemies that leave the fire patch suffer another short burn effect; lasts 1s; ticks every 1s; slightly less damage than the inside burn
• Burn damage: is increased by 'rending' / 'brittleness', by perks of currently equipped weapons, and by the following buffs from:
Anoint in Blood (if within 30m to the enemy and as long as the ranged weapon is equipped), Purge the Unclean, Ecclesiarch's Call, and Inexorable Judgement
if proc'ed with weapon before or during burn's active duration: Executor, High Voltage (while electrocuted), Skullcrusher (while staggered), and Slaughterer
if proc'ed with weapon before or during burn's active duration: Blaze Away, Deathspitter, Dumdum, Execution (while staggered), Fire Frenzy, Full Bore, No Respite (while staggered), Pinning Fire, and Run 'n' Gun (while sprinting)

Blades of Faith
Throw a consecrated knife to deal high Damage to a Single Enemy. Very effective against most Enemies; less effective against Carapace Armour.

- Quick Throw
- Killing Elite & Special Enemies in Melee replenishes 1 knife
- Ammo boxes replenish knives

Throws a projectile (knife) with a curving trajectory.

• Max travel time: 1.5s (the knife disappears after this time if it didn't hit a target)
• Max throwing speed: 75
• Suppression radius (on kill): 5m
• Damage: 585 base damage; high armor damage modifiers against Maniac/Infested; extra finesse boosts against Unarmoured/Flak; deals no damage against Carapace (unless weakspot hit or crit); low crit chance (5%); no damage falloff
• Cleave: can cleave one Groaner, Poxwalker, Scab/Dreg Stalker, or Scab Shooter
• Ammo: replenishes 1 knife per melee elite or special kill; 2 knives per small ammo pickup; 6 knives per big ammo pickup, all knives per ammo crate

• Buff Interactions: Knives are affected by perks of currently equipped weapons and by the following buffs from:
Anoint in Blood (if within 30m to the enemy and as long as the ranged weapon is equipped), Purge the Unclean, Ecclesiarch's Call, and Inexorable Judgement (damage)
Direct proc while weapon equipped: High Voltage (while electrocuted), Opportunist (while staggered), Thunderous, Uncanny Strike
Knives benefit from these buffs if proc'ed with weapon before: Devastating Strike, Executor, Mercy Killer, Precognition, Savage Sweep, Shred, Skullcrusher (while staggered), Slaughterer, and Wrath
Direct proc while weapon equipped: Between the Eyes, Deadly Accurate, Deathspitter, Dumdum, Execution (while staggered), Fire Frenzy, Ghost, Gloryhunter, Hand-Cannon, Headhunter, Infernus, Man-Stopper, No Respite (while staggered), Opening Salvo, Puncture, and Shattering Impact
Knives benefit from these buffs if proc'ed with weapon before: Blaze Away, Crucian Roulette, Full Bore, Overpressure, Pinning Fire, Powderburn, Run 'n' Gun (while sprinting), Scattershot (knives don't consume stacks), and Trickshooter
Aura Nodes
Benediction / The Emperor's Will
+X% Toughness Damage Reduction for you and Allies in Coherency.

stat buff: toughness_damage_taken_multiplier

Grants toughness damage reduction to Zealot and to allies while they are in coherency with Zealot. Stacks multiplicatively with other damage reduction buffs. Does not stack with the same aura from another Zealot.

Starting version: (The Emperor's Will)
Grants 7.5% toughness damage reduction.

Augmented version: (Benediction)
Grants 15% toughness damage reduction.

Beacon of Purity
Heal 1.5 Corruption from the current Wound for you and Allies in Coherency every 1s.

function: reduce_permanent_damage

Removes 1.5 corruption damage per second for Zealot and for allies while they are in coherency with Zealot. This rate is strong enough to counter a grimoire's corruption damage tick rate. However, the initial grimoire_chunk of 40 corruption damage per book cannot be removed.

You always count as being in at least 2 Coherency.

Makes Zealot count as being in coherency with one ally which enables the lowest rate of coherency toughness regeneration of 3.75 toughness per second. This rate can be increased by Zealot's talent Fortitude in Fellowship, Toughness Regeneration Speed from curios and related buffs from Psyker's and Veteran's small talent nodes Inspiring Presence or Ogryn's aura Stay Close!.

Note that there is currently a bug which allows the base aura effect of The Emperor's Will (7.5% toughness damage reduction) to remain active when Loner is selected.
Combat Ability Nodes (Part I)
Fury of the Faithful / Chastise the Wicked
Dash forward, Replenishing 50% Toughness & gaining +20% Attack Speed fo 10s. Your next Melee Hit gains +25% and is a guaranteed Critical Hit.

Base Cooldown: 30s.

stat buffs:

function: recover_percentage_toughness

• Range: 7m (base); up to 21m (aimed)
• Can be aimed at enemies by holding the button; target is visually highlighted
• Cannot be activated while jumping or falling
• Aimed dash can be canceled either by blocking or backwards movement input; unaimed dash always moves Zealot 7m
• Cannot change direction while dashing
• Puts character in is_dodging state and grants immunity to toughness damage while dashing
• Gets stopped by Carapace/Unyielding enemies, monstrosities, and Scab Captain/Twins void shield
• Applies a light stagger on impact in a 3m radius

Starting version: (Chastise the Wicked)
• Replenishes 50% of maximum toughness on activation
• Increases melee damage by 25% for the next melee attack within 3s after activation (is not consumed by pushes)
• Grants 100% critical strike chance to the next melee attack within 3s after activation
• Adds a rending multiplier to the next melee attack within 3s after activation which grants 100% rending against armor types Carapace, Flak, Maniac, Unyielding; the first melee attack within the duration consumes this buff; ranged attacks do not benefit from this buff

Augmented version: (Fury of the Faithful)
• Same properties as the starting version
• Additionally, increases melee and ranged weapon attack animation speed by 20% after activation for 11s; can be refreshed during active duration (if two charges); stacks additively with related buffs from talents and Celerity Stimm
Redoubled Zeal
Fury of the Faithful now has 2 charges.

Adds a second charge to the combat ability. The cooldown of the second charge only starts after the first charge finished cooldown.

Chorus of Spiritual Fortitude
Wield a holy relic that releases pulses of energy every 0.8s. While channeling, Allies in Coherency have Stun Immunity and Invulnerability.

Each pulse Replenishes 45% Toughness to Allies in Coherency. If the ally is at full Toughness they instead gain +20 Max Toughness up to a total of +100.

60s Base Cooldown.

buff keywords:

stat buff: toughness_bonus_flat

function: recover_percentage_toughness

Holy Relic:
• Channeling lasts 5.5s; pulses every 0.8s (7 pulses total)
• Radius: 10m
• Each pulse grants Zealot and allies who are in coherency with Zealot immunity to stuns from both melee and ranged attacks for 1.5s; can be refreshed during active duration
• Each pulse grants Zealot and allies who are in coherency with Zealot invulnerability for 1.5s; can be refreshed during active duration. 'Invulnerability' means that player health can't fall below 1. Players can still lose any health above 1 while invulnerable (e.g. taking hits when being healed by medical crate).
• Replenishes 45% of maximum toughness per pulse to Zealot and allies who are in coherency with Zealot; applies until 100% max toughness
• Adds 20 bonus toughness (yellow) per pulse to Zealot and allies who are in coherency with Zealot; bonus toughness caps at 100 (5 pulses); only applies if target is at least at 100% max toughness; bonus toughness lasts 10s
• Deals no damage; does not stagger; applies very high suppression
• Can be canceled by blocking, sprinting, or pressing the ability button
Banishing Light
Each pulse from Chorus of Spiritual Fortitude also Staggers and Suppresses Enemies. Range increases with every pulse.

Makes each pulse stagger melee enemies (and specials) within 4m and suppress ranged enemies within 10m. Also staggers monstrosities and Scab Captain/Twins within 4m on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th pulse; monster-level stagger lasts 2s. The base range of 10m increases by 0.1m per second while channeling, up to 10.5m.
Holy Cause
Channeling 5 pulses grants +30% Toughness Damage Reduction to you and Allies in Coherency. Lasts 10s.

stat buff: toughness_damage_taken_multiplier

After channeling 5 pulses (on the 6th), grants 30% toughness damage reduction for 10s to Zealot and allies who are in coherency with Zealot. Allies get the buff as long as they are in coherency when the buff is triggered. Stacks multiplicatively with other damage reduction buffs. Does not stack with the same talent from another Zealot.
Ecclesiarch's Call
Channeling 5 pulses grants +20% Damage to you and Allies in Coherency. Lasts 10s.

stat buff: damage

After channeling 5 pulses (on the 6th), increases any damage by 20% for 10s for Zealot and allies who are in coherency with Zealot. Allies get the buff as long as they are in coherency when the buff is triggered. Stacks additively with related damage buffs. Does not stack with the same talent from another Zealot.
Combat Ability Nodes (Part II)
Enter Stealth for 3s. While in Stealth gain +20% Movement Speed, +100% Backstab Damage, +100% Finesse Damage & +100% Critical Hit Chance.

Base Cooldown: 30s.

buff keyword: invisible

stat buffs:

• Become invisible dropping all enemy aggro: melee enemies reaggro immediately to another target if possible; firing ranged enemies stop shooting, then reaggro if possible; Daemonhosts keep aggro once they are locked on a player
• Can still take damage during invisibility
• Stealth breaks on: hitting enemies with a melee attack; any ranged attack; throwing a grenade (normal or underhand); finishing a rescue/revive/pull up/free from net action; throwing knives only break stealth when they hit a target
• Stealth does not break on: pushing enemies; using stimms (on self or team mates); tick damage dealt by burn, bleed, and electrocution; exploding grenades that have been thrown before going invisible; operating the Auspex device or minigame

Buffs to movement speed, backstab damage, finesse damage, and crit chance last as long as the invisibility (3s). The damage buffs stack additively with related buffs; movement speed stacks additively with related buffs, and multiplicatively with sprinting speed buffs.

There is currently a bug: The backstab_damage buff only gets applied if Backstabber and/or the Ruthless Backstab weapon blessing is equipped. The backstab damage part is not applied by Shroudfield on its own.
Shroudfield grants an additional +50% Finesse Damage & +50% Backstab Damage, but increases Ability Cooldown by 50%.

stat buff:

Increases Shroudfield's backstab damage by 50% and adds a finesse damage bonus of 50% to crit/weakspot damage; stacks additively with related damage buffs.

Also increases Shroudfield's base cooldown of 30s by 50% to 45s; this max cooldown increase can be mitigated by the max cooldown reductions from Psyker's aura Seer's Presence, Combat Ability Regeneration from curios, and the Maelstrom mutators that reduce ability cooldowns by 20%.
Master-Crafted Shroudfield
Stealth Duration is increased to 6s.

Increases the duration of invisibility from 3s to 6s.
Invigorating Revelation
Replenish 40% Toughness over 5s on leaving Stealth. Also gain +20% Damage Reduction for 5s.

stat buff: damage_taken_multiplier

function: recover_percentage_toughness

When invisibility ends, replenishes 8% of maximum toughness per second for 5s. Reduces both toughness and health damage taken; stacks multiplicatively with other damage reduction buffs.

Invocation of Death
Melee Critical Hits reduce Combat Ability Cooldown by 1.5s.

function: reduce_ability_cooldown_time

Melee critical hits reduce the remaining ability cooldown by 1.5s. Procs only once per crit hit regardless of how many enemies are cleaved; procs additionally to Concentration Stimm's cooldown reduction effect of 3s per second. Does not interact with Combat Ability Regeneration from curios.
Martyr's Purpose
1% of Damage taken is converted to Ability Cooldown Reduction.

function: reduce_ability_cooldown_percentage

Reduces the remaining ability cooldown by 1% per health damage taken. Only procs on health damage; does not proc while downed. Procs additionally to Concentration Stimm's cooldown reduction effect of 3s per second.

For example, if Zealot has 55s of Chorus of Spiritual Fortitude's 60s cooldown remaining and takes 80 health damage, then the remaining 55s are reduced by 60x(80x0.01)=48 to 7 seconds. Indirectly interacts with Combat Ability Regeneration from curios: The curio stat reduces the maximum cooldown of the combat ability which then also decreases the flat amount of time reduced by the talent.
Pious Cut-Throat
Backstab Kills restore 20% Ability Cooldown.

function: reduce_ability_cooldown_percentage

Melee kills while backstabbing reduce the remaining ability cooldown by 20%. Has a 0.2s internal cooldown; procs additionally to Concentration Stimm's cooldown reduction effect of 3s per second.

This is 6s for Fury of the Faithful and Shroudfield (9s with Perfectionist), and 12s for Chorus of Spiritual Fortitude. 'Backstabbing' refers to melee attacks executed from within a specific angle behind an enemy's back. Indirectly interacts with Combat Ability Regeneration from curios: The curio stat reduces the maximum cooldown of the combat ability which then also decreases the flat amount of time reduced by the talent.

Revved up attacks from chain weapons only proc this talent if the initial backstab hit kills the target right away.
Keystone Nodes
Blazing Piety
+15% Critical HIt Chance for 8s when in Fury. Fury is triggered when 25 Enemies have died within 25m.

stat buff: critical_strike_chance

Every enemy killed within a 25m radius of Zealot adds one stack of Fury. When reaching 25 stacks of Fury, increases critical strike chance by 15% for all attacks that can crit for 8s; stacks additively with other sources of crit chance. Can be refreshed during active duration by killing enemies.

After 8s without a kill, considers Zealot as being out of combat. While out of combat, drops stacks of Fury over time; the dropping rate decreases with time.
Triggering Fury Replenishes 50% Toughness.

function: recover_percentage_toughness

Replenishes 50% of maximum toughness when reaching 25 stacks of Fury. Also replenishes 2% of max toughness per kill while at max stacks of Fury; this stacks additively with Zealot's base 5% max toughness gained on melee kill.
Infectious Zeal
Allies in Coherency gain +66% of the Critical Hit Chance granted by Blazing Piety.

Spreads 10% crit chance to allies who are in coherency with Zealot when the buff triggers. Stacks additively with other sources of crit chance. Can be refreshed during active duration. Does not stack with the same talent from another Zealot.
Fury Rising
Critical Hits also count up towards triggering Fury.

Gain one stack of Fury per melee or ranged critical hit. Can proc on multiple enemies cleaved by a single crit hit, scales extremely well with weapon blessings like Brutal Momentum.
Righteous Warrior
+10% Critical Hit Chance from Blazing Piety.

stat buff: critical_strike_chance

Increases critical strike chance by 10% for all attacks that can crit, additionally to Blazing Piety's base 15% crit chance.

Each missing Wound grants +8% Melee Damage, up to 7 missing Wounds.

stat buff: melee_damage

Each missing health segment increases melee damage by 8% (up to 48% on Heresy/Damnation, up to 56% below), caps at 7 missing segments. A health segment counts as missing when it is fully depleted. On Heresy/Damnation, Zealot can reach up to 7 total health segments (2 base, +3 from curios, +2 from Faith's Fortitude) thereby setting the effective max stack count to 6. The melee damage buff stacks additively with related damage buffs.
I Shall Not Fall
Martyrdom grants +5% Toughness Damage Reduction per missing Wound.

stat buff: toughness_damage_taken_modifier

Each missing health segment grants 5% toughness damage reduction (up to 30% on Heresy/Damnation, up to 35% below). A health segment counts as missing when it is fully depleted. Stacks additively with small toughness damage reduction nodes; the sum stacks multiplicatively with other toughness damage reduction buffs.
Martyrdom grants +4% Attack Speed per missing Wound.

stat buff: melee_attack_speed

Each missing health segment increases melee weapon attack animation speed by 4% (up to 24% on Heresy/Damnation, up to 28% below). A health segment counts as missing when it is fully depleted. Stacks additively with other related attack speed buffs.

Inexorable Judgement
Moving grants you Momentum. (Stacks 15 times).

When you Hit an Enemy, spend all Momentum, gaining +1% Melee Attack Speed, +1% Ranged Attack Speed, and +1% Damage per stack. Lasts 6s.

stat buffs:

Gain up to 15 stacks of Momentum by moving; sprinting generates stacks twice as fast. Hitting an enemy with a melee or ranged attack drops all current Momentum stacks.

Per dropped stack of Momentum, increases melee and ranged weapon attack animation speed by 1% and any damage by 1% for 6s. Also increases dodge speed and dodge distance by 0.5%, and dodge reset time by 1% per dropped stack. Can generate new Momentum stacks while 8s buff duration is active. Attack speed buffs and damage buff stack additively with other related buffs.
Retributor's Stance
Replenish 2% Toughness for each spent Stack of Momentum.

function: recover_percentage_toughness

When dropping all current Momentum stacks upon hitting an enemy, replenishes 2% of maximum toughness per dropped Momentum stack.
Inebriate's Poise
Gain 3 Stacks of Momentum on a successful Dodge.

Additionally generates 3 Momentum stacks on successfully dodging enemy melee or ranged attacks (except Gunners, Reapers, Snipers), and disabler attacks (Pox Hound jump, Trapper net, Mutant grab). 'Successful dodge' means dodging an enemy attack that is locked on the player with an accordingly timed dodge or sliding action.

The Ghost, Hit & Run and Stripped Down weapon blessings can proc this talent (only against ranged attacks).
xsSplater 17 Jul @ 9:13am 
Thanks a lot!
kuli  [author] 17 Jul @ 9:12am 
This is the reason why Fortitude in Fellowship enables coherency regen without any allies because instead of 0, the last factor of the product is 0.25.
kuli  [author] 17 Jul @ 9:05am 
No, both stat buffs are different and are applied differently during calculation:

Base formula:

5 (base value) * 1.5 (weapon toughness modifier) * 0.5 or 0.75 or 1 (coherency allies)

Fortitude in Fellowship:

5 * 1.5 * (0.5+0.25) or (0.75+0.25) or (1+0.25)

Stay Close!:

(5+5x0.25) * 1.5 * 0.5 or 0.75 or 1
xsSplater 17 Jul @ 6:12am 
"Fortitude in Fellowship"
+25% must be:
3.75 -> 4,6875
5.63 -> 7.03125
7.50 -> 9.375
like in Ogryn's "Stay Close!"?
Evan 10 Jul @ 11:11pm 
Thanks for updates (was looking for new Anointed in Blood range/values).
kuli  [author] 23 May @ 7:48am 
It works.
Hurt and Hate 22 May @ 12:35am 
Inexorable Judgement (bug)

You said any damage increases by 1-15% damage. I took a las pistol and didn't get the bonus to damage
kuli  [author] 13 May @ 6:25am 
That's a good find, you're right. Shroudfield's backstab_damage does not get applied because of the missing keyword – unless the attack gets it from other sources like Backstabber or the blessing. I reported this as a bug.

You're also right about Pious Cut-Throat being unaffected because here the important check is simply whether it's a backstab kill or not which the game can determine just fine without the keyword.
Roatze 8 May @ 10:01am 
After some testing it seems like the "Shroudfield" ability doesnt actually allow backstabs to deal the bonus backstab damage despite giving backstab damage.
Went through the github source code and apparently the ability just doesnt have the allow_backstab keyword that is required for backstab damage to be applied.
From what i have found, either the "Backstabber" talent node or the "Ruthless Backstab" knife blessing is required to benefit from Shroudfield's backstab damage.
The "Pious Cut-Throat" doesnt seem to be affected by this though and activates regardless of the allow_backstabs keyword, probably because it is related to a different function that is called on kill instead of as part of damage calculations.
eumy45 8 Apr @ 8:40am 
i see, thank you for the reply!